Professional certificates: oral and maxillofacial pathology; oral and maxillofacial radiology
Faculty: https://dentistry.uiowa.edu/directory
Website: https://dentistry.uiowa.edu/oprm
The Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine educates predoctoral and graduate students. The department has diverse curricular responsibilities and faculty members with widely varied disciplinary expertise.
DDS Student Training
The department teaches dental students about diseases that manifest in and around the oral and maxillofacial region. Students learn about the clinical, radiographic, laboratory, histopathologic, and therapeutic management of these diseases and about their etiology and natural history. They also study the identification of systemic diseases and the oral implications through the physical evaluation of patients.
Facilities reserved for the Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine include a radiology special procedures area, an interpretation room, a surgical oral pathology laboratory, a clinical pathology laboratory with areas for histopathology, and a seminar room for small groups of graduate and undergraduate students.
In addition, the College of Dentistry has joint-use research laboratories that are well-equipped and staffed for conducting research involving histology, histochemistry, materials technology, radiobiology, ultrastructure, and electron probe analysis and quantification.
Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine Courses
OPRM:5200 Stomatology Literature Review 0-3 s.h.
Current literature in oral and maxillofacial pathology and radiology; presentation of graduate student research; development of lectures or seminars for DDS or graduate students, or continuing education for peers and practicing dentists.
OPRM:5225 Manifestations of Oral and Paraoral Disease 0-3 s.h.
Clinical experience in diagnosing, managing patients.
OPRM:5226 Oral Pathology for Graduate Students 0-1 s.h.
Head and neck diseases, abnormalities.
OPRM:5227 Surgical Oral Pathology 0-1 s.h.
Experience in day-to-day operations of surgical oral pathology laboratory; advanced training in histopathologic diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases. Corequisites: OPRM:5240, if not taken as a prerequisite.
OPRM:5228 Introduction to Surgical Oral Pathology 0-1 s.h.
Day-to-day operations of surgical oral pathology laboratory; histopathologic diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial diseases.
OPRM:5230 Research in Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine 0-3 s.h.
Includes thesis preparation.
OPRM:5238 Introduction to Histopathology 0-1 s.h.
Case studies; histopathologic diagnosis of diseases that affect oral and maxillofacial region.
OPRM:5240 Histopathology 0-1 s.h.
Case studies; advanced training in histopathologic diagnosis of diseases that affect oral and maxillofacial region. Corequisites: ORDN:5202, if not taken as a prerequisite.
OPRM:5241 Hospital Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine 0-3 s.h.
Management of patient consultations, diagnosis, therapy at a hospital-based dental service.
OPRM:5242 Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 0-3 s.h.
Radiologic manifestations of diseases; emphasis on craniofacial complex.
OPRM:5243 Practical Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 0-3 s.h.
Clinic participation; supervision of dental and dental hygiene students, review of their cases; participation in clinical radiology conferences, laboratory exercises.
OPRM:5244 Technical Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 0-3 s.h.
Experience with technical maintenance of darkroom, clinical equipment; troubleshooting under supervision of radiology staff.
OPRM:5245 Head and Neck Radiology 0-3 s.h.
Hospital-based rotation in diagnostic radiology with participation in interpretation sessions; CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, ultrasound.
OPRM:5246 Craniofacial Radiology 0-3 s.h.
Hospital-based rotation in diagnostic radiology; exposure to interpretive sessions on ultrasound, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine.
OPRM:5256 Advanced Oral Pathology 0-1 s.h.
Diseases involving orofacial organs; emphasis on bibliographic research, biodynamic analysis of pathologic processes, diagnostic interpretation; content adapted to student interests. Requirements: graduate standing in oral pathology.
OPRM:8120 Fundamentals of Oral Radiology 1 s.h.
Methods of clinical, radiographic examination, record keeping; correlation of basic, clinical sciences.
OPRM:8235 Oral Pathology I 2 s.h.
Application of biomedical science knowledge to diagnosis and management of oral and maxillofacial diseases, primarily surface epithelial diseases; classification of lesions and diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region into clinical categories, formulation of a clinical differential diagnosis, and recommendation of initial management based on clinical differential diagnosis.
OPRM:8236 Oral Pathology II 2 s.h.
Application of biomedical science knowledge to diagnosis and management of oral and maxillofacial diseases, primarily hard and soft tissue diseases/neoplasms and syndromes; identification of cause, pathogenesis, historical features, signs, symptoms, laboratory abnormalities, radiographic findings (where applicable), and recommended initial management of the most common and/or serious diseases and lesions of the oral and maxillofacial region. Prerequisites: OPRM:8235.
OPRM:8240 Basic Pharmacology 3 s.h.
Principles of pharmacology, pharmacologic actions of drugs, and correlation with therapeutic uses.
OPRM:8245 Introduction to Clinical Oral Radiology 1 s.h.
Principles, techniques of diagnosis, radiology, clinical pathology in clinical practice.
OPRM:8355 Systemic Disease Manifestations 1 s.h.
Clinical medicine for dental students; basic information for patient evaluation.
OPRM:8360 Clinical Oral Diagnosis 1 s.h.
Diagnosis of orofacial diseases by clinical, laboratory, radiographic and treatment planning methods; clinical case analysis.
OPRM:8361 Clinical Oral Radiology arr.
Making and processing intraoral, extraoral radiographs; principles of radiographic interpretation.
OPRM:8362 Applied Oral Radiology 1 s.h.
Builds on foundational knowledge learned in OPRM:8120 and OPRM:8245; emphasis on understanding disease process on radiographs and its interpretation. Prerequisites: OPRM:8120 and OPRM:8245.
OPRM:8365 Clinical Oral Pathology 1 s.h.
Oral and maxillofacial diseases: integration of the clinical, historical, radiographic features; therapeutic management.
OPRM:8368 Applied Dental Pharmacology 2 s.h.
Patients' medications and their implications for dental treatment; clinical use of medications that dentists may prescribe; guidelines for dental prescribing.