Computer Science, Minor

The undergraduate minor in computer science requires a minimum of 17 s.h. in computer science coursework, including 12 s.h. in courses taken at the University of Iowa. Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 2.00 in all courses for the minor and in all UI courses for the minor. Coursework in the minor may not be taken pass/nonpass. Students excused from courses required for the minor may substitute other computer science electives. Enrollment in many courses for the minor requires a minimum grade of C-minus in prerequisite courses.

Students who major in informatics may earn a minor in computer science. Students majoring in computer science, computer science and engineering, or data science may not minor in computer science.

The minor in computer science requires the following coursework.

Course # Title Hours
All of these:
CS:1210Computer Science I: Fundamentals4
CS:2210Discrete Structures3
CS:2230Computer Science II: Data Structures4
One of these:
CS:3210Programming Languages and Tools3
CS:3980Topics in Computer Science I3

Students who have completed ENGR:1300 Introduction to Engineering Computing and ENGR:2730 Computers in Engineering are considered to have satisfied the minor's requirement for CS:1210 Computer Science I: Fundamentals.

Students may declare the computer science minor and request an audit for the minor on MyUI.