Mathematics, Minor

The undergraduate minor in mathematics requires a minimum of 15 s.h. of credit earned in mathematics courses. At least 12 of the 15 s.h. must be equivalent to post-calculus math courses (prefix MATH) offered by the Department of Mathematics; credit by examination does not count toward the 12 s.h. requirement. The mathematics course MATH:1210 Diverse Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences does not count toward the minor. At least 9 of the 12 s.h. in post-calculus math courses must be taken at the University of Iowa. No more than one transfer course can be counted toward the post-calculus requirement.

Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 2.00 in all courses for the minor and in all UI courses for the minor. Coursework in the minor may not be taken pass/nonpass.

Courses numbered 2000 or above are considered post-calculus, excluding these.

Course # Title Hours
MATH:3700Introduction to Matrix Theory3
MATH:3996Individual Study and Honors in Mathematicsarr.
MATH:3997Readings in Mathematicsarr.
MATH:4010Basic Analysis3
MATH:4020Basic Abstract Algebra3

Post-calculus courses must be chosen to avoid duplication and regression with the core mathematics courses, particularly when the engineering mathematics courses are considered.

Special Rules for Engineering

Students who have taken the engineering math courses—MATH:1560 Engineering Mathematics II: Multivariable Calculus, MATH:2550 Engineering Mathematics III: Matrix Algebra, MATH:2560 Engineering Mathematics IV: Differential Equations, and MATH:3550 Engineering Mathematics V: Vector Calculus—may satisfy the post-calculus requirement by taking an additional 3 s.h. course from the following list.

Substituting a 3 s.h. post-calculus math course (prefix MATH) for any of these—MATH:1560, MATH:2550, MATH:2560, or MATH:3550—is allowed as long as there is no regression or duplication.

At least four of these courses must be taken at the University of Iowa: MATH:1560, MATH:2550, MATH:2560, MATH:3550, or the additional 3 s.h. post-calculus math course; no more than one transfer course will count.

Students can choose the additional 3 s.h. course from MATH:2150 Foundations of Geometry or from courses numbered MATH:3720 or above, excluding these.

Course # Title Hours
MATH:3996Individual Study and Honors in Mathematicsarr.
MATH:3997Readings in Mathematicsarr.
MATH:4010Basic Analysis3
MATH:4020Basic Abstract Algebra3

For more information, see the Department of Mathematics website.