K–12 Equity and Inclusion

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

The purpose of the graduate Certificate in K–12 Equity and Inclusion is to offer educational professionals or nondegree-seeking students currently working in K–12 schools, districts, and area education agencies expertise in equity and inclusion to better support the needs and interests of a diversifying student population. The certificate also is available to currently enrolled graduate students across the College of Education and may be of interest to graduate students outside of the college, especially those enrolled in the departments of Political Science or Sociology and Criminology, the schools of Social Work or Planning and Public Affairs, and in public health programs.

A student teacher sitting in a library with two young students looking at books.

Participating students use the knowledge and skills learned in the certificate program to effectively and immediately implement change in their respective educational contexts to better support students from historically marginalized backgrounds and to address systemic racism and oppression.

The Certificate in K–12 Equity and Inclusion is administered by the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership Studies and is granted by the Graduate College.