
This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

Graduate degrees: MS in biostatistics; PhD in biostatistics

Graduate certificate: biostatistics



The Department of Biostatistics prepares students for professional and academic careers in biostatistics. Graduates find positions in pharmaceutical, health care, and research companies and institutions; in universities and government agencies; and as consultants. The department also provides training for non-biostatistics students.

Biostatistics faculty members work closely with both clinical and basic science investigators on the University of Iowa health sciences campus in the design and analysis of research projects. The department has research expertise representing a broad array of methodological areas of statistics and biostatistics, including clinical trials, computational statistics, Bayesian modeling and inference, high-dimensional data analysis, statistical genetics and genomics, bioinformatics, informatics, statistical and machine learning, spatial and spatiotemporal modeling, time series analysis, survival data analysis, longitudinal data analysis, network analysis, causal inference, comparative effectiveness studies, model selection, epidemic modeling, and syndromic surveillance. Many of these areas represent current, cutting-edge areas of disciplinary focus in a rapidly evolving field.

In addition to the MS and the PhD degrees in biostatistics, the department offers a subprogram for the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree in biostatistics. See "MPH Subprogram."

MPH Subprogram

The Department of Biostatistics offers the biostatistics subprogram for the Master of Public Health degree. The subprogram is designed to train public health professionals for leadership in the analysis of public health data and the design of studies for public health investigations. See the Master of Public Health, MPH in the catalog.