SLA Courses
This is a list of courses with the subject code SLA. For more information, see Second Language Acquisition (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog.
SLA:3302 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics 3 s.h.
Aspects of modern Chinese linguistics, such as Chinese phonology, syntax, pedagogical grammar, history of the language. Taught in English. Same as CHIN:3302, LING:3302.
SLA:3400 Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics 3 s.h.
Production and transcription of sounds in human languages; physics of sound, computer analysis of speech sounds. Offered fall semesters. Same as LING:3005.
SLA:4300 Introduction to Spanish Syntax 3 s.h.
Basic principles of generative syntax as applied to analysis of Spanish syntactic structure; extensive syntactic analysis. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPAN:3100. Same as SPAN:4150.
SLA:4301 Introduction to Spanish Phonology 3 s.h.
Sound patterns of Spanish; how various theoretical approaches solve basic problems in Spanish phonology; identification of linguistic universals, how they are manifested in the sound structure of Spanish. Taught in Spanish. Same as SPAN:4100.
SLA:4401 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language 3 s.h.
Observations of ESL classes at the University of Iowa; design and presentation of short lessons, text evaluation, demonstrations of innovative approaches of the last decade; materials. Offered spring semesters. Prerequisites: LING:3005 and LING:4040. Same as LING:4050.
SLA:5000 Teaching and Learning Languages 3 s.h.
Readings in pedagogical theory and practice, second language acquisition; experience designing activities for teaching and assessment with critiques based on current theories and approaches; development of reflective practices toward one's language teaching. Taught in English. Same as FREN:5000, GRMN:5001, SPAN:5000, WLLC:5000.
SLA:5010 Introduction to Syntax 3 s.h.
Methods and argumentation for formal analysis of sentence structure through induction from language data of central concepts and relations; hypothesis testing, empirical bases of theoretical concepts. Corequisites: LING:5000. Same as LING:5010.
SLA:5020 Introduction to Phonology 3 s.h.
Analysis of sound systems, focus on early generative phonological theory; extensive practice in analysis using data from a variety of languages; linguistic argumentation. Prerequisites: LING:3005. Same as LING:5020.
SLA:5401 First Language Acquisition 3 s.h.
Child language from a crosslinguistic perspective. Prerequisites: LING:3005 and (LING:4040 or LING:5010). Same as LING:5030.
SLA:6010 Syntactic Theory 3 s.h.
Current syntactic theory examined through analysis of data sets, readings in recent research; emphasis on argument construction, statement of formal principles. Offered spring semesters. Prerequisites: LING:5010. Same as LING:6010.
SLA:6011 Phonological Theory 3 s.h.
Post-SPE phonological theory, including autosegmental phonology, feature geometry, the syllable, optimality theory. Prerequisites: LING:5020. Same as LING:6020.
SLA:6301 Topics in Spanish Language Acquisition 3 s.h.
Theoretical linguistic approaches to monolingual, bilingual, and second language acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese; varied topics. Taught in Spanish. Requirements: at least one course in linguistics (e.g., general introduction to linguistics). Same as SPAN:6150.
SLA:6302 Topics in Comparative Romance Linguistics 3 s.h.
Comparative study of phonology, morphology, or syntax of the main Romance languages as informed by linguistic theory; diachronic or synchronic perspective. Taught in English. Recommendations: additional graduate coursework in linguistics. Same as LING:6190, SPAN:6190.
SLA:6303 Spanish Phonology 3 s.h.
Modern approaches to synchronic phonology as applied to Spanish; focus on traditional descriptive problems, recent generative analyses. Taught in Spanish. Requirements: phonology or linguistics course. Same as SPAN:6110.
SLA:6304 Spanish Syntax 3 s.h.
Spanish syntactic constructions examined in framework of selected syntactic theory; emphasis on development of syntactic argumentation. Taught in Spanish. Requirements: one course in syntax. Same as SPAN:6120.
SLA:6452 Topics in Second Language Acquisition 3 s.h.
Overview of current second-language acquisition research in the generative linguistic framework; focus on characterizing second language learners' linguistic competence and how it is constrained by principles of universal grammar. Offered fall semesters. Prerequisites: (LING:3010 or LING:5010) and (LING:3020 or LING:5020). Same as LING:6080.
SLA:6500 Graduate Seminar in Multilingual Education 3 s.h.
Theoretical perspectives of pivotal research issues at the forefront of foreign language education; systems available to foreign language professionals for disseminating research. Same as EDTL:6480.
SLA:6501 Bi/Multilingual Literacies 3 s.h.
Critical sociocultural perspectives on literacy, including dynamic literacies people practice to read the word and the world; examination of theoretical, practical, and empirical research that discusses the political, ideological, cultural, and historical nature of bi/multilingual literacy learning. Same as EDTL:6484.
SLA:6502 Principles of Course Design for Second Language Instruction 3 s.h.
Contemporary views of second language curriculum design; guidelines necessary for the creation of prototypical curriculum units to be transposed into classroom-ready forms; for individuals interested in foreign language materials development. Same as EDTL:6497.
SLA:6503 Fundamentals of Second Language Assessment 3 s.h.
How to write language tests; discussion of fundamental issues in development of new tests or selection of existing tests. Same as EDTL:6400.
SLA:6504 Second Language Program Management 3 s.h.
Preparation for supervising, administering foreign language programs at all levels; for precollegiate language teachers and graduate students. Same as EDTL:6402.
SLA:6506 Multilingual Education and Applied Linguistics 3 s.h.
Introduction to research in language teaching and learning, drawing on theories and research in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropology, and psychology; students gain understanding of fundamentals in second language acquisition, educational linguistics, applied linguistics, and methods used in teaching and learning second/foreign languages; applications and implications of research considered when reviewing multilingual education policy and practice. Same as ASIA:6483, EDTL:6483.
SLA:6970 Cultural Curriculum 3 s.h.
Culture's role in foreign/second language teaching; definition, pedagogy, assessment, and materials that allow culture to be taught and learned. Same as EDTL:6409.
SLA:7025 Special Projects in Second Language Acquisition arr.
SLA:7030 PhD Thesis arr.