The major in mechanical engineering lays a foundation in the basic disciplines of mathematics, physics, and chemistry and in the engineering sciences of statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, mechanics of deformable bodies, mechanics of fluids and transfer processes, materials science, and electrical sciences. An understanding of these sciences enables mechanical engineers to design parts of systems and understand whole systems, plan the production and use of energy, plan and operate industrial manufacturing facilities, and design automatic control systems for machines and other mechanical systems.
Mechanical engineering students develop an awareness of social and humanistic issues relating to business, environment, government, history, language, religion, and international relations. They also acquire an appreciation of professional and ethical responsibilities.
Educational Objectives
Within a few years of graduation, graduates of the mechanical engineering program will:
- have successful careers in engineering and beyond and will have assumed professional roles of increasing responsibility and impact;
- have acquired new knowledge and expertise through professional development opportunities or advanced education; and
- be engaged in workplace, professional, or civic communities.
Graduates from the Department of Mechanical Engineering BSE program will be prepared to effectively contribute as engineers in a diverse and multidisciplinary work environment. They will have the ability to:
- identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
- apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
- communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
- recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments that consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
- function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
- develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions; and
- acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) with a major in mechanical engineering requires a minimum of 129 s.h. of credit, including two 0 s.h. department seminars. At the time of graduation, students must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 in all college work used to complete degree requirements and in all UI coursework in order to be awarded the BSE.
All BSE students are required to take the same collegiate curriculum. For information about these collegiate requirements, see the Bachelor of Science in Engineering, BSE in the catalog. Students completing the major in mechanical engineering fulfill the collegiate statistics requirement by completing STAT:2020 Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical Sciences.
The major in mechanical engineering requires the following coursework. Students who begin in the college fall semester of their first year also complete ENGR:1000 Engineering Success for First-Year Students (1 s.h.). Students who have transferred into the College of Engineering or did not complete ENGR:1000 their first year are required to substitute the seminar with a different course; depending on the student's major, the college may waive this requirement. Students transferring from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or Tippie College of Business typically use 1 s.h. from CSI:1600 Success at Iowa to cover this requirement.
Requirements | Hours |
Collegiate Curriculum | 49 |
Major Requirements (includes two 0 s.h. seminars) | 59 |
Focus Area | 21 |
Major Requirements
Major requirements include a set of common courses (56 s.h.), two departmental seminars (0 s.h.), and one capstone design course (3 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
ME:2200 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design | 2 |
ME:2300 | Manufacturing Processes | 3 |
ME:3045 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
ME:3052 | Mechanical Systems | 4 |
ME:3351 | Engineering Instrumentation | 2 |
ME:3600 | Control of Mechanical Engineering Systems | 3 |
ME:4048 | Energy Systems Design | 4 |
ME:4055 | Mechanical Systems Design | 3 |
ME:4080 | Experimental Engineering | 4 |
ENGR:2110 | Statics | 2 |
ENGR:2120 | Electrical Circuits | 3 |
ENGR:2130 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
ENGR:2510 | Fluid Mechanics | 4 |
ENGR:2710 | Dynamics | 3 |
ENGR:2720 | Materials Science | 3 |
ENGR:2750 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 3 |
MATH:3550 | Engineering Mathematics V: Vector Calculus | 3 |
PHYS:1612 | Introductory Physics II (with lab) | 4 |
Departmental Seminars
Course # | Title | Hours |
Both of these: | ||
ME:2020 | Mechanical Engineering Program Seminar | 0 |
ME:3091 | Professional Seminar: Mechanical Engineering | 0 |
Capstone Design Course
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
ME:4086 | Mechanical Engineering Design Project | 3 |
Focus Area
Students must select focus area courses according to guidelines established by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The mechanical engineering program offers a variety of focus area options, including standard focus areas developed and maintained by the program and flexible focus areas tailored to individual student interests. The focus area is a set of 21 s.h. of elective courses taken during the second through fourth years that provide mechanical engineering undergraduate students with a unique opportunity to acquire advanced education in an area of their choice.
Standard focus areas are offered in energy and environment, manufacturing, mechanical engineering design, and robotics and autonomous systems. For guidelines regarding tailored focus areas, see ME Focus Areas on the Department of Mechanical Engineering website.
Focus areas in mechanical engineering consist of required courses, focus area electives, and additional electives; carefully selected elective courses may contribute to earning a minor and/or certificate.
Energy and Environment
Students in the energy and environment focus area complete one required course (3 s.h.), at least two focus area electives (minimum 6 s.h.), and up to four additional electives to total 21 s.h.
Required Energy and Environment Course
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least one of these: | ||
ME:5145 | Intermediate Heat Transfer | 3 |
ME:5160/CEE:5369 | Intermediate Mechanics of Fluids | 3 |
Energy and Environment Electives
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least two of these: | ||
ME:4111/CEE:4511 | Scientific Computing and Machine Learning | 3 |
ME:4160 | Engines and Power Plants | 3 |
ME:5145 | Intermediate Heat Transfer (if not taken as a required course) | 3 |
ME:5149 | Propulsion Engineering | 3 |
ME:5160/CEE:5369 | Intermediate Mechanics of Fluids (if not taken as a required course) | 3 |
CEE:4107/CBE:4410 | Sustainable Systems | 3 |
Additional Electives–Energy and Environment
The remainder of the 21 s.h. must be fulfilled by electives. In addition to the following courses, students also may select courses not already taken from the lists of required energy and environment courses and approved energy and environment electives.
Course # | Title | Hours |
ME:4024 | Product Design and Realization | 3 |
ME:4125 | Biomimetic Fluid Dynamics | 3 |
ME:4175 | Computational Naval Hydrodynamics | 3 |
ME:4186 | Enhanced Design Experience | 3 |
ME:5143 | Computational Fluid and Thermal Engineering | 3 |
ME:5210/CBE:5110 | Intermediate Thermodynamics | 3 |
CBE:3405 | Green Chemical and Energy Technologies | 3 |
CBE:5415/IGPI:5415 | Satellite Image Processing and Remote Sensing of Atmosphere | 3 |
CBE:5417/IGPI:5417 | Physical Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer | 3 |
CEE:3371 | Principles of Hydraulics and Hydrology | 3 |
CEE:4102 | Groundwater | 3 |
CEE:4159/CBE:4459/IGPI:4159 | Air Pollution Control Technology | 3 |
CEE:5380 | Fluid Flows in Environmental Systems | 3 |
ECE:5620 | Electric Power Systems | 3 |
ISE:2500 | Engineering Economy | 3 |
May include one of these: | ||
EES:1080/ENVS:1080 | Introduction to Environmental Science | 3 |
EES:1290 | Energy and the Environment | 3 |
Students in the manufacturing focus area complete two required courses (6 s.h.), at least two focus area electives (6 s.h.), and up to three additional electives (9 s.h.) to total 21 s.h.
Required Manufacturing Courses
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
ME:4111/CEE:4511 | Scientific Computing and Machine Learning | 3 |
And at least one of these: | ||
ME:4116/ISE:4116 | Manufacturing Processes Simulations and Automation | 3 |
ME:4140 | Modern Robotics and Automation | 3 |
ME:5146 | Modeling of Materials Processing | 3 |
Manufacturing Electives
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least two of these: | ||
ME:4024 | Product Design and Realization | 3 |
ME:4116/ISE:4116 | Manufacturing Processes Simulations and Automation (if not taken as a required course) | 3 |
ME:4140 | Modern Robotics and Automation (if not taken as a required course) | 3 |
ME:4145 | Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) | 3 |
ME:4200 | Modern Engineering Materials for Mechanical Design | 3 |
ME:5146 | Modeling of Materials Processing (if not taken as a required course) | 3 |
ME:5167/CEE:5137 | Composite Materials | 3 |
ME:5170 | Data-Driven Analysis in Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
Additional Electives–Manufacturing
The remainder of the 21 s.h. must be fulfilled by electives. In addition to the following courses, students also may select courses not already taken from the lists of required manufacturing courses and approved manufacturing electives.
Course # | Title | Hours |
ME:4110/CEE:4515 | Computer-Aided Engineering | 3 |
ME:4112/CEE:4512 | Engineering Design Optimization | 3 |
ME:4117 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
ME:4150 | Artificial Intelligence in Engineering | 3 |
ME:4153/CEE:4532 | Fundamentals of Vibrations | 3 |
ME:4186 | Enhanced Design Experience | 3 |
ME:5114 | Nonlinear Control in Robotic Systems | 3 |
ME:5143 | Computational Fluid and Thermal Engineering | 3 |
ME:5145 | Intermediate Heat Transfer | 3 |
ME:5159/CEE:5549 | Fracture Mechanics | 3 |
ME:5300 | Uncertainty Quantification and Design Optimization | 3 |
BME:5620 | Introduction to Applied Biomedical Finite Element Modeling | 3 |
ECE:5550 | Internet of Things | 3 |
ISE:3300 | Manufacturing Systems | 3 |
ISE:3600/CEE:3142/STAT:3620 | Quality Control | 3 |
ISE:3700 | Operations Research | 3 |
ISE:4620 | Design of Experiments for Quality Improvement | 3 |
ISE:4900 | Introduction to Six Sigma | 3 |
Mechanical Engineering Design
Students in the mechanical engineering design focus area complete two required courses (6 s.h.), at least two focus area electives (6 s.h.), and up to three additional electives (9 s.h.) to total 21 s.h.
Required Design Courses
Course # | Title | Hours |
Both of these: | ||
ME:4111/CEE:4511 | Scientific Computing and Machine Learning | 3 |
ME:4186 | Enhanced Design Experience | 3 |
Students in the mechanical engineering design focus area are required to apply for a yearlong design experience comprised of ME:4086 Mechanical Engineering Design Project (see "Capstone Design Course") in the fall and ME:4186 Enhanced Design Experience in the spring (see Policy on Participation in PEDE or VIPT Programs). Students who are not accepted or who are unable to take the yearlong set of courses are required to replace ME:4186 with an additional design elective; see the section titled "Design Electives."
Design Electives
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least two of these: | ||
ME:4024 | Product Design and Realization | 3 |
ME:4110/CEE:4515 | Computer-Aided Engineering | 3 |
ME:4112/CEE:4512 | Engineering Design Optimization | 3 |
ME:4117 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
ME:5143 | Computational Fluid and Thermal Engineering | 3 |
ME:5170 | Data-Driven Analysis in Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
ME:5300 | Uncertainty Quantification and Design Optimization | 3 |
Additional Electives–Mechanical Engineering Design
The remainder of the 21 s.h. must be fulfilled by electives. In addition to the following courses, students also may select courses not already taken from the list of approved design electives.
Course # | Title | Hours |
ME:4116/ISE:4116 | Manufacturing Processes Simulations and Automation | 3 |
ME:4120 | Advanced Linear Control Systems | 3 |
ME:4125 | Biomimetic Fluid Dynamics | 3 |
ME:4140 | Modern Robotics and Automation | 3 |
ME:4145 | Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) | 3 |
ME:4150 | Artificial Intelligence in Engineering | 3 |
ME:4153/CEE:4532 | Fundamentals of Vibrations | 3 |
ME:4175 | Computational Naval Hydrodynamics | 3 |
ME:4200 | Modern Engineering Materials for Mechanical Design | 3 |
ME:5114 | Nonlinear Control in Robotic Systems | 3 |
ME:5120 | Vehicle System Dynamics | 3 |
ME:5145 | Intermediate Heat Transfer | 3 |
ME:5149 | Propulsion Engineering | 3 |
ME:5150/CEE:5540 | Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 3 |
ME:5154 | Intermediate Kinematics and Dynamics | 3 |
ME:5159/CEE:5549 | Fracture Mechanics | 3 |
ME:5160/CEE:5369 | Intermediate Mechanics of Fluids | 3 |
ME:5167/CEE:5137 | Composite Materials | 3 |
ME:5179/CEE:5179 | Continuum Mechanics | arr. |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Students in the robotics and autonomous systems focus area complete two required courses (6 s.h.), at least two focus area electives (6 s.h.), and up to three additional electives (9 s.h.) to total 21 s.h.
Required Robotics and Autonomous Systems Courses
Course # | Title | Hours |
Both of these: | ||
ME:4111/CEE:4511 | Scientific Computing and Machine Learning | 3 |
ME:4120 | Advanced Linear Control Systems | 3 |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Electives
Course # | Title | Hours |
At least two of these: | ||
ME:4116/ISE:4116 | Manufacturing Processes Simulations and Automation | 3 |
ME:4140 | Modern Robotics and Automation | 3 |
ME:4145 | Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) | 3 |
ME:4150 | Artificial Intelligence in Engineering | 3 |
ME:4175 | Computational Naval Hydrodynamics | 3 |
ME:4176 | Experimental Naval Hydrodynamics | 3 |
ME:5114 | Nonlinear Control in Robotic Systems | 3 |
ME:5120 | Vehicle System Dynamics | 3 |
ME:5170 | Data-Driven Analysis in Engineering Mechanics | 3 |
ME:6115 | Cooperative Autonomous Systems | 3 |
Additional Electives–Robotics and Autonomous Systems
The remainder of the 21 s.h. must be fulfilled by electives. In addition to the following courses, students also may select courses not already taken from the list of approved robotics and autonomous systems electives.
Course # | Title | Hours |
ME:4024 | Product Design and Realization | 3 |
ME:4110/CEE:4515 | Computer-Aided Engineering | 3 |
ME:4125 | Biomimetic Fluid Dynamics | 3 |
ME:4153/CEE:4532 | Fundamentals of Vibrations | 3 |
ME:4186 | Enhanced Design Experience | 3 |
ME:5150/CEE:5540 | Intermediate Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 3 |
ME:5154 | Intermediate Kinematics and Dynamics | 3 |
ME:5300 | Uncertainty Quantification and Design Optimization | 3 |
ECE:5550 | Internet of Things | 3 |
ENGR:2730 | Computers in Engineering | 3 |
BSE/MS in Mechanical Engineering
A Bachelor of Science/Master of Science combined degree program is available for qualified University of Iowa undergraduate students. This allows students to complete an MS in two or three semesters after completion of their BSE degree. Those in the combined degree program receive a BSE when all requirements have been completed, and then become MS students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME).
The Undergraduate to Graduate (U2G) combined degree program is primarily intended for students interested in pursuing the MS without thesis. However, the MS thesis option can be pursued in instances where students have been conducting research under the supervision of an ME faculty member since at least the summer following their junior year, and an ME faculty member is willing to advise them and serve as committee chair for their final exam.
Interested students should discuss the combined degree program with their advisor during their third year. Applications should be submitted during the second semester of their third year and before the start of their fourth year (two-semester blended model); see the U2G Program on the Department of Mechanical Engineering website. However, single-semester admits are allowed and must adhere to the application deadlines and other program requirements.
Accepted students are expected to have a minimum University of Iowa cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.25 and maintain this GPA throughout their time in the program. Undergraduate students whose UI cumulative GPA falls below this minimum are removed from the combined program.
Students may contact any ME faculty member to inquire about participation in the U2G combined degree program, research opportunities, and financial support.
Program Benefits
Students may apply up to 12 s.h. of graduate-level coursework toward both their BSE and MS degrees. However, credit may not be applied to courses taken prior to admission to the combined degree program. Mechanical engineering courses eligible for graduate credit have a prefix of ME and are numbered 4100 or above, except for ME:4186 Enhanced Design Experience. The courses selected must fulfill MS coursework requirements and be applicable to BSE electives.
Students who select the thesis option can begin work on their MS thesis research with a faculty advisor during their fourth year of undergraduate studies.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test scores are not required for admission to the combined degree program. Students are assessed undergraduate tuition and fees until their BSE has been conferred; then, students are assessed graduate tuition and fees, and they may be eligible for graduate assistantships.
Financial Support
Departmental funding preference is given to PhD students. Students can discuss financial support possibilities with their advisor.
BSE/MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering
The combined BSE in mechanical engineering/MS in civil and environmental engineering enables undergraduate students majoring in mechanical engineering to begin work toward the MS in civil and environmental engineering while completing the bachelor's degree. Students admitted to the program may count 9 s.h. of coursework toward both the BSE and MS degree requirements. They also may count an additional 3 s.h. toward the MS degree requirements before they have been awarded the BSE. See the MS in civil and environmental engineering in the catalog.
Engineering is a well-respected profession that is used as a foundation for a variety of careers in industry, medicine, law, government, and consulting. Engineering majors consistently claim several of the top ten spots on the list of top-paid majors for bachelor's degree graduates, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). On average, 93–98% of graduates are employed in their field of study or pursuing advanced education within seven months of graduation.
Engineering Career Services develops and promotes experiential education and professional opportunities for students in the College of Engineering. Professional staff coordinate the college's co-op and internship program, engage in employer outreach, and provide opportunities for students to network with employers, including an engineering career fair each semester and other programming related to career development.
Engineering Career Services offers individual advising and class presentations on résumé and cover letter preparation, job and internship search strategies, interviewing skills, job offer evaluation, and much more. Engineering Career Services partners with the Pomerantz Career Center to facilitate on-campus interviewing, postgraduation outcome collection, and the university's online recruiting system, Handshake.
Sample Plan of Study
Sample plans represent one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. For additional sample plans, see MyUI.
Mechanical Engineering, BSE
First Year | ||
Fall | Hours | |
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric a | 4 |
CHEM:1110 | Principles of Chemistry I a, b | 4 |
MATH:1550 | Engineering Mathematics I: Single Variable Calculus c, d | 4 |
ENGR:1100 | Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving e | 3 |
ENGR:1000 | Engineering Success for First-Year Students e | 1 |
CSI:1600 | Success at Iowa | 0 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
GE: Approved Course Subjects f | 3 | |
MATH:1560 | Engineering Mathematics II: Multivariable Calculus c | 4 |
MATH:2550 | Engineering Mathematics III: Matrix Algebra c | 2 |
PHYS:1611 | Introductory Physics I c | 4 |
ENGR:1300 | Introduction to Engineering Computing c | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
GE: Approved Course Subjects f | 4 | |
MATH:2560 | Engineering Mathematics IV: Differential Equations c | 3 |
PHYS:1612 | Introductory Physics II a | 4 |
ENGR:2110 | Statics a | 2 |
ENGR:2120 | Electrical Circuits a | 3 |
ENGR:2130 | Thermodynamics a | 3 |
ME:2020 | Mechanical Engineering Program Seminar e | 0 |
Focus Area Form: Students should fill out a focus area selection form by the end of their Fall semester. Focus area forms can be updated/changed at anytime. Please see the Mechanical Engineering - Undergraduate Focus Areas webpage for the link. | ||
Hours | 19 | |
Spring | ||
ENGR:2710 | Dynamics a | 3 |
ENGR:2720 | Materials Science a | 3 |
ENGR:2750 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies a | 3 |
ME:2200 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design g | 2 |
ME:2300 or STAT:2020 |
Manufacturing Processes c or Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical Sciences |
3 |
Focus Area: required course h | 3 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
MATH:3550 | Engineering Mathematics V: Vector Calculus c | 3 |
ME:2300 or STAT:2020 |
Manufacturing Processes c or Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical Sciences |
3 |
ENGR:2510 | Fluid Mechanics c | 4 |
ME:3351 | Engineering Instrumentation e | 2 |
ME:3600 | Control of Mechanical Engineering Systems e | 3 |
ME:3091 | Professional Seminar: Mechanical Engineering e | 0 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
GE: Engineering Be Creative i | 3 | |
ME:3045 | Heat Transfer g | 3 |
ME:3052 | Mechanical Systems g | 4 |
Focus Area: required or elective course h | 3 | |
Focus Area: elective course h | 3 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
GE: Cultural Perspectives, Values, and Society j | 3 | |
ME:4048 | Energy Systems Design e | 4 |
ME:4055 | Mechanical Systems Design e | 3 |
Focus Area: elective course or ME:4080 Experimental Engineering h | 3 | |
Focus Area: elective course or ME:4086 Mechanical Engineering Design Project h | 3 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
GE: Approved Course Subjects f | 3 | |
ME:4080 | Experimental Engineering h | 4 |
ME:4086 | Mechanical Engineering Design Project h | 3 |
Focus Area: elective course h | 3 | |
Focus Area: elective course h | 3 | |
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) k | ||
Hours | 16 | |
Total Hours | 131 |
- a
- Typically this course is offered in fall, spring, and summer sessions. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
- b
- Enrollment in chemistry courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- c
- Typically this course is offered in fall and spring semesters. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
- d
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- e
- Typically this course is offered in fall semesters only. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
- f
- See General Catalog for list of approved course subjects.
- g
- Typically this course is offered in spring semesters only. Check MyUI for course availability since offerings are subject to change.
- h
- Students select one of the preapproved standard focus areas or create a tailored focus area. Focus areas require at least 21 s.h. of coursework and consist of required course and electives. See General Catalog or consult an advisor for more information.
- i
- See General Catalog for list of approved courses. Students who intend to enroll in a Be Creative course with prerequisites must request a waiver by completing the Request Prerequisite Special Permission form on MyUI.
- j
- Students select a course from one of two GE CLAS Core areas: Understanding Cultural Perspectives or Values and Society.
- k
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.