Undergraduate major: public health (BA, BS)
Undergraduate certificate: public health
Graduate degrees: MHA; MPH; MS; PhD
Graduate certificates: agricultural safety and health; biostatistics; emerging infectious disease epidemiology; healthcare management; public health; translational and clinical investigation
Website: https://www.public-health.uiowa.edu/
The College of Public Health, established in 1999, is a partner with the Carver College of Medicine and the colleges of Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy in striving to improve human health and well-being. Consistent with the interdisciplinary traditions of public health, the college also collaborates with non-health science colleges across the university and with other Iowa Board of Regents institutions, state and local agencies, and the private sector.
Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of communities. Professionals in this field use specialized knowledge and skills to better understand the root causes of diseases and injuries and, whenever possible, develop strategies to prevent them.
A population-based approach to health is a distinguishing feature of public health and of the college. For public health practitioners—a wide range of professionals including physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, social workers, nutritionists, environmental scientists, health educators, and health service administrators—the primary focus is on the health of entire communities rather than individual patients. Tools that public health professionals use to improve and enhance quality of life include analytical methods to identify, describe, and monitor the health of communities and populations at risk; education and prevention programs, methods of assuring access to appropriate and cost-effective care; and formulation of sound public policies.
The public health approach has led to many important health improvements over the past century. Vaccination campaigns, improved sanitation, fluoridation of drinking water, and efforts to reduce tobacco use are among the most recognizable public health initiatives. Public health programs also have led to safer workplaces, a reduction of deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke, improved motor vehicle safety, and the creation of effective health systems to provide care to those who need it. Today, public health professionals play an important role worldwide in seeking better approaches to complex issues such as quality of life for the elderly, drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, new and reemerging infectious diseases, bioterrorism, health literacy, nutrition, and food safety.
The College of Public Health provides educational opportunities to students campuswide. In addition to training and educating public health students, the college welcomes students from the Tippie College of Business, the Carver College of Medicine, the Graduate College, and the colleges of Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Law, Nursing, and Pharmacy who enroll in public health courses. Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and graduate students from programs such as anthropology, microbiology, and statistics also register for public health courses. The college's faculty members, staff members, and graduate and postdoctoral students contribute to teaching and research activities throughout the health sciences campus and provide services to Iowa and the nation. Partnerships for teaching and research extend across the campus. This background provides a rich array of educational opportunities.
The college includes the departments of Biostatistics, Community and Behavioral Health, Epidemiology, Health Management and Policy, and Occupational and Environmental Health. It offers programs leading to two undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS). It also offers programs leading to four graduate degrees: Master of Health Administration (MHA), Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Science (MS), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). In addition, it offers the Certificate in Agricultural Safety and Health, the Certificate in Biostatistics, the Certificate in Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology, the Certificate in Healthcare Management, the undergraduate Certificate in Public Health, the graduate Certificate in Public Health, and the Certificate in Translational and Clinical Investigation.
The undergraduate and graduate programs of the college are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the accrediting body for schools and programs of public health. Three programs in the college also are accredited: the industrial hygiene MS training program is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the Master of Health Administration is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME), and the Occupational Medicine Residency is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
The college's faculty includes members with single appointments in the College of Public Health as well as secondary and adjunct appointments. See the Faculty A-to-Z List on the college's website for more information.
Undergraduate Programs of Study
The College of Public Health offers the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS); see the BA in public health and the BS in public health in the catalog for more information. The college also offers the undergraduate Certificate in Public Health.
Graduate Programs of Study
The College of Public Health offers the Master of Public Health (MPH); the Master of Health Administration (MHA), the Master of Science (MS), and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); see the Biostatistics, Community and Behavioral Health, Epidemiology, Health Management and Policy, and Occupational and Environmental Health departmental sections of the catalog for more information.
The College of Public Health also offers graduate Certificates in Public Health, Agricultural Safety and Health, Biostatistics, Emerging Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Healthcare Management, and Translational and Clinical Investigation.
Academic Advising
First-year students directly admitted to the College of Public Health major are advised by undergraduate program staff at the College of Public Health. First-year College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) public health interest students are advised at the university’s Academic Advising Center. CLAS public health interest students who apply and are admitted to the College of Public Health are advised at the College of Public Health by undergraduate program staff. All students are required to have a conference with their advisor before registering for classes each semester.
Application for Degree
Students who wish to be considered for graduation must submit an Application for Degree through MyUI the session before they are eligible to graduate or before the deadline date during the session in which they expect to graduate.
Students who do not graduate in the session they submitted their Application for Degree must submit another application through MyUI for the next applicable session. Students do not need to be registered to apply for a degree.
See Degree Application on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Academic Recognition
Dean's List
Undergraduate students in the College of Public Health who achieve a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher on 12 s.h. or more of University of Iowa graded coursework during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the Dean's List for that semester.
President's List
Undergraduate students in the College of Public Health who achieve a GPA of 4.00 on 12 s.h. or more of University of Iowa graded coursework and who have no semester hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer sessions) are recognized by inclusion on the President's List.
Graduation With Distinction
Graduation with distinction recognizes high academic achievement based on grades. The Office of the Registrar certifies to the dean of the College of Public Health the names of students eligible to graduate with distinction. To be eligible for consideration, the graduate must complete the public health major at the University of Iowa. The grade-point average upon which distinction is determined includes all college-level work (cumulative UI and total) undertaken prior to the opening of the final session. To graduate with distinction through summer 2024, students must meet the following criteria.
- To graduate with highest distinction, the cumulative GPA must be 3.90 to 4.00.
- To graduate with high distinction, the cumulative GPA must be 3.80 to 3.89.
- To graduate with distinction, the cumulative GPA must be 3.75 to 3.79.
Policies related to distinction change starting fall 2024; see Grading in the catalog for more information.
Graduation With Honors
Graduation with honors recognizes high academic achievement based on both grades and exceptional accomplishment.
Honors in the Major
Students majoring in public health have the opportunity to graduate with honors in the major. To graduate with honors in public health, students must successfully complete all college requirements with a GPA of at least 3.33 in all courses for the major, in all college coursework, and in all UI coursework.
In addition, students must complete an honors thesis in CPH:4990 Mentored Independent Undergraduate Research in Public Health, where they must write a brief research proposal summarizing the background and goals of honors research, defend their research proposal to an honors project faculty member and an honors advisor, conduct research, submit their honors thesis, and conclude with an oral and/or poster presentation.
Outstanding undergraduate students in the college have an opportunity to undertake independent study and to work closely with faculty members. Completion of requirements for honors in the major also will satisfy the experiential learning requirement.
Academic Standards
Maximum Schedule
Course schedules of more than 19 s.h. for a semester, 12 s.h. for a summer session, or 3 s.h. for a winter session require approval of the advising staff in the undergraduate program office.
Classification of Students
Students are classified by the number of semester hours of credit they have earned toward the bachelor's degree.
Requirements | Hours |
First year | 0-29 s.h. |
Second year | 30-59 s.h. |
Junior | 60-89 s.h. |
Senior | 90 s.h. or more |
Credit and Grading
Credit by Examination
Students may earn up to 30 s.h. of credit by examination by taking selected tests from the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Advanced Placement Program (AP) of the College Board, the General Certificate of Education (GCE), or the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). For information about when and how to take the CLEP and AP examinations, contact the university's Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology.
The College of Public Health has information on scores, credit, and course duplicates for all CLEP, AP, and IB tests accepted by the college. Ordinarily, credit earned through examination is applied first to the General Education Requirements. Credit also may be applied to requirements of a major, minor, or certificate, or as elective credit.
Credit From Other Colleges
Students who have taken courses at another institution that are similar to those approved for the public health major or the General Education Requirements may request that these courses be evaluated for transfer credit. When students apply for admission to the College of Public Health, they must submit official transcripts from each college attended along with their application for admission. After the credit has been certified by the Office of Admissions as college-level work from an accredited institution and after admission has been granted, the credit is evaluated by the undergraduate program either before or during the student's first semester of enrollment in the college.
Grading System
The college uses a letter grading system. A denotes superior performance, B denotes above average, C denotes average, D denotes below average, and F denotes failure of the course. Plus and minus designate gradations of performance between letter grades. Letter grades and their numerical equivalents are as follows.
Grade | G.P.A./Description |
A+ | 4.33 |
A (superior) | 4.00 |
A- | 3.67 |
B+ | 3.33 |
B (above average) | 3.00 |
B- | 2.67 |
C+ | 2.33 |
C (average) | 2.00 |
C- | 1.67 |
D+ | 1.33 |
D (below average) | 1.00 |
D- | 0.67 |
F (failing) | 0 |
Adding and Dropping Courses
Students may drop courses, except College of Law courses, any time before the deadline published in the university's academic deadline calendar. Deadlines are different for regular and off-cycle courses. See Academic Calendar on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Students must obtain approval from the college that offers the course in order to request permission to add or drop a course after these deadlines.
Auditing Courses
College of Public Health students may choose to take courses without earning credit for them (audit) with the permission of the course instructor and their advisor. Students are still charged for auditing courses. The mark of AUS (audit successful) is assigned to students registered for zero credit if attendance and performance in the course are satisfactory; if unsatisfactory, the mark of AUU (audit unsuccessful) is assigned. Courses completed with a mark of AUS do not meet any requirements nor do they carry any credit toward graduation. Auditing may not be used as a second-grade-only option.
To register for a course on an audit basis, students must obtain the instructor's authorizing signature and their advisor's signature and must register for 0 s.h. To change registration from audit to credit or from credit to audit, a change in registration form is used. These changes must be made during the period when adding courses is allowed.
Pass/Nonpass Courses
Undergraduate students in the College of Public Health may not use courses taken P/N (pass/nonpass) to satisfy General Education Requirements, high school course requirements, prerequisite or major public health course requirements, or any course in the College of Public Health. Major public health requirements include any course that fulfills the major course requirements (including public health electives), regardless of the college offering the course. The College accepts a maximum of 15 s.h. of P (pass) credit from the University of Iowa toward the bachelor’s degree and a maximum of 30 s.h. of P (pass) and S (satisfactory) grades from all sources (UI as well as transfer work) toward the bachelor’s degree.
Pass/nonpass registration must be completed during the first 10 days of a fall or spring semester or the first one-and-one-half weeks of a summer session, and it requires the approval of the advisor and the instructor. For courses taken pass/nonpass, an earned grade of C-minus or higher is recorded as a P; an earned grade of D-plus or lower is recorded as an N. Pass/nonpass credit is not included in grade-point average calculations.
Satisfactory/Fail Courses
The College of Public Health Direct Admit Seminar and the Second and Third Year Career Planning Seminars are offered only satisfactory/fail (S/F). A grade of F (fail) earned for these seminars does not satisfy any portion of the professional development seminar requirement.
Certain other College of Public Health courses are offered satisfactory/fail (S/F). All students registered for these courses receive one of these marks.
Semester hours of S-graded coursework are not used in computing grade-point averages, but hours of F-graded coursework are used. Semester hours of S-graded coursework are counted as semester hours earned toward graduation; semester hours of F-graded coursework do not count as semester hours earned toward graduation.
College of Public Health undergraduates may not use S-graded coursework to fulfill General Education Requirements.
The college accepts a maximum of 15 s.h. of S credit from the University of Iowa toward the bachelor’s degree and a maximum of 30 s.h. of S and P grades from all sources (UI as well as transfer work) toward the bachelor’s degree.
Incomplete Grades
Instructors may report a mark of I (incomplete) only if the unfinished part of a student's work in a course other than research, thesis, or independent study is small; if the work is unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor; and if a student's standing in the course is satisfactory.
Students should not re-enroll in a course for which they have an incomplete. Incomplete grades must be removed by completing the unfinished part of the work. Faculty and students are encouraged to state clearly in a written agreement how the incomplete is to be completed and the due date for the remaining work. Both the faculty member and the student should keep a record of the written agreement.
Failure to remove the incomplete before the end of the next full semester, excluding summer and winter sessions, results in the replacement of the I with a grade of F, regardless of whether a student is enrolled during that semester. A grade change may be submitted to convert a grade of F to another letter grade, with the instructor's approval.
Students cannot graduate with an I mark on their record. They must either complete the course for a passing grade or allow the Incomplete to lapse to a grade of F.
Second-Grade-Only Option for CLAS Public Health Interest Students
Public health interest students must follow the rules established by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). Contact the CLAS Undergraduate Programs office or consult the CLAS Academic Policies Handbook for more information.
Second-Grade-Only Option
College of Public Health students may repeat up to three courses taken at the University of Iowa regardless of the grade originally earned in the course and may only be used once per class. A course may not be repeated under the second-grade-only option once it has been used as a prerequisite for a more advanced course that the student has completed successfully. The second-grade-only option cannot be used to remove a grade of incomplete, which must be removed in the usual manner.
The second-grade-only option may be used only for University of Iowa courses. A course taken at another college or university may not be repeated at the University of Iowa under the second-grade-only option, nor may a UI course be repeated at another institution under the second-grade-only option.
Any second-grade-only options used before entry to the College of Public Health count toward the maximum of three second-grade-only options allowed.
If the course was taken for a grade the first time, it must be taken for a grade the second time.
If the course was taken satisfactory/fail the first time, a student may choose to take the course for a grade or as satisfactory/fail the second time.
Any University of Iowa course taken in any mode of delivery—during a regular semester, a summer session, an intensive session, through distance education, or through Distance and Online Education—may be repeated in the same mode of delivery or in any other mode of delivery.
Students who have been awarded a degree from the University of Iowa may not use the second-grade-only option on a course taken before the degree was awarded.
Students must register as usual for the course that is to be repeated. After the session in which the course is being repeated has begun, students must request the second-grade-only option by completing the Second-Grade-Only Option Request Form. Students must follow this procedure or both grades will be counted in their University of Iowa grade-point average.
The permanent record is adjusted by placing a pound symbol (#) next to the first grade to indicate that it is no longer being included in the grade-point-average calculation, and only the semester hours from the second registration have been counted as semester hours earned. Once placed on the record, the option may not be retracted. Graduate or professional colleges may recalculate grade-point averages using all grades visible on the permanent record.
Student Academic Misconduct
Policies regarding cases of cheating or plagiarism are outlined in the Undergraduate Student Handbook; see Examples of Academic Misconduct on the College of Public Health website.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
College of Public Health students are expected to meet academic standards set by the college and to demonstrate reasonable progress toward a degree. To be considered in good academic standing, students must earn a minimum cumulative public health major GPA, a minimum UI cumulative GPA, and a minimum cumulative GPA for all college work of at least 2.00, and a required University of Iowa session GPA of 1.50 or higher during any spring, summer, or fall enrollment. If a student does not meet all grade-point average conditions, then the student is placed on academic probation.
Students usually are allowed only one session to return to good academic standing. They are required to meet with an academic advisor. Students on academic probation who withdraw registration after the deadline for dropping courses may be dismissed.
The college reviews academic records for all students at the end of the fall and spring semesters. There is no review at the end of the summer session. Students are placed on probation, dismissed for unsatisfactory progress (with or without previous probationary status), or restored to good standing only at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
Students who do not make satisfactory progress may be dismissed from the college without an intervening probationary period. Students who are dismissed from the college for unsatisfactory academic progress due to circumstances beyond their control, such as a death in their immediate family or extended personal illness, may appeal for a revocation of the dismissal. A student dismissed in January must submit a written appeal by the second day of spring semester classes. A student dismissed in May must submit the written appeal by June 15.
Students dismissed from the college for poor scholarship may appeal to re-enroll after an interval of at least one calendar year following the end of the term in which they were dismissed. A written appeal for reinstatement must be submitted to the Undergraduate Program Office. Appeals must be submitted before June 15 for reinstatement in a fall semester or before Dec. 1 for reinstatement in a spring semester.
For details, see the Undergraduate Student Handbook on the college's website.
Students dismissed for unsatisfactory scholarship for the first time are not permitted to register again for one year. Students dismissed for the second time may or may not be granted a second reinstatement. Requests for reinstatement must be made in writing and should be addressed to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Public Health. Arrangements for a reinstatement interview must be made with the associate dean for academic affairs. The interview must take place between March 1 and July 1 for reinstatement for the fall semester, or between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1 for reinstatement to the spring semester. Late requests are deferred to the following semester.
Students who are permitted to register following dismissal are registered on academic probation and ordinarily are allowed two semesters to achieve good standing. Most reinstatements include a limit on the number of semester hours the student may take upon reinstatement. Very poor academic work in the first semester of reinstatement, however, may result in dismissal at the close of that semester.
The College of Public Health Building, a state-of-the-art facility that opened in 2012 on the university's health sciences campus, houses the college's administrative, departmental, and faculty offices. The college's research centers, institutes, and specialized laboratories are located in Westlawn, on the health sciences campus; in University Capitol Centre, on the main campus east; and at the University of Iowa Research Park.
Four student computer laboratories are housed at the college. More than 55 software packages are available for student use, most without charge. Software includes Microsoft Office products, SAS, and S+. Some specialty labs are equipped with RedHat Linux and are loaded with R, Macanova, Xlispstat, Mathematica, and other software.
Students, faculty, and staff draw on extensive library resources available across campus. Hardin Library for the Health Sciences serves as a central resource for all of the health sciences colleges. Hardin Library's Information Commons, a state-of-the-art health sciences educational technology facility, provides central support and delivery for courseware development, classroom instruction, health-related research, and independent learning. It offers high-end multimedia development workstations, networked electronic classrooms, a case-based learning and conference room, and information research workstations for searching health-related databases and the internet.
Research Centers and Institutes
The College of Public Health is home to 24 centers and institutes that conduct research and provide public service. These multidisciplinary centers and institutes—most of which are supported by federal grants—focus their investigative efforts on important public health topics. They conduct an array of outreach, service, and policy activities through which the College of Public Health engages with agencies, communities, and organizations throughout Iowa, the Midwest, the nation, and the world. Students are encouraged to explore opportunities for involvement with any of the college's centers and institutes.
For more information, see Research Centers and Programs on the college's website.
College of Public Health Courses
CPH:1000 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, readings, visits to research facilities).
CPH:1050 College of Public Health Direct Admit Seminar 1 s.h.
Introduction for first-year students to student life and the public health profession; tips for student success, resources on campus, coping with adversity, advising responsibilities, curriculum choices and career objectives, and community building events.
CPH:1400 Fundamentals of Public Health 3 s.h.
Introduction to public health; emphasis on issues, challenges, achievements, careers; historical events that serve as a foundation for public health practice. GE: Social Sciences.
CPH:1600 Public Health Science: Inquiry and Investigation in Public Health 3 s.h.
Introduction to epidemiology, biostatistics, and the interdisciplinary nature of public health research and practice; how public policy and population-based interventions are subsequently shaped by public health evidence. GE: Quantitative or Formal Reasoning.
CPH:1800 Social and Psychological Determinants of Health: Changing Behavior, Improving Health 3 s.h.
Study of the social and psychological aspects of health, including understanding behavior change to improve health.
CPH:2050 Career Planning: Exploring Careers in Public Health 1 s.h.
Preparation for experiential learning opportunities, including development of interpersonal, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills; ethical decision-making; understanding the cultural contexts in which professionals work; working with communities and the role of advocacy; professionalism. Requirements: second-year College of Public Health major.
CPH:2200 Climageddon: Understanding Climate Change and Associated Impacts on Health 3 s.h.
Discovery, underlying principles, and impacts of global climate change; scientific evidence, global climate models, international treaties, ethics, advocacy and denial of climate change; strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation of unsustainable practices. GE: Sustainability. GE: International and Global Issues.
CPH:2220 Building a Healthier Tomorrow: Public Health Methods to Minimize Disease and Pollutant Exposures 3 s.h.
Introduction to historical public health practices developed to prevent exposures to environmental contaminants; major sources of those contaminants that adversely affect natural waters and air are evaluated relative to methods used to provide safe drinking water and clean air; in-class exercises involve critical thinking and creativity to understand concepts and tools needed to utilize prior public health successes and application to current and future environmental health events.
CPH:2230 Finding Patient Zero: The Exploration of Infectious Disease Transmission and Pandemic Threats 3 s.h.
Exploration of lay and scientific literature, pandemic infection games, and popular culture television programming to evaluate past and fictional pandemics—are these pandemics rooted in fact or fiction?
CPH:2240 Health, Intersectionality, and Diversity 3 s.h.
Exploration of intersectionality related to gender and health disparities, particularly as they impact diverse populations in the United States. Same as GWSS:2400, LATS:2400.
CPH:2400 The U.S. Health System in a Global Context 3 s.h.
Fundamental organizational structures of the U.S. health system and the difference between systems globally; basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic, and regulatory dimensions of health care and policy and roles, influences, and responsibilities of government agencies.
CPH:2600 Introduction to Public Health Methods 3 s.h.
Introductory quantitative and qualitative methods used in public health practice and research. Prerequisites: CPH:1600 with a minimum grade of C-.
CPH:3050 Career Planning: Preparing Post-Graduation Plans 1 s.h.
Development and preparation for post-college plans, including how to conduct a job search, write a résumé and cover letter, interview, and apply to graduate programs in public health and related fields. Prerequisites: CPH:2050.
CPH:3100 Health Economics 3 s.h.
Introduction to microeconomic theory and applications to health and health care, including demand for health and health services, health insurance coverage, health care markets, behavior of health care providers, and role of government.
CPH:3200 Death at Work: Case Studies of Workplace Safety and Health 3 s.h.
Case-study approach to understanding the rights of workers to a safe and healthful workplace; relevant risk factors (physical, economic, social) among several working environments.
CPH:3210 Nutrition in Public Health 3 s.h.
Concepts and methods of obtaining and using food and nutrition information from federal databases and research publications; how food and nutrition knowledge, policy, and research are used for improvement of the health of populations.
CPH:3220 Public Health as a Public Good: Economics and Decision Making in Public Health Systems 3 s.h.
Role of government in the economy from a public health perspective; emphasis on the importance of public goods, behavioral economics in public health solutions, and key methods for evaluation of public programs.
CPH:3240 Global Health Today 1 s.h.
Attendance at diverse on-campus, local, and regional global health events. Same as GHS:3030.
CPH:3300 Undergraduate Independent Study in Public Health arr.
In-depth pursuit of an area of special interest in public health.
CPH:3400 Health, Work, and the Environment 3 s.h.
Survey of environmental and occupational health hazards and the associated health risks of exposure; how public health protects society from these hazards; how public health policy can be influenced by science. Same as GEOG:3210.
CPH:3500 Global Public Health 3 s.h.
Exploration of historical, current, and forecasted trends in global public health, the factors influencing health demographics in human populations, sources of health inequalities, and appropriate policy and intervention approaches for addressing global public health challenges. Same as GHS:3500.
CPH:3600 Applied Public Health Methods 3 s.h.
Application of quantitative and qualitative methods used in public health practice and research. Prerequisites: CPH:1600 with a minimum grade of C- and CPH:2600 with a minimum grade of C-.
CPH:3700 Methods for Program Implementation and Evaluation 3 s.h.
Introduction of theory and practice of program implementation and evaluation for health care and public health interventions focusing on programs implemented at the community level, including projects in government and nonprofit organizations. Prerequisites: CPH:1600 and CPH:2600.
CPH:3750 Undergraduate Service Learning in Public Health arr.
Community service learning experience directly related to goals and objectives of a specific public health course for undergraduate students; faculty-guided planning and reflection; satisfies the experiential learning public health degree requirement for undergraduate public health majors. Recommendations: CPH:2050 strongly recommended.
CPH:3800 Why We Eat What We Eat: Public Health Theories and Society 3 s.h.
Examination of public health and social science theories as they relate to socioeconomics, policy, institutions, communities, individual decision-making, behavior, and health.
CPH:3900 Fundamentals in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response 3 s.h.
Basic concepts and principles used in emergency prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery at the local, state, and national levels with emphasis on roles and responsibilities of public health that align with policies, laws, and systems.
CPH:3999 Undergraduate Research Experience in Public Health arr.
Hands-on involvement in scholarly public health research activities under the supervision of faculty or research staff; satisfies the experiential learning degree requirement for undergraduate public health majors. Recommendations: CPH:2050 strongly recommended.
CPH:4200 Agriculture, Food Systems, and Sustainability 3 s.h.
Identification and development of tools to measure environmental and social sustainability of global agricultural practices, including interactions with the environment, social considerations, and the ability of agriculture to support farmers' livelihoods.
CPH:4210 Making a Difference: Public Health Policy and Advocacy 3 s.h.
Important role of policy in health, including policy structures, implementation, advocacy, and evaluation; students focus their work on a policy of their specific interest.
CPH:4220 Global Road Safety 3 s.h.
Road safety problem, data sources, research methods used in field, and how intervention and prevention programs are developed and evaluated; lecture, hands-on approaches. Same as GHS:4530, OEH:4530.
CPH:4230 Injury and Violence Prevention 3 s.h.
Theory, research, and practice of injury control; unintentional and intentional injuries; local, national, international injury issues. Same as EPID:4510, OEH:4510.
CPH:4240 Special Topics arr.
Didactic material in public health; may include tutorial, seminar, or faculty-directed work; may be a special topic or experience taught one time or on a first-time basis.
CPH:4250 Field Experiences in Public Health 1 s.h.
Direct involvement in actions being taken at local community level; topics include environmental health, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, and pediatric health; practical examples and hands-on experiences during site visits for topic-specific field investigations. Offered spring semesters. Prerequisites: BIOL:1140 or BIOL:1141 or BIOL:1411. Requirements: biology or microbiology coursework. Same as EPID:4314.
CPH:4260 College of Public Health Strike Force 0 s.h.
Provide support to public health organizations, health care systems, and nonprofit organizations throughout Iowa, nationally, and globally; students deploy to assist with diverse public health related projects; use of surge capacity, service learning, and just-in-time training models; hands-on learning opportunities that transition theory into practice while addressing real-life situations.
CPH:4750 Undergraduate Global Learning in Public Health arr.
Global public health experience; satisfies the experiential learning public health degree requirement for undergraduate public health majors. Recommendations: CPH:2050 strongly recommended.
CPH:4755 International Perspectives: Xicotepec 2 s.h.
Interdisciplinary service-learning course to enrich understanding of Mexican culture and history; students hone teamwork, leadership, cultural sensitivity, cultural humility, and project management skills while developing and carrying out public health projects that address community-identified needs; coordinated with the support of Rotary International.
CPH:4850 Undergraduate Public Health Internship arr.
Public health internship experience; satisfies the experiential learning public health degree requirement for undergraduate public health majors. Recommendations: CPH:2050 strongly recommended.
CPH:4990 Mentored Independent Undergraduate Research in Public Health arr.
Independent student research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor; satisfies the experiential learning degree requirement for undergraduate public health majors. Corequisites: CPH:3600. Recommendations: CPH:2050 strongly recommended.
CPH:4999 Public Health Capstone: Practice of Evidence-Based Public Health 3 s.h.
Students in their final year synthesize and apply knowledge through cumulative and integrative activities that serve as a capstone to their educational experience. Prerequisites: CPH:1800 and CPH:2400 and CPH:3050 and CPH:3400 and CPH:3600 and CPH:3700.
CPH:5100 Introduction to Public Health 3 s.h.
Concepts, structures, and activities in public health practice. Offered fall semesters and summer sessions.
CPH:5203 Interprofessional Education and Practice for MPH Students 0 s.h.
Students gain knowledge and skills in interprofessional practice between health professionals including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physical therapy, nursing, health administration, and public health; understanding roles/responsibilities, values, and ethics across health professions; development of teamwork skills.
CPH:6100 Essentials of Public Health 2 s.h.
Introduction and overview of the scope of public health; emphasis on history, definitions, issues, achievements, and future challenges; examples of public health research and practice.
CPH:6500 Independent Study in Public Health arr.
In-depth pursuit of an area of special interest in public health. Requirements: approval from the College of Public Health.
CPH:6600 Service-Learning in Public Health arr.
Community service learning experience directly related to goals and objectives of a specific public health course; faculty-guided planning and reflection.
CPH:6700 Public Health Emergency Preparedness for Veterinarians and Other Public Health Disciplines 3 s.h.
Introduction to public health emergency preparedness from a one health perspective; emergency preparedness from federal, state, and local perspectives; important elements for preparing responders; preparedness information systems and communication techniques.
CPH:7000 MPH Practicum Experience 0-6 s.h.
Comprehensive and integrated application of knowledge acquired in the MPH program in a practice setting; demonstration of professional competence in public health practice. Prerequisites: CBH:4105 and (HMP:5005 or HMP:4000) and EPID:4400 and BIOS:4120 and OEH:4240 and CPH:5100. Requirements: an approved practicum proposal.
CPH:7200 MPH Capstone Experience 1 s.h.
Students gain knowledge and skills in public health practice by working on an interdisciplinary team to solve a real-world public health issue; each student has the opportunity to apply classroom and practical experience received throughout their MPH coursework into an integrative experience; students particularly gain skills in advocacy, communication with diverse audiences on public health issues, and the role of different public health disciplines in solving health issues in the community. Prerequisites: CBH:4105 and (HMP:5005 or HMP:4000) and EPID:4400 and BIOS:4120 and OEH:4240 and CPH:5100.
CPH:7270 Principles of Scholarly Integrity: Public Health 0-1 s.h.
Training in the responsible conduct of research and scholarly activities; discussion of student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work and intellectual dialogues; responsibilities to the institution/scholarly community/society; public health core discipline examples are utilized.
CPH:7500 MPH Applied Practice Experience 1-2 s.h.
Comprehensive and integrated application of knowledge acquired in the MPH program in a practice setting; demonstration of professional competence in public health practice. Prerequisites: CBH:4105 and (HMP:5005 or HMP:4000) and EPID:4400 and BIOS:4120 and OEH:4240 and CPH:5100.
CPH:7604 Principles of Scholarly Integrity: Public Health - Postdoc/K Awardees 0 s.h.
Training in the responsible conduct of research and scholarly activities; discussion of student/mentor responsibilities in pursuit of scholarly work and intellectual dialogues; responsibilities to institution/scholarly community/society; utilization of public health core discipline examples; for public health postdoc/K awardees.