BMED Courses
This is a list of courses with the subject code BMB. For more information, see Biomedical Science (Graduate College) in the catalog.
BMED:5207 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology 3 s.h.
Structure of DNA, RNA, and Protein; DNA replication, genetic and epigenetic regulation; RNA production and processing; protein production and post-translation modification; cellular membranes and trafficking; cytoskeleton and regulation of cell junctions and migration; signal transduction and regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis; didactic lectures and group discussion of primary research publications.
BMED:5208 Topics in Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology 1 s.h.
Research literature discussion that parallels subjects discussed in BMED:5207. Corequisites: BMED:5207.
BMED:7270 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research I 0 s.h.
Training in principles of scholarly integrity and the responsible conduct of research; facilitated discussions of case studies; student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work (ownership, authorship, plagiarism/falsification/fabrication of data); student/mentor relationships and intellectual dialogues (communication, collaboration, grievance management); student responsibilities to institution/scholarly community/society (intellectual property, conflict of interest, fiscal responsibilities, protection of human/animal subjects). Requirements: successful completion of CITI online training (greater than 80% score for each module) and enrollment in Graduate College degree-seeking program. Recommendations: minimum first-year graduate standing (PhD, MS/MA), and involvement in mentored research activities (extramurally or intramurally funded).
BMED:7271 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research II 0 s.h.
Training in principles of scholarly integrity and the responsible conduct of research; facilitated discussions of case studies; student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work (ownership, authorship, plagiarism/falsification/fabrication of data); student/mentor relationships and intellectual dialogues (communication, collaboration, grievance management); student responsibilities to institution/scholarly community/society (intellectual property, conflict of interest, fiscal responsibilities, protection of human/animal subjects). Requirements: successful completion of CITI online training (greater than 80% score for each module) and enrollment in Graduate College degree-seeking program. Recommendations: minimum of first-year graduate standing (PhD, MS/MA) and involvement in mentored research activities (extramurally or intramurally funded).
BMED:7604 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research I 0 s.h.
Training in principles of scholarly integrity and the responsible conduct of research; facilitated discussions of case studies; student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work (ownership, authorship, plagiarism/falsification/fabrication of data); student/mentor relationships and intellectual dialogues (communication, collaboration, grievance management); student responsibilities to institution/scholarly community/society (intellectual property, conflict of interest, fiscal responsibilities, protection of human/animal subjects); meets responsible conduct of research training obligation for postdocs and faculty holding an NIH K award. Requirements: successful completion of CITI online training (greater than 80% score for each module).
BMED:7605 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research II 0 s.h.
Training in principles of scholarly integrity and the responsible conduct of research; facilitated discussions of case studies; student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work (ownership, authorship, plagiarism/falsification/fabrication of data); student/mentor relationships and intellectual dialogues (communication, collaboration, grievance management); student responsibilities to institution/scholarly community/society (intellectual property, conflict of interest, fiscal responsibilities, protection of human/animal subjects); meets responsible conduct of research training obligation for postdocs and faculty holding an NIH K award. Requirements: successful completion of CITI online training (greater than 80% score for each module).
BMED:7777 Biomedical Science Seminar 1 s.h.
Foundational professional development in writing and oral presentation skills; presentations from local and visiting professors focusing on career pathways for biomedical scientists; students practice presenting their research in rotation presentations with detailed feedback.
BMED:7888 Biomedical Science Research arr.
Research experience in biomedical science graduate program faculty member's lab; students rotate in three labs during their first year to provide a range of biomedical research experience before choosing a dissertation research mentor.