Therapeutic Recreation Courses (Health and Human Physiology) (TR)

TR Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code TR. For more information, see Health and Human Physiology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog.

TR:1000 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.

Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, readings, visits to research facilities).

TR:1070 Perspectives on Leisure and Play 3 s.h.

Relationships between leisure and economics, sociology, other social sciences; effect of leisure on individual and group behavior; antecedents, motives, consequences of leisure behavior. GE: Social Sciences.

TR:1800 Aging Matters: Introduction to Gerontology 3 s.h.

Overview of the field of gerontology from a bio-psycho-social framework; how the human body and brain age, effects of these biological changes on physical and cognitive functions, and interaction of these individual factors with societal contexts; broad perspective to give students a foundation in gerontology, paving the way for more advanced courses in biology of aging, psychology of aging, and global aging; for students from a wide range of disciplines and levels, no prior knowledge of aging required. GE: Social Sciences. Same as ASP:1800, CSD:1800, NURS:1800, SSW:1800.

TR:2061 Recreation Leadership and Programming 3 s.h.

Leadership principles, techniques; programming techniques.

TR:2077 Introduction to Child Life 3 s.h.

Orientation to the field of child life services including services for hospitalized children and their families.

TR:2160 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation 3 s.h.

Lifestyles and barriers faced by persons with disabilities; basic aspects of the therapeutic recreation profession; skills used to establish therapeutic relationship; techniques used with patients; theoretical and conceptual bases for practice.

TR:3161 Assessment and Evaluation in Therapeutic Recreation 3 s.h.

Basic assessment psychometrics (e.g., reliability), standardized instrumentation and data collection (e.g., observation, self-report), construction of instruments, data reduction. Prerequisites: TR:2160.

TR:3162 Therapeutic Recreation: Clientele 3 s.h.

Developmental patterns of special populations; examination of specific interventions and research applied to specific cognitive, emotional, and physical impairments.

TR:3163 Concepts and Issues in Therapeutic Recreation: Advancement of the Profession 3 s.h.

Ethical, professional, and theoretical issues in delivery of therapeutic recreation services; impact of legislation, standards of practice, health care reform; application of research to practice and marketing services. Prerequisites: TR:2160.

TR:3164 Therapeutic Recreation: Rehabilitation 3 s.h.

In-depth review of therapeutic recreation techniques used in clinical and community rehabilitation; opportunities to use techniques with patients. Prerequisites: TR:2160.

TR:3171 Child Life Practical Application 3 s.h.

Overview of medical conditions and treatments commonly encountered by children and adolescents in health care settings; common pediatric sedation medications; sequence of medical procedures to understand how to provide procedural preparation and support; facilitate medical play with pediatric population.

TR:3174 Cultural Perspectives in Health Care 3 s.h.

Health care beliefs related to various cultures and religions; focus on illness, hospitalization, treatment, death.

TR:3261 Inclusive Recreation 3 s.h.

Laws pertaining to access to recreation and leisure opportunities for disabled persons in a community; evaluation of physical access to built environment; how social construction of disability can be a barrier to integrated leisure involvement; practical aspects of how to include disabled persons in community recreation and sport activities.

TR:3262 Therapeutic Recreation Administration 3 s.h.

Examination of the organization and administration of therapeutic recreation services; focus on planning, organizing, and managing therapeutic recreation services; comprehensive and strategic planning, funding, marketing, legal and legislative issues, personnel management, and professional practice of therapeutic recreation. Prerequisites: TR:2160.

TR:3281 Special Projects in Child Life Practice 2 s.h.

Student directed and student led hospital camping experience for patients at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital; planning and preparing for a large function, planning and leading therapeutic activities, working directly with patients and their families, processing and discussion of experiences and concerns; practical and clinical-based experiences for students interested in working with pediatric population in health care setting. Requirements: hospital orientation, patient confidentiality (HIPAA) training, and health screening.

TR:3300 Animal-Assisted Interventions in the Helping Professions 3 s.h.

Explore the principles and practices of Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAIs); provide a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations, ethical considerations, and practical applications of incorporating animals into therapeutic settings. Students will gain insight into how animals can enhance therapeutic experiences, promote well-being, and contribute to the overall effectiveness of programs and services. Overviews diverse populations and settings, emphasizing the role of animals as cofacilitators in promoting therapeutic outcomes within helping professions.

TR:4100 Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation 1-3 s.h.

Provides students with a hands-on, immersive experience in the field of therapeutic and inclusive recreation. Designed to bridge classroom learning with real-world application, the practicum offers students the opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills in diverse therapeutic settings. Students are provided an educational experience under the guidance of experienced professionals and academic supervisors to develop skills, techniques, and proficiencies in the field as well as the opportunity to gain practical experience with various populations and differing abilities.

TR:4169 Child Life Experience 1 s.h.

Practical experience with ill children, including a trip to the Give Kids the World village in Florida; documentation and engagement of course materials, experience working with ill children; students are assigned a specific diagnosis and present the diagnosis (appropriate statistics, effects of hospitalization, treatment, etc.) on child and family; coping strategies, appropriate methods of talking to and interacting with children and families, overview of child life in hospitals.

TR:4190 Preinternship Seminar 1 s.h.

Interviewing skills, résumés and cover letters, selection of internship site(s), application procedures for internship positions, and responsibilities of interns to the agency. Requirements: admission to NCTRC certification track.

TR:4191 Therapeutic Recreation Internship arr.

Practical field experience; direct leadership, program planning, administrative procedures. Prerequisites: TR:4190. Requirements: overall GPA of 2.00 and major GPA of 2.00; admission to NCTRC-track and completion of NCTRC-track coursework and therapeutic recreation pre-internship paperwork.

TR:4193 Independent Study arr.

Problem in a specific area.

TR:4194 Honors Readings arr.

Independent reading or research project under faculty supervision usually leading to an honors paper. Requirements: admission to honors program.

TR:4195 Honors Problems arr.

Completion of a project over and above normal independent study as an honors project; major research effort involving close work with an advisor.

TR:4197 Therapeutic Recreation: Experiences in Adaptive and Inclusive Sports 1-3 s.h.

In-depth exploration of adaptive and inclusive sports from the perspectives of disability studies, therapeutic recreation, and sport and recreation management; examines the intersectionality of these three crucial components to create meaningful, accessible, and inclusive sporting experiences for individuals with diverse abilities; integrates theoretical knowledge with practical application, including hands-on experience in adaptive sports programming. Students will emerge with the skills and understanding needed to facilitate adaptive sports activities. Same as DST:4198.

TR:5165 Child Life: Child Development and Healthcare Interventions 3 s.h.

Application of typical growth and development content, including theoretical content for children and adolescents (birth to 18 years old); theories of cognitive development, psycho-social development, and attachment applied to essential healthcare interventions unique to child life practice; history of child life profession and scope of practice; application of developmental perspectives to intervention (e.g., education, healthcare play, support and coping interventions, pain management, bereavement).

TR:5166 Child Life: Seminar 3 s.h.

Students utilize official documents of the Association of Child Life Professionals (ACLP) and evidenced-based practice to understand current issues and research in child life as well as the expanding scope of service; cultural issues and impact of care for children and families; need for understanding of cultural diversity in a variety of settings; meets the six requirements of a child life course taught by a Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS) for the ACLP including professional scope of practice in child life, impact of illness and hospitalizations of children and families, patient and family-centered care, therapeutic play, and preparation.

TR:5167 Child Life Practicum 1-3 s.h.

Observational experience with children and families in hospitals and other community settings to understand the scope of practice for child life; development of basic clinical skills in child life; opportunities to observe the integration of theories with practice and understand the impact of illness, injury, and health care on patients and families; integration of therapeutic play and preparation for children; academic requirements in addition to clinical observation hours under supervision of a Certified Child Life Specialist in hospital, outpatient, rehabilitation, camp, or bereavement setting.

TR:5205 Research Methods and Play Behavior 3 s.h.

The scientific process: research designs for experiments and surveys, questionnaire construction, sampling theory, basic data analysis.

TR:5211 Professional Ethics and Practice in Pediatrics 3 s.h.

Examination of core issues in clinical pediatrics; beginning life critical care, end-of-life care, role of medical technology, public health research pertinent to children, and maintaining professional boundaries. Prerequisites: TR:2077.

TR:5260 Play and Childhood arr.

Multiple levels of theories and current research on importance of play in child development; advocacy for importance and necessity of play in childhood that leads to well-being and healthy lifestyles; practical and theoretically based experiences; for students interested in working with children in health care, clinical, school, community, and family life settings.

TR:5261 Family Systems 3 s.h.

Examination of dynamics of family life as a social system from a historical, sociocultural, and theoretical perspective; approaches to working with diverse children and families facing life stresses; interactive format, incorporates experiential learning, classroom lecture, and discussion.

TR:5270 Child Life Internship 4-5,9,12 s.h.

Child life student interns complete a minimum 15-week, 600-hour field experience under supervision of a Certified Child Life Specialist to meet certification requirements of the Association of Child Life Professionals; students are required to complete academic coursework in addition to clinical requirements. Prerequisites: TR:5165 and TR:5166 and TR:5167 and TR:5205 and TR:5211 and TR:5260 and TR:5261.

TR:6200 Child Life Graduate Forum 0 s.h.

Informational sessions, networking, review of research scholarship, resources, and joint collaboration for first- and second-year child life graduate students. Requirements: enrollment in Department of Health and Human Physiology MS child life track.