Genetics Courses (GENE)

GENE Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code GENE. For more information, see Genetics (Graduate College) in the catalog.

GENE:4213 Bioinformatics 2,4 s.h.

Overview of bioinformatics topics, including access to sequence data, pairwise and multiple sequence alignment algorithms, molecular phylogeny, microarray data analysis, protein analysis, proteomics and protein structure analysis; emphasis on each topic includes biological motivation, computational approach (practical and theoretical), and interpretation of output. Prerequisites: BMB:3120 or MICR:3170 or BIOL:2512 or BMB:3110. Recommendations: grade of B-plus or higher in BIOL:2512 or graduate standing. Same as BIOL:4213, IGPI:4213.

GENE:6150 Genetic Analysis of Biological Systems 3 s.h.

Genetic techniques and approaches for analysis of biological processes; comparison of strengths, weaknesses of a variety of experimental systems.

GENE:6200 Current Topics in Genetics 1 s.h.

Focus is on a broad topic of central importance to genetics and biology as a whole; invited speakers are distinguished researchers from institutions across the country and within the University of Iowa, their work grounded in genetics, and cover diverse topics using a wide range of genetic model systems and approaches; seminar series. Same as ACB:6200.

GENE:6210 Seminars in Genetics 1 s.h.

Attendance at weekly forum and presentation of research data to foster oral communication, presentation skills, and collaboration.

GENE:6234 Basic Biostatistical Methods with Genetics Applications 1 s.h.

Introduction to terminology, fundamental concepts, and methods of biostatistics as applied to genetic research; genetic investigation examples used to illustrate statistical approaches. Same as BIOS:6234.

GENE:6280 Directed Study in Genetics arr.

GENE:7191 Human Molecular Genetics 3 s.h.

Molecular genetic approaches to human disease; the human genome project, linkage analysis, candidate gene screening, special features of inbred populations, triplet repeat expansions, mitochondrial genetics, genetics of complex traits. Requirements: fundamental genetics and molecular biology.

GENE:7301 Graduate Research in Genetics arr.