Oral Science, PhD

Learning Outcomes

Acquisition of Broad-Based Foundational Knowledge in Oral Science

  • Demonstrate a broad-based understanding of the scientific disciplines relevant to oral science.
  • Demonstrate mastery of the literature and background knowledge pertaining to one’s chosen area of research.
  • Understand the principles of biostatistical analyses and appropriate engagement with biostatisticians.

Development of Critical Thinking Skills

  • Critically analyze primary scientific literature.
  • Rationally debate and defend scientific viewpoints using scientific principles and critical analysis skills.
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills.

Understanding of the Scientific Method and Its Application

  • Formulate hypotheses or experimental objectives that address knowledge gaps in the literature.
  • Formulate a logical and feasible approach to test a hypothesis or accomplish research objectives.
  • Critically evaluate results and draw appropriate conclusions from the data.

Proficiency in Research

  • Conduct research in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Carry out an in-depth research project and contribute intellectually and technically to all parts of its development, execution, and analysis.

Proficiency in Scientific Communication

  • Demonstrate proficiency in scientific writing as evidenced by first-author manuscripts and by composing grant applications.
  • Organize, defend, and communicate ideas effectively in scientific oral presentations and settings.

Interpersonal and Leadership Skills

  • Demonstrate an ability to work, when appropriate, in teams or collaborative settings with a diverse workforce.
  • Develop leadership skills, commensurate with experience, facilitate group discussions, teach, and/or conduct meetings.
  • Effectively mentor and motivate subordinates and/or peers.
  • Respond appropriately to positive or negative feedback.