Public Health, Undergraduate Certificate

The undergraduate Certificate in Public Health requires 18 s.h. of credit. Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 2.00 in work for the certificate. They should contact the certificate coordinator to complete a plan of study before they begin certificate coursework.

The certificate is intended for non-public health majors and anyone interested in obtaining knowledge about public health concepts to enhance their ability to succeed in their chosen field. Students completing the certificate will have an understanding of emerging issues in public health, the social and behavioral aspects of preventing disease, environmental health concepts, and the changing health care system in the United States.

The certificate may be earned by any student admitted to the University of Iowa who is not concurrently enrolled in a graduate or professional degree program, except for those students who are earning a BA or BS with a major in public health or by those who have received one of those degrees.

The undergraduate Certificate in Public Health requires the following coursework. Fundamentals of Public Health (CPH:1400) must be taken prior to or concurrent with other certificate courses.

Core Courses

Course # Title Hours
Both of these:
CPH:1400Fundamentals of Public Health3
CPH:1600Public Health Science: Inquiry and Investigation in Public Health3

Required Courses

Course # Title Hours
9 s.h. from these:
CPH:1800Social and Psychological Determinants of Health: Changing Behavior, Improving Health3
CPH:2400The U.S. Health System in a Global Context3
CPH:3400Health, Work, and the Environment3
CPH:3500Global Public Health3


Course # Title Hours
3 s.h. from these:
One of the courses not taken from the "Required Courses" list
Any College of Public Health course (prefix CPH) numbered 2200-2399, 3100-3499, 3800-3900, or 4200-4399

For more information about the program, visit Undergraduate Certificate in Public Health on the College of Public Health website.