Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- demonstrate understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline to be taught;
- plan discipline-specific and ethical instruction and assessment that reflect research and theory in education and their discipline;
- implement discipline-specific and ethical instruction and assessment using a variety of methods of teaching, instructional strategies, and pedagogical tools;
- demonstrate understanding of learner development and learning differences that vary across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, as well as diverse cultures and communities; and
- express ideas effectively in written and spoken communication in collaboration with university and school professionals.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with an art education subprogram requires a minimum of 58 s.h. of graduate credit with a program grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program is designed primarily for graduates of baccalaureate degree programs in art who would like to become teachers but have no previous coursework in education. It features advanced work in art along with the courses required for certification. Additional art coursework may be advised to render a student's degree equivalent to one from the University of Iowa and to fulfill licensure requirements. Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements.
The MAT in teaching and learning with an art education subprogram requires the following work.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas | 1 |
EDTL:3143 | Methods of Elementary Art and Field Experiences | 3 |
EDTL:3204 | Art Education Studio and Field Components | 3 |
EDTL:3205 | Methods of Secondary Art and Field Experience | 3 |
EDTL:3290 | Introduction and Practicum: Art | 3 |
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
EDTL:4192 | Special Area Student Teaching | 6 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EDTL:5222 | Creativity, Imagination, Play, and Human Development Through the Arts (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 3 |
EDTL:6267 | Seminar: Current Issues in Art Education | 4 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
Graduate-level coursework in art studio or art history or a related area (consult advisor) | 6 |
The coursework in art studio or art history or a related field may contribute to licensure requirements. Other art licensure requirements may be taken prior to or in addition to the courses previously listed. To be considered for a teaching assistant (TA) position, students must take EDTL:7380 Practicum in College Teaching for 1 s.h. after their first semester in the program and after completion of EPLS:3000 Foundations of Education, EPLS:4180 Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher, and PSQF:6200 Educational Psychology, and a course in creativity, imagination, and play: human development through art.
The art education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with endorsements for 5–12 art and K–8 art. Added endorsement programs for additional teaching areas are available.
Comprehensive Examination
Students complete comprehensive examinations before their student teaching semester. The comprehensive examination involves a reflective project supervised by art education faculty. The project encompasses issues explored throughout the course of study and can involve inquiry through studio work or practice. For deadlines, a checklist, and instructions, see Graduate Exams on the Office of Student Services website.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. For this reason, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For undergraduate teacher candidates and bachelor's degree candidates in art education, these standards include:
- a UI minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00;
- an overall minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00;
- a minimum TEP major GPA of 2.00 (2.70 for good standing);
- a grade of C-minus or higher in TEP major courses; and
- no notices of concern in professional dispositional qualities
For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They should have completed a baccalaureate degree program in art, equivalent to those offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa, with an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00. Candidates also must meet all Teacher Education Program (TEP) application requirements. Since the MAT consists primarily of the preparation courses required for licensure as an art teacher, the MAT is not available to licensed teachers.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with an English education subprogram requires a minimum of 45 s.h. of graduate credit with a program grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program is designed for students who have an undergraduate degree in English and few or no professional education courses. Successful completion of the program enables students to receive a credential to teach English in secondary schools. Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements.
The MAT in teaching and learning with an English education subprogram requires the following work.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3382 | Language and Learning | 3 |
EDTL:3393 | Reading and Teaching Adolescent Literature | 3 |
EDTL:4355 | Approaches to Teaching Writing | 3 |
EDTL:6315 | MA Seminar: English Education | arr. |
Students may take the following English courses as part of the MAT program or as part of their undergraduate program: | ||
ENGL:2020 | Foundations of Creative Writing: Craft, Practice, Pleasure | 3 |
A creative writing course (prefix CW) or creative nonfiction writing (prefix CNW) numbered 2000 or above | ||
A course in Shakespeare | ||
Three courses in American literature | ||
A course in British literature |
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | arr. |
EDTL:4092 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | arr. |
EDTL:4314 | Introduction and Practicum: Secondary English (must be completed before enrollment in EDTL:4315 and EDTL:4394) | 3 |
EDTL:4315 | Learning to Teach Secondary English/Language Arts and Field Experience | 3 |
EDTL:4394 | Secondary Reading Instruction | 3 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
The English education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with the grades 5–12 English/language arts endorsement. With this program, students have the option to complete additional coursework for added endorsements in grades 5–12 all language arts and grades 5–12 reading.
Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive examination involves a series of reflective projects supervised by English education faculty. The projects encompass issues explored throughout the course of study and involve integration of theory and practice.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Because of this, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For graduate-level teacher candidates and MAT candidates in English education, these standards include:
- a UI minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on graded graduate courses (consistent with academic standing policy of the Graduate College);
- a minimum TEP major GPA of 2.00 (2.70 for good standing);
- a grade of C-minus or higher in TEP major courses; and
- no notices of concern in professional dispositional qualities.
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They must have been granted a BA in English or the equivalent, with an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00. They also must meet all Teacher Education Program (TEP) application requirements. Since the MAT is a credentialing program, candidates must not have qualified previously for a credential. Applicants are expected to have no more than 6 s.h. of coursework in professional education courses before admission.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with a mathematics education subprogram requires a minimum of 48 s.h. of graduate credit with a program grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program is designed primarily for students who decide they would like to become teachers and have already completed a BS or BA in mathematics. It features advanced work in mathematics along with the courses required for licensure as a teacher of mathematics in secondary schools. It is assumed that students have completed a baccalaureate degree in mathematics equivalent to one that would be completed at the University of Iowa but have no previous coursework in education. More coursework may be required if there are mathematics courses a student has not taken as part of the undergraduate mathematics baccalaureate degree program to render the student's degree equivalent to one from the University of Iowa.
Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements.
The MAT in teaching and learning with a mathematics education subprogram requires the following work.
Course # | Title | Hours |
The first three courses should be taken during the first semester of registration: | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas | 1 |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3532 | Introduction and Practicum: Mathematics | 3 |
EDTL:3534 | Methods: Middle School Mathematics | 3 |
EDTL:4535 | Methods: High School Mathematics | 3 |
EDTL:4750 | Assessment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) | 2 |
EDTL:4751 | Learning in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Classroom | 2 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
One additional graduate-level mathematics education course in consultation with an advisor | ||
The following courses are taken concurrently and constitute the student teaching semester: | ||
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
EDTL:4092 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
Graduate Mathematics Requirements
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least one of these: | ||
MATH:4050 | Introduction to Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MATH:4060 | Discrete Mathematical Models | 3 |
MATH:4120 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
The mathematics education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with an endorsement for grades 5–12 mathematics. Added endorsement programs for additional teaching areas are available.
Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive exam includes a required two-part exam in mathematics and mathematics education. At the discretion of the examining committee, this exam may consist of two parts and is both written and oral. The mathematics and mathematics education comprehensive examinations will not duplicate course examinations but will assess both mathematics education and the mathematics specialization area chosen by a student.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Because of this, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For graduate-level teacher candidates and MAT candidates in mathematics education, these standards include:
- a UI minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on A–F graded graduate courses (consistent with the academic standing policy of the Graduate College);
- a minimum TEP major GPA of 2.00 (2.70 for good standing);
- a grade of C-minus or higher in TEP major courses; and
- no notices of concern in professional dispositional qualities.
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They also must meet all Teacher Education Program (TEP) application requirements. Candidates should have completed a baccalaureate degree program in mathematics equivalent to that which is offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. An undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00 is required for admission and must be maintained throughout the enrollment period.
Combined Program
BA in Mathematics/MAT
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Education offer students the opportunity to earn their Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics/Master of Arts in Teaching degree in education with a mathematics education subprogram in as little as five years.
The combined BA/MAT (4+1) program is a seamless process whereby students can progress from undergraduate to graduate status. The usual period of study for both the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts in Teaching degree is six years. Through careful planning, many of the courses required for the MAT program can be taken during the undergraduate years, creating an opportunity to focus the fifth year of study on the comprehensive and student teaching requirements.
Admission to Combined Program
Students are eligible to apply to the 4+1 program during their sophomore or junior year if they have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 or if they meet special considerations. Application materials must include a completed application to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), two recommendations from University of Iowa faculty, a career plan describing how this program will enhance the student's scholarly and or career goals, and an unofficial transcript of the student's prior work.
Students who submit completed applications will be notified within 30 days if they have been accepted into the program. The program accepts a limited number of students each year on a competitive basis. Once accepted into the program, a student meets with an advisor to select an advisory committee to plan a course of study.
During the sixth semester, a student in the program who has completed 80 s.h. of undergraduate work and maintained a 3.00 minimum GPA must apply to the Graduate College. Application to the Graduate College must include a completed Graduate College application form, a letter of application/statement of purpose, and one additional letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the mathematics major.
Students are granted undergraduate/graduate credit for coursework during the seventh semester; they begin paying graduate tuition during the eighth semester until completion of the program. The baccalaureate degree must be conferred at the end of the eighth semester or in the program's fourth year.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with a science education subprogram requires a minimum of 48 s.h. of graduate credit with a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program is designed primarily for graduates of bachelor's degree programs in science who decide that they would like to become teachers. It features advanced work in science along with the courses required for certification, enabling students to earn a master's degree and teaching certification at the same time. It is assumed that students have completed considerable coursework in science as undergraduates, but no previous coursework in education. Students' science coursework should be equivalent to that required by the University of Iowa Science Studies program.
The MAT in teaching and learning with a science education subprogram requires the following work.
Professional Education Foundation Sequence
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 1 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
One of these: | ||
PSQF:1075 | Educational Psychology and Measurement | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
Science education courses taken in the following sequence: | ||
EDTL:4750 | Assessment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) | 2 |
EDTL:4751 | Learning in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Classroom | 2 |
EDTL:4752 | Secondary Science Methods II with Field Experience | 3 |
These two taken concurrently: | ||
EDTL:4753 | Secondary Science Methods III with Field Experience | 3 |
EDTL:4779 | Secondary School Science Practicum | 2 |
These three taken concurrently: | ||
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
EDTL:4092 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
Broad Field Science Block
Students must take the following courses (12 s.h.) unless they completed equivalent courses as undergraduates.
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
SIED:4135 | The Nature of Science | 4 |
Two of these: | ||
SIED:4102 | Societal and Educational Applications of Earth Science and Environmental | 4 |
SIED:4103 | Societal and Educational Applications of Biological Sciences | 4 |
SIED:4105 | Societal and Educational Applications of Physical Sciences | 4 |
SIED:4106 | Societal and Educational Applications of Chemical Concepts | 4 |
SIED:4110 | Exploring the Geology, Mining History, and Environmental Issues of the Colorado Rockies | 4 |
Students may need to complete additional coursework to meet the minimum requirement of 48 s.h. of graduate credit. This coursework may also apply to earning an endorsement; see the following "Endorsements" section.
The science education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with one or more of the following endorsements: grades 5–12 biological sciences, grades 5–12 chemistry, grades 5–12 earth science, grades 5–12 physics, and grades 5–12 all science.
Added endorsement programs for additional teaching areas are available, including grades 5–12 basic science and subject areas other than science.
Science Education Content Courses
In addition to the science content courses that students completed in their undergraduate studies, students must complete the broad field science block and must complete additional science courses as needed to meet the requirements of the subject areas the students are preparing to teach. Science content course requirements, including the broad field science block, may be satisfied with any combination of graduate or undergraduate credit.
Comprehensive Examination
Students complete comprehensive examinations before their student teaching semester. Two written comprehensive exams, one in science education and one in a science specialization area, are required. Students may not duplicate course examinations in these areas.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Because of this, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For graduate-level teacher candidates and MAT candidates in science education, these standards include:
- a UI minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on A–F graded graduate courses(consistent with academic standing policy of the Graduate College);
- a minimum TEP major GPA of 2.00 (2.70 for good standing);
- a grade of C-minus or higher in TEP major courses; and
- no notices of concern in professional dispositional qualities.
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They must have a bachelor's degree with a major or the equivalent in one of the sciences. A GPA of at least 3.00 is required for admission and must be maintained throughout the program. Applicants must meet all Teacher Education Program (TEP) application requirements.
Combined Program
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students who want to teach science and are working toward a Bachelor of Arts degree typically have a major in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, geoscience, or physics, but the BA/MAT in science education is open to all majors wanting to obtain the combined Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Teaching with a science education subprogram offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. The combined program enables students to earn a BA and an MAT in five years by beginning to earn graduate credit during their fourth year of undergraduate study and by counting up to 19 s.h. of qualifying credit toward both degrees.
BA students are admitted to the combined program before their fourth year. They may begin taking education courses during their third year, but they may not earn graduate credit for them until their fourth and fifth years, after they have been admitted to the combined program. Students take 30 s.h. of coursework during the fifth year and must complete all remaining requirements for both degrees that year.
Education courses required for the combined program are listed under "Combined Program." Requirements for the BA degree are listed under the BA in biology, BA in chemistry, BA in environmental sciences, BA in geoscience, and BA in physics (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with a world language education subprogram requires a minimum of 57 s.h. of graduate credit with a program grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program is designed for superior liberal arts and sciences graduates who have had few or no professional education courses. Successful completion of the program leads to elementary and/or secondary teacher licensure. The MAT is available in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish languages.
Students must satisfy the world language education content course requirements of the program by completing 30 s.h. of post-secondary coursework in the language they are preparing to teach. This coursework can be taken prior to entry into this program as part of an undergraduate degree program. Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements.
The MAT in teaching and learning with a world language education subprogram requires the following work. Students also must complete at least 9 s.h. in graduate coursework either in the language department corresponding to their language of licensure or in world language teaching.
Professional Education
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas (must be taken during student's first semester in the college) | 1,3 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
World Language Teaching
Students complete these courses (at least 28 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
EDTL:4406 | World Language Practicum I | 3 |
EDTL:4407 | World Language Practicum II | 3 |
EDTL:4416 | Learning to Teach Second Languages I | 3 |
EDTL:4417 | Learning to Teach Second Languages II | 3 |
EDTL:6483 | Multilingual Education and Applied Linguistics | 3 |
The following courses are taken concurrently and constitute the student teaching semester: | ||
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 1, 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
EDTL:4092 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
K–12 Licensure
The K–12 licensure option requires the following course.
Course # | Title | Hours |
EDTL:4089 | Special Subject Area Student Teaching | arr. |
The world language education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with endorsement to teach a world language (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, or Spanish) in grades 5–12. The world language education TEP requires 30 s.h. in world language education content courses (courses in the language the student is preparing to teach), which generally are provided by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences major in the language, or the equivalent. Endorsement in the language for kindergarten through grade 8 may be available for students with elementary-level student teaching. Added endorsement programs for additional teaching areas other than world languages are available, including English as a Second Language.
Comprehensive Examination
A comprehensive examination is required. The examination reflects a candidate's depth and breadth of knowledge in world language education, including but not limited to theory and practice as well as knowledge of and proficiency in the target language and/or literature of the candidate's choice. The candidate and the advisor discuss the exam's content and format eight months before the exam.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Because of this, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For graduate-level teacher candidates and MAT candidates in world language education, these standards include:
- a UI minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on graded graduate courses (consistent with the academic standing policy of the Graduate College);
- a minimum TEP major GPA of 2.00 (2.70 for good standing);
- a grade of C-minus or higher in TEP major courses; and
- no notices of concern in professional dispositional qualities.
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They must have been granted a bachelor's degree with a major or a strong concentration in a second language and must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00. They also must meet all Teacher Education Program (TEP) application requirements.
Sample Plans of Study
Sample plans represent one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. For additional sample plans, see MyUI.
Teaching and Learning, MAT
Art Education Subprogram
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
58 s.h. must be graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and on department website. a, b, c | ||
Graduate College program GPA of at least 2.75 is required. d | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Fall | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas | 1 |
EDTL:3290 | Introduction and Practicum: Art e | 3 |
EDTL:5222 | Creativity, Imagination, Play, and Human Development Through the Arts e | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
EDTL:3205 | Methods of Secondary Art and Field Experience | 3 |
EDTL:6267 | Seminar: Current Issues in Art Education | 4 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
Art studio or art history course f | 3 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
EDTL:3143 | Methods of Elementary Art and Field Experiences | 3 |
EDTL:3204 | Art Education Studio and Field Components | 3 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
Art studio or art history course f | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School | 6 |
EDTL:4192 | Special Area Student Teaching | 6 |
Exam: Master's Final Exam g | ||
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 58 |
- a
- Successful completion of the program enables students to receive a credential to teach art in grades K-12; see General Catalog and College of Education website for specifics about K-12 licensure requirements. Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements. Students should work directly with their faculty advisor and the program administrator regarding fulfilling any of these requirements.
- b
- Students wishing to be considered for a teaching assistant position must fulfill certain requirements and should work directly with their faculty advisor and the program administrator to determine those.
- c
- Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
- d
- Graduate College program GPA is comprised of all courses that are approved degree requirements. If a student takes more than the minimum required number of semester hours to complete the degree, but all courses taken are eligible to count toward the degree, those courses will be included in the Graduate College program GPA.
- e
- Must be taken during the first year fall semester.
- f
- May complete course in related area; work with faculty advisor to determine appropriate coursework.
- g
- Completion of capstone project prior to beginning student teaching.
World Language Education Subprogram
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
57 s.h. must be graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and on department website. a, b | ||
Graduate College program GPA of at least 3.00 is required. c | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Fall | ||
EDTL:3002 | Teaching and Learning Technologies d | 2 |
EDTL:3091 | Secondary Education Program Orientation and Classroom Management | 3 |
EDTL:3095 | Teaching Reading in Secondary Content Areas d | 1 |
EDTL:6483 | Multilingual Education and Applied Linguistics e | 3 |
EPLS:3000 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
Elective course f | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
EDTL:4406 | World Language Practicum I e | 3 |
EDTL:4416 | Learning to Teach Second Languages I e | 3 |
EDTL:4900 | Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
EPLS:4180 | Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
Elective course f | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
EDTL:4407 | World Language Practicum II e | 3 |
EDTL:4417 | Learning to Teach Second Languages II e | 3 |
PSQF:6200 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
Elective course f | 3 | |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
EDTL:4087 | Seminar: Curriculum and Student Teaching e | 3 |
EDTL:4091 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School e | 6 |
EDTL:4092 | Observation and Laboratory Practice in the Secondary School e | 6 |
Exam: Master's Final Exam g | ||
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 57 |
- a
- The MAT is available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish languages; see General Catalog and College of Education website for specifics about K-12 licensure requirements.
- b
- Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
- c
- Graduate College program GPA is comprised of all courses that are approved degree requirements. If a student takes more than the minimum required number of semester hours to complete the degree, but all courses taken are eligible to count toward the degree, those courses will be included in the Graduate College program GPA.
- d
- Must be taken during first year fall semester.
- e
- World Language Teaching course. Work with academic advisor to determine appropriate graduate coursework; see the General Catalog and the College of Education website for specifics.
- f
- Students must complete at least 9 s.h. in graduate coursework either in the language department corresponding to their language of licensure or in world language teaching; work with academic advisor to determine appropriate graduate elective courses and sequence.
- g
- Consists of a summative master's final exam and completion of degree requirements.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in teaching and learning with a social studies subprogram requires at least 47 s.h. of graduate credit with a program grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00 for graduation. Admission to the MAT requires admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), and students must maintain TEP academic and professional standards.
The program provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary work in education, history, social science, or related areas. It is for students who have a bachelor's degree in history or a social science (or considerable coursework in one of the areas) and who wish to obtain a teaching license/certificate while earning the MAT degree. Students must apply to both the Graduate College and the Teacher Education Program.
Students should have completed considerable work in the social sciences and/or history as undergraduates. Students in the College of Education's Teacher Education Program for secondary education in social studies may not apply credit they have earned as undergraduates in required licensure courses to the 38 s.h. required for the MAT, even though the credit counts toward state teaching licensure.
Students who completed EDTL:4811 Introduction and Practicum: Secondary Social Studies and/or EDTL:4870 Methods: Secondary Social Studies as undergraduate or postbaccalaureate students at the University of Iowa are required to retake these courses during the MAT program and before student teaching. Required teaching licensure coursework completed at other colleges or universities is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Students must satisfy the social studies education content course requirements of the program and 30 s.h. in a history or social science major subject area. The social studies education content courses may include previous undergraduate and/or graduate-level coursework.
Of the total semester hours required for the MAT, students must earn at least 8 s.h. in courses numbered 6000 or above in social studies education and a minimum of 9 s.h. of graduate coursework in history or a social science area. Students should take at least one course taught by the instructor who will serve on the examining committee in the history or social science area.
Students must complete all of the following professional education courses unless they completed some of them as part of their bachelor's degree. In such cases, the semester-hour requirement is reduced accordingly, but it never is below 47 s.h. Students may need to complete additional courses or other requirements to meet state standards for teacher preparation, licensure, or endorsements.
Professional Education Courses
The social studies education TEP is approved by the state of Iowa as preparation for teaching licensure with endorsement for two or more subjects in secondary school history or social sciences. Endorsements available for the major subject area are: grades 5–12 American government, grades 5–12 American history, grades 5–12 American history with grades 5–12 world history (minimum 15 s.h. each), grades 5–12 anthropology, grades 5–12 economics, grades 5–12 geography, grades 5–12 psychology, grades 5–12 sociology, and grades 5–12 world history.
Endorsements available outside of the major subject area can be another of the subject areas previously listed, one of the following added endorsements, or both: grades 5–12 social sciences–basic (recommended for all students: authorizes teaching of American government, American history, and world history) and grades 5–12 all social sciences (authorizes teaching economics, geography, psychology, and sociology, in addition to American government, American history, and world history).
Added endorsement programs for additional teaching areas other than social studies are available.
Comprehensive Examination
Candidates select one faculty member from each concentration area to serve as a committee member responsible for creating and reviewing a question for the written exam. Committee members are selected in consultation with a candidate's advisor. The required comprehensive examination consists of three two-hour written exams, one on each of the three concentration fields.
Teacher Education Program Academic and Professional Standards
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require that teacher candidates demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Because of this, the College of Education and the Teacher Education Program have established academic and professional standards that students must maintain. For graduate-level teacher candidates and MAT candidates in social studies education, these standards include:
Liberal Arts Core
State of Iowa teacher preparation standards require a core of liberal arts knowledge including but not limited to English composition, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who have not completed these requirements with their previous coursework will need additional coursework. Bachelor's degree graduates of the College of Education or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have met these requirements with the GE CLAS Core if a course in mathematics, statistics, or computer science was selected for the Quantitative and Formal Reasoning requirement. For additional information about these standards, contact the Office of Student Services.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College. They should have a bachelor's degree in education, history, or one of the social sciences from an accredited institution.