Website: https://grad.uiowa.edu
The University of Iowa has been a leading center of advanced study for more than a century. Presently, the Graduate College accounts for nearly one-fifth of the university's total enrollment. This high ratio reflects the breadth of the university's graduate programs and resources, the strength of a graduate faculty with a long tradition of personal and professional concern for students, and the opportunities afforded graduate students for involvement, recognition, and support.
The Graduate College is responsible for the review and approval of proposals for new graduate programs and for the periodic survey and evaluation of existing programs. Through its administration of scholarship, fellowship, and research assistantship funds, the college encourages research and strengthening of departments. Additionally, the college works with the other colleges and departments of the university to formulate policies concerning the selection, supervision, and support of graduate students.
The faculty of the Graduate College is made up of all university tenure-track faculty members at the ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. The Graduate Council, elected from and by the graduate faculty, is the executive committee of the graduate faculty and is advisory to the dean of the Graduate College.
Manual of Rules and Regulations
The current edition of the Manual of Rules and Regulations is available on the college's website.
Academic Affairs Office
The Academic Affairs Office (AAO) is responsible for supporting graduate student academic progress and success. Have a question? AAO can help. AAO oversees graduate student degree progress and completion, assists with student academic concerns, and provides support for graduate students' completion of their thesis or dissertation. AAO works broadly across campus by coordinating with graduate programs and campus partners to manage and uphold the rules and standards of graduate education with a focus on academic excellence, student success, and evidence-based initiatives to shape and improve students' experiences.
Office of Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Office of Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is dedicated to providing academic assistance to graduate students from underrepresented populations across graduate programs, building a sustainable practice of inclusion that nourishes and attracts underrepresented graduate students campuswide, and fostering community-building through individual and group activities focused on successful academic progress.
Graduate Student Success
The Graduate College takes a holistic approach to graduate student and postdoctoral scholar preparation. Whether a student's goal is a career in academia, industry, government, or elsewhere, professional development can expand one's options and make a student more marketable to employers. The Graduate Student Success Office can help graduate students in the realms of communication, research and publication, diversity, funding, teaching, leadership, careers, and wellness.
Research Resources
Many of the university's diverse research activities are centrally administered by the Office of the Vice President for Research, which has a cooperative relationship with the Graduate College.
Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate is the university's graduate student body representative organization. Representatives are elected annually from each university department that has a graduate degree program. The senate's primary purpose is to serve the interests of the graduate student body in matters affecting its welfare. The senate advises the dean of the Graduate College on matters pertaining to the college.
Degrees Offered
The Graduate College confers the Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MS), Master of Accountancy (MAc), Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Master of Computer Science (MCS), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master of Health Administration (MHA), Master of Public Affairs (MPAff), Master of Public Health (MPH), Specialist in Education (EdS), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Master of Social Work (MSW), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), and Doctor of Audiology (AuD) degrees.
The college currently confers degrees in the following major fields.
Accounting: MAc2
Actuarial Science: MS2
African American World Studies: MA3
American Studies: MA1, PhD
Anatomy and Cell Biology: MS3, PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
Anthropology: MA1, PhD
Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences: PhD
Art: MA1, MFA
Art History: MA1, PhD
Astronomy: MS1
Athletic Training: MS1
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: MS1, PhD
Biology: MS3, PhD3 (see Integrated Biology)
Biomedical Engineering: MS1, PhD
Biomedical Science: MS1, PhD
Biostatistics: MS1, PhD
Book Arts: MFA
Business Administration: MA1, PhD
Business Analytics: MS
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering: MS1, PhD
Chemistry: MS1, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering: MS1, PhD
Classics: MA1, PhD
Clinical Investigation: MS1
Communication Studies: MA1, PhD
Community and Behavioral Health: PhD
Computer Science: MS1, MCS2, PhD
Counselor Education, MA1, PhD
Criminology: PhD
Dance: MFA
Data Science: MS
Dental Public Health: MS
Economics: MA1, PhD
Education: MA3, MAT3,PhD3
Educational Policy and Leadership Studies: MA2, EdD2, EdS2, PhD
Electrical and Computer Engineering: MS1, PhD
Elementary Education: MA1, PhD
Engineering and Information Technology, MS2
English: MA1, MFA, PhD
Epidemiology: MS1, PhD
Film and Video Production: MA1, MFA
Film Studies: MA1, PhD
Finance: MS1
Free Radical and Radiation Biology: MS3, PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
French and Francophone World Studies: MA1, PhD
Genetics: PhD
Geography: MA1, PhD
Geoscience: MS1, PhD
Greek: MA1
Health and Human Physiology: MS1, PhD
Health Management and Policy: MHA2
Health Services and Policy Research: MS2
Health Services and Policy: PhD
History: MA1, PhD
Human Toxicology: MS, PhD
Immunology: PhD
Industrial Engineering: MS1, PhD
Informatics: MS1, PhD
Integrated Biology: MS1, PhD
Integrative Physiology: PhD3
Interdisciplinary Studies: MA1, MFA, MS1, PhD (see Interdisciplinary Studies Program on the Graduate College website)
Latin: MA1
Library and Information Science: MA1
Linguistics: MA1, PhD
Literary Translation: MFA
Mass Communication: MA1, PhD
Mathematics: MS1, PhD
Mechanical Engineering: MS1, PhD
Microbiology: MS, PhD
Molecular and Cellular Biology: PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
Molecular Biology: PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics: MS3, PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
Music: MA1, DMA, PhD
Neuroscience: PhD
Nursing: MSN1, DNP2, PhD
Occupational and Environmental Health: MS1, PhD
Oral Science: MS, PhD
Orthodontics: MS
Pathology: MS
Pharmacology: MS3, PhD3 (see Biomedical Science)
Pharmacy: MS1, PhD
Philosophy: MA1, PhD
Physical Rehabilitation Science: MA1, PhD
Physical Therapy: DPT2
Physics: MS1, PhD
Political Science: MA1, PhD
Psychological and Quantitative Foundations: MA1, EdS2, PhD
Psychology: MA2, PhD
Public Affairs: MPAff2
Public Health: MPH2
Religious Studies: MA1, PhD
Science Education: MS1, MAT2, PhD
Second Language Acquisition: PhD3
Secondary Education: MA1, MAT, PhD
Social Work: MSW1, PhD
Sociology: MA1, PhD
Spanish: MA1, PhD
Spanish Creative Writing: MFA
Special Education: MA1, PhD
Speech and Hearing Science: PhD
Speech Pathology and Audiology: MA1, AuD
Sport and Recreation Management: MA2
Statistics: MS1, PhD
Stomatology: MS3
Strategic Communication: MA2
Sustainable Development: MS
Teaching and Learning: MA1, MAT2, PhD
Theatre Arts: MFA
Translational Biomedicine: MS2
Urban and Regional Planning: MS1
- 1
Degree offered with or without thesis
- 2
Nonthesis degree
- 3
Student entry suspended
Interdisciplinary Degree Programs
The Graduate College participates in a number of University of Iowa interdisciplinary degree programs. Detailed information about the following master's and doctoral degree programs is provided later in these Graduate College sections of the catalog: Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Genetics, Human Toxicology, Immunology, Informatics, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience, Sustainable Development, and Translational Biomedicine.
In addition to the degree programs listed, the graduate faculty has authorized the awarding of interdisciplinary master's and doctoral degrees. Students seeking approval for interdisciplinary master's and doctoral programs must previously have been admitted to and enrolled in a departmental program in the Graduate College. See sections X.A. and XII.D. in the Manual of Rules and Regulations on the college's website.
Combined Programs Offered Through the Graduate College
Various combined programs have been developed whereby students work simultaneously toward two degrees. There are three types of combinations: undergraduate and graduate degree combinations (U2G programs), combinations between graduate programs, and graduate and professional degree combinations. Consult the appropriate catalog sections for more information. Established combined graduate programs include, but may not be limited to, the following.
- Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G), Any Bachelor's Degree
- Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G), Specific Bachelor's Degree
- Non-UI Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G)
- Combined Graduate Degree Programs
- Combined Graduate and Professional Degree Programs
Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G), Any Bachelor's Degree
The following graduate degrees offer U2G programs, which are open to any University of Iowa bachelor’s degree or major.
MA in Library and Information Science
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MA in library and information science while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MA degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College; see the MA in library and information science in the catalog.
Master of Arts in Teaching (Mathematics Education Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) with a mathematics education subprogram while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 18 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MAT degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Education; see the Master of Arts in Teaching, MAT (mathematics education subprogram) in the catalog.
Master of Arts in Teaching (Science Education Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) with a science education subprogram while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 19 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MAT degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Education; see the Master of Arts in Teaching, MAT (science education subprogram) in the catalog.
Master of Computer Science (MCS)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MCS while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of coursework toward both the bachelor's degree and MCS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Master of Computer Science, MCS in the catalog.
Master of Public Affairs (MPAff)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MPAff while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may count 16 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MPAff degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College; see the Master of Public Affairs, MPAff in the catalog.
Master of Public Health (Biostatistics, Community and Behavioral Health, Occupational and Environmental Health, Policy Subprograms)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the Master of Public Health (MPH) while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the MPH (biostatistics, community and behavioral health, occupational and environmental health, and policy subprograms) may count 15 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and the MPH degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see the Master of Public Health, MPH in the catalog.
Master of Public Health (Epidemiology Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the Master of Public Health (MPH) while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the MPH (epidemiology subprogram) may count 17 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MPH degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see the Master of Public Health, MPH (epidemiology subprogram) in the catalog.
MS in Biomedical Engineering
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in biomedical engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see the Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering in the catalog.
MS in Biostatistics
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in biostatistics while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 15 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see MS in biostatistics in the catalog.
MS in Business Analytics (Career Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in business analytics with a career subprogram while completing the undergraduate degree. Students admitted to the program may count 14 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the Tippie College of Business; see the MS in business analytics (career) in the catalog.
MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in civil and environmental engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 9 s.h. of coursework toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. They also may count an additional 3 s.h. toward the MS degree requirements before they have been awarded the bachelor’s degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see the MS in civil and environmental engineering in the catalog.
MS in Data Science
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in data science while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see the MS in data science in the catalog.
MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in electrical and computer engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 9 s.h. toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. They also may count an additional 3 s.h. toward the MS degree requirements before they have been awarded the bachelor’s degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see Electrical and Computer Engineering in the catalog.
MS in Epidemiology
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in epidemiology while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the MS program may count 15 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see the MS in epidemiology in the catalog.
MS in Finance
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in finance while completing the undergraduate degree. Students admitted to the program may count 16 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the Tippie College of Business; see the MS in finance in the catalog.
MS in Health and Human Physiology (Child Life Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in health and human physiology with a child life subprogram while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Health and Human Physiology in the catalog.
MS in Industrial Engineering
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in industrial engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 9 s.h. toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. They also may count an additional 3 s.h. toward the MS degree requirements before they have been awarded the bachelor’s degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see Industrial and Systems Engineering in the catalog.
MS in Mechanical Engineering
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in mechanical engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see Mechanical Engineering in the catalog.
MS in Occupational and Environmental Health (Industrial Hygiene Subprogram)
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in occupational and environmental health while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the MS program may count 15 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see the MS in occupational and environmental health (industrial hygiene subprogram) in the catalog.
MS in Statistics
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in statistics while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Statistics and Actuarial Science in the catalog.
MS in Sustainable Development
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in sustainable development while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see the MS in sustainable development in the catalog.
MS in Urban and Regional Planning
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the MS in urban and regional planning while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 18 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College; see the MS in urban and regional planning in the catalog.
PhD in Biochemistry
The combined program enables undergraduate students to begin work toward the PhD in biochemistry while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the bachelor’s degree and PhD degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the Carver College of Medicine; see the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the catalog.
Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G), Specific Bachelor's Degrees
The following graduate degrees offer U2G programs that are paired with a specific University of Iowa bachelor’s degree or major.
BA in Elementary Education (Special Education Subprogram)/MA in Teaching and Learning (Special Education Subprogram)
The combined BA/MA program with a special education subprogram enables students to begin work toward the MA in teaching and learning while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of credit toward both the BA and MA degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Education; see the MA in teaching and learning (special education subprogram) in the catalog.
BA in Geography (Geographic Information Science Track) or BS in Geography/MS in Informatics (Geoinformatics Subprogram)
The combined BA in geography with a geographic information science track or BS in geography/MS in informatics with a geoinformatics subprogram enables undergraduate students majoring in geography to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. toward both the BA or BS and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Geographical and Sustainability Sciences and the MS in informatics (geoinformatics subprogram) in the catalog.
BA in Linguistics/MA in Linguistics (TESL Subprogram)
The combined BA/MA program in linguistics with a TESL subprogram enables students majoring in linguistics to begin work toward the MA while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 13 s.h. of advanced coursework toward both the BA and MA degree requirements and may take selected graduate-level courses before they have been awarded the BA degree. They also may gain experience teaching English as a second language (ESL) at the college level early in their graduate careers. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Linguistics in the catalog.
BA or BS in Informatics/MS in Informatics (Health Informatics, Human-Computer Interaction Subprograms)
The combined BA or BS in informatics/MS in informatics with a health informatics or human-computer interaction subprogram enables students majoring in informatics to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. toward both the BA or BS and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see the MS in informatics in the catalog.
BS in Exercise Science/MS in Athletic Training
The combined BS in exercise science/MS in athletic training program enables students majoring in exercise science to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may count 22 s.h. of credit toward both the BS and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Carver College of Medicine; see the MS in athletic training in the catalog.
BSE in Chemical Engineering/MS in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
The combined BSE in chemical engineering/MS in chemical and biochemical engineering program enables undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of coursework toward both the BSE and MS degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in the catalog.
BSE in Any Engineering Major or CLAS Bachelor's Degree/PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering
The combined BSE or CLAS bachelor's degree/PhD in electrical and computer engineering enables undergraduate students in any College of Engineering BSE or in any CLAS bachelor's program to begin work toward the PhD while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 12 s.h. of coursework toward both the bachelor's degree and PhD degree requirements. They also may count an additional 6 s.h. toward the PhD degree requirements before they have been awarded the bachelor's degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Engineering; see Electrical and Computer Engineering in the catalog.
BSN in Nursing (RN Subprogram)/DNP in Nursing
The combined BSN in nursing (RN subprogram)/DNP in nursing program enables students to begin work toward the DNP while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may count 9 s.h. of credit toward both the BSN and DNP degree requirements. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Nursing, see the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, BSN (nursing—RN subprogram) and the Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP in the catalog.
Non-UI Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Programs (U2G)
The following graduate degrees offer U2G programs which are paired with bachelor’s degree programs at other colleges and universities.
Coe College, Cornell College, Grinnell College, or Luther College Bachelor’s Degree/MPH (Biostatistics, Community and Behavioral Health, Epidemiology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Policy Subprograms)
The combined program enables undergraduate students at Coe College, Cornell College, Grinnell College, and Luther College to begin work toward the MPH while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may enroll in University of Iowa graduate-level courses to count toward the MPH degree while they are simultaneously completing the bachelor's degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Public Health; see the Master of Public Health, MPH in the catalog.
Grinnell College BA in Computer Science/MCS
The combined program enables undergraduate students majoring in computer science at Grinnell College to begin work toward the MCS while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may transfer Grinnell College coursework that articulates to 6 s.h. of graduate-level credit toward University of Iowa MCS degree requirements. Students admitted to the program may enroll in University of Iowa graduate-level courses to count toward the MCS degree while they are simultaneously completing the bachelor's degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Master of Computer Science, MCS in the catalog.
Nankai University Bachelor's Degree/MS in Actuarial Science
The combined program enables undergraduate students at Nankai University in Tianjin, China to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may enroll in University of Iowa graduate-level courses to count toward the MS degree while they are simultaneously completing the bachelor's degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Statistics and Actuarial Science in the catalog.
Nankai University Bachelor's Degree/MS in Statistics
The combined program enables undergraduate students at Nankai University in Tianjin, China to begin work toward the MS while completing the bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to the program may enroll in University of Iowa graduate-level courses to count toward the MS degree while they are simultaneously completing the bachelor's degree. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Statistics and Actuarial Science in the catalog.
Combined Graduate Degree Programs
AuD/PhD in Speech and Hearing Science
The combined AuD/PhD in speech and hearing science program is designed for students who would like to practice audiology and hold a faculty position at a university. Students admitted to the program work concurrently toward the Doctor of Audiology and the Doctor of Philosophy; they may count 30 s.h. toward the requirements of both degrees. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see Communication Sciences and Disorders in the catalog.
MA in French and Francophone World Studies/MFA in Literary Translation
The Department of French and Italian and the Literary Translation Program collaborate to offer a combined Master of Arts in French and Francophone world studies and a Master of Fine Arts in literary translation. Students interested in writing in its different forms—creative, academic, and translation—will find the University of Iowa to be the ideal place to develop their talents and an attractive option for more diversified career preparation. A separate application and admission to each degree program is required. For more information, review the admissions requirements for French and Francophone world studies and literary translation. Students in the combined program earn both degrees by completing a minimum of 60 s.h. of coursework, fewer semester hours than if each degree was completed separately. Qualified students may be eligible for up to three years of full funding for a teaching assistant (TA) position.
MA in Library and Information Science/Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies
The combined MA in library and information science and Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies prepares students for careers in special collections librarianship. Students admitted to the program receive training in the management of varied types of special collections, such as rare books, manuscripts, archives, graphics, music, and ephemera. Offered by the Graduate College; see the MA in library and information science and the Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies in the catalog.
MA in Library and Information Science/MFA in Book Arts
The combined MA in library and information science/MFA in book arts program allows graduate students with strong interests in the physical book to acquire training in the book arts, book history, and material book studies. The earned expertise in the production and legacy of the book as a physical artifact combined with expertise in library and information science can be an asset for those focused on careers in special collections libraries and archives. Students in the combined program earn both degrees by completing fewer semester hours than if each degree was completed separately. Offered by the Graduate College; see the MA in library and information science and the MFA in book arts in the catalog.
MA in Library and Information Science/PhD in English
The combined MA in library and information science/PhD in English program prepares students for careers in academic libraries as humanities subject specialists, reference and instruction librarians, first-year experience librarians, special collections librarians and curators, and archivists. It also enhances the research profiles and methodological toolboxes of digital humanists as well as archival historicists, in addition to improving pedagogical skills. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see the MA in library and information science and the PhD in English in the catalog.
Combined Graduate and Professional Degree Programs
Graduate Degrees/Certificates in Business Fundamentals, Finance, Leadership, Marketing
Students can pursue a professional Certificate in Business Fundamentals, Finance, Leadership, or Marketing concurrently with their graduate degree. With graduate program approval, students may count up to 9 s.h. from a professional certificate toward their graduate degree. With approval from the professional certificate program, students may count up to 3 s.h. from any graduate degree program toward their certificate. Offered by the Graduate College and Tippie Professional Programs (Tippie College of Business), see the professional Certificates in Business Fundamentals, Finance, Leadership, or Marketing in the catalog.
JD/Graduate Degrees
The College of Law and several Graduate College programs and schools have developed combined programs in which students pursue the Juris Doctor (JD) degree and a graduate degree concurrently. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Law; see the Manual of Rules and Regulations on the Graduate College website and the Juris Doctor, JD in the catalog.
MD/PhD (Medical Scientist Training Program)
The combined Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy program prepares students for careers in academic medicine, with emphasis on basic and clinical research. Offered by the Graduate College and the Carver College of Medicine; see Medical Scientist Training Program in the catalog.
The Graduate College also participates with other University of Iowa colleges in offering the following graduate certificates.
Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
The Certificate in Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner is a program for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in the catalog.
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
The Certificate in Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner is a program for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner in the catalog.
African American Studies
The Certificate in African American Studies is a program that increases intellectual knowledge and understanding of African American culture and experience. See the Certificate in African American Studies in the catalog.
Aging and Longevity Studies
The Aging and Longevity Studies Program is a multidisciplinary certificate program administered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in cooperation with other University of Iowa colleges. The program is designed to complement graduate degree programs or to serve as a stand-alone nondegree program for students with academic, professional, research, or service career interests in aging. See the Certificate in Aging and Longevity Studies in the catalog.
Agricultural Safety and Health
The Certificate in Agricultural Safety and Health is a postbaccalaureate program for practicing health care professionals serving rural areas and for health professions students who intend to practice in rural areas. The program is designed to help rural health professionals address safety and health issues in farm settings. See the Certificate in Agricultural Safety and Health in the catalog.
Applied Behavior Analysis
The Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis develops skills in behavioral intervention and intensive instruction. The course sequence contributes to eligibility for certification as a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA). See the Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis in the catalog.
Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering
The Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation (AIMS) in Engineering offers graduate students enrolled in the College of Engineering an opportunity to specialize in artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, modeling and simulation, and uncertainty quantification. UI graduate students from other disciplines also may apply. See the Certificate in Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering in the catalog.
The Certificate in Biostatistics is open to students in University of Iowa graduate degree programs outside biostatistics and to individuals admitted to the Graduate College as nondegree students. The certificate program enables students to add a formal biostatistics emphasis to their degree programs. Students who complete the certificate in conjunction with a graduate degree may count a maximum of 6 s.h. of certificate credit toward their graduate degree. See the Certificate in Biostatistics in the catalog.
Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies
The Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies is designed to be completed in one year. The program is open to students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program at the University of Iowa as well as to students enrolled in the Graduate College with nondegree status. See the Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies in the catalog.
Business Analytics
The Certificate in Business Analytics is open to students in University of Iowa graduate degree programs and to individuals admitted to the Graduate College as nondegree students. The certificate program is designed for working professionals and addresses a growing need to manage and analyze the rapidly increasing amount of data that is available to support business decision-making. See the Certificate in Business Analytics in the catalog.
Cognitive Science of Language
The Certificate in Cognitive Science of Language is designed to complement doctoral study. The certificate program is open to University of Iowa PhD students in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, and speech and hearing science. PhD students in other disciplines may petition to be permitted to earn the certificate. Students must complete a formal application to enter the certificate program; they should contact the program's coordinator before they apply. See the Certificate in Cognitive Science of Language in the catalog.
College Teaching
The Certificate in College Teaching complements discipline-oriented graduate programs and prepares students for careers in postsecondary education. The certificate program is open to all University of Iowa doctoral and master's degree-seeking students. See the Certificate in College Teaching in the catalog.
Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology
The Certificate in Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology is a postbaccalaureate program designed to meet the training needs in emerging infectious disease of international public health professionals as well as University of Iowa graduate students. Applicants to the program must hold a bachelor's degree. See the Certificate in Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the catalog.
Family Nurse Practitioner
The Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner is a program for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner in the catalog.
Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies
The Certificate in Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies is open to students enrolled in graduate degree programs. See the Certificate in Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies in the catalog.
Global Health Studies
The Certificate in Global Health Studies is open to graduate and professional students, except for those in the College of Pharmacy who have earned the PharmD degree—they are awarded the undergraduate certificate. Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 3.00 in work for the certificate. See the Certificate in Global Health Studies in the catalog.
Health Systems
The Certificate in Health Systems is built on the foundational courses from the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) with a health systems subprogram. The certificate is available to post-master's degree students seeking additional preparation in the area of health systems/administration. See the Certificate in Health Systems in the catalog.
Healthcare Management
The Certificate in Healthcare Management provides foundational business and leadership skills to physicians, nurses, and other clinicians, and managers. See the Certificate in Healthcare Management in the catalog.
The Certificate in Informatics requires a variable amount of graduate credit, depending on the student's choice of subprogram. The certificate program is designed for students enrolled in University of Iowa graduate degree programs who wish to study informatics as a complement to their degree program and for nondegree students who are interested in increasing their knowledge of informatics. See the Certificate in Informatics in the catalog.
Institutional Research and Effectiveness
The Certificate in Institutional Research and Effectiveness (IRE) is offered with hybrid and conventional courses. The certificate program prepares professionals to use data for institutional decision-making, reporting, and accountability in higher education and K–12 contexts. This certificate amends and complements students’ competence in other areas (business affairs, information technology, student affairs, development, among other areas) to prepare them with the skills and capabilities to use data for educational improvement, accountability, quality, and equity. See the Certificate in Institutional Research and Effectiveness in the catalog.
K–12 Equity and Inclusion
The Certificate in K–12 Equity and Inclusion is offered with hybrid and conventional courses. The certificate program offers educational professionals or nondegree-seeking students currently working in K–12 schools, districts, and area education agencies expertise in equity and inclusion to better support the needs and interests of a diversifying K–12 student population. See the Certificate in K–12 Equity and Inclusion in the catalog.
Literary Translation
The Certificate in Literary Translation includes coursework in translation practice and techniques. Translation workshops and coursework in translation theory also are central to the certificate program as they are essential to the training of literary translators. See the Certificate in Literary Translation in the catalog.
Multilingualism and Culturally Responsive Practice in SLP
The Certificate in Multilingualism and Culturally Responsive Practice in SLP is open to graduate students currently enrolled and in good standing in the Master of Arts in Speech Pathology and Audiology and is completed concurrently with the MA coursework. See the Certificate in Multilingualism and Culturally Responsive Practice in SLP in the catalog.
Native American and Indigenous Studies
The Native American and Indigenous Studies Program offers an interdisciplinary certificate program focusing on the histories, cultures, languages, arts, religious traditions, political and social organizations, economies, geographies, literatures, and contemporary legal and political concerns of Native Americans of the United States as well as other Indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. See the Certificate in Native American and Indigenous Studies in the catalog.
Online Teaching
The Certificate in Online Teaching is designed to prepare students for the realities of online teaching and to help them expand their career options. The certificate is open to students in University of Iowa graduate degree programs and to individuals admitted to the Graduate College as nondegree students. See the Certificate in Online Teaching in the catalog.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Acute Care
The Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Acute Care is available for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Acute Care in the catalog.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Primary Care
The Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Primary Care is available for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner—Primary Care in the catalog.
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
The Certificate in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner is available for post-master's Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) degree students who would like to pursue a second specialty. See the Certificate in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the catalog.
Public Digital Humanities
The Certificate in Public Digital Humanities is open to all University of Iowa graduate students in good academic standing. Students take a theory and practice course and select elective coursework to suit their disciplinary or technical needs. See the Certificate in Public Digital Humanities in the catalog.
Public Health
The Certificate in Public Health is designed to improve public health practice and public health workforce capacity in Iowa and the upper Midwest. It is intended primarily for individuals in public health practice, those in the workforce, and those interested in strengthening their knowledge and skills in basic public health competencies. See the Certificate in Public Health in the catalog.
Special Collections Librarianship
The Certificate in Special Collections Librarianship includes coursework that introduces students to the core theories supporting the collection and management of rare books, archival records, and manuscript collections. See the Certificate in Special Collections Librarianship in the catalog.
Sustainable Water Development
The Certificate in Sustainable Water Development trains science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students to address future challenges of water scarcity and variability while also meeting the food and energy demands of Earth's growing population. See the Certificate in Sustainable Water Development in the catalog.
Talent Development
The Certificate in Talent Development requires 14 s.h. of graduate credit. The certificate is open to students in University of Iowa graduate degree programs and to individuals admitted to the Graduate College as nondegree students. The purpose of the certificate is to increase understanding of talented individuals, the process of talent development and creativity, and to prepare advocates for talented individuals. In addition to coursework, students design a culminating original project aligned with a career objective or personal interest. Students may use the coursework embedded in the certificate to apply to the State of Iowa Gifted and Talented teaching endorsement. To learn more or apply, see the Certificate in Talent Development in the catalog.
Translational and Clinical Investigation
The Certificate in Translational and Clinical Investigation is designed for clinicians who seek advanced training in clinical methodology and applied patient-oriented research skills. Students in the certificate program must be practicing academic clinicians who have completed doctoral training. See the Certificate in Translational and Clinical Investigation in the catalog.
Transportation Planning
The Certificate in Transportation Planning includes a choice of coursework in traffic engineering, transportation and land use planning, design of transportation systems, transportation demand analysis, transportation policy and planning, as well as other transportation areas. Students may earn the certificate in conjunction with an MS or PhD in civil and environmental engineering or with an MS in urban and regional planning.
Individuals working toward degrees in other transportation-related disciplines are encouraged to apply to the Transportation Planning Program. Depending on a student's background, additional coursework in statistics, computer programming, simulation, mathematics, and operations research may be required for the certificate. Credit earned in these courses may not be applicable to the student's degree program. See the Certificate in Transportation Planning in the catalog.
Approximately half of the university's graduate students receive some form of university-administered financial assistance. For eligibility requirements and application procedures, see "Section VII. Graduate Appointments" in the Manual of Rules and Regulations on the college's website. The following are the primary sources of assistance. For a more complete description of funding available to graduate students, see the Graduate College website.
Teaching and Research Assistantships
Teaching and research assistantships are available in most departments, but they prioritize doctoral students. Assistantship stipends are awarded for quarter-time, one-third-time, and half-time academic-year appointments and quarter-time, one-third-time, and half-time fiscal-year appointments; assistantships of 25% or higher also are eligible for tuition scholarships. Assistants (one-quarter-time or more) pay resident tuition rates for fee purposes. See the Graduate College website for a more complete description of graduate assistantship benefits.
Iowa Arts Fellowships
Iowa Arts Fellowships are for University of Iowa graduate students entering MFA programs. Typical stipends are for the academic year, with all tuition and a percentage of mandatory fees paid, plus a health insurance allowance, for one academic year (the remaining years of support must be provided by the appointing program). There are no departmental service obligations while holding the first-year fellowship.
Iowa Performance Fellowships
Iowa Performance Fellowships are for first-year DMA candidates in a performance area of music. Recipients are nominated by the School of Music. Awards include academic-year fellowships, summer fellowships, and tuition and a percentage of mandatory fees paid (the fellow is responsible for the remainder of fees). The School of Music provides a one-quarter-time research assistantship in years two and three.
Graduate College Iowa Recruitment Fellowships
The Iowa Recruitment Fellowships program enhances departmental recruitment packages by offering the most accomplished new doctoral students a stipend supplement for up to five years and stipend support for up to four summer sessions (academic year graduate assistants) or a stipend supplement for the entire fiscal year (fiscal year graduate assistants). Tuition scholarships are to be paid during the academic years (fall, spring) by the appointing unit, while the Graduate College provides up to 1 s.h. of tuition and benefits for the summer sessions. Recipients are nominated by their department.
Graduate College Summer Fellowships
Graduate College Summer Fellowships are for advanced doctoral students who have completed their comprehensive exams, are working to complete their dissertations, and do not otherwise have funding for the summer session. Awards provide a summer stipend and up to 1 s.h. of tuition. Awardees must enroll in a summer session.
T. Anne Cleary International Research Fellowships
The T. Anne Cleary International Research Fellowships are for doctoral students who have completed all pre-dissertation requirements, including the comprehensive examination, and who will use the fellowship for international dissertation research. The monetary amounts may vary and are meant to supplement other research funds. PhD students in any discipline may apply.
Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowships
Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowships are one-semester fellowships for PhD candidates who have completed all doctoral degree requirements except their dissertation. Recipients are nominated by their departments. Fellowships provide monetary amounts for the semester plus tuition and a percentage of mandatory fees paid for up to 2 s.h. and a health insurance allowance.
Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowships
The post-comprehensive research awards program provides an opportunity for advanced PhD students to benefit from protected and supported time to pursue their scholarly research activities. The one-semester award is intended to recognize students with distinguished academic achievement during their early graduate training. These achievements should be evident from a combination of outstanding academic performance in coursework, as well as early scholarly research activities. Students who have held teaching assistantships in the previous two semesters or do not have other sources of assistantship/fellowship funds will have priority. Awardees will receive a stipend. The Graduate College also supports up to 2 s.h. of tuition, a percentage of the mandatory fees, and a health insurance allowance. Recipients are nominated by their department.
Scholarships typically provide partial tuition.
Graduate Student Travel Awards
Graduate student travel awards provide reimbursement for travel by students who present research and scholarship results at professional conferences. Awards are competitive across disciplines and vary. Funds are administered by the Graduate Student Senate and the Graduate College.
Other Sources
For other sources of financial support, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Many departments offer additional support through traineeships, part-time employment in research, or part-time teaching appointments. The Office of the Vice President for Research maintains a library of information on public and private agencies that provide funds for research and graduate study. Much material has been collected concerning awards for overseas study.
Most Graduate College courses are offered by the college's programs and schools. They are listed and described in the corresponding catalog sections.
The college also offers the following nondepartmental courses.
Graduate College Courses
GRAD:3020 SROP Scholars Program 0 s.h.
GRAD:5225 Communicating Data Through Stories 3 s.h.
How to communicate science effectively and responsively with multiple audiences from peers and professors to potential employers, policymakers, and the lay public; focus on speaking about science clearly and vividly in ways that can engage varied audiences, especially those outside the student's own field; connecting and finding common ground with an audience, defining goals, identifying main points, speaking without jargon, explaining meaning and context, using storytelling techniques and multimedia elements. Same as CEE:5225, SDG:5225.
GRAD:5800 Writing for National Fellowships arr.
Process of writing applications for nationally competitive fellowship opportunities; completion of a fellowship application portfolio for a specific fellowship opportunity.
GRAD:5999 Graduate Final Registration 1 s.h.
Certificate completion.
GRAD:6000 PhD Postcomprehensive Registration 1 s.h.
GRAD:6001 Master's Final Registration 1 s.h.
Requirements: master's degree candidate.
GRAD:6002 Doctoral Continuous Registration 1 s.h.
Requirements: doctoral degree candidate who has passed comprehensive examinations.
GRAD:6003 Doctoral Final Registration 1 s.h.
Requirements: doctoral degree candidate in final session of enrollment.
GRAD:6217 Seminar in College Teaching 1-3 s.h.
Preparation for college teaching; for graduate students planning to teach. Same as PSQF:6217.
GRAD:6300 Writing for Learned Journals 1-4 s.h.
Seminar that supports graduate students in bringing written work to publishable form; analysis of target journals' audiences, interests, and citation politics; submission and the publication process; response to reader reports and criticism; best writing and research practices; discussion of knowledge cultures and discourses in disciplines and the contemporary academy. Same as AMST:6300, GWSS:6300, RHET:6330.
GRAD:6313 Studio Summer Fellowship 1 s.h.
Investigation of and reflection on digital scholarly collaboration, production, and promotion. Same as ULIB:6313.
GRAD:6500 Digital Humanities Independent Study arr.
Independent study for students working toward their public digital humanities certificate.
GRAD:6510 Introduction to Programming 1 s.h.
How computer programming has quickly become a valuable skill across a diverse range of professions and academic disciplines; programming impacts on an increasingly large segment of professional activity—from analyzing text, visualizing data, creating maps, or developing web applications; knowledge of how to read and write code as a valuable literacy in modern mediated life; introduction to computer programming; students write simple programs of their own design (e.g., automate repetitive tasks, perform calculations on data, accept and process user input).
GRAD:6515 Basic Data Handling in Microsoft Excel 1 s.h.
Introduction to managing and examining spreadsheet data for humanities and social sciences; basic data types, organizing data records, creating summary reports and simple charts, tips and tricks for letting Microsoft Excel do the tedious parts; prior experience working with data or Microsoft Excel not required.
GRAD:6520 Data Visualization Basics 1 s.h.
Hands-on introduction to basics of data visualization—working with data, analyzing and designing clear and functional visualizations, and developing simple data visualizations in Excel and Python or R; basic static plots (e.g., scatterplots, histograms, line graphs); brief introduction to geographic maps and network graphs.
GRAD:6521 Scholarly Communication and Journal Publishing 1 s.h.
Process of publishing a scholarly journal. Several scholarly journals are published locally with the support of the University of Iowa Libraries. For graduate students interested in academic journal publishing, as well as scholarly communications more broadly.
GRAD:6522 Digital Exhibits: Effective Design and Development 1 s.h.
Practical technical skills for building digital exhibits; theoretical concepts; how digital exhibits are distinct from physical exhibits; values included in digital storytelling; management of digital exhibit life cycle; main concepts and topics of effective digital exhibit development including storytelling, structuring materials, digitization, metadata application, copyright, and fair use; students gain experience using digital exhibit software, Omeka, for importing and managing content and creating collections and exhibits.
GRAD:6530 Open Source Web Mapping for Beginners 1 s.h.
Maps are high-impact visual representations that can make complex ideas more comprehensible and enhance persuasive power of academic arguments; wide range of open source data and scripting libraries that are increasingly available to scholars who wish to present their data in interactive online maps; introduction to basic workflows and scripting for open web mapping with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
GRAD:6535 Data Visualization and Mapping 1 s.h.
Introduction to data visualization techniques for descriptive data analysis and geospatial visualization; introduction to Excel; basic editing and implementation of JavaScript; for graduate students interested in learning how to find, clean, manage, and analyze data for visual presentation in graphs, charts, or interactive digital maps. No prior experience necessary.
GRAD:6540 Careers Beyond Academia 1 s.h.
Preparation to search for and apply to a variety of careers outside of academia that allow students to use their digital scholarship and digital skills training; opportunities and challenges faced when transitioning to careers adjacent to and beyond academic environments in which students have become familiar with in their graduate training.
GRAD:6545 Introduction to Podcasting 1 s.h.
Introduction to podcasting basics including interview techniques, speaking and writing for podcast audiences, digital productions, and promotion. For graduate students interested in using digital techniques to share their creative works, research, or scholarship.
GRAD:6550 Design Fundamentals in Digital Scholarship 1 s.h.
Exploration of the role of design in communication while empowering students to grow more comfortable verbalizing the visual; students more accurately describe design elements, produce basic promotional assets, and assess legibility, navigability, and accessibility.
GRAD:6551 Promoting Your Scholarship 1 s.h.
Exploration of ways to communicate research clearly and effectively; investigation of social media platforms as a means of promoting research; promotional material design basics; online portfolio design and differences between curriculum vitae and résumé; experimentation with scholarship presentation; introduction to a variety of forms from press releases and pitches to interdisciplinary conferences and social media.
GRAD:6590 Digital Humanities Capstone arr.
Application and practice of classroom experience to a specific project under guidance from a faculty member and project team leader. Prerequisites: CLAS:7290. Requirements: admission to public digital humanities certificate program, an approved certificate plan of study on file, completion of 12 s.h. of approved coursework, and good standing in all required certificate coursework.
GRAD:6800 CIC Scholar arr.
GRAD:6801 Regents Exchange Program arr.
GRAD:6995 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone arr.
Development of a project applying research and expertise acquired through completed coursework to an area of interest fitting student's academic and/or career ambitions; may include final presentation, portfolio, and/or written paper.
GRAD:6997 Graduate/Professional Transfer arr.
GRAD:6998 Undergraduate Transfer arr.
GRAD:6999 Resident/Fellow/Post-Doctoral 0 s.h.
GRAD:7280 Obermann Center for Advanced Studies Special Topics Seminars 1-3 s.h.
Active participation and engagement in a major program, such as the annual Humanities Symposium; readings on interdisciplinary histories, contexts, and theoretical perspectives that frame featured events; work of artists, scholars, and researchers participating in the program. Requirements: admission to Graduate College.
GRAD:7285 Obermann Center Professional Development Seminar 1 s.h.
Active participation and engagement in a series of classes dedicated to connecting public engagement, research, and teaching; readings and media viewings that frame course topics; production of a short film, marketing materials, grant, and syllabi relevant to public engagement project. Requirements: admission to Graduate College and completion of Obermann Graduate Institute on Engagement and the Academy.
GRAD:7385 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 s.h.
Current theoretical and empirical literature on teaching and learning in higher education; focus on development of effective teaching practice. Same as CSED:7385, EDTL:7385, EPLS:7385, PSQF:7385.
GRAD:7400 Practicum in College Teaching arr.
Supervised college teaching experience; teaching in collaboration with faculty, observation and critiques of teaching, participation in course planning and evaluation procedures; ethical and multicultural considerations. Requirements: admission to the graduate certificate in college teaching program.
GRAD:7601 Postdoctoral Research Scholar 0 s.h.
Requirements: postdoctoral standing.
GRAD:7602 Postdoctoral Research Fellow 0 s.h.
Requirements: postdoctoral standing.