The Radiation Sciences Program offers two paths toward completing the major:
- an on-campus program in radiologic technology, diagnostic medical sonography, or radiation therapy for students who have not completed a radiation sciences modality; or
- an online program for registered radiologic technologists and nuclear medicine technologists who would like to earn a Bachelor of Science degree by distance education.
Undergraduate study in radiation sciences is guided by the academic rules and procedures outlined under Undergraduate Rules and Procedures in the Carver College of Medicine section of the catalog.
The Bachelor of Science with a major in radiation sciences requires a minimum of 120 s.h. Work for the on-campus degree includes a set of courses that are prerequisite to entering the radiation sciences major, completion of one of eight radiation sciences professional programs, and elective coursework sufficient to complete the minimum of 120 s.h. required for graduation. Students must complete the radiation sciences professional program at the University of Iowa. Registered radiologic technologists interested in earning the degree through distance education should see RT to BS (Online) in this section of the catalog.
Admission to the radiation sciences major is competitive and selective; acceptance into a professional program or the major is not guaranteed. Students who wish to enter the major must first be admitted to the University of Iowa as College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) students with a radiation sciences interest. As CLAS students, they must apply to the radiation sciences professional program of their choice by Jan. 15 of the year in which they wish to enter; see Apply on the Radiation Sciences Program website. Transfer students are encouraged to apply in early November to allow time for transfer course articulation. Accepted students enter a professional program, the radiation sciences major, and the Carver College of Medicine the following fall semester.
Applicants for admission to the University of Iowa whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to complete the University of Iowa English Proficiency Evaluation and satisfy the university's English Proficiency Requirements before they apply to a professional program. Students must have permission to register for a full academic load before they may be admitted to a radiation sciences professional program.
The radiation sciences major requires students to complete a minimum of two years of a high school world language prior to admission.
For additional information on UI admission requirements, contact the University of Iowa Office of Admissions.
First-year and transfer applicants admitted to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as radiation sciences interest students must complete all courses that are prerequisites to the radiation sciences major (including approved transfer equivalents) by June 1 before they may begin one of the radiation sciences professional programs and enter the major. The only exception to this deadline is that the physics course required for the diagnostic medical sonography program may be completed in the summer session. Prerequisite courses vary slightly depending on which professional program a student wishes to enter.
Students who have declared a radiation sciences interest but have not yet applied and been accepted to a professional program are advised at the University of Iowa Academic Advising Center. After they have been accepted to a professional program, they are advised by the Radiation Sciences Office of Student Affairs.
Upon successful completion of the professional program, students are eligible to apply for national certification exams for their program's specialty area(s). Once they have completed the professional program and all other requirements for graduation, they are granted a Bachelor of Science degree.
The Bachelor of Science with a major in radiation sciences requires the following work.
Prerequisites to the Radiation Sciences Major
Students must complete the following prerequisite courses (28–33 s.h.) before they may enter the program and the major. Additionally, students must have earned a cumulative college grade-point average of at least 2.50 prior to professional program admission. Students who wish to enter either of the two-year professional programs (radiologic technology or radiation therapy) must complete a total of 60 s.h. of college coursework, including the following prerequisites, before they may enter the program and the major.
Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four-year plan. Prerequisite courses for the three-year professional programs (multi-credentialed radiologic technology and diagnostic medical sonography) may take more than one year to complete. Prerequisite courses for the radiologic technology and radiation therapy professional programs may take more than two years to complete.
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
HHP:1100 | Human Anatomy | 3 |
HHP:3105 | Anatomy for Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3115 | Anatomy for Human Physiology with Lab | 5 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
HHP:1300 | Fundamentals of Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3500 | Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3550 | Human Physiology with Laboratory | 5 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
Students interested in diagnostic medical sonography or radiation therapy programs complete one of these: | ||
PHYS:1400 | Basic Physics | 3-4 |
PHYS:1511 | College Physics I | 4 |
Quantitative or Formal Reasoning
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
MATH:1020 | Elementary Functions | 4 |
MATH:1440 | Mathematics for the Biological Sciences | 4 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
Medical Terminology
Course # | Title | Hours |
This course: | ||
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
Culture, Society, and the Arts
Two courses for 3 s.h. each in two of these areas.
- Diversity and Inclusion.
- Historical Perspectives.
- International and Global Issues.
- Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
- Values and Culture.
See GE CLAS Core (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog for approved courses in the areas listed.
Recommended Pre-Major Work
The Radiation Sciences Program recommends that before students submit an application to a radiation sciences professional program and the major, they job-shadow a professional who works in their area of interest and gain hands-on patient care experience. Each professional program lists recommended courses that may be completed in addition to the required courses.
In order to earn the minimum of 120 s.h. required for graduation, students may need to complete elective coursework in addition to the prerequisite coursework listed and one of the professional programs in medical imaging. They should plan their elective courses in consultation with their advisor.
Radiation Sciences Professional Programs
Students must complete one of the following on-campus radiation sciences professional programs at University of Iowa Health Care:
- radiologic technology;
- radiologic technology and breast imaging;
- radiologic technology and cardiovascular interventional;
- radiologic technology and computed tomography;
- radiologic technology and magnetic resonance imaging;
- diagnostic medical sonography and cardiac/vascular;
- diagnostic medical sonography and general/vascular; or
- radiation therapy.
Each program offers modality-specific didactic and supervised clinical education courses. Graduates of the professional programs and associated internships are eligible to apply for one or more certification exams.
The diagnostic medical sonography programs span three years, the radiation therapy program spans two years, and the radiologic technology programs span two or three years. Each program begins in the fall.
Admission to all radiation sciences professional programs is competitive; each program accepts a limited number of students and acceptance is not guaranteed.
Students participating in clinical rotations at non-UI Health Care facilities as part of their professional program are required to meet the immunization and testing requirements of those facilities in addition to those required at UI Health Care locations.
A diagnostic medical sonographer is a skilled professional who uses high-frequency sound wave equipment to create diagnostic images and data that assist health care professionals in their diagnosis of patients with disease. Ultrasound imaging is used on many parts of the body, including the abdomen, heart, blood vessels, and the developing fetus of a pregnant person. When determining normal and abnormal findings, the sonographer must demonstrate sectional anatomy through transducer manipulation. The sonographer uses independent judgment in recognizing the need to extend the scope of the study according to the diagnostic findings. The sonographer spends extended time with the patient obtaining a thorough history of symptoms, explaining the exam, answering questions, and performing the exam.
Each of the radiation sciences diagnostic medical sonography (DMS) degree tracks consists of two professional programs—DMS and cardiac and vascular sonography or DMS and general and vascular sonography. Each of these three-year programs is selective and competitive; acceptance is not guaranteed. Students must satisfy all UI admission requirements, complete all prerequisites, and be accepted into the diagnostic medical sonography professional program following an application and selection process; see Diagnostic Medical Sonography on the Radiation Sciences Program website.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Cardiac and Vascular Sonography
The diagnostic medical sonography program in cardiac and vascular sonography provides a multispecialty education in cardiac (echocardiography) and vascular sonography (ultrasound imaging). Students learn about sonographic imaging and evaluation, hemodynamics and Doppler evaluation, sonography equipment, sectional anatomy, pathology, patient care, medical ethics, emotional intelligence, and quality assurance methods. They become proficient in using sonographic imaging equipment and in performing cardiac and vascular sonographic procedures, including invasive procedures, emergency exams, and 3D imaging. They also participate in supervised clinical education. An elective course and lab in pediatric cardiac sonography is available.
Upon completing the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in diagnostic medical sonography in the specialty areas of cardiac (echocardiography) and vascular technology.
Students who have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 (except physics, which may be completed in the summer session) are eligible to apply to this three-year program. Application deadline is Jan. 15. Up to eight students are accepted into this track each year, which begins in the fall.
DMS and Cardiac and Vascular Sonography: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the diagnostic medical sonography and cardiac and vascular professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy (online) | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics (online) | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences (online) | 3 |
RSMS:3100 | Cardiac Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3101 | Cardiac Sonography I Lab | 2 |
RSMS:3110 | Foundations of Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:3111 | Foundations of Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSMS:3140 | Vascular Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3141 | Vascular Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3150 | Cardiac Physiology and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSMS:3205 | Cardiac Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3206 | Cardiac Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSMS:3230 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation | 3 |
RSMS:3231 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3270 | Vascular Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3315 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSMS:3376 | Vascular Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4110 | Advanced Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4111 | Advanced Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship IV | 5 |
RSMS:4120 | Advanced Cardiac Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4121 | Advanced Cardiac Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSMS:4220 | Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar | 3 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
Recommended elective credit: | ||
RSMS:3305 | Pediatric Cardiac Sonography (online elective) | 3 |
RSMS:3306 | Pediatric Cardiac Sonography Laboratory | 1 |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography and General and Vascular Sonography
The diagnostic medical sonography program in general and vascular sonography provides a multispecialty education in obstetrical, abdominal, and vascular sonography (ultrasound imaging). Students learn about sonographic imaging and evaluation, hemodynamics and Doppler evaluation, sonography equipment, sectional anatomy, pathology, patient care, medical ethics, emotional intelligence, and quality assurance methods. They become proficient in using sonographic imaging equipment and in performing obstetrical and gynecological, abdominal, and vascular sonographic procedures, including invasive procedures, emergency exams, pediatric sonography, and 3D imaging. They also participate in supervised clinical education. An elective course in breast sonography is available.
Upon completing the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in diagnostic medical sonography in the specialty areas of obstetrics and gynecology, abdomen, and vascular technology.
Students who will have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 (except physics, which may be completed in the summer session) are eligible to apply to this three-year program. Application deadline is Jan. 15. Up to 12 students are accepted into this track each year, which begins in the fall.
DMS and General and Vascular Sonography: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the diagnostic medical sonography and general and vascular professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy (online) | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics (online) | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences (online) | 3 |
RSMS:3110 | Foundations of Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:3111 | Foundations of Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSMS:3120 | Abdominal Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3121 | Abdominal Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3130 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3131 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3140 | Vascular Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3141 | Vascular Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSMS:3230 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation | 3 |
RSMS:3231 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3240 | Abdominal Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3250 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3270 | Vascular Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3300 | Pediatric Sonography (online) | 3 |
RSMS:3315 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSMS:3325 | Abdominal Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3376 | Vascular Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4110 | Advanced Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4111 | Advanced Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship IV | 5 |
RSMS:4215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSMS:4220 | Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar | 3 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
Recommended elective credit: | ||
RSMS:3260 | Breast Sonography (online elective) | 2 |
DMS Recommended Pre-Major Work
The following courses are recommended prior to DMS program application.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences | 1 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning | 1 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BIOL:1140 | Human Biology: Nonmajors | 4 |
HHP:1400 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BAIS:1500 | Business Computing Essentials | 2 |
CS:1020 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
A radiologic technologist is a professional, qualified by education and clinical experience, who provides radiological (x-ray) services using a variety of exams and procedures. While utilizing excellent patient care skills, the technologist operates radiological equipment so that optimum radiographic quality is achieved with minimum radiation exposure to the patient. Radiographers are employed primarily in hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices, where they work closely with other members of the health care team to help diagnose and treat patients.
The radiation sciences radiologic technology degree tracks consist of five professional programs. Up to 20 students are accepted into the radiologic technology program each year.
- Radiologic Technology
- Radiologic Technology and Breast Imaging
- Radiologic Technology and Cardiovascular Interventional
- Radiologic Technology and Computed Tomography
- Radiologic Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Each of these two- or three-year programs is selective and competitive; acceptance is not guaranteed. Students must satisfy all UI admission requirements, complete all prerequisites, and be accepted into a radiologic technology professional program following an application and selection process; see Radiologic Technology on the Radiation Sciences Program website.
Radiologic Technology
The radiologic technology (RT) program provides education in pathology, radiation biology, radiation protection, patient care, sectional anatomy, emotional intelligence, medical ethics, medical research, quality management, and health care administration. Students learn about radiographic procedures and positioning, digital imaging, and evaluation. Students become proficient in using a variety of different types of imaging equipment and participate in supervised clinical education in diagnostic radiography.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exam in radiography.
Students who will have completed a total of 60 s.h., including prerequisite courses by June 1, are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this two-year program during their second year and begin in fall of their junior year. Application deadline is Jan. 15.
RT: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into this radiologic technology professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their third and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Radiologic Technology and Breast Imaging
Students participate in the radiologic technology curriculum as previously stated for the first two years.
The breast imaging (BI) component offers intensive study and practice in breast imaging, including patient care procedures, pathology, anatomy, imaging procedures and analysis, Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) quality control, and image acquisition principles. Students become acquainted with imaging equipment, study quality assurance, and participate in supervised clinical education in radiography and breast imaging.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in radiography and mammography.
Students who will have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this three-year program during their first year and begin in the fall of their sophomore year. Application deadline is Jan. 15.
RT and Breast Imaging: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the radiologic technology and breast imaging professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSBI:3310 | Patient Care for Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSBI:3315 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSBI:4110 | Breast Imaging Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4115 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship II | 4 |
RSBI:4120 | Anatomy and Pathology for Breast Imaging | 2 |
RSBI:4130 | Breast Imaging Acquisitions and Principles | 2 |
RSBI:4210 | Breast Imaging Advanced Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4215 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSBI:4220 | Quality Control in Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Radiologic Technology and Cardiovascular Interventional
Students participate in the radiologic technology curriculum as stated previously for the first two years.
The cardiovascular interventional (CVI) component concentrates on imaging equipment, pharmacology, sterile techniques, cardiac monitoring, vascular anatomy and physiology; cardiovascular, peripheral, and neurological procedures and pathology; therapeutic intervention techniques; and digital angiography. Students become acquainted with imaging equipment, study quality assurance, and participate in supervised clinical education in radiography, cardiac interventional, and peripheral and neurological interventional.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in radiography, vascular interventional technology, and cardiac interventional technology.
Students who will have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this three-year program during their first year and begin in fall of their sophomore year. Application deadline is Jan. 15.
RT and Cardiovascular Interventional: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the radiologic technology and cardiovascular interventional professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCI:4120 | CVI Principles | 4 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSCI:4140 | CVI Peripheral Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4150 | CVI Neurology and Nonvascular Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4160 | CVI Cardiac Procedures and Pathology | 4 |
RSCI:4170 | CVI Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSCI:4180 | CVI Clinical Internship II | 4 |
RSCI:4190 | CVI Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Radiologic Technology and Computed Tomography
Students participate in the radiologic technology curriculum as stated previously for the first two years.
The computed tomography (CT) component concentrates on sectional anatomy, single and multislice CT, electron beam CT, physiologic and 3D imaging, CT simulation, physics and imaging, and procedures and pathology. Students become acquainted with imaging equipment, study quality assurance, and participate in supervised clinical education in radiography and computed tomography.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in radiography and computed tomography.
Students who will have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this three-year program during their first year and begin in fall of their sophomore year. Application deadline is Jan. 15.
RT and Computed Tomography: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the radiologic technology and computed tomography professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSCT:4105 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSCT:4115 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship II | 4 |
RSCT:4120 | Computed Tomography Procedures I | 4 |
RSCT:4125 | Computed Tomography Procedures II | 4 |
RSCT:4130 | Computed Tomography Physical Principles and QC | 4 |
RSCT:4215 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Radiologic Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Students participate in the radiologic technology curriculum as stated previously for the first two years.
The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) component offers intensive study and practice in MRI, including patient care procedures, pathophysiology, physics, sectional anatomy, and instrumentation. Students become acquainted with imaging equipment, study quality assurance, and participate in supervised clinical education in radiography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exams in radiography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Students who will have completed all prerequisite courses by June 1 are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this three-year program during their first year and begin in fall of their sophomore year. Application deadline is Jan. 15.
RT and Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the radiologic technology and magnetic resonance imaging professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their second, third, and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSMR:4110 | Fundamentals for the MRI Technologist | 3 |
RSMR:4120 | MRI Procedures I | 4 |
RSMR:4130 | MRI Procedures II | 4 |
RSMR:4140 | MRI Acquisition and Principles I | 3 |
RSMR:4150 | MRI Acquisition and Principles II | 3 |
RSMR:4160 | MRI Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSMR:4170 | MRI Clinical Internship II | 4 |
RSMR:4175 | MRI Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
RT Recommended Pre-Major Work
The following courses are recommended prior to RT program application.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences (required for two-year radiologic technology track) | 1 |
PHYS:1400 | Basic Physics | 3-4 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning | 1 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BIOL:1140 | Human Biology: Nonmajors | 4 |
HHP:1400 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BAIS:1500 | Business Computing Essentials | 2 |
CS:1020 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
A radiation therapist is a healthcare professional specializing in the administration of therapeutic radiation treatments to patients with cancer and some benign conditions. Their primary role involves carefully following treatment plans prescribed by radiation oncologists, operating advanced radiation therapy equipment, and ensuring precise radiation delivery to targeted areas while minimizing exposure to healthy tissues. Additionally, radiation therapists are crucial in providing emotional support to patients undergoing radiation therapy and monitoring their overall well-being throughout the treatment process. Radiation therapists are employed in radiation therapy facilities located in hospitals and freestanding centers.
Radiation therapy program graduates are knowledgeable and skilled medical professionals proficient in delivering therapeutic radiation. Admission to this two-year program is selective and competitive; acceptance is not guaranteed. Students must satisfy all UI admission requirements, complete all prerequisites, and be accepted into the radiation therapy professional program following an application and selection process. See Radiation Therapy on the Radiation Sciences Program website.
Radiation Therapy
The radiation therapy professional program teaches the theory and techniques of radiation therapy technology, with emphasis on competence in areas of oncology treatment planning, treatment delivery, dosimetry, and use of megavoltage radiation-producing equipment to administer treatment. Students participate in clinical education in radiation therapy. Radiation therapy students also complete coursework in sectional anatomy, computed tomography (CT) procedures and physics, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fundamentals.
Upon completing the program, graduates are eligible to apply for the national certification exam in radiation therapy. Students will have completed the coursework but not the clinical component to be eligible to apply for the national certification exam in computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging.
Students who have completed a total of 60 s.h., including prerequisite courses by June 1, are eligible to apply to this program. Students typically apply to this two-year program during their second year and begin it in the fall of their junior year. The application deadline is Jan. 15. Eight students are accepted into this track each year.
Radiation Therapy: Required Courses
Upon acceptance into the radiation therapy professional program, students will complete required courses and internships during their third and fourth years.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences (online) | 3 |
RSCT:4120 | Computed Tomography Procedures I (online) | 4 |
RSCT:4130 | Computed Tomography Physical Principles and QC (online) | 4 |
RSMR:4110 | Fundamentals for the MRI Technologist (online) | 3 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration (online) | 2 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSTH:3100 | Introduction to Radiation Therapy | 3 |
RSTH:3110 | Medical Physics I | 2 |
RSTH:3120 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship I | 3 |
RSTH:3205 | Principles of Radiation Therapy I | 3 |
RSTH:3215 | Medical Physics II | 2 |
RSTH:3225 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSTH:3325 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSTH:4105 | Principles of Radiation Therapy II | 2 |
RSTH:4125 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSTH:4225 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSTH:4230 | Radiation Therapy Capstone | 3 |
Radiation Therapy Recommended Pre-Major Work
The following courses are recommended prior to radiation therapy program application.
Course # | Title | Hours |
All of these: | ||
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences | 1 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning | 1 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BIOL:1140 | Human Biology: Nonmajors | 4 |
HHP:1400 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
One of these: | ||
BAIS:1500 | Business Computing Essentials | 2 |
CS:1020 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
The RT to BS is an online program designed for registered radiologic technologists and nuclear medicine technologists who wish to earn a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in radiation sciences by distance education. The program requires a minimum of 120 s.h. Students who successfully complete a radiologic technology (RT) or a nuclear medicine technology (NMT) program are awarded 60 s.h. of credit. They also are awarded credit for equivalent coursework that is prerequisite to entering the major. Upon admission to the major, students complete an online modality, multidisciplinary courses, and electives for graduation.
Students choose one of five online modality options: breast imaging (BI), cardiovascular interventional (CVI), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a multi-modality option. The modalities do not require an internship.
In order to be admitted to the radiation sciences major, students must pass the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) radiography, ARRT nuclear medicine technology, or Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) exam. They also must have completed all coursework prerequisite to entering the major with a grade-point average of at least 2.50, not including RT or NMT program courses. Students may count approved transfer credit toward the required prerequisites; learn more by visiting Transfer Courses on MyUI.
Applicants for admission to the University of Iowa whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to complete the university's English Proficiency Evaluation and satisfy the university's English Proficiency Requirements.
The radiation sciences major requires students to complete a minimum of two years of a high school world language prior to admission.
For additional information on UI admission requirements, contact the University of Iowa Office of Admissions.
Prerequisites to the Radiation Sciences Major
In addition to the completion of an RT or NMT program, students must complete the following prerequisite courses (25–29 s.h.) before they may enter the radiation sciences major.
Course # | Title | Hours |
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
HHP:1100 | Human Anatomy | 3 |
HHP:3105 | Anatomy for Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3115 | Anatomy for Human Physiology with Lab | 5 |
Natural Sciences
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
BIOL:1140 | Human Biology: Nonmajors | 4 |
CHEM:1070 | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM:1110 | Principles of Chemistry I | 4 |
HHP:1300 | Fundamentals of Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3500 | Human Physiology | 3 |
HHP:3550 | Human Physiology with Laboratory | 5 |
PHYS:1400 | Basic Physics | 3-4 |
PHYS:1511 | College Physics I | 4 |
Quantitative or Formal Reasoning
Course # | Title | Hours |
One of these: | ||
MATH:1020 | Elementary Functions | 4 |
MATH:1440 | Mathematics for the Biological Sciences | 4 |
Course # | Title | Hours |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
Medical Terminology
Course # | Title | Hours |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
Culture, Society, and the Arts
Two courses for 3 s.h. each in two of these areas.
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Historical Perspectives
- International and Global Issues
- Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts
- Values and Society
See GE CLAS Core (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) in the catalog for approved courses in the areas listed.
Once students are admitted to the Carver College of Medicine and the radiation sciences major, they must at least complete their final consecutive 30 s.h. at the University of Iowa, including an online modality (21–23 s.h.), two multidisciplinary courses (6 s.h.), and sufficient elective coursework to complete the minimum 120 s.h. and the final consecutive 30 s.h. required for graduation.
Online Modality
Students complete one of the following online modalities.
Breast Imaging
The breast imaging online modality requires the following coursework (22 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
RSBI:3310 | Patient Care for Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSBI:4110 | Breast Imaging Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4120 | Anatomy and Pathology for Breast Imaging | 2 |
RSBI:4130 | Breast Imaging Acquisitions and Principles | 2 |
RSBI:4210 | Breast Imaging Advanced Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4220 | Quality Control in Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Cardiovascular Interventional
The cardiovascular interventional online modality requires the following coursework (23 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCI:4120 | CVI Principles | 4 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSCI:4140 | CVI Peripheral Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4150 | CVI Neurology and Nonvascular Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4160 | CVI Cardiac Procedures and Pathology | 4 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Computed Tomography
The computed tomography online modality requires the following coursework (21 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSCT:4120 | Computed Tomography Procedures I | 4 |
RSCT:4125 | Computed Tomography Procedures II | 4 |
RSCT:4130 | Computed Tomography Physical Principles and QC | 4 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The magnetic resonance imaging online modality requires the following coursework (23 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSMR:4110 | Fundamentals for the MRI Technologist | 3 |
RSMR:4120 | MRI Procedures I | 4 |
RSMR:4130 | MRI Procedures II | 4 |
RSMR:4140 | MRI Acquisition and Principles I | 3 |
RSMR:4150 | MRI Acquisition and Principles II | 3 |
Multi-Modality Option
The multi-modality online modality requires the following coursework (21 s.h.).
Course # | Title | Hours |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
Additional breast imaging (RSBI), computed tomography (RSCT), cardiovascular interventional (RSCI), or magnetic resonance imaging (RSMR) coursework | 15 |
Course schedules can be found on the Online RT to BS page of the Radiation Sciences Program website.
Multidisciplinary Courses
Students complete two multidisciplinary courses (at least 6 s.h.) from this list.
Course # | Title | Hours |
Two of these: | ||
ASP:1800 | Aging Matters: Introduction to Gerontology | 3 |
ASP:3150 | Psychology of Aging | 3 |
CPH:1400 | Fundamentals of Public Health | 3 |
CSED:4111 | Building Leadership and Success at Work | 3 |
CSED:4140 | Foundations of Leadership for Community Agencies | 3 |
CSED:4194 | Interpersonal Effectiveness | 3 |
CSED:4197 | Citizenship in a Multicultural Society | 3 |
ECON:1200 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 4 |
GHS:3850 | Promoting Health Globally | 3 |
HHP:2130 | Human Development Through the Life Span | 3 |
MGMT:2100 | Introduction to Management | 3 |
MGMT:3500 | Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I | 3 |
PSQF:1075 | Educational Psychology and Measurement | 3 |
PSQF:2700 | Introduction to Understanding Trauma and Resilience | 3 |
RHET:2135 | Rhetorics of Diversity and Inclusion | 3 |
SOC:3510 | Medical Sociology | 3 |
SOC:4225 | The Social Psychology of Leadership | 3 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference | 3 |
Students choose elective coursework to complete the minimum 120 s.h. required and the final consecutive 30 s.h. necessary to qualify for graduation.
The majority of radiation sciences graduates are employed shortly after graduation. Graduates generally find jobs in hospitals, clinics, imaging centers, and physicians’ offices. With experience, and sometimes additional education, they may find related jobs in management, sales, education, or as application specialists. Some students choose to continue their education in a master's, physician assistant, or other related medical program.
Most radiation sciences professionals with full-time jobs work 40 hours a week and may have holiday, weekend, evening, night, and on-call hours.
Students who complete Iowa's professional radiation sciences programs are eligible to apply for national certification exams administered by the appropriate agency in order to practice.
Licensure laws for radiographers, sonographers, and radiation therapists vary from state to state. Iowa is a licensing state, requiring radiographers to have a permit to practice. Passing the national exam is a criterion used to issue a permit to practice.
More information on radiation sciences careers and outcomes may be found on the Radiation Sciences Program website. The Pomerantz Career Center offers multiple resources to help students find jobs.
Sample Plans of Study
Sample plans represent one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. For additional sample plans, see MyUI.
Radiation Sciences, BS
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Cardiac/Vascular Professional Program
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography and General/Vascular Professional Program
- Radiation Therapy Professional Program
- Radiologic Technology Professional Program
- Radiologic Technology and Breast Imaging Professional Program
- Radiologic Technology and Cardiovascular Interventional Professional Program
- Radiologic Technology and Computed Tomography Professional Program
- Radiologic Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Professional Program
Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Cardiac/Vascular Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Cardiac/Vascular professional program is three years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in diagnostic medical sonography | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 |
Human Biology: Nonmajors b or Human Anatomy and Physiology |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1440 or MATH:1020 |
Mathematics for the Biological Sciences c or Elementary Functions |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course h | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Summer | ||
PHYS:1511 or PHYS:1400 |
College Physics I i or Basic Physics |
3 - 4 |
Hours | 3-4 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
CS:1020 or BAIS:1500 |
Principles of Computing d or Business Computing Essentials |
2 - 3 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning d | 1 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference d | 3 |
Hours | 14-15 | |
Spring | ||
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSMS:3110 | Foundations of Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:3111 | Foundations of Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSMS:3100 | Cardiac Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3101 | Cardiac Sonography I Lab | 2 |
RSMS:3150 | Cardiac Physiology and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSMS:3140 | Vascular Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3141 | Vascular Sonography I Lab | 1 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSMS:3230 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation | 3 |
RSMS:3231 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3205 | Cardiac Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3206 | Cardiac Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3270 | Vascular Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship II | 3 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSMS:3376 | Vascular Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3315 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSMS:3305 | Pediatric Cardiac Sonography d | 3 |
RSMS:3306 | Pediatric Cardiac Sonography Laboratory d | 1 |
Hours | 9 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSMS:4110 | Advanced Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4111 | Advanced Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4120 | Advanced Cardiac Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4121 | Advanced Cardiac Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship IV | 5 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSMS:4220 | Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar | 3 |
RSMS:4215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 123-130 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- h
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- i
- PHYS:1400 may be completed in the spring or summer semester. Summer is recommended if both anatomy and physiology are taken in the spring.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography and General/Vascular Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography and General/Vascular professional program is three years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in diagnostic medical sonography | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 |
Human Biology: Nonmajors b or Human Anatomy and Physiology |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1440 or MATH:1020 |
Mathematics for the Biological Sciences c or Elementary Functions |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course h | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Summer | ||
PHYS:1400 or PHYS:1511 |
Basic Physics i or College Physics I |
3 - 4 |
Hours | 3-4 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
CS:1020 or BAIS:1500 |
Principles of Computing d or Business Computing Essentials |
2 - 3 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning d | 1 |
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference d | 3 |
Hours | 14-15 | |
Spring | ||
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSMS:3110 | Foundations of Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:3111 | Foundations of Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSMS:3120 | Abdominal Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3121 | Abdominal Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3130 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3131 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography I Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3140 | Vascular Sonography I | 3 |
RSMS:3141 | Vascular Sonography I Lab | 1 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSMS:3230 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation | 3 |
RSMS:3231 | Sonography Principles, Physics, and Instrumentation Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3240 | Abdominal Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3250 | Obstetrical and Gynecological Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3270 | Vascular Sonography II | 3 |
RSMS:3215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship II | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Summer | ||
RSMS:3325 | Abdominal Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3376 | Vascular Sonography II Lab | 1 |
RSMS:3260 | Breast Sonography d | 2 |
RSMS:3300 | Pediatric Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:3315 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
Hours | 11 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSMS:4110 | Advanced Sonography | 3 |
RSMS:4111 | Advanced Sonography Lab | 1 |
RSMS:4115 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship IV | 5 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSMS:4220 | Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar | 3 |
RSMS:4215 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 123-130 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- h
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- i
- PHYS:1400 may be completed in the spring or summer semester. Summer is recommended if both anatomy and physiology are taken in the spring.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiation Therapy Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiation Therapy professional program is two years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiation therapy | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
HHP:1400 or BIOL:1140 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology b or Human Biology: Nonmajors |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1020 or MATH:1440 |
Elementary Functions c or Mathematics for the Biological Sciences |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course f, g | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course h | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BAIS:1500 or CS:1020 |
Business Computing Essentials d or Principles of Computing |
2 - 3 |
PHYS:1400 or PHYS:1511 |
Basic Physics or College Physics I |
3 - 4 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning d | 1 |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) i | ||
Hours | 15-17 | |
Spring | ||
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference d | 3 |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 1 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Third Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the third and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiation Therapy Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSTH:3110 | Medical Physics I | 2 |
RSTH:3100 | Introduction to Radiation Therapy | 3 |
RSTH:3120 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship I | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
RSTH:3205 | Principles of Radiation Therapy I | 3 |
RSTH:3215 | Medical Physics II | 2 |
RSTH:3225 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 13 | |
Summer | ||
RSTH:3325 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSCT:4130 | Computed Tomography Physical Principles and QC | 4 |
Hours | 8 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSTH:4105 | Principles of Radiation Therapy II | 2 |
RSTH:4125 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSCT:4120 | Computed Tomography Procedures I | 4 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSTH:4230 | Radiation Therapy Capstone | 3 |
RSTH:4225 | Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship V | 5 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSMR:4110 | Fundamentals for the MRI Technologist | 3 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 122-129 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than two years to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- g
- If not previously completed.
- h
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- i
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiologic Technology Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiologic Technology professional program is two years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiologic technology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cardiovascular interventional, and breast imaging. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 |
Human Biology: Nonmajors b or Human Anatomy and Physiology |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1440 or MATH:1020 |
Mathematics for the Biological Sciences c or Elementary Functions |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) d | 3 | |
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course e, f | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course g | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) d | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Fall | ||
BAIS:1500 or CS:1020 |
Business Computing Essentials h or Principles of Computing |
2 - 3 |
PHYS:1400 | Basic Physics h | 3 - 4 |
PSY:1010 | Your Brain Unlocked: Learning About Learning h | 1 |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) i | ||
Hours | 15-17 | |
Spring | ||
STAT:1020 | Elementary Statistics and Inference h | 3 |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 3 | |
Elective course | 1 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Third Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the third and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiologic Technology Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences f | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 6 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 122-129 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than two years to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- e
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- f
- If not previously completed.
- g
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- h
- This course is recommended not required.
- i
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiologic Technology and Breast Imaging Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiologic Technology and Breast Imaging professional program is four years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiologic technology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cardiovascular interventional, and breast imaging. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
HHP:1400 or BIOL:1140 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology b or Human Biology: Nonmajors |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1020 or MATH:1440 |
Elementary Functions c or Mathematics for the Biological Sciences |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g, h | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course i | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiologic Technology Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 6 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
Hours | 12 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSBI:3310 | Patient Care for Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSBI:3315 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship I | 2 |
Hours | 7 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSBI:4110 | Breast Imaging Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4120 | Anatomy and Pathology for Breast Imaging | 2 |
RSBI:4130 | Breast Imaging Acquisitions and Principles | 2 |
RSBI:4115 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship II | 4 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSBI:4210 | Breast Imaging Advanced Procedures and Analysis | 3 |
RSBI:4220 | Quality Control in Breast Imaging | 3 |
RSBI:4215 | Breast Imaging Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 123-128 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- h
- If not previously completed.
- i
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiologic Technology and Cardiovascular Interventional Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiologic Technology and Cardiovascular Interventional professional program is three years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiologic technology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cardiovascular interventional, and breast imaging. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 |
Human Biology: Nonmajors b or Human Anatomy and Physiology |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1020 or MATH:1440 |
Elementary Functions c or Mathematics for the Biological Sciences |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g, h | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course i | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiologic Technology Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 6 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
Hours | 12 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSCI:4120 | CVI Principles | 4 |
RSCI:4190 | CVI Clinical Internship I | 2 |
Hours | 8 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSCI:4140 | CVI Peripheral Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4150 | CVI Neurology and Nonvascular Procedures and Pathology | 3 |
RSCI:4180 | CVI Clinical Internship II | 4 |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
RSCI:4160 | CVI Cardiac Procedures and Pathology | 4 |
RSCI:4170 | CVI Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 16 | |
Total Hours | 124-129 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 s recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- h
- If not previously completed.
- i
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiologic Technology and Computed Tomography Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiologic Technology and Computed Tomography professional program is three years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiologic technology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cardiovascular interventional, and breast imaging. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 |
Human Biology: Nonmajors b or Human Anatomy and Physiology |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1020 or MATH:1440 |
Elementary Functions c or Mathematics for the Biological Sciences |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g, h | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course i | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiologic Technology Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 6 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSCI:4130 | Electrocardiogram and Hemodynamics | 3 |
Hours | 12 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSCT:4105 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship I | 2 |
RSCT:4130 | Computed Tomography Physical Principles and QC | 4 |
Hours | 8 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSCT:4115 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship II | 4 |
RSCT:4120 | Computed Tomography Procedures I | 4 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
RSCT:4125 | Computed Tomography Procedures II | 4 |
RSCT:4215 | Computed Tomography Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 122-127 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- If not previously completed.
- h
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- i
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.
Radiologic Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Professional Program
Academic Career | ||
Any Semester | Hours | |
Students apply to the Radiation Sciences B.S. program through a selective process. Acceptance is not guaranteed. a | ||
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all RS** courses. | ||
The Radiologic Technology and Magnetic Resonance Imaging professional program is three years in duration. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
First Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
Recommended: health care experience (e.g. CNA), job shadowing in radiologic technology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, cardiovascular interventional, and breast imaging. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RHET:1030 | Rhetoric | 4 |
HHP:1400 or BIOL:1140 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology b or Human Biology: Nonmajors |
3 - 4 |
MATH:1020 or MATH:1440 |
Elementary Functions c or Mathematics for the Biological Sciences |
4 |
RSP:1100 | Introduction to the Radiation Sciences d | 1 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Admission Application: begin preparing materials for Radiation Sciences application (due January 15) f | ||
Hours | 15-16 | |
Spring | ||
Human Anatomy course g, h | 3, 5 | |
Human Physiology course i | 3, 5 | |
PSY:1001 | Elementary Psychology | 3 |
CLSA:3750 | Medical and Technical Terminology | 2 |
GE: General Education course (HP, IGI, LVPA, UCP or VS) e | 3 | |
Hours | 14-18 | |
Second Year | ||
Any Semester | ||
The curriculum shown in the second, third, and fourth years on this plan begins upon acceptance into the Carver College of Medicine, Radiologic Technology Professional Program. | ||
Hours | 0 | |
Fall | ||
RSRT:2120 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship I | 1 |
RSRT:2130 | Radiographic Procedures I | 2 |
RSRT:2140 | Radiographic Analysis I | 1 |
RSRT:2141 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis I Lab | 1 |
RSP:2110 | Pathology for Radiation Sciences | 2 |
RSP:2120 | Patient Care for the Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSP:3130 | Radiation Safety and Radiobiology | 2 |
Hours | 12 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:2225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship II | 3 |
RSRT:2230 | Radiographic Procedures II | 3 |
RSRT:2240 | Radiographic Analysis II | 2 |
RSRT:2241 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis II Lab | 1 |
RSRT:2250 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures | 2 |
RSRT:2251 | Radiographic Fluoroscopic Procedures Lab | 1 |
RSP:3210 | Medical Ethics and Law | 2 |
Hours | 14 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:2325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship III | 3 |
RSCT:4100 | Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Sciences | 3 |
Hours | 6 | |
Third Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:3110 | Radiographic Analysis III | 1 |
RSRT:3111 | Radiographic Procedures and Analysis III Lab | 1 |
RSRT:3120 | Radiographic Procedures III | 2 |
RSRT:3125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship IV | 4 |
RSRT:3140 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging | 4 |
RSRT:3141 | Radiographic and Digital Imaging Lab | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:3220 | Emotional Intelligence for the Health Care Professional | 2 |
RSRT:3225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship V | 3 |
RSRT:3230 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment | 3 |
RSRT:3231 | Radiographic Physics and Imaging Equipment Lab | 1 |
RSMR:4110 | Fundamentals for the MRI Technologist | 3 |
Hours | 12 | |
Summer | ||
RSRT:3325 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VI | 2 |
RSCI:4110 | Vascular Anatomy | 3 |
RSMR:4160 | MRI Clinical Internship I | 2 |
Hours | 7 | |
Fourth Year | ||
Fall | ||
RSRT:4125 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VII | 1 |
RSP:4110 | Research Methodology for Radiation Sciences | 3 |
RSMR:4120 | MRI Procedures I | 4 |
RSMR:4140 | MRI Acquisition and Principles I | 3 |
RSMR:4170 | MRI Clinical Internship II | 4 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
RSRT:4225 | Radiologic Technology Clinical Internship VIII | 1 |
RSP:3220 | Radiation Sciences Quality Management and Health Care Administration | 2 |
RSMR:4130 | MRI Procedures II | 4 |
RSMR:4150 | MRI Acquisition and Principles II | 3 |
RSMR:4175 | MRI Clinical Internship III | 4 |
RSRT:4230 | Radiologic Technology Capstone and Certification Exam Preparation | 2 |
Exam: Upon completion of the program students are eligible to apply to take certification exams. | ||
Degree Application: apply on MyUI before deadline (typically in February for spring, September for fall) j | ||
Hours | 16 | |
Total Hours | 124-129 |
- a
- The Academic Advising Center advises Radiation Sciences Interest students on prerequisite course planning. Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a four year plan. Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.
- b
- BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 is recommended not required. Most students will need to complete BIOL:1140 or HHP:1400 prior to Human Anatomy (based on academic strength).
- c
- Enrollment in math courses requires completion of a placement exam.
- d
- This course is recommended not required.
- e
- Students must complete 6 s.h. by taking 3 s.h. courses from two of the following areas: Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts, Understanding Cultural Perspectives, or Values and Society.
- f
- Please see the Radiation Sciences Programs' website and your academic advisor for detailed application instructions and deadlines.
- g
- If not previously completed.
- h
- Choose from HHP:1100, HHP:3105, HHP:3115.
- i
- Choose from HHP:1300, HHP:3500, HHP:3550.
- j
- Please see Academic Calendar, Office of the Registrar website for current degree application deadlines. Students should apply for a degree for the session in which all requirements will be met. For any questions on appropriate timing, contact your academic advisor or Degree Services.