Lifetime Leisure Skills (LLS) courses are designed to engage students in fun and healthy recreational activities that can be continued beyond college and throughout their lives. Courses range from outdoor recreation activities such as rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, biking, and camping to indoor activities that include kickboxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, salsa dancing, and ballroom dancing. The majority of LLS courses are appropriate for students at all skill levels. A small number of courses are offered at the intermediate to advanced level and are clearly identified as such.
LLS courses are open to University of Iowa undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may count credit earned in LLS courses toward the total number of semester hours required for their degree. Students should consult their academic advisor.
While the majority of courses are on campus or in the Iowa City area, several off-campus courses travel to locations such as Grand Canyon National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Arches National Park, Zion National Park, Big Bend National Park, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Yellow River State Forest, Backbone State Park, Maquoketa Caves State Park, Devil's Lake State Park, Pictured Rocks County Park, and the Upper Iowa River.
Lifetime Leisure Skills Courses
LLS:1100 Introduction to Camping 1 s.h.
Introduction to the wonderful world of camping; focus on development of skills and knowledge pertaining to camping equipment, campsite selection and setup, outdoor cooking, useful knots, and minimum impact principles; overnight camping required.
LLS:1110 Exploring Iowa's Natural Wonders 1 s.h.
Natural history of the Loess Hills of western Iowa, Maquoketa Caves of eastern Iowa, or Effigy Mounds National Monument and Yellow River State Forest of northeastern Iowa; overnight camping required.
LLS:1115 Hiking 1 s.h.
Beginner-level hiking skills; safety and planning; proper care and use of equipment; physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1120 Backpacking 1 s.h.
Beginner-level backpacking skills; basic map reading, proper packing and planning, equipment and clothing selection; physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1121 Expedition Backpacking 1 s.h.
Remote, multiday, backcountry camping skills; proper packing and planning; backcountry nutrition; topographic map reading; equipment and clothing selection; very physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1130 Basic Orienteering 1 s.h.
Basics of orienteering, including map and compass skills. Taught at Macbride Nature Recreation Area.
LLS:1131 Expedition Orienteering 1 s.h.
Extensive navigation and camping skills in a remote wilderness; focus on map and compass skills including declination, bearings, triangulation, topographical map reading, situational awareness; backcountry camping skills; very physically strenuous.
LLS:1140 Challenge Course: Team Building 1 s.h.
Exploration of various methods of team building and common characteristics of successful teams through the use of UI Challenge Course; strong emphasis on cooperative group work and discussions.
LLS:1150 Leadership in the Outdoors 4 s.h.
Leadership theories, group dynamics, expedition logistics, outdoor leadership skills, risk management; indoor and outdoor classroom sessions, overnight camping required; technical skill development may include backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, bike touring, general camping.
LLS:1200 Introduction to Rock Climbing 1 s.h.
Utilization of indoor and outdoor climbing classrooms; comprehensive introduction to physical techniques of rock climbing, mechanical skills of belaying, proper usage of personal protective equipment, and common climbing terminology.
LLS:1201 Intermediate Rock Climbing 1 s.h.
Expands on skills learned in LLS:1200; requires current belay card for UI Campus Recreation and Wellness Center climbing wall; overnight camping required. Prerequisites: LLS:1200.
LLS:1202 Expedition Rock Climbing 1 s.h.
Multiday climbing expedition; physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1206 Movement Technique for Rock Climbing 1 s.h.
Multiweek program for improving rock climbing skills; warming up and stretching, movement technique, breathing, mental fitness, endurance, and goal setting. Prerequisites: LLS:1200. Requirements: must have a current belay card at UI climbing wall.
LLS:1210 Introduction to Lead Climbing: Sport 2 s.h.
Fundamentals of single-pitch sport climbing on lead; belaying a leader; use of 52.5 foot tall climbing wall at UI Campus Recreation and Wellness Center; eligible to obtain lead climbing approval after successful completion of course. Prerequisites: LLS:1200. Requirements: must have a current belay card at UI climbing wall.
LLS:1231 Introduction to Bouldering 1 s.h.
Basic skills, safety, and techniques for bouldering.
LLS:1240 Introduction to Ice Climbing 1 s.h.
Basics of ice climbing.
LLS:1300 Bicycle Touring 1 s.h.
Basics of bicycle touring for recreation; riding techniques, basic bicycle maintenance, rules of the road; students must already know how to ride a bike; moderately strenuous. Taught on Johnson County area roads and bike trail systems.
LLS:1310 Bikepacking 1 s.h.
Planning and packing for self-supported, overnight bicycle camping trips; proper care and use of equipment; physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1311 Expedition Bicycle Touring 1 s.h.
Multiday self-supported bicycle touring expedition; camp while exploring iconic touring routes of the United States; very physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1320 Mountain Biking 1 s.h.
Basics of mountain bicycling; riding techniques, basic bicycle maintenance, trail etiquette. Taught on Sugar Bottom recreation trail system.
LLS:1322 Expedition Mountain Biking 1 s.h.
Multiday mountain bicycling expedition; very physically strenuous; overnight camping required.
LLS:1360 Trail Running 1 s.h.
Techniques of off-road running; local running trails in and around Iowa City; emphasis on proper training, clothing, equipment, and nutrition; physically strenuous; no experience required.
LLS:1400 Flat Water Canoeing 1 s.h.
Basics of flat water tandem canoeing; paddle strokes, canoe anatomy, water safety. Taught at Macbride Nature Recreation Area.
LLS:1401 River Canoeing 1 s.h.
Fundamentals of tandem canoeing on moving water; basic paddling strokes, canoe anatomy, hydrology, river safety; overnight camping required.
LLS:1403 Expedition Canoeing 1 s.h.
How to plan and pack for multiday canoeing expeditions; Leave No Trace primitive camping; paddling skills in loaded canoes; reading river/lake maps; portaging techniques; rescue techniques; overnight camping required.
LLS:1410 Sea Kayaking 1 s.h.
Basics of sea kayaking using solo and tandem boats. Taught at Macbride Nature Recreation Area.
LLS:1411 Expedition Sea Kayaking 1 s.h.
Multiday sea kayaking expedition; primitive camping; paddling skills in loaded kayaks, reading river/lake maps, rescue techniques.
LLS:1430 Stand Up Paddleboarding 1 s.h.
Introduction to paddleboarding skills on flat, calm water; paddling environment, board and paddle control, standing and balancing, personal preparation and safety.
LLS:1440 Scuba 1 s.h.
Basics of Scuba diving. Seven weeks.
LLS:1441 Advanced Open Water Scuba 1 s.h.
Participation in five scuba diving specialty activities. Prerequisites: LLS:1440. Requirements: certification as open water scuba diver.
LLS:1500 Winter Camping 1 s.h.
How to successfully and comfortably camp in cold, harsh conditions; snow shelters, hydration, meal preparation, clothing needs; snowshoe/ski travel with sleds (as conditions permit).
LLS:1510 Snowshoeing 1 s.h.
Basics of snowshoeing; physically strenuous.
LLS:1520 Cross-Country Skiing 1 s.h.
Basics of cross-country skiing; physically strenuous.
LLS:1530 Alpine Skiing 1 s.h.
Basics of downhill skiing; physically strenuous.
LLS:1610 Kickboxing 1 s.h.
Basics of kickboxing.
LLS:1611 Intermediate Kickboxing 1 s.h.
Aggressive workout utilizing heavy bags, coach's mitts, and other equipment; conducted at moderate to intense pace using competitive kickboxing techniques, training methods, and equipment; kickboxing as a conditioning tool with self-defense as a byproduct; not designed to prepare for competition. Prerequisites: LLS:1610.
LLS:1630 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 1 s.h.
Introduction to the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu; basic self-defense, positional grappling, submissions, submission defense; no martial arts experience required.
LLS:1650 Ballroom Dancing 1 s.h.
Basics of ballroom dancing; overview of several figures; beginner level.
LLS:1651 Ballroom Dancing: Waltz 1 s.h.
Beginning through intermediate-level waltz figures; performing a beautiful waltz routine; skills and knowledge to dance with confidence at any formal dance occasion; for all skill levels.
LLS:1654 Ballroom Dancing: Nightclub Series 1 s.h.
Salsa, the Hustle, Nightclub Two-Step, Argentine tango; for all skill levels.
LLS:1660 Salsa Dancing 1 s.h.
Fundamentals of Latin/Salsa dancing; musical rhythms, cultural history, postures, technique, basic movements; techniques for developing strength, stamina, balance, poise, and partner dancing skills; traditional social behaviors in salsa's cultural context.
LLS:1675 Yoga 1 s.h.
Emphasis on mindfulness, breath awareness, and attention to alignment.
LLS:1680 Golf 1 s.h.
Basic principles and fundamentals of golf swing (e.g., full swing, pitching, chipping, putting); opportunity to practice skills at various facilities; history, basic rules, proper golf etiquette, evolution of golf related to technology.
LLS:1690 Gardening: Vegetables and Herbs 1 s.h.
Fundamental skills for successfully growing vegetables and herbs outdoors and in containers.
LLS:1691 Gardening: Designing Edible Forests 1 s.h.
Fundamental skills for successfully designing and establishing fruit trees, berry bushes, and perennial herbs in ways that emulate a healthy woodland ecosystem and enrich our interaction with nature.
LLS:1850 Service Learning 1 s.h.
Service learning project in an urban or wilderness setting; learn about local community, environment; projects depend on location, season.