Design Courses (Art, Art History, and Design) (DSGN)

DSGN Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code DSGN. For more information, see Art, Art History, and Design (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog.

DSGN:2500 Graphic Design I 3 s.h.

Basic concepts and principles that can be applied to all modes of contemporary visual communication. Prerequisites: ARTS:1510 and ARTS:1520. Corequisites: DSGN:2600. GE: Engineering Be Creative.

DSGN:2600 Graphic Design II 3 s.h.

Fundamentals of typography as a core element in visual communication; introduction to historical typographic practices as well as modern modes of designing with type. Prerequisites: ARTS:1510 and ARTS:1520. Corequisites: DSGN:2500. Same as UICB:2600.

DSGN:3500 Graphic Design III 4 s.h.

Focus on browser-based user interfaces and user experiences; builds basic HTML and CSS knowledge base; skills. Prerequisites: ARTS:1510 and ARTS:1520 and DSGN:2500 and DSGN:2600.

DSGN:3600 Graphic Design IV 4 s.h.

Implementing the fundamental knowledge and skills gained in previous design courses to explore the interaction of typography and visual image. Prerequisites: DSGN:2500 and DSGN:2600. Corequisites: DSGN:3500.

DSGN:4000 Graphic Design V 4 s.h.

Critical theory and professional practice of branding and identity design; topics range from icon development to packaging design and prototyping. Prerequisites: DSGN:3500 and DSGN:3600. Corequisites: DSGN:4700.

DSGN:4199 Undergraduate Individual Instruction 1-3 s.h.

Individual instruction in design for advanced students.

DSGN:4700 Graphic Design VI 4 s.h.

Advanced exploration of contemporary and experimental user interface and user experience design methodology; topics include design for mobile devices and wearables, as well as immersive environments. Prerequisites: DSGN:3500 and DSGN:3600. Corequisites: DSGN:4000.

DSGN:4800 Graphic Design VII 4 s.h.

Concentrated semester-long opportunity for students to investigate a design project driven by their own personal research interests; projects closely guided by faculty and are critiqued throughout the semester; critical theory readings and discussion. Prerequisites: DSGN:4000 or DSGN:4700.

DSGN:6175 Graphic Design VIII 4 s.h.

Introduction to complex problems in graphic design; planning, development, and organization of integrated design programs; activities include research and studio assignments, individual presentations, discussions, demonstrations, and critiques.