Cardiothoracic Surgery Courses (Surgery) (CTS)

CTS Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code CTS. For more information, see Cardiothoracic Surgery (Carver College of Medicine) in the catalog.

CTS:8401 Advanced Inpatient Subinternship in Cardiothoracic Surgery arr.

Participation in diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative care of thoracic and cardiac patients; attendance at division conferences; students assume responsibility and act as an intern; may concentrate interest in cardiac surgery or thoracic surgery; diagnosis and management of patients on an inpatient service under close supervision by an upper-level resident/fellow and faculty member.

CTS:8497 Research in Cardiothoracic Surgery arr.

Work on a short- or long-term research project arranged with instructor; may involve clinical material or laboratory; students organize and complete a project, finishing with a publishable manuscript.

CTS:8498 Cardiothoracic Surgery On Campus arr.

Clinical clerkship individually arranged by student with department approval.

CTS:8499 Cardiothoracic Surgery Off Campus 4 s.h.

Individually arranged by student with approval of department to rotate outside of University of Iowa Health Care. Requirements: MD enrollment.