Course Numbering

Courses at the University of Iowa

Course numbers at the University of Iowa consist of an alphabetical prefix (up to four letters) showing the college, department, or program, followed by a colon and a four-digit numerical suffix for the individual course. For example, SOC:2810 identifies the course numbered 2810 in the Department of Sociology and Criminology (SOC), titled Social Inequality.

Course suffix numbers:

  • 0000–0999 designate prelower-level courses;
  • 1000–2999 designate lower-level undergraduate courses;
  • 3000–4999 designate courses for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students (except in the College of Engineering, where numbers 3000–5999 designate courses for undergraduate and graduate students);
  • 5000–7999 designate graduate-level courses; and
  • 8000–9999 designate professional-level courses.

Tippie College of Business

ACCT Accounting
BAIS Business Analytics
BUS Business Administration (Tippie College of Business)
ECON Economics
ENTR Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurial Management)
FIN Finance
MBA Tippie Professional Programs (Master of Business Administration Program)
MGMT Management (Management and Entrepreneurship)
MKTG Marketing

College of Dentistry

DENT Dentistry
DPH Dental Public Health (Preventive and Community Dentistry)
ENDO Endodontics
FAMD Family Dentistry
GSND Geriatric and Special Needs Dentistry
OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
OPER Operative Dentistry
OPRM Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine
ORDN Orthodontics
ORSC Oral Science
PCD Preventive and Community Dentistry
PEDO Pediatric Dentistry
PERI Periodontics
PROS Prosthodontics

College of Education

BBC Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education
CSED Counselor Education
EALL Education Interdepartmental (College of Education)
EDTL Education Teaching and Learning (Teaching and Learning)
EHOP Education Honors Opportunity Program (College of Education)
EPLS Educational Policy and Leadership Studies
PSQF Psychological and Quantitative Foundations
SIED Science Education (Teaching and Learning)

College of Engineering

BME Biomedical Engineering (Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering)
CBE Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
CEE Civil and Environmental Engineering
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
EIT Engineering and Information Technology (College of Engineering)
ENGR Core Engineering Courses
ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
ME Mechanical Engineering

Graduate College

AMCS Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences
BMED Biomedical Science
CBIO Cancer Biology (Biomedical Science)
GENE Genetics
GRAD Graduate College
IGPI Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Informatics (Informatics)
IMMU Immunology
IWP International Writing Program
MMED Molecular Medicine
NSCI Neuroscience
PBAF Public Affairs (Planning and Public Affairs)
SDG Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development)
SLIS Library and Information Science
TBM Translational Biomedicine
TOX Human Toxicology
UICB University of Iowa Center for the Book (Center for the Book)
URP Urban and Regional Planning (Planning and Public Affairs)

College of Law

HRTS University of Iowa Center for Human Rights
LWAB Law Study Abroad

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

ACTS Actuarial Science (Statistics and Actuarial Science)
AFAM African American Studies
AMST American Studies
ANTH Anthropology
ARAB Arabic (French and Italian)
ARTE Art Education (Art, Art History, and Design)
ARTH Art History (Art, Art History, and Design)
ARTS General Art (Art, Art History, and Design)
ASIA Asian Languages and Literatures (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
ASL American Sign Language
ASLE American Sign Language in English
ASP Aging and Longevity Studies
ASTR Astronomy (Physics and Astronomy)
BIOL Biology
BKAT Papermaking (Art, Art History, and Design)
CCCC Critical Cultural Competence
CERM Ceramics (Art, Art History, and Design)
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
CINE Cinematic Arts
CL Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
CLAS Liberal Arts and Sciences Nondepartmental (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
CLSA Classics: Ancient Civilizations (Classics)
CLSG Greek (Classics)
CLSL Latin (Classics)
CNW Creative Nonfiction Writing (English)
COMM Communication Studies
CRIM Criminology, Law and Justice (Sociology and Criminology)
CS Computer Science
CSD Communication Sciences and Disorders
CW Creative Writing—Writers' Workshop (English)
DANC Dance
DATA Data Science (Statistics and Actuarial Science)
DIGA Digital Arts
DRAW Drawing (Art, Art History, and Design)
DSGN Design (Art, Art History, and Design)
DST Disability Studies
ECON Economics
EES Earth and Environmental Sciences
ENGL English
ENVS Environmental Sciences
ESL English as a Second Language
EVNT Event Management
FREN French (French and Italian)
GEOG Geography (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
GHS Global Health Studies
GRMN German
GWSS Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies
HHP Health and Human Physiology
HIST History
HPAS Health and Physical Activity Skills (Health and Human Physiology)
INTD Interdepartmental Studies
INTM Intermedia (Art, Art History, and Design)
IS International Studies
ISA Iowa Sciences Academy
ITAL Italian (French and Italian)
JMC Journalism and Mass Communication
JPNS Japanese (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
KORE Korean (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
LAS Latin American Studies
LATH Latham Science Engagement Initiative
LATS Latina/o/x Studies
LING Linguistics
MATH Mathematics
MDVL Medieval Studies
MTLS Jewelry and Metal Arts (Art, Art History, and Design)
MUS Music
MUSM Museum Studies
NAIS Native American and Indigenous Studies
PHIL Philosophy
PHTO Photography (Art, Art History, and Design)
PHYS Physics (Physics and Astronomy)
PNTG Painting (Art, Art History, and Design)
POLI Political Science
PORT Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese)
PRNT Printmaking (Art, Art History, and Design)
PSY Psychology (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
RELS Religious Studies
RHET Rhetoric
RUSS Russian (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
SCLP Sculpture (Art, Art History, and Design)
SJUS Social Justice (Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies)
SLA Second Language Acquisition
SMC Sport Media and Culture
SOAS South Asian Studies (Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures)
SOC Sociology (Sociology and Criminology)
SPAN Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese)
SPST Sport Studies (American Studies)
SRM Sport and Recreation Management (Health and Human Physiology)
SSW Social Work
STAT Statistics (Statistics and Actuarial Science)
SUST Sustainability Science (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
SWAH Swahili (French and Italian)
TAPE Teaching Assistant Preparation in English (English as a Second Language)
TDSN Three-Dimensional Design (Art, Art History, and Design)
THTR Theatre Arts
TR Therapeutic Recreation (Health and Human Physiology)
TRNS Translation
WLLC Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
WRIT Writing (Magid Center for Writing)

Carver College of Medicine

ACB Anatomy and Cell Biology
ANES Anesthesia
AT Athletic Training (Orthopedics and Rehabilitation)
BMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
CTS Cardiothoracic Surgery
DERM Dermatology
DIET Dietary
EM Emergency Medicine
EMTP EMT—Paramedic Program (Carver College of Medicine)
FAM Family Medicine
FRRB Free Radical and Radiation Biology
IM Internal Medicine
MED Carver College of Medicine
MICR Microbiology and Immunology
MPB Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
MSTP Medical Scientist Training Program
NEUR Neurology
NSG Neurosurgery
OBG Obstetrics and Gynecology
OPHT Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
ORTH Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
OTO Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
OTP Orthoptics Teaching Program (Carver College of Medicine)
PA Physician Assistant Studies and Services
PATH Pathology
PCOL Pharmacology (Neuroscience and Pharmacology)
PEDS Pediatrics (Stead Family Department of Pediatrics)
PERF Perfusion (Cardiothoracic Surgery)
PSYC Psychiatry
PTRS Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
RAD Radiology
RADO Radiation Oncology
RSBI Breast Imaging (Radiation Sciences)
RSCI Cardiovascular Interventional (Radiation Sciences)
RSCT Computed Tomography (Radiation Sciences)
RSMR Magnetic Resonance Imaging Program (Radiation Sciences)
RSMS Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (Radiation Sciences)
RSNM Nuclear Medicine Technology
RSP Radiation Sciences Program
RSRT Radiologic Technology (Radiation Sciences)
RSTH Radiation Therapy (Radiation Sciences)
SURG Surgery
URO Urology

College of Nursing

NURS Nursing

College of Pharmacy

PHAR Pharmacy

College of Public Health

BIOS Biostatistics
CBH Community and Behavioral Health
CPH College of Public Health
EPID Epidemiology
HMP Health Management and Policy
OEH Occupational and Environmental Health

University College

ABRD Study Abroad
AERO Aerospace Studies
CCP Career Center Programs
CIAE Office of Access and Support
CSI College Success Initiatives
HONR Honors Program (University of Iowa Honors Program)
IALL Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
INTL International Activities (Study Abroad)
LLS Lifetime Leisure Skills
LS Leadership Studies
MILS Military Science
SSTP Secondary School Training Program (Secondary Student Training Program)
UIUB University of Iowa Upward Bound
ULIB University Libraries
URES Undergraduate Research Experiences