Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences, PhD

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

The PhD program in applied mathematical and computational sciences is autonomous, broadly based, and interdisciplinary. It is designed to help students achieve a command of theoretical and applied mathematics and obtain basic knowledge in another area (e.g., in physics, engineering, operations research, chemistry, computer science, economics, statistics, geography, or in the biological, medical, or social sciences). The program is flexible; students can concentrate on applied mathematics, such as differential equations and numerical analysis, or on other applicable techniques in mathematics. Scientific computing is an important part of applied mathematics, so it is often a part of student training and dissertation research. Prospective students should have a desire to apply mathematical techniques or theory to relevant problems in an outside area.

Learning Outcomes

Students will gain:

  • proficiency in core applied mathematics subjects and broad knowledge in mathematics;
  • proficiency in computer programming/scientific computing;
  • excellent knowledge in at least one application area outside mathematics;
  • ability to communicate knowledge and research work to various audiences; and
  • ability to carry out research and work independently at a professional level.