Pathology Courses (PATH)

PATH Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code PATH. For more information, see Pathology (Carver College of Medicine) in the catalog.

PATH:4151 MLS Program Registration 0 s.h.

Requirements: admission to Medical Laboratory Science Program.

PATH:4201 Laboratory Management 3 s.h.

Core principles of laboratory management in the current field of clinical laboratory science including basic principles and organizational structure, human resources, finance, and laboratory operations. Develop knowledge of the concepts and principles of lab management and apply these concepts to real-life situations. Requirements: minimum overall GPA of 2.00.

PATH:5270 Pathogenesis of Major Human Diseases 3 s.h.

Critical analysis of pathogenesis models in a series of major human diseases; clinical presentation, analysis of cellular and molecular events leading to the disease, discussion of key papers. Offered spring semesters of even years. Same as IGPI:5270, MMED:5270.

PATH:5461 Introduction to Morphology in Research 1 s.h.

Introduction to the histologic examination of organs and tissues utilizing human and/or animal examples; organ identification, comparative morphology, use of histologic techniques (e.g., stains).

PATH:6220 Seminar in Pathology 1 s.h.

Current research and literature. Requirements: pathology graduate standing.

PATH:7001 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer 3 s.h.

Fundamental aspects of oncology at cellular and molecular levels; mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression, oncogene action, DNA damage and repair, carcinogenesis by radiation, chemicals, viruses; tumor immunology, anticancer therapies. Offered spring semesters. Prerequisites: BMED:5207. Requirements: strong basic science background. Same as FRRB:7001.

PATH:7211 Research in Pathology arr.

Basic aspects of pathology or clinical patient material; emphasis on experimental design, methods, literature review, obtaining formal answers to specific questions. Requirements: MD enrollment or graduate standing.

PATH:8007 Medical Student Fellowships in Pathology (Externships) 0 s.h.

First-hand experience in autopsy, surgical and clinical pathology, teaching, and research to further understanding of disease mechanisms, normal and pathologic anatomy, laboratory use.

PATH:8008 Warner Fellowship in Experimental Pathology 0 s.h.

One-year, full-time membership in established research laboratory in the Department of Pathology or collaborating laboratory. Requirements: MD enrollment.

PATH:8133 Introduction to Human Pathology for Graduate Students 2-4 s.h.

Human disease; basic disease processes, organ-related and multisystem diseases; case analysis. Offered fall semesters.

PATH:8401 Autopsy Pathology Clerkship arr.

PATH:8402 Hematopathology Clerkship arr.

PATH:8403 Surgical Pathology Clerkship arr.

PATH:8404 Transfusion Medicine arr.

PATH:8405 Clinical Microbiology 2,4 s.h.

Students rotate through bacteriology, molecular microbiology, mycology, mycobacteriology, and virology while participating in clinical and technical activities.

PATH:8497 Research in Pathology arr.

Medical research, clinical or laboratory projects; individual study with department approval.

PATH:8498 Pathology On Campus arr.

PATH:8499 Pathology Off Campus arr.