Human Relations, Minor

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

The undergraduate minor in human relations requires a minimum of 15 s.h. of credit, including 12 s.h. earned at the University of Iowa. Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 2.50 in all courses for the minor and in all UI courses for the minor. Coursework in the minor may not be taken pass/nonpass, but may count toward the minor if offered as S/U or S/F. Transfer credit must be approved by the chair of the Department of Counselor Education in order to count toward the minor.

The minor is open to all University of Iowa students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.

The minor in human relations requires the following coursework.

Course # Title Hours
This course:
CSED:4199Counseling for Related Professions3
At least 12 s.h. from these:
CSED:2081Making a Vocational-Educational Choice2-3
CSED:4110Psychology of Food and Mood3
CSED:4111Building Leadership and Success at Work3
CSED:4112How to Interview to Get That Job!3
CSED:4113Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, and Sleep Disorders3
CSED:4114Psychology of Body Modification and Self-Image3
CSED:4130Human Sexuality3
CSED:4131Loss, Death, and Bereavement3
CSED:4132Introduction to Addictions and Impulse Control Disorders3
CSED:4140Foundations of Leadership for Community Agencies3
CSED:4145Marriage and Family Interaction3
CSED:4162Introduction to Couple and Family Therapy3
CSED:4173Trauma Across the Lifespan3
CSED:4174Positive Psychology3
CSED:4175Motivational Interviewing3
CSED:4176Child Abuse: Assessment, Intervention, and Advocacy3
CSED:4179Sexuality Within the Helping Professions3
CSED:4180Topical Seminar for Helping Professionals3
CSED:4185Introduction to Substance Abuse3
CSED:4187Introduction to Assistive Technology3
CSED:4193Individual Instruction - Undergraduatearr.
CSED:4194Interpersonal Effectiveness3
CSED:4195Ethics in Human Relations and Counseling3
CSED:4197Citizenship in a Multicultural Society3
EALL:4130Introduction to Grant Writing3
EPLS:4150Leadership and Public Service I3
EPLS:4151Leadership and Public Service II2
EPLS:4180Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher (requires special permission for students not enrolled in TEP)3
PSQF:2115Introduction to Counseling Psychology3
PSQF:2116Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology3
PSQF:2700Introduction to Understanding Trauma and Resilience3

Contact the Department of Counselor Education for more information about the minor.