Faculty: https://education.uiowa.edu/directory
Website: https://education.uiowa.edu/reach
Program of Study
UI REACH (Realizing Educational and Career Hopes) is a comprehensive transition certificate program for college students with intellectual, cognitive, and learning disabilities. UI REACH offers an integrated college experience in a caring and structured environment. UI REACH is a four-year program with early graduation options.
The UI REACH experience integrates academic skill building, career development, campus involvement, social development, and transition planning to create a dynamic and inclusive collegiate experience. A few of the program offerings include:
- an integrated, Big Ten University experience with on-campus residence hall living;
- person-centered goal planning to customize each student's college experience according to their interests and abilities;
- specialized and individualized support in the core areas of academics, career and transition, social growth, and student life;
- specialized core curriculum and electives delivered by College of Education instructors;
- inclusive academic learning opportunities including classes for credit or audit;
- employment preparation and career development;
- integrated community-based internships and employment opportunities with local businesses;
- access to over 600 student organizations and numerous inclusive campus activities;
- on-call emergency 24–hour support;
- scholarships and other financial aid options;
- a four-year certificate with second- and third-year certificate options;
- opportunities to earn career-specific enhanced credentials and certifications; and
- events around the country for current students, alumni, and families.
For more information, visit UI REACH on the College of Education website.
UI REACH Courses
REA:0010 Social Skills I 1-2 s.h.
Basic interpersonal skills needed to succeed in academic, social, and employment environments; structured learning process for gaining discrete social skills necessary to initiate and maintain conversations in a variety of settings; awareness of feelings and cues in conversation to respond appropriately and have successful reciprocal interactions; lectures, modeling, role play, and practice in the community.
REA:0020 Computers and Technology I 1-2 s.h.
Training in computer literacy and practical skills for computer use in everyday life; computer parts and functions, the Windows operating system, computer applications; use of the personal computer to improve personal, academic and workplace productivity; group discussion, demonstrations, and multimedia experience support diverse learning styles.
REA:0021 Computers and Technology II 1-2 s.h.
Builds on REA:0020; fundamental computer competencies and strategies to simplify everyday life and enhance workplace performance; opportunity to improve practical skills for the workplace, communication with others, and daily life; tools for improving personal organization and communication and for meeting academic, entertainment, and workplace needs; group discussion, demonstration, independent exploration, and a multimedia experience support diverse learning styles.
REA:0022 Assistive Technology Applications 1 s.h.
How to access and employ current assistive technology applications to support lifelong learning, academic skill building, vocational experiences, and independent community living; how functional assistive technology and adaptive tools can maximize personal achievement and independence for individuals of varied abilities; students explore and operate assistive technology tools including, but not limited to, text readers, voice-to-text, cognitive aids, and navigation.
REA:0030 Health and Wellness I - Exploration 2 s.h.
Importance of health and wellness, personal relationships, sexuality and making healthy choices; overview of health and wellness topics college students face—nutrition, substance use, risky behaviors, personal relationships, sexual health, mental health.
REA:0031 Health and Wellness II - Healthy Lifestyles 2 s.h.
Health and wellness personalized for students; help in assessing individual health and wellness decisions and behaviors to improve current and long-term health and wellness; small group discussion, individual assessments, real-life exploration, interactions with health educators, one-on-one student support; second in a series.
REA:0040 Personal Finance 1-2 s.h.
Skills and strategies needed for managing personal finances and making informed spending decisions; initial focus on strategies for use while on a college campus and a larger goal of lifelong application; topics include budgeting, forms of payment, ATM use and etiquette, protecting yourself from financial fraud, differentiating needs and wants, comparison shopping, understanding discounts, tipping, and other personal finance topics needed for managing financial decisions while living independently.
REA:0041 Personal Finance and Math II 1-2 s.h.
Skills and knowledge needed for managing personal finances; banking, budgeting, insurance, how to be a good consumer; students plan for their financial future by studying paycheck information, actual income, and tax responsibility; research on independent living costs; second in a series.
REA:0045 Lifetime Literacy 1-3 s.h.
Students build writing and reading comprehension skills through text analysis and critical thinking; reading current events articles to construct argumentative and informational writing pieces; use of claim, evidence, and reasoning process to develop organized writing abilities.
REA:0050 Reading Strategies 2 s.h.
Building comprehension strategies and lifelong reading skills; using a novel to develop essential comprehension skills (e.g., summarizing, main ideas, prediction, inference, theme, sequencing); reading for enjoyment while sharpening skills that can be applied in broad reading applications.
REA:0062 Social Skills II 2 s.h.
Continuation of REA:0010; more advanced relationship skills that require self-regulation; self-awareness; applying skills for communicating under stress; structured learning process including repetitive practice and modeling as key components.
REA:0065 Independent Living Lab 0-1 s.h.
Development of independent living skills through a blended model of instruction and applied living in real-life settings; managing a living space independently; living in a shared room and community space; skill-building to manage cleaning, organization, and laundry independently.
REA:0070 College Transition I: Introduction to Campus Living 2 s.h.
Components of successful independent and community living; personal safety issues, effective communication skills for interacting with peers and college personnel, how to access broad community resources for living, work, and leisure; students develop a plan for personal daily routines; classroom activities, practical experiences on campus and in the community.
REA:0072 College Transition II: Preparing for Independent Living 2 s.h.
Individual goal setting and planning for independent living after college; how to be interdependent and independent in the community, socially, in careers, and in educational settings; promoting self-awareness, self-advocacy, self-determination, and community engagement.
REA:0073 Transition III: Applied Independent Living 2 s.h.
Preparation for independent living through development of SMART goals, person-centered planning, community resource mapping, and identifying a circle of support. Planning and leading a transition meeting to outline transition for life after college.
REA:0074 Household Management II 2-4 s.h.
Continuation of REA:0075; preparation for independent apartment living; experiential training, assessment to determine support needs; apartment living, personal care, value shopping and budgeting, preparing meals, successful community living.
REA:0075 Household Management I 1-4 s.h.
Independent living skills introduced in the life skills and health and wellness courses; hands-on experience in room care, clothing care, food/kitchen safety, meal planning and nutrition, food preparation, simple recipes, grocery shopping, event planning.
REA:0079 Service Learning 2 s.h.
Classroom-based learning combined with community service; available resources and ways to better a community; assessment of community needs, research volunteer organizations, service-learning opportunities within the community.
REA:0100 Career Exploration 3 s.h.
Opportunity to explore, enhance, or broaden work interests, skills, and potential career opportunities; interest inventories, review of vocational experiences, interactive employer presentations, informational interviews, job site experiences; focus on self-assessment of one's individual vocational strengths.
REA:0101 Job Search Strategies 2 s.h.
Fundamental skills for finding employment; creating a résumé, techniques for interviewing and networking, essentials for disclosure and workplace accommodations.
REA:0103 Job Search Strategies II 1 s.h.
Continuation of REA:0101; students update résumés and references; further development of interview skills with emphasis on self-advocacy and advancement in the workplace.
REA:0110 Entrepreneurism 1 s.h.
Characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of self-employment; basic aspects of forming a business; marketing; acquiring start-up funding and other resources; financial obligations and monitoring of funds required for a successful business; writing a business plan.
REA:0200 Business Support Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in business support; office procedures, word processing skills, oral and written communication, records management, business terminology.
REA:0202 Education Career Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in education; additional training typically required for careers in education, child/student needs, lesson planning.
REA:0203 Health Services Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in health services; office procedures and equipment, customer service skills, terminology used in health care environments.
REA:0204 Health and Human Services Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in hospitality and human services sectors; customer service skills, communication etiquette, and interpersonal relationships; industry outlook, terminology, and field experiences.
REA:0205 Human Services Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in human services; types of human services environments, interpersonal relationships and boundaries, paperwork requirements, terminology commonly used in human services environments.
REA:0207 Marketing/Sales Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in marketing and sales; customer service skills, use of retail equipment, marketing techniques and the importance of product appearance, pricing and advertising, vocabulary used in a retail sales environment.
REA:0208 Parks and Natural Resources Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in parks and natural resources management; operation and maintenance of equipment, safety procedures, customer service skills, typical vocabulary for positions involving care and management of shrubs, trees, flowers, and turf.
REA:0209 Skilled Trades Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in the skilled trades; occupational skill standards in specific skilled trades, apprenticeships or advanced training required, safety in the workplace, vocabulary typical for specific skilled-trade work environments.
REA:0210 Information/Technology Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in information technology; occupational skill requirements and standards, knowledge of typical equipment employees must operate, safety in the workplace, typical vocabulary for information technology work environments.
REA:0211 Hospitality and Food Service Seminar 1 s.h.
Different types of careers in the food industry; workplace skills and tasks; continuing training and education options; equipment and food safety; basic preparation steps, food presentation, place settings; field trips. Requirements: enrollment in UI REACH program.
REA:0213 Recreation Seminar 1 s.h.
Aspects of careers in recreation, training and education requirements, tasks at work, and job prospects.
REA:0215 Advanced Customer Service 1 s.h.
Builds on previously learned customer service concepts with application to a wide range of careers; communication techniques through various modes, technology used in customer service, guest speakers, skill development, managing difficult customer situations, and other essential customer service skills.
REA:0220 Digital Citizenship 1 s.h.
Making informed choices regarding media and technology in a digital age; exploration of media balance and well-being, online communication and relationships, privacy and security, and the impact of a digital footprint; responsible decision-making and communication methods in an online world. Prerequisites: REA:0020.
REA:0250 Academics and Life Skills Exploration I 1-3 s.h.
Expand basic academic and/or life skills with discovery, experiential learning, progress monitoring, and self-reflection; focus on strengthening foundational skills in practical academics and life skills; first of a two-part series.
REA:0251 Academics and Life Skills Exploration II 0-2 s.h.
Builds on basic academic and/or life skills explored in REA:0250; UI REACH instructors and university faculty work together to enhance learning opportunities while providing explicit, interactive learning opportunities; progress monitoring, reflection, and focus on maintenance of basic academic and life skills; second of a two-part series.
REA:0300 Internship Prep arr.
Introduction to workplace readiness skills, job expectations, and workplace environments; participation in job shadowing, creating professional résumés, and use of career assessments and person-centered goals to identify a career path or area of interest.
REA:0301 Internship Experience arr.
Internship experience leading to increased independence in the workplace (e.g., more independent operation of equipment, socialization, workplace safety, problem solving, conflict management); opportunity to acquire additional workplace skills in the student's career emphasis area; employers and mentors guide students in fulfilling their job responsibilities; students maintain a journal and discuss their experience with their advisor or instructor; second of three consecutive internships.
REA:0302 Internship III arr.
Internship experience with opportunities to develop more advanced skills for independent communication, problem solving, and workplace performance in the student's career emphasis area; employers and mentors observe the student in the workplace; students maintain a journal and discuss their experience with their advisor or instructor; third of three consecutive internships.
REA:0303 Internship Group arr.
Individualized community work experiences with periodic classroom seminars; building independent work skills, such as researching bus routes and emailing weekly journals; students, instructors, and employers evaluate student's work performance.
REA:0304 Internship V arr.
Continuation of REA:0303; community work experiences with periodic classroom seminars; emphasis on work skills in student's career area of choice; soft skills needed to be an independent worker.
REA:0305 Career Capstone arr.
Application of knowledge and skills developed during college experience in a hands-on, experiential format. Integration of external learning experiences and activities including interviews, job fairs, networking, career advancement opportunities, and related seminars. Individual or small group experiences include seminars, independent study, and/or service projects. Requirements: UI REACH fourth-year enrollment.
REA:0310 WorkKeys Lab 1-2 s.h.
Students build essential career-related skills using curriculum that is aligned with ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) assessments; topics include reading for information and applied math skills. WorkKeys is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.
REA:0501 Special Topics arr.
Topics include leisure resources, current events, science, family life, consumerism, community involvement, self-determination, self-advocacy, leadership, assistive technology, mentoring; course assignments, instruction, and student assessment in classroom and/or community settings; may be required or elective course.