RSTH Courses
This is a list of courses with the subject code RSTH. For more information, see Radiation Sciences (Carver College of Medicine) in the catalog.
RSTH:3100 Introduction to Radiation Therapy 3 s.h.
Introduction to cancer as a disease; defining methods to treat cancer with emphasis on radiation therapy; simulation, planning, and treatment delivery of radiation therapy. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:3110 Medical Physics I 1-3 s.h.
Introduction to radiation used in clinical setting; fundamental physical units, measurements, principles, atomic structure and types of radiation; X-ray generating equipment, X-ray production, and its interaction with matter. Requirements: admission to free radical and radiation biology program or acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program, and maxillofacial or radiation oncology resident. Same as FRRB:3110.
RSTH:3120 Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship I 3 s.h.
Student rotations through different radiation therapy related areas; assist, practice, and test radiation therapy principles learned in didactic setting; skill building for care and management of patients; conduction of performance assessments and completion of guideline objectives for each rotation; performance expectations become progressively higher as students gain experience and skills. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:3205 Principles of Radiation Therapy I 3 s.h.
Didactic and laboratory work in principles of radiation therapy; historic and current aspects of cancer treatment; role of radiation therapist; patient care, treatment delivery accessories, tumor localization treatment delivery protocols. Prerequisites: RSTH:3100. Requirements: enrollment in radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:3215 Medical Physics II 0-3 s.h.
Treatment units used in external radiation therapy; beam calculations, isodose distributions, brachytherapy, quality assurance and quality management, protection and safety. Prerequisites: RSTH:3110. Requirements: admission to free radical and radiation biology program or acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program. Same as FRRB:3215.
RSTH:3225 Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship II 3 s.h.
Student rotations through different radiation therapy related areas; assist, practice, and test radiation therapy principles learned in didactic setting; skill building for care and management of patients; conduction of performance assessments and completion of guideline objectives for each rotation; performance expectations become progressively higher as students gain experience and skills. Prerequisites: RSTH:3120. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:3325 Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship III 4 s.h.
Student rotations through different radiation therapy related areas; assist, practice, and test radiation therapy principles learned in didactic setting; skill building for care and management of patients; conduction of performance assessments and completion of guideline objectives for each rotation; performance expectations become progressively higher as students gain experience and skills. Prerequisites: RSTH:3225. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:4105 Principles of Radiation Therapy II 2 s.h.
Evaluation and management of neoplastic disease using knowledge in arts and sciences; critical thinking and basis of ethical clinical decision-making; epidemiology, etiology, detection, diagnosis, patient condition, treatment and prognosis of neoplastic disease. Prerequisites: RSTH:3205. Requirements: enrollment in radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:4125 Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship IV 4 s.h.
Student rotations through different radiation therapy related areas; assist, practice, and test radiation therapy principles learned in didactic setting; skill building for care and management of patients; conduction of performance assessments and completion of guideline objectives for each rotation; performance expectations become progressively higher as students gain experience and skills. Prerequisites: RSTH:3325. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.
RSTH:4225 Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship V 5 s.h.
Student rotations through different radiation therapy related areas; assist, practice, and test radiation therapy principles learned in didactic setting; skill building for care and management of patients; conduction of performance assessments and completion of guideline objectives for each rotation; performance expectations become progressively higher as students gain experience and skills. Prerequisites: RSTH:4125. Requirements: acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program.