EPLS Courses
This is a list of courses with the subject code EPLS. For more information, see Educational Policy and Leadership Studies (College of Education) in the catalog.
EPLS:1029 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities). Requirements: first- or second-semester standing.
EPLS:1240 Finding Your Path in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Overviews the liberal arts and history of higher education and the complexities of engaging difference all situated in the context of challenges and opportunities that are inherent to navigating the organizational structures of higher education. Requirements: undergraduate standing. GE: Diversity and Inclusion.
EPLS:2098 The Student Affairs Profession 3 s.h.
Introduction to field of student affairs in context of higher education; focus on foundations of profession, including a brief history of field, professional associations, institutional differences, professional and ethical standards, functional areas in higher education, student learning and developmental theory, overview of graduate preparation, and current topics.
EPLS:3000 Foundations of Education 3 s.h.
Overview of American education, preschool through secondary; aims, history, philosophy of education; professional ethics, legal responsibilities; school curriculum, organization, finance, school law, political and social issues.
EPLS:3240 Undergraduate Topics in Education arr.
Seminar for extensive study of an education topic or issue.
EPLS:4020 Engaging in Civic Dialogues 3 s.h.
Students learn the skills and practices that will develop the resilience necessary to engage in challenging civic dialogues about organizational, community, and/or societal change. Students develop leadership skills, cultivate personal stamina, and reflect on how they can be part of a civic society through taking daily actions that engage across differences.
EPLS:4060 Kosovo Newborn: Exploring Europe's Youngest Country 2-3 s.h.
The Republic of Kosovo is the world's newest democracy and is forging a path forward in the midst of complex regional and international political and cultural dynamics. Learn about education's role broadly within fledgling democracies using Kosovo as a case study. Address Kosovo's history, political and cultural identities, and a variety of institutions within Kosovo that support democratic development to better understand the role of educational and social institutions in supporting change.
EPLS:4110 Administration and Policy in Gifted Education 2 s.h.
Policy, administrative, evaluation issues in developing and maintaining gifted programs in a school setting; participants develop gifted program and policies for a school; for school executives and coordinators of gifted programs.
EPLS:4111 Evaluation of Gifted Programs 1 s.h.
Fundamentals of program evaluation essential for exemplary gifted programs. Same as BBC:4111.
EPLS:4113 Staff Development for Gifted Programs 1 s.h.
Planning, content, and delivery of staff development regarding gifted students and their needs.
EPLS:4150 Leadership and Public Service I 3 s.h.
Prepares leaders for public service to a local community; focuses on leadership skills for effective mentoring of children in grades 6-10.
EPLS:4151 Leadership and Public Service II 2 s.h.
Prepares leaders to provide public service to a local community agency in the context of engaging difference; explores the challenges and opportunities inherent in serving in diverse communities within a democratic society. Prerequisites: EPLS:4150.
EPLS:4180 Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher 3 s.h.
Influence of social factors such as discrimination, diversity, equity, racism, sexism, and ethnic and socioeconomic pluralism on American schools and classrooms; for teacher education candidates. GE: Values and Culture.
EPLS:4200 Diversity and Inclusion in Athletics 3 s.h.
Explores engaging difference as major issues for coaches, sports managers, physical activity professionals, and athletic administration staff in their workplaces; defines, discusses, and analyzes the complexity of athletic organizational environment to help future leaders implement successful practices inclusive of all persons. Requirements: undergraduate standing and enrollment in interscholastic athletics/activities director certificate program, or by special permission for other graduate and undergraduate students.
EPLS:4250 Education In Black America 3 s.h.
Introduction to various educational policies and events germane to the history of African American education from 1900 through the mid-1980s; read works and watch documentaries that examine those policies, concepts, strategies, and events surrounding Black education; analyze and synthesize this information through small and large class discussions, reading responses, quizzes, a debate, a book review, a short essay, and related presentation. GE: Historical Perspectives. Same as AFAM:4250.
EPLS:5090 Instructional Coaching for Teaching Excellence 3 s.h.
Dynamics of coaching to improve K-12 classroom teaching; appropriate for aspiring teacher leaders. Requirements: admission to the online MA in teaching program.
EPLS:5100 Issues and Policies in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Development of the idea of a university; selected functions, issues, policies of American higher education.
EPLS:5102 History of American Education 3 s.h.
Purposes of public education, diversity, and control of schooling from a historical perspective; emphasis on conflicting interpretations of pivotal events and educational movements; connections between educational policies and larger historical developments.
EPLS:5123 History of Ethnic/Minority Education 2-3 s.h.
Educational histories of American ethnic and minority groups; comprehensive understanding of American educational history, context for contemporary educational policy discussions.
EPLS:5126 Twentieth-Century Educational Movements 2-3 s.h.
Current educational policy debates concerning diversity and equity, historical roots of these policies; historical context for 20th-century equal education opportunity movements.
EPLS:5130 Sociology of Education 3 s.h.
Effects of school and school organization on educational outcomes; course-taking patterns and tracking, desegregation, differences in school sector; focus on entire span of student's academic career; examination of school and organizational effects at the primary, secondary, and postsecondary levels of education. Same as SOC:5130.
EPLS:5134 Education and the World of Work 2-3 s.h.
Relationship between education and work in individual and organizational behavior, and between educational and economic systems; economics, psychology, sociology, education.
EPLS:5142 Sociology of Higher Education 3 s.h.
Sociological approach to study of higher education; issues of inequality and stratification in higher education; focus on relationship between higher education and larger economic and demographic processes; college access, college destinations, attainment, and returns to a college degree. Same as SOC:5680.
EPLS:5165 Introduction to Program and Project Evaluation 3 s.h.
Skills and knowledge required for conducting evaluations of products, projects, and programs; recent scholarship on evaluation and project management. Same as PSQF:5165.
EPLS:5210 Education and Social Change 2-3 s.h.
Role of educational institutions, in connection with political and economic structures, in the process of social change; illumination of theories of social change through case studies of educational systems in both less-developed and industrialized nations. Same as SOC:5810.
EPLS:5240 Topics in Education arr.
Seminar for intensive study of one problem, issue, or work field.
EPLS:5245 The American Professoriate 3 s.h.
Research on college and university faculty members; perspectives on faculty careers, values, beliefs, role in shared governance; tenure process and policies; issues unique to faculty members of color and women faculty members.
EPLS:5247 Multiculturalism in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Explores theory, research, and practices of engaging difference as applied to higher education, student affairs, and society. Requirements: PhD, EdD, or MA enrollment.
EPLS:5250 Introduction to Higher Education and Student Affairs 3 s.h.
Foundations of student affairs work; overview of institutional cultures, legal issues, ethical principles, standards of practice in student affairs.
EPLS:5251 College Students and Their Environments 3 s.h.
Conduct environmental assessment and explore characteristics of college students and the historical and contemporary issues that they face; the institutional, social, and cultural environments within higher education; and the impact of environments on student learning and development. Requirements: PhD, EdD, or MA standing.
EPLS:5252 Administration of Higher Education and Student Affairs 3 s.h.
Administrative structures and processes in higher education settings. Requirements: higher education and student affairs major.
EPLS:5253 Research, Assessment, and Evaluation in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Theories, practices, and issues relevant to assessment of student outcomes and institutional effectiveness in higher education; basic overview of research, assessment, and evaluation; elements of assessment design, including methods for data collection and analysis; relevant ethical and political dilemmas; practical assessment activities. Requirements: MA standing in higher education and student affairs program.
EPLS:5278 Helping Skills in Student Affairs Work 3 s.h.
Development of ability to identify, understand, and intentionally apply the active attending and influencing skills; readings and class presentations.
EPLS:6201 Foundations of School Administration 3 s.h.
Organization and administration of American public education; principles and concepts of leadership and organizations; socioeconomic, political, and professional factors relating to education and school administration.
EPLS:6206 Research Process and Design 3 s.h.
Research process, with emphasis on fundamentals of experimental design, internal and external validity, correlational designs, and statistical inference.
EPLS:6209 Survey Research and Design 3 s.h.
Survey design and implementation; writing and evaluation of survey questions; error in survey research; techniques to reduce error; sampling; postcollection processing of survey data. Prerequisites: EPLS:6206 or PSQF:4143. Same as PSQF:6209.
EPLS:6216 Finance in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Theory, research, policy, and practice related to public and private funding of higher and postsecondary education.
EPLS:6217 Theory and Practice of Leadership 2-3 s.h.
Theory-based literature and critiques of leadership as applied to educational institutions.
EPLS:6218 The Law and Higher Education 3 s.h.
The role of law as it affects postsecondary institutions; analysis of case law in specific areas of concern to administrators, faculty, staff, students.
EPLS:6220 History of Higher Education 3 s.h.
History of postsecondary education in the United States; emphasis on conflicting interpretations of pivotal developments; consideration of access, curriculum, student life, academic freedom, role of universities in society, and balance of teaching, research and service from a historical perspective.
EPLS:6221 The College Curriculum 3 s.h.
Issues, principles, policies, and practices in college curriculum development; diverse philosophical, historical, cultural, social, psychological, political foundations of contemporary college curricula; perspectives on and models of college curriculum, related processes of teaching and learning; principles and practices that guide design and change of higher education curriculum.
EPLS:6222 Introduction to Educational Policy 3 s.h.
Theoretical and technical approaches to analysis and evaluation of contemporary public policies.
EPLS:6224 Organizational Theory and Administrative Behavior 3 s.h.
Theories and concepts of organizational behavior applied in structural, organizational, administrative contexts of American education.
EPLS:6225 Higher Education Policy 3 s.h.
Overview of state level higher education structures and policies; research on state level policy processes.
EPLS:6226 Educational Management 2-3 s.h.
Literature and research on management; emphasis on American education.
EPLS:6228 K-12 Education Finance and Policy 3 s.h.
Emphasis on policy funding and finance for administration and management in education and other settings.
EPLS:6236 Special Education Administration 3 s.h.
Builds a foundation of dispositions, knowledge, and skills for tasks performed by directors of special education, building leaders, and administrators, when supervising needs of special education students and economically and socially deprived students; knowledge and application of legal aspects, individual educational programs, and continuum of academic and social/emotional behavior supports; for prospective school administrative personnel. Same as EDTL:6936.
EPLS:6237 History of the Teaching Profession 3 s.h.
History of public school teaching, and teachers' problematic professional status; teacher education in the 19th and 20th centuries; formation and activities of teacher unions in the 20th century.
EPLS:6238 Gender and Education in Historical Perspective 3 s.h.
Gender in context of history of education in the United States; coeducation in common schools, academies, and high schools; women's arrival and experiences as college students; masculinity in higher education; single-sex versus coeducation; emphasis on conflicting historical interpretations. Same as GWSS:6238.
EPLS:6239 LGBTQ History in Education 3 s.h.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) issues in context of history of education in United States; LGBTQ teachers, students, and studies in K-12 and higher education; emphasis on differences in historical interpretations. Same as GWSS:6239.
EPLS:6242 Research for Effective School Leaders 3 s.h.
Fundamental language of contemporary research; identification and application of basic research components to contemporary educational leadership problems; applicability of research toward effective decision-making.
EPLS:6260 Contemporary Management Strategies for the Pre-K-12 Principal 3 s.h.
Leadership skills and management techniques for daily organization and operation of schools; emphasis on climate, communication, group processes, conflict resolution, curriculum management.
EPLS:6265 Standards-Based Education and Accountability 3 s.h.
Standards-based education; academic content standards, K-12 articulation, alignment studies, use of standardized test results to evaluate academic programs.
EPLS:6266 Program Evaluation 3 s.h.
Theoretical issues and considerations in evaluation of educational and social programs; evaluation design, methodology; metaevaluation; evaluation utilization. Same as PSQF:6265.
EPLS:6270 Policy and Politics 3 s.h.
Current issues from academic journals, states, think tanks, consortia.
EPLS:6273 College Students 3 s.h.
Overview of theories, research, practices, and issues relevant to understanding students in institutions of higher education. Requirements: PhD standing in Higher Education and Student Affairs program.
EPLS:6275 Diversity and Equity in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Explores theory, research, and practices of engaging difference through interdisciplinary lenses and at the intersections of sociopolitical identities and ideologies within the context of higher education/student affairs, K-12, and as it relates to society, government, and community agency settings; examines the implications of sociopolitical contexts on practices in research, teaching, and service within education. Requirements: PhD, EdD, or advanced-level MA standing. Recommendations: introductory course on issues of race, culture, gender, sociopolitical issues, or structural oppression is strongly recommended. Same as GWSS:6275.
EPLS:6277 Readings in Diversity and Equity in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Historical, contemporary, theoretical, and empirical aspects of diversity and equity in higher education; unique experiences of members of historically underrepresented groups; focus on compelling literature in the field.
EPLS:6285 School and Community Relationships 3 s.h.
Community analysis, politics and education, power groups and influences, school issues and public responses, public relations strategies.
EPLS:6290 Master's Project arr.
Research for the nonthesis program; topic approved by advisor.
EPLS:6293 Individualized Instruction arr.
Readings, special projects, and/or studies that reflect joint instructor/student interest.
EPLS:6298 Legal Aspects of School Personnel 3 s.h.
Teacher and student: liability, negotiations, rights, privileges, responsibilities of school personnel; principles of law derived from court decisions; constitutional and statutory provisions; for teachers and administrators.
EPLS:6301 Professional Seminar I 1 s.h.
Orientation to field; writing and academic support.
EPLS:6305 Higher Education and Student Affairs Capstone 3 s.h.
Completion of an applied project that synthesizes the full MA curriculum.
EPLS:6307 Professional Seminar for EdD Students: Orientation to the EdD 1 s.h.
Orientation to the educational doctorate; how to approach courses and professional work as a scholar-practitioner. Requirements: admission to the EdD program in educational policy and leadership studies.
EPLS:6311 Seminar: Research Topic in Education 1-3 s.h.
Topic submitted by students, faculty. Requirements: PhD, EdD, or MA enrollment.
EPLS:6315 Orientation to the Superintendency 2 s.h.
Leadership theory and research of the superintendent's role of increasing student achievement; personal goals for communication; ethics, integrity, flexibility, reflective, and collaborative leadership; expectations of the superintendent by the board of directors; defining one's role; developing an entry plan; dealing with social/emotional isolation of superintendency; and influences in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
EPLS:6317 Operational Leadership and Management 2 s.h.
Managing fiscal and physical resources responsibly, efficiently, and effectively; effective communication of school operations; leadership and management of nutrition program, transportation program, facilities, construction; board policy, legal issues; state reporting, ethical decision-making; relationship building, problem solving amidst barriers and various stakeholder groups.
EPLS:6319 Human Resources Leadership 2 s.h.
Leadership theory and research of the superintendent's role of aligning human resources practice and increasing student achievement; employment law; contract negotiations process/collective bargaining; contract maintenance; recruiting, selecting, developing, and retaining employees; working with labor unions and Public Employee Relations Board; special education law; Evaluator 2 Training. Requirements: Evaluator 1 Training.
EPLS:6321 Social Advocacy Summit 1 s.h.
Summit format; challenges and opportunities in Iowa's K-12 schools with changing demographics; opportunity for K-12 school districts and higher education institutions to engage in conversation on how to meet the needs of students and local school districts.
EPLS:6323 School Finance 2 s.h.
Manage fiscal and physical resources; communicate effectively with internal and external audiences regarding school operations; comply with state and federal mandates and local board policies; align educational programs, plans, actions, and resources with the district vision and goals.
EPLS:6325 Organizational and Educational Leadership 2 s.h.
Facilitate connections of students and families to health and social services that support a focus on learning as a district level leader in a school district; collaboratively establish a culture that welcomes and honors families and community and seeks ways to engage them in students learning; AEA structure, compliance and regulatory functions including special education.
EPLS:6329 Legislative Summit 1 s.h.
Collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilize community resources as a district level leader in a school district; work with legislators, build advocacy groups in a community, engage stakeholders, how to lobby legislators and meet with local senate and house representatives to participate in lobbying.
EPLS:6332 Conceptual Foundations of College Student Development 3 s.h.
Foundations of college student development theory; contexts of student development; theoretical concepts of cognitive growth and developing sense of self; application of concepts to student affairs practice.
EPLS:6333 Practicum in Higher Education and Student Affairs arr.
Small-scale research projects; supervised experience in planning, design, management, analysis, reporting of research activities; assignments to current and personal faculty research projects; student assumes major responsibility.
EPLS:6334 Theoretical Foundations of College Student Development 3 s.h.
Self-authorship; intercultural maturity; reconceptualized and intersectional models of identity; learning partnerships and leadership; socialization; moral decision-making; faith and spirituality; application of theories to student affairs practice. Prerequisites: EPLS:6332.
EPLS:6336 Impact of College on Students 3 s.h.
Introduction to literature; career and economic returns, educational attainment and persistence, values and attitudes, learning and cognitive development, college student theory, assessment and methodological issues of studying college outcomes. Recommendations: introductory graduate-level research design course.
EPLS:6352 Applied Research in Educational Settings 3 s.h.
Examines applied research methods used in the field of education; addresses methods, skills, and knowledge necessary for completion of applied research; dissertation in practice.
EPLS:6370 Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis 3 s.h.
Methodological strategies for quantitative research; analysis of secondary data to investigate educational issues and policies; recoding variables, summation scaling and factor analysis, missing data, sample design and survey estimation, model building; implementation of linear and binary regression, regression diagnostics; hands-on experience conducting statistical analysis of social data. Prerequisites: PSQF:4143 and PSQF:6243.
EPLS:6381 Analysis and Appraisal of Curriculum 3 s.h.
Comprehensive investigation of systematic procedures and resources for identifying and evaluating essential features and constituent elements of a given school district's curricular offering; state and federal requirements of the curricular program; for persons in administration, curriculum, and supervision programs or positions.
EPLS:6383 Supervision and Evaluation 3 s.h.
Data collection and management skills; data-driven leadership; coaching and feedback techniques; teacher quality legislation; research and best practice regarding teacher evaluation, supervision; teaching standards.
EPLS:6400 Early Childhood Leadership Clinical 3 s.h.
Classroom instruction and supervised experience with problems in early childhood educational administration; organization, planning, evaluation, decision-making.
EPLS:6401 Elementary Leadership Clinical 3 s.h.
Supervised experience working with problems in educational administration, including organization, planning, evaluation, decision-making; individual project in a school setting.
EPLS:6402 Secondary Leadership Clinical 3 s.h.
Supervised experience working with problems in educational administration, including organization, planning, evaluation, decision-making; individual project in a school setting.
EPLS:6403 Special Education Leadership Clinical 3 s.h.
Supervised experience working with problems in educational administration, including organization, planning, evaluation, decision-making; individual project in a school setting.
EPLS:6404 Central Administration Clinical 3 s.h.
Supervised experience working with problems in educational administration, including organization, planning, evaluation, decision-making; individual project in a school setting.
EPLS:6405 Superintendent Entry Plan and Portfolio Development 1 s.h.
Creating an effective entry plan, and where applicable, a professional portfolio as part of the series of clinical expectations for the superintendent preparation program; development of plan helps to create prior mutual expectation among the superintendent, board, staff, and community. Requirements: in final semester of superintendent endorsement program.
EPLS:6415 Orientation to the Superintendency: Clinical 2 s.h.
Clinical experience aligned with course topics and assignments in a K-12 school or other educational organization; development of a clinical plan with the guidance of a university professor and local school district mentor based on course requirements, career goals, and interests.
EPLS:6417 Operational Leadership Clinical 1 s.h.
Clinical experience aligned with course topics and assignments in the operational leadership course; completion of clinical in a K-12 school or other appropriate educational organization; development of a clinical plan based on course requirements, career goals, and student interests with guidance from a university professor and local school district mentor.
EPLS:6419 Human Resources Leadership Clinical 2 s.h.
Clinical experience aligned with course topics and assignments in the human resources leadership course; completion of clinical in a K-12 school or other appropriate educational organization; development of a clinical plan based on course requirements, career goals, and student interests with guidance from a university professor and local school district mentor.
EPLS:6425 Organizational and Educational Leadership Clinical 1 s.h.
Clinical experience aligned with course topics and assignments in the organizational and educational leadership course; completion of clinical in a K-12 school or other appropriate educational organization; development of a clinical plan based on course requirements, career goals, and student interests with guidance from a university professor and local school district mentor.
EPLS:7373 Qualitative Research Design and Methods 3 s.h.
Theory and practice of qualitative research design and methodology; exploratory field experience in collection and analysis of data; individual and focus group interviews, participant observation. Requirements: PhD standing.
EPLS:7380 Practicum in College Teaching arr.
Supervised college teaching experience in courses related to major academic areas; collaboration with faculty course instructors.
EPLS:7385 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Current theoretical and empirical literature on teaching and learning in higher education; focus on development of effective teaching practice. Same as CSED:7385, EDTL:7385, GRAD:7385, PSQF:7385.
EPLS:7392 Mixed Methods Research 3 s.h.
Introduction to mixed methods research in education; knowledge and skills necessary to conduct mixed methods study; history and language of mixed methods research; identifying and processing arguments for and against mixed methods research; critical and justice-oriented perspectives on mixed methods research; strengths and weaknesses of published mixed methods studies; application of one or more mixed methods research designs to a research proposal. Requirements: formal introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods, and familiarity with basic steps of research process. Recommendations: direct experience conducting research studies not required. Same as EDTL:7410.
EPLS:7395 Educational Specialist Research arr.
Individual instruction in the design, research, and writing of a research project of significant quality for upper-level graduate work.
EPLS:7432 Multicultural Initiatives 3 s.h.
Applies practices of engaging difference within the contexts of higher education, K-12, student affairs, society, government, and community agency settings. Requirements: PhD, EdD, or advanced-level MA standing. Recommendations: introductory course on issues of race, culture, gender, sociopolitical issues, or structural oppression strongly recommended.
EPLS:7433 Current Issues in Higher Education and Student Affairs 3 s.h.
Current issues related to higher education; opportunity to clarify perspectives; review of literature in a particular area of interest; readings, class discussions, independent research, consultations with professionals in the field, student presentations. Requirements: higher education and student affairs PhD standing.
EPLS:7444 Advanced Practicum in Student Affairs arr.
Supervised work experience in student affairs settings.
EPLS:7483 EdD Dissertation in Practice Proposal 1-3 s.h.
Supervision of EdD capstone proposal research, design, and writing. Requirements: completion of all EdD core and research coursework.
EPLS:7485 EdD Dissertation in Practice 1-4 s.h.
Supervision of EdD capstone research, design, and writing. Prerequisites: EPLS:7483. Requirements: educational policy and leadership studies EdD standing and completion of capstone proposal meeting.
EPLS:7493 PhD Thesis arr.
Supervision of research, design, and writing of PhD thesis; individual instruction.