Undergraduate major: marketing (BBA)
Graduate degree: marketing subprogram for the PhD in business administration
Faculty: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/people?keywords=&departments=176&category=All
Website: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/about/marketing-department
The study of marketing concerns itself with all activities related to the marketing and distribution of goods and services, from producers to consumers. The goal of the department is to make strong contributions to marketing practice and marketing theory with innovative teaching, cutting-edge research, and active community outreach. The marketing curriculum provides a broad foundation in marketing concepts along with opportunities to specialize in areas of vocational interests. The department utilizes multiple teaching methods, including experiential learning, research experiences, case analyses, and online and face-to-face classroom training to prepare students to solve a variety of marketing problems that arise in our increasingly complex global economy.
The Department of Marketing offers the undergraduate major in marketing with five possible concentrations and the subprogram in marketing that leads to the PhD in business administration. Additionally, the department participates in the MBA program; see Master of Business Administration Program in the catalog.
Related Certificate
Event Management
The Department of Marketing (Tippie College of Business), the departments of Communication Studies and Health and Human Physiology, and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) collaborate to offer the undergraduate Certificate in Event Management. Students who earn the certificate will know and be able to demonstrate the basic principles of organizing a successful event. They will gain a robust understanding of the diverse field of event management and careers in the event management industry. For information about the certificate, see the Certificate in Event Management in the catalog.
Undergraduate Program of Study
Graduate Program of Study
- Marketing subprogram for the Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
Marketing Courses
MKTG:1300 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities).
MKTG:3000 Introduction to Marketing Strategy 3 s.h.
Philosophy and activities of marketing; marketing environment of an organization; strategies with respect to marketing decisions, buyer behavior; spreadsheet analysis of marketing problems.
MKTG:3050 Professional Preparation in Marketing 1 s.h.
Overview of alternative marketing careers; required skills and personal characteristics that drives success in these fields; hard and soft skills required in major types of marketing careers; development of a professional brand identity and strategy to find marketing internships and permanent employment opportunities; marketing's relationship to other business and organizational functions and to external environment. Corequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3055 Career Preparation for Marketing 1 s.h.
Finding and successfully competing for career opportunities in marketing; online exercises, interactions with executives, and participation in a national organization representing professionals. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3050 and (MKTG:3100 or MKTG:3200). Requirements: 90 s.h. completed.
MKTG:3100 Marketing Research 3 s.h.
Marketing, research methods; role of marketing research information as a tool in management decision-making. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and (BAIS:2800 or STAT:2020 with a minimum grade of B or ECON:4800 or STAT:4101).
MKTG:3101 Marketing Metrics 3 s.h.
Identifying and measuring key metrics that are the focus for marketing plans and the backbone for evaluating marketing performance (e.g., penetration, share of requirements, customer satisfaction, churn rates, click-through rates, and customer lifetime value); relationship between conceptual models of business-to-business and business-to-consumer behaviors and the selection of appropriate metrics; emphasis on use of metrics as basic inputs for goal setting, marketing decision-making, and evaluation. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3100.
MKTG:3102 Marketing Analytics 3 s.h.
Marketing science models used in strategic and tactical marketing decisions; application of consumer behavior in the development of quantitative models that inform marketing mix decisions (advertising, pricing, and salesforce effort), new product development, product line management, and category management; topics may include product mapping, latent class (segmentation) analysis, conjoint analysis, choice modeling (binary and multinomial logic), diffusion models (word-of-mouth), decision-calculus ("models and manager" technology), churn analysis and web analytics. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3100.
MKTG:3103 Advanced Marketing Research 3 s.h.
Traditional and nontraditional research techniques to address business problems that have a relationship to basic research; primary focus on hands-on experience and peer-based learning. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3100.
MKTG:3104 Sports Marketing 3 s.h.
Overview of the strategies and analytical tools used to meet the needs of fans and improve marketing decisions in the sports industry. Topics addressed include understanding the sports consumer, fan segmentation strategies, the role of marketing research and analytics in understanding fan needs, the use of database marketing in reaching fans, managing sports brands, promotion and sponsorship in sports, and ticket sales and pricing strategies. Analytics skills discussed include data collection and aggregation, data visualization, and basic modeling techniques such as regression and clustering. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3100.
MKTG:3200 Consumer Behavior 3 s.h.
Behavioral and social aspects of marketing; research methods and findings from behavioral sciences, their relation to production, consumption, and marketing of products, services. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3300 Web Business Strategy 3 s.h.
Introduction to World Wide Web business and marketing; concepts, methods, and applications associated with doing business on the web; web page construction and design; case studies and/or entrepreneurial projects. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3400 Retail Strategies 3 s.h.
Strategies for retail site selection, store design, supply chain management, customer relationship management/customer service; merchandising management strategies for planning merchandise assortments, buying systems, buying merchandise, pricing, promotion. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3401 Merchandise Management 3 s.h.
Merchandise and service mix strategies for alternative retail concepts, including various store and online formats; topics include national brands versus private label, multi-channel distribution, logistics, replenishment strategies, pricing, promotion, product assortment, store layout, and point-of-sale and in-store merchandising. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3600 Product and Pricing 3 s.h.
Create and capture value through product and service design, including stage-gate evaluation models; implementation of pricing strategy for new products and existing product lines. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3605 Strategic Brand Positioning 3 s.h.
Strategic decisions, research processes, and tactics managers undertake to create effective brand strategies; students examine how to conduct strategic analyses of customers, competitors, and the company to identify attractive markets and sustainable competitive positions; sustainable competitive positions serve as the foundation for subsequent discussions regarding brand naming, identity, architecture, equity, and audits. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:3700 Marketing Institute Seminar I 2 s.h.
Soft skills and professional expertise to succeed in marketing and consulting careers; résumé and interview training, industry presentations, business case assignments, lectures. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000. Requirements: admission to the Marketing Institute.
MKTG:3701 Marketing Institute Field Studies 2 s.h.
Plan, design, carry out, and report on a marketing research project for a profit or nonprofit client organization; communicate with managers, apply knowledge of marketing research, meet deadlines, and convert research findings into actionable recommendations for management. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3700. Requirements: admission to the Marketing Institute.
MKTG:3702 Marketing Institute Seminar II 2 s.h.
Development of soft skills and professional expertise to succeed in marketing and consulting careers; résumé and interview training, industry presentations, business case assignments, lectures; mentor students in marketing institute seminar. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3700 and MKTG:3701. Requirements: admission to the Marketing Institute.
MKTG:4000 Contemporary Topics in Marketing 3 s.h.
Topics not regularly offered in other courses. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4050 Directed Readings in Marketing arr.
MKTG:4101 Integrated Marketing Communications 3 s.h.
Making marketing communication decisions and understanding how marketing communications work; planning and evaluation of marketing communications; theories, models, and tools to make better marketing communication decisions; course uses an Integrated Marketing Communications perspective, which involves understanding the role of the different promotional mix elements and coordinating them to develop effective marketing communication programs. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4200 Sales Management 3 s.h.
Personal selling, management of sales force; emphasis on recruitment, selection, training of sales representatives; problems in allocation of sales effort, supervision, control. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4201 Professional Selling 3 s.h.
Personal selling function in overall business strategy and professional selling process that underlies successful sales careers; emphasis on hands-on experiences in developing practical skills in sales strategy, analytics, and communications skills; students develop and make sales presentations, engage in role-playing exercises, and complete applied selling exercises as individuals or in sales teams; focus is on professional selling in a business environment, but students will also apply course concepts in other interpersonal business communications settings. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4250 Marketing and Sustainability 3 s.h.
Concepts for developing and implementing sustainable marketing strategies; developing more environmentally friendly products, more sustainable logistical systems, socially responsible pricing, and promoting sustainable products in a socially responsible way. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4300 International Marketing 3 s.h.
Differences in global environment: how cultural considerations, political, legal, and economic conditions affect market entry strategies and marketing mix decisions; development of marketing plan for non-U.S. environments. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4400 Digital Marketing 3 s.h.
Foundational understanding of digital marketing and how successful (and unsuccessful) marketing campaigns use online and mobile platforms; fundamentals of digital marketing including internet marketing strategies, user-generated content, search engine optimization, website design and management, inbound marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and data analytics. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4405 Marketing Sales and Promotion 3 s.h.
While there will always be some need for selling, the aim of marketing is to know the customer so well that a product or service sells itself—marketing done well should result in customers ready to buy; starting with the customer and working backwards, students gain insight into common customer pain points, and how companies improve customer experience and produce what customers will purchase; use of case studies to analyze real-world marketing problems; discussion of strategies and tactics to increase sales and compete successfully in today's challenging business environment. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4410 Customer Relationship Management 3 s.h.
Analytical approaches to customer relationship management; issues, techniques, and terminology associated with database marketing and data mining; analysis of customer databases; assessing lifetime valuation (LTV) of customers, identifying "high potential" customers, estimating return on marketing investment, and building predictive models to estimate the probability of response to a marketing campaign. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000.
MKTG:4500 Marketing Capstone 3 s.h.
Marketing problems of organizations; emphasis on marketing manager's role in developing, presenting goal-oriented marketing strategies; application of marketing concepts to real business situations. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3050 and MKTG:3100 and MKTG:3200 and (MKTG:3101 or MKTG:3102 or MKTG:3103 or MKTG:3104 or MKTG:3300 or MKTG:3400 or MKTG:3401 or MKTG:3600 or MKTG:3605 or MKTG:3701 or MKTG:4000 or MKTG:4101 or MKTG:4200 or MKTG:4201 or MKTG:4250 or MKTG:4300 or MKTG:4400 or MKTG:4405 or MKTG:4410 or MKTG:4800). Requirements: completion of 90 s.h.
MKTG:4800 Marketing Consulting Project 3 s.h.
Experience in planning, designing, carrying out, reporting on a marketing research project for a profit or nonprofit client organization; communication with managers, application of marketing research, meeting deadlines, converting research findings into action recommendations for management. Prerequisites: MKTG:3000 and MKTG:3100.
MKTG:4999 Honors Thesis in Marketing arr.
Independent student project directed by faculty or staff advisor; culminates in thesis that conforms to University Honors Program guidelines; may include empirical research, library research, applied projects. Prerequisites: BUS:1999.
MKTG:7800 Seminar in Consumer Behavior - PhD 3 s.h.
Key facets of consumer behavior: information processing, perception, memory, learning, attitude formation, attitude change, decision-making, and emotion; behavioral research methods.
MKTG:7825 Problems and Solutions in Behavioral Research 3 s.h.
Cultivation of PhD students' ability to be independent scholars with regard to theory building, testing, and assessing contributions; heavy focus on theory development and construction of nomological nets with an emphasis on behavioral research.
MKTG:7850 Seminar in Marketing Models - PhD 3 s.h.
Theoretical, operational models in marketing, with emphasis on recent advances; in-depth criticism of models, participation in model development project.
MKTG:7950 Directed Readings in Marketing - PhD arr.
MKTG:7975 Thesis in Marketing arr.
MKTG:9000 Directed Readings in Marketing arr.
MKTG:9010 Contemporary Topics in Marketing 1-3 s.h.
Topics not regularly offered in other courses. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9015 Social Media Marketing 3 s.h.
Fundamentals of social media marketing; establishing clear organizational goals for engaging in social media to market a product or service, developing solid strategies for implementation, and determining other key campaign logistics. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9120 Customer Relationship Management 3 s.h.
Analytical approaches to customer relationship management; issues, techniques and terminology associated with database marketing and data mining; analysis of customer databases; assessing lifetime valuation (LTV) of customers, identifying "high potential" customers, estimating return on marketing investment, building predictive models to estimate the probability of response to a marketing campaign. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9155 Digital Marketing Insights, Strategies, and Applications 3 s.h.
Introduction and examination of foundational, strategic and operational concepts of digital marketing through a combination of interactive lectures, case discussion, and project work; materials taught from a business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) perspective and considers marketplace dynamics, emerging technology, consumer insights, and data driven digital channels that inform a corporate vision for digital, a go-to-market strategy, and executional roadmap; introduction and knowledge advancement of tools and levers of digital marketing, followed by application to real world scenarios. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9165 Digital Marketing Analytics 3 s.h.
Comprehensive introduction to current analytic tools and technologies used in digital marketing; hands-on analyses with JMP, a state-of-the-art visually stunning data analysis software; strategic applications of marketing analytics to data from B2C and B2B cases. Prerequisites: (MBA:8150 or BAIS:9100) and MBA:8110.
MKTG:9170 Business to Business Marketing 3 s.h.
Industrial buyer behavior, buyer-seller relationships, interactive product policy and market segmentation, distribution and selling systems; skill development in market strategy formulation for industrial products and services, and in solving problems and making decisions about industrial marketing. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9190 International Marketing 3 s.h.
Domestic versus international perspective; identification and evaluation of opportunities and risks in non-U.S. markets; research problems in global markets; effects of international organizations, foreign exchange, macroeconomic policies, local law, and cultural differences on consumer behavior and marketing decisions; multinational versus global marketing strategies (entry, product adaptation, channel logistics, pricing, promotion); emphasis on practical applications. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9310 Marketing Analytics 2-3 s.h.
Quantitative tools to support marketing planning decisions, including forecasting, elasticity analysis, conjoint analysis, and customer LTV; analysis of syndicated data. Prerequisites: BAIS:9100 or MBA:8150.
MKTG:9320 Strategic Brand Positioning 2-3 s.h.
Define market boundaries; use customer and competitor analyses to create sustainable market positions; create and manage brand identities; brand architecture, brand equity measurement. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9330 Product and Portfolio Strategy 2-3 s.h.
Why and how product strategy is the cornerstone of business performance; explore appropriate product development and growth strategies for start-ups through established businesses in business-to-business and business-to-consumer environments. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9340 Customer Analysis 2-3 s.h.
Use customer insights to support successful marketing programs; organizational, individual, and joint decision-making; post sale satisfaction behaviors. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9350 Marketing Communication and Promotions 2-3 s.h.
Develop effective communication programs for business and consumer markets; manage agency relationships; integrate media/vehicle platforms; track and evaluate investments in communications and promotions. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.
MKTG:9370 Customer Experience 3 s.h.
Fundamentals of customer experience (CX) management leveraging principles of behavioral science and design thinking; value creation through journey mapping; experience prototyping; creating a customer-centric culture; CX technology and trends, including AI, AR/VR, IoT, and personalization; multisensory product and service design; measuring and evaluating CX initiatives. Prerequisites: MBA:8110.