LS Courses
This is a list of courses with the subject code LS. For more information, see Leadership Studies (University College) in the catalog.
LS:1014 Pedagogy: Creating Collaborative Learning Environments 0-3 s.h.
Enhancement of skills that lead to success in facilitating collaborative learning; helping skills, knowledge, and peer support to promote deeper reflection, learning, and application of content; use of collaborative activities and discussions to highlight concepts and skills, and individual reflection assignments to promote metacognition; led by UI Academic Support and Retention; for learning assistants in first semester of role.
LS:1015 Learning Assistant Advanced Practicum 0-2 s.h.
Opportunity to continue to develop skills in facilitating collaborative learning environments; application of pedagogy concepts to learning assistant experience; students facilitate activities in assigned lecture courses and reflect on their experience in advanced practicum sessions; topics include helping skills, metacognition, study strategies, diversity, equity, inclusion, and motivation in learning environments; exploration of problem solving and personal growth. Requirements: LS:1014 and acceptance to learning assistant program as a returning learning assistant.
LS:1017 Orientation and Transition Leader Training 0-3 s.h.
Preparation for a leadership role in the Office of Orientation Services.
LS:1018 Issues in College Residence Halls I 0-1 s.h.
Development of knowledge and skills required for work as a resident assistant; creating community, handling crises and emergencies; leadership.
LS:1020 Introduction to Leadership 3 s.h.
Examination of leadership behaviors and actions that turn challenging opportunities into remarkable success; the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership; discussions with campus leaders; development of a plan to improve leadership skills; exploration of the experience of present-day leaders and movements with a common reading selected annually; for emerging student leaders.
LS:1021 Current Issues and Leadership in Fraternity and Sorority Life 3 s.h.
Current issues facing leaders (alcohol and hazing education, conflict management, lasting impact of organizations on members); lifetime membership and values based decision-making; for leaders of fraternity and sorority community.
LS:1022 President's Leadership Class 3 s.h.
Inside look at the University of Iowa; focus on development of student leadership through team and campus projects; opportunity to interact with campus leaders, including the University of Iowa president. Requirements: sophomore standing and application.
LS:1024 Hawkeye Service Breaks arr.
Introduction to theoretical approaches to service learning and shared experiential learning; concepts of intersectionality of varied social and community issues, reflection and reciprocity, active citizenship and community building, practical implementation of skills from student's academic disciplines, leadership development; includes overnight service immersion experience during spring break in a designated team location where students complete approximately 24 total hours of direct service with nonprofit partners and participate in critical reflection; emphasis on stretch and serve components of the IOWA Challenge.
LS:2002 Career Leadership Academy Part 1: Leadership in Practice 3 s.h.
How to become a successful leader; opportunity to increase understanding of self, others, and the skills sought by employers; work and lead effectively in teams; creation of a group presentation focused on community needs; career components of résumé writing, LinkedIn profile development, and networking; first in a two-course series.
LS:2013 Strengths-Based Leadership 1 s.h.
Examination and evaluation of personal unique talents, be more engaged, and gain better understanding of leadership from a "Strengths" perspective; how to maximize strengths to stand out from the crowd; how society encourages people to be well-rounded (according to Gallup Organization's Strengths research) and how this pursuit of many goals can actually result in mediocrity.
LS:2020 Women in Leadership 3 s.h.
Overview of relevant history, theory, and practice of women in effective leadership; women leaders from historical to modern times; focus on exploring obstacles and challenges faced by women in leadership and how people of all genders can work to overcome these barriers.
LS:2022 Leading from the Margins 3 s.h.
Examination of those with historically marginalized identities who rise to prominence as leaders; demonstration of knowledge and ability to analyze key issues and events through an intersectional leadership lens; focus on developing tools to assemble pathways and structures that foster diverse and equitable leadership.
LS:2024 Hawkeye Service Breaks Leadership 0,2 s.h.
Focus on techniques for planning trip logistics, education on social issues, and facilitation of critical reflection; development in theoretical approaches to service learning specifically connected to service immersion leadership; varied concepts including intersectionality of varied social and community issues, reflection and reciprocity, active citizenship and community building, practical implementation of skills from student's academic disciplines, leadership development, and other related areas. Requirements: LS:1024, and application and acceptance to leadership position.
LS:3002 Career Leadership Academy Part 2: Leadership in Action 3 s.h.
Leadership development and career readiness; application of strengths, building effective teams, motivation, and delegation skills to a service-learning project designed by the class through engagement with a community partner; explore interviewing, personal branding, job searching, professional etiquette, salary negotiation, and transitioning successfully into the workplace; second in a two-course series. Prerequisites: LS:2002.
LS:3003 Culturally Intelligent Leadership 1 s.h.
Knowledge and skills for leadership in an increasingly diverse and global workplace; highly interactive and relational experience; students gain a greater understanding of their leadership in various environments and learn how to develop tools for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships for professional success.
LS:3004 Perspectives on Leadership: Principles and Practices 3 s.h.
Broad foundation of leadership knowledge representing diverse approaches to studying and practicing leadership; core course for students pursuing the leadership certificate. Requirements: sophomore or higher standing.
LS:3011 Leadership Certificate Capstone 0-2 s.h.
Registration of practical work experience (internship or career position) with leadership components, or meaningful and educational cocurricular experience in on-campus leadership position (i.e., student organization leader, student government leader, residence assistant, student orientation advisor, peer educator, fraternity/sorority leader) with active leadership roles and responsibilities (i.e., executive leadership position, initiating and organizing a major event); application of leadership models and theories to practical experiences; for students completing the leadership certificate. Prerequisites: LS:3004. Requirements: an additional 6 s.h. of approved leadership coursework and meet with advisor prior to enrollment.
LS:3012 Leadership Theory to Practice 3 s.h.
How the world is changing at an accelerating rate; leadership effectiveness and demand of a high-level ability to work with others and respond to change; foundational concepts of major theories and behaviors of leadership models; practical challenges of leadership analyzed through use of experiential projects, discussion, presentations, exercises; development of self-awareness through use of behavioral instruments, group exercises, individual reflection; major approaches to leadership, authentic leadership, team leadership, gender issues in leadership, emotional intelligence, virtual leadership.