Undergraduate major: entrepreneurship (BBA), management (BBA)
Graduate degree: management subprogram for the PhD in business administration
Faculty: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/people?department=Management%20and%20Entrepreneurship
Website: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/about/management-and-entrepreneurship-department
The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship has strengths in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, and human resource management. It provides evidence-based instruction that prepares students to pursue a career in human resource management, start their own business, or lead projects, teams, and organizations.
The department offers undergraduate majors in entrepreneurship and management, and the subprogram in management that leads to the PhD in business administration. Additionally, the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship contributes to the MBA program; see the Master of Business Administration Program in the catalog.
Undergraduate Program of Study
- Major in Entrepreneurship (Bachelor of Business Administration)
- Major in Management (Bachelor of Business Administration)
Graduate Program of Study
- Management subprogram for the Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
Management and Entrepreneurship Courses
MGMT:1300 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities).
MGMT:2000 Introduction to Law 3 s.h.
Legal issues surrounding start-up and day-to-day management of a business; contract law, standard business formations, tort law, employment law, business ethics, and alternative dispute resolution. Requirements: sophomore standing.
MGMT:2100 Introduction to Management 3 s.h.
Principles of management, organizational structure, decision-making, leadership, line-staff relationships, and administration of organizations; overview of the demands and challenges facing managers, behaviors of effective managers, management theory, personal effectiveness, decision-making, team skills, and leadership skills. Requirements: sophomore standing.
MGMT:3050 Professional Preparation for Management 1 s.h.
Survey of career paths in the field of management through discussions with individuals working in human resources, management consulting, entrepreneurial endeavors, and more; hands-on activities for students to hone the skills required to succeed in today's workplace.
MGMT:3200 Individuals, Teams, and Organizations 3 s.h.
Theories of organizational behavior applied to current business trends for individuals, teams, organizations; personality, managing diversity, work-family conflict, self-managed teams, charismatic leadership, work motivation, managing conflict, organizational culture. Prerequisites: MGMT:2000 and MGMT:2100.
MGMT:3250 Leading Innovation 3 s.h.
Knowledge and skills needed to lead teams and organizations—formally or informally—to achieve sustainable innovation culture, strategy, execution, and outcomes; how to navigate corporate innovation challenges from culture to management and resourcing, in order to successfully lead innovation efforts; problem definition, critical thinking, metrics, design thinking, and entrepreneurial business model development; innovation prerequisites, roles, leadership skills, and strategy. Prerequisites: MGMT:2000 and MGMT:2100.
MGMT:3300 Strategic Human Resource Management 3 s.h.
People management activities, policies, and practices that promote effective organizations; how changes in technology, business restructuring, legal and social concerns, other issues affect human resource management. Prerequisites: MGMT:2000 and MGMT:2100.
MGMT:3400 Employment Law 3 s.h.
Laws affecting employers and employees, such as regulatory health and safety policies, unemployment and retirement benefits, and employment discrimination including hiring, termination, testing issues. Prerequisites: MGMT:2000 and MGMT:2100.
MGMT:3450 International Business Environment 3 s.h.
Differences in international and domestic business; cultural, legal, political factors for managers. Requirements: junior or higher standing.
MGMT:3500 Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I 3 s.h.
Operational and financial aspects of nonprofit management; mission and governance of organization; strategic planning for effective management, including finance, budget, income generation, fund-raising. Same as ENTR:3595, MUSM:3500, NURS:3595, RELS:3700, SSW:3500.
MGMT:3600 Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness II 3 s.h.
Qualities for leadership of nonprofit organizations, including relationships with staff and volunteers; relationship of nonprofit and outside world; marketing, public relations, advocacy strategies for nonprofits. Same as NURS:3600, RELS:3701, SSW:3600.
MGMT:3700 Field Experience: Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy 3 s.h.
Faculty-supervised professional work experience with a nonprofit organization with associated academic content.
MGMT:3800 Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy I 3 s.h.
Exposure to latest research and techniques in leading entrepreneurial organizations; students learn how to successfully manage innovation based projects and engage with entrepreneurial leaders and business experts to understand how they utilize entrepreneurial approaches to launch and lead high potential entrepreneurial ventures; first of a two-course sequence. Prerequisites: MGMT:2100 or ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350. Requirements: declared management and entrepreneurship major or enterprise leadership major, and 75 s.h. completed. Same as ENTR:3800.
MGMT:3850 Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy II 3 s.h.
Students work in teams to provide advanced strategic management consulting services to entrepreneurial ventures, corporations, and select nonprofit organizations; students work directly with C-level executives on projects and receive mentoring from faculty who have built and led successful organizations; teams are responsible for developing innovative strategies to address significant challenges facing clients; second of a two-course sequence. Prerequisites: MGMT:3800 or ENTR:3800. Same as ENTR:3850.
MGMT:3999 CIMBA Italy Experiential Leadership 1-3 s.h.
Leadership Initiative for Excellence (LIFE) includes a three-day training that enhances key leadership competencies including effective communication, decision-making, teamwork, focus, and interpersonal skills; Learn, Enrich, Achieve, Perform (LEAP) includes and builds upon concepts in LIFE, and is a semester-long professional development program that utilizes self-assessment, one-on-one and group coaching, and developmental seminars; for students enrolled in the CIMBA Italy Program.
MGMT:4000 Topics in Management 1-3 s.h.
Topics not regularly offered in other courses. Prerequisites: MGMT:2100.
MGMT:4050 Directed Readings in Management and Organizations arr.
MGMT:4100 Dynamics of Negotiations 3 s.h.
Predictable aspects and dynamics of bargaining experiences; simulations, experiential exercises to foster skills needed for effective negotiation in almost any situation. Requirements: 60 s.h. completed.
MGMT:4200 Staffing and Talent Management 3 s.h.
Staffing processes; external influences such as labor markets, the legal environment; support activities such as job analysis, employment planning; staffing activities such as internal and external recruiting, selection. Prerequisites: MGMT:3300 and MGMT:3200. Corequisites: MGMT:3400.
MGMT:4300 Leadership and Personal Development 3 s.h.
Practical development and application of leadership and managerial skills to enhance individual and organizational effectiveness.
MGMT:4325 Team and Project Management 3 s.h.
Fundamentals of managing teams and group projects; emphasis on practical application, using case studies, and interactive and experiential exercises. Prerequisites: MGMT:3200 and MGMT:3300.
MGMT:4350 Performance Management and Strategic Rewards 3 s.h.
Role of pay and other rewards on organizational objectives; compensation's impact on employee behavior and performance; mix of pay and benefits in compensation systems; legal environment regulating pay and benefits; nonmonetary forms of reward; the role of performance management, pay, and other rewards on employee performance and organizational objectives is examined; includes performance appraisals, coaching, performance feedback, incentive systems, the mix of pay and benefits in compensation systems, and the legal environment regulating pay and benefits. Prerequisites: MGMT:3300 and MGMT:3200.
MGMT:4500 Strategy, Innovation and Global Competition 3 s.h.
Development of skills for firm strategy formation in a complex and technology-driven global economy; analytical tools that are essential to any consultant, manager, or entrepreneur facing dynamic industry environments. Prerequisites: MGMT:2100.
MGMT:4600 Nonprofit Ethics and Governance 3 s.h.
Tools to help identify, understand, and resolve ethical issues in nonprofit sectors; how individual beliefs and societal standards shape ethical decision-making; application of ethical frameworks to classic and contemporary ethical dilemmas; how various forms of governance shape ethical behavior in organizations; case studies, readings, lectures, and guest speakers. Same as MUSM:4600.
MGMT:4999 Honors Thesis in Management arr.
Independent student project directed by faculty or staff advisor; culminates in thesis that conforms to University of Iowa Honors Program guidelines; may include empirical research, library research, applied projects. Prerequisites: BUS:1999.
MGMT:7120 Research Methods in Behavioral Social Sciences (PhD) 3 s.h.
Main steps in conducting empirical research studies. Example topics include generating research ideas, developing hypotheses, designing experiments and field studies, developing measures of the constructs, identifying a sample, testing hypotheses, and writing and publishing research.
MGMT:7124 Methods for Qualitative Research 2 s.h.
Qualitative methods available to researchers; role and contributions of qualitative methods in research; reasons why qualitative research papers get rejected by journals and strategies to avoiding them; work with qualitative data; philosophy of science, formulating research questions, sampling and gaining access, alternative qualitative data collection methods, ways of coding and analyzing qualitative data, building theory from qualitative data.
MGMT:7128 Methods for Experimental Research 2 s.h.
Nature of research and principles of experimental design, including laboratory and field experiments (quasi-experiments), event sampling, and methods of small-group research; analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), multi-attribute analysis of variance (MANOVA); orthogonal, planned and unplanned comparisons, factorial experiments including repeated measures, nested-factors design, Latin square designs; analysis of data sets with SPSS.
MGMT:7140 Meta-Analysis in Behavioral Social Sciences (PhD) 3 s.h.
Methods for quantitative integration of findings in behavioral and social sciences; overall effect size or correlation, whether conflicting findings documented in research literature are due to moderators (interactions) or statistical and measurement artifacts.
MGMT:7160 Multivariate Analysis in Behavioral Social Sciences (PhD) 3 s.h.
Principles and analytical methods for testing multivariate relationships in behavioral social sciences. Students build on existing knowledge about univariate (e.g., summary statistics) and bivariate statistics (e.g., group comparison, correlation, linear regression) and learn the foundation and application of multivariate statistics. Topics covered include multiple regression, relative importance analysis, mediated and moderated models, principal component analysis and factor analysis, and basic and advanced topics in structural equation modeling. Time will also be spent on data cleaning, organization, and visualization. Requirements: basic statistical methods course.
MGMT:7323 Foundations of Organizational Theorizing 2-3 s.h.
Examination of the field of micro-organizational behavior (micro-OB); development of ability to evaluate and generate papers that make a theoretical contribution to the field; classic and contemporary research related to prevailing theories; students engage in weekly writing, including a series of theory building exercises and peer reviewing; objectives include supporting peers in generating new theoretical questions, models, and/or frameworks, and providing an overview of theoretical contributions in several important areas in organizational behavior.
MGMT:7328 Academic Writing 2-3 s.h.
Development of critical thinking skills and practices associated with successful academic writing; students learn and practice how to write stylized sections of a social science paper effectively (e.g., literature review, hypothesis development); how to write for impact; research-supported productive writing habits, including how to give and receive feedback on early drafts of writing; writing style/mechanics (e.g., using active voice); writing assignments include a combination of step-by-step revisions to an existing, self-selected paper and shorter hands-on exercises targeted at specific writing skills.
MGMT:7340 Group Processes (PhD) 3 s.h.
In-depth understanding of how work groups and teams can be made more effective in organizations; team design issues (i.e., task type, interdependence, leadership, member composition); process issues including power, influence, communications, conflict, collective memory, and intergroup relations.
MGMT:7350 Leadership (PhD) 3 s.h.
Understanding and preparation for implementing leadership in organizations; focus on reading and analysis of basic research-related leadership theories; contrast "great person" theories, traditional behavioral and situational theories, and transformational leadership theory.
MGMT:7360 Motivation and Attitudes (PhD) 3 s.h.
Motivational processes, attitudes, communication and interorganizational networks; emphasis on motivational antecedents and consequences, theoretical implications for models of work performance.
MGMT:7700 Mentored Research arr.
Management research conducted by doctoral students under faculty supervision; culminates in second-year research paper.
MGMT:7800 Foundations of Human Resource Management 2-3 s.h.
Broad survey of foundational topics in human resource management, particularly from a micro perspective, interspersed with special topics of growing interest within the field; introduction to foundational theoretical and empirical research on topics of staffing, training and development, performance management and compensation, including an examination of trending topics of interest in these areas; students develop skills necessary to evaluate, criticize, and contribute to literature on human resource management.
MGMT:7900 Contemporary Topics in Management and Organizations arr.
Research topics in human resources and organizational behavior.
MGMT:7950 Directed Readings in Management and Organizations arr.
MGMT:7975 Thesis in Management and Organizations arr.
Management research conducted by doctoral students under faculty supervision; culminates in dissertation.
MGMT:8000 Healthcare Business Leadership 1-2 s.h.
Explaining, predicting, and influencing human behavior in healthcare organizations and settings; topics include high-performance leadership, strategic hiring of employees, decision making, negotiations, entrepreneurship, and basic finance/accounting for clinicians. Requirements: acceptance into pharmacy Healthcare Business Leadership (HBL) Program, and full-time student status (12 s.h.) in each semester enrolled in the HBL program not including hours tied to this course.
MGMT:9090 Influence and Constructive Persuasion 3 s.h.
Exploration of methods of persuasion and the science behind why and how influence works in a contemporary business setting; leadership as a function of consensus building, convincing, and motivating in today's team-based, knowledge-centric enterprises; how leaders select from a variety of influence techniques to get others' commitment to a course of action rather than commanding others; persuasion—using solid evidence coupled with emotional appeal—as capacity to present a message in a way that leads others to support it; how persuasion, when used effectively, creates a sense of freedom—others freely choose your perspective and support it.
MGMT:9091 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability 2-3 s.h.
Introduction to main corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability issues; current debates; costs and benefits of CSR/sustainability; relationship between leadership, innovation, and CSR; CSR's effects on companies' ability to attract and retain good employees; numerous cases studies ranging from small to large companies from various sectors including food and agriculture, manufacturing, finance, mining, energy, retail, transportation; students read and debate articles and case studies written by leading business experts, academics, and CEOs; individual or teamwork on a CSR change analysis.
MGMT:9092 Effective Managerial Communication 2-3 s.h.
Decisive personal and organizational skills for business leaders and entrepreneurs; at individual level, students will refresh writing, listening, speaking, and interpersonal skills for business settings; at the organizational level, course provides crucial managerial skills—how to conduct an effective meeting, questioning skills for employment selection, engaging in small talk, and communication during a crisis.
MGMT:9110 Dynamics of Negotiations 2-3 s.h.
Predictable aspects and dynamics of bargaining experiences; simulations, experiential exercises to foster skills needed for effective negotiation in almost any situation. Requirements: MBA enrollment.
MGMT:9120 Leadership and Personal Development 2-3 s.h.
Major theories; determinants of leader effectiveness, personal and career success; practical development of leadership, managerial skills to enhance individual, organizational effectiveness.
MGMT:9130 Strategic Management of Change 3 s.h.
How congruence in organizational strategy, structure and culture, job design, and employee characteristics produces effective organizations; emphasis on managing organizational change, implementing and working in teams, project management. Recommendations: completion of MBA:8120.
MGMT:9150 Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I 3 s.h.
Operational and financing aspects of nonprofit management; mission and governance of organization; strategic planning for effective management, including finance, budget, income generation, fund-raising. Same as HMP:6360, PBAF:6278, RELS:6070, SPST:6010, SSW:6247, URP:6278.
MGMT:9160 Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness II 3 s.h.
Qualities for leadership of nonprofit organizations, including relationships with staff and volunteers; relationship of nonprofit and outside world; marketing, public relations, advocacy strategies for nonprofits. Same as HMP:6365, PBAF:6279, RELS:6075, SPST:6020, SSW:6248, URP:6279.
MGMT:9185 Project Management 2-3 s.h.
Preparation for managing projects and project portfolios; project selection, project planning and budgeting, scheduling, resource allocation, project control; integration of project planning tools, including project management software.
MGMT:9210 Law and Ethics 2-3 s.h.
Legal issues surrounding start-up and day-to-day management of a business; contract law, standard business formations, tort law, employment law, business ethics, and alternative dispute resolution; exploration of the ways in which ethics and law intersect as well as the ways in which law reflects various ethical judgments; consideration and comparison of the roles of law and the role of ethics in our society.
MGMT:9220 Maximizing Team Performance 3 s.h.
Current approaches to implementing effective teams within organizations; team selection and formation, group dynamics, facilitation skills, performance and obstacle management.
MGMT:9230 Managing and Preventing Conflict 3 s.h.
Skills for management of high-conflict situations in the workplace and for long-term business success and job satisfaction; experience developing mediation-based skills and communication techniques to prevent and resolve workplace conflicts.
MGMT:9240 Inclusive Leadership 3 s.h.
Skills to develop a more inclusive leadership style including leading productive conversations about diversity, transforming diversity-related conflicts into opportunities for learning and growth, evaluating diversity initiatives for potential effectiveness, and developing a change management plan for increasing inclusion in an organization; exploration of foundations for inclusive leadership behaviors and team cultures through self-assessments, case studies, and group activities. Prerequisites: MBA:8120.
MGMT:9250 Managing Employee Performance 3 s.h.
Concepts and practices to effectively manage, measure, and improve employee performance; establishing and communicating organizational expectations, the manager as coach and motivator, measurement methodologies, and performance improvement methods; concepts and practices to effectively manage, measure, and improve employee performance; establishing and communicating organizational expectations; the manager as coach and motivator, performance improvement methods, and designing more effective reward practices.
MGMT:9260 Strategic Employee Development 3 s.h.
Concepts, practices in training and development; strategic issues affecting the design, implementation, and evaluation of training programs and of career management and organizational development activities.
MGMT:9270 Human Resource Management 3 s.h.
Systematic approach to managing human resources through practices consistent with validated theories and empirical research; human resources practices and business strategies; human resources strategy, recruitment and selection, training and development, employment law, international human resources, career management, compensation.
MGMT:9290 Global Business Management 3 s.h.
Theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are critical to successfully compete in the global marketplace and to make sound management decisions in international contexts; economic, political, legal, and social aspects of a business environment in foreign markets; multinational companies' winning moves in entering and growing in these markets; best practices in managing people in different cultural settings.