Strategic Communication, MA

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

Learning Outcomes

A candidate for a professional master’s degree is expected to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the chosen discipline. Graduates will:

  • be able to generate innovative and integrative solutions to communication problems that impact organizations and communities;
  • evaluate and apply strategic communication and public relations theories broadly conceived to a range of social, cultural, and other contextual and communicative settings;
  • learn to interpret and contribute to strategic communication research using qualitative and quantitative methods;
  • demonstrate familiarity with relevant subfields of scholarship, synthesize existing knowledge, and identify and access appropriate resources and other sources of relevant information;
  • grow their human capital through the attainment of relevant communication knowledge and skills and the ability to be effective team members and leaders in a diverse and complex world; and
  • demonstrate professional skills, adhere to ethical standards in the discipline, and listen, give, and receive feedback effectively.