
Undergraduate major: history (BA)

Undergraduate minor: history

Undergraduate certificate: Jewish studies

Graduate degrees: MA in history; PhD in history

Faculty: https://history.uiowa.edu/people

Website: https://history.uiowa.edu/

History is the centerpiece of a humanities education. History unlocks important insights into the world we inhabit, understanding the past on its own terms. Because of the geographical breadth of the department's courses, history students develop a global consciousness as they develop key transferable skills such as critical thinking, communication, and empathy.

Faculty and students in the department participate in many of the university's interdisciplinary departments and programs, including the departments of African American Studies; American Studies; Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures; Classics; Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies; Global Health Studies; International Studies; Latin American Studies and Latina/o/x Studies; and the Native American and Indigenous Studies program.

In addition to the undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the Department of History, many history courses are approved for the GE CLAS Core. Look for courses with prefix HIST under Diversity and Inclusion, Historical Perspectives, International and Global Issues, and Values and Culture areas in the GE CLAS Core section of the catalog. History courses approved for the GE CLAS Core may not be taken pass/nonpass, even when they are taken as electives.