Master of Accountancy, MAc

The Master of Accountancy (MAc) is a nonthesis program. Coursework focuses on the conceptual and economic foundations of accounting with applications to current and emerging problems of professional practice. MAc students also have the opportunity to acquire expertise in one of four subprogram areas: financial accounting and auditing, business analytics, taxation, and managerial accounting.

Graduate students in accounting are subject to the probation and dismissal rules of the Graduate College and are governed by the Iowa MBA program and master’s honor code.

Learning Outcomes

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure demonstrates the technical skills necessary for entry into the accounting profession. Mastery of these technical skills is the principal focus of the undergraduate accounting program. The MAc program enhances these skills with particular focus on research, analysis, interpretation, and the use of technology while emphasizing the problem-solving and communications skills necessary for advancement in the profession.

Students should be able to:

  • identify a problem in an unstructured setting;
  • consider the goals of the decision-maker(s), identify an appropriate solution methodology, and develop possible decision options;
  • know how to obtain, assess, and organize information to evaluate the decision options;
  • utilize the appropriate data analytics, management tools, and information technologies to evaluate options;
  • include qualitative issues—strategic, social, and ethical—when picking the option to execute; and
  • communicate the solution in an effective manner.