The graduate Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies requires 18 s.h. of graduate credit and is designed to be completed in one year. The program is open to students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program at the University of Iowa as well as to students enrolled in the Graduate College with nondegree status.
The program requires the following coursework. Students should consult their advisor concerning course choices.
Requirements | Hours |
A studio practice course | 3 |
A scholarly inquiry or material analysis course | 3 |
UI Center for the Book electives | 12 |
Certificate and Degree Opportunities
Separate application to each program is required.
Certificate/MA in Library and Information Science
The Center for the Book and the School of Library and Information Science enable students to earn the Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies and an MA in library and information science. Admission deadline is Feb. 1 for the following fall.
The programs offer multiple pathways into professional engagement with artifacts, such as rare and artist books, available in archives and libraries. Students select courses that enable them to gain skills and knowledge in areas of service such as conservation, cataloging, instruction, and outreach. Completion of the two programs requires 51 sh. of credit. Students must take at least 27 s.h. of library and information science courses and 15 s.h. of book arts, studies, and technologies courses. The remaining 9 s.h. may be taken in either School of Library and Information Science (prefix SLIS) or Center for the Book (prefix UICB) courses or from another unit, with approval of the School of Library and Information Science.
Certificate/MFA in Art
The Center for the Book and the School of Art, Art History, and Design enable students to earn the Certificate in Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies and an MFA in art. Students may wish to earn the MFA in a studio art area (printmaking, drawing and painting, design, etc.) in combination with the 18 s.h. certificate. If accepted to both programs, students are advised and matriculate through both programs independently. Most, if not all, of the 18 s.h. of elective coursework required for the MFA may be applied toward the Center for the Book certificate. It is possible for a student to earn both credentials in the same amount of time required to earn the MFA.
Admissions advisors in both areas of study assist interested students in discerning whether the Center for the Book MFA in book arts or the School of Art, Art History, and Design MFA in art and the certificate option is most appropriate to a student's background and career goals. In large part, this is determined by the degree to which books and book arts are central to the applicant’s chosen path.
Certificate/PhD in English
The Department of English offers students an opportunity to incorporate earning the graduate Certificate in Book Arts into the PhD curriculum. See English PhD in the catalog.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College; see the Manual of Rules and Regulations on the Graduate College website. Visit Admissions on the Center for the Book website for more information.