Undergraduate majors: English (BA); English and creative writing (BA)
Undergraduate minor: English
Graduate degrees: MA in English; MFA in English (creative writing, nonfiction writing); PhD in English
Faculty: https://english.uiowa.edu/people
Website: https://english.uiowa.edu
The Department of English offers courses in literature, cultural studies, language, and critical and creative writing. In these courses, students read poetry, fiction, essays, criticism, and theory to acquire methods for understanding literature and culture and responding creatively to texts. In addition to providing these essential elements of a liberal arts and sciences education, the department's courses can augment students' specialized interests in other fields. Visit the Department of English website to learn more about courses and upcoming events.
Many undergraduate and graduate students enroll in the department's degree programs. Most PhD students in English are preparing for careers as teachers and scholars, and many MFA students in the creative writing program and the nonfiction writing program are preparing for lives as published writers. The BA and MA programs provide valuable training for careers in a variety of fields. Students who have earned English degrees from the University of Iowa write for advertising firms, newspapers, the entertainment industry, and book publishers; teach in primary and secondary schools; practice law and medicine; work in business, industry, and nonprofits; and participate in state and federal government. Many students who earn a BA go on to pursue an MFA in creative writing fields. As much as possible, each student's course of study is arranged to meet individual needs and objectives.
The Department of English participates in several of the university's interdisciplinary units: the departments of American Studies, Cinematic Arts, and Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies; the African American Studies and Native American and Indigenous Studies programs; and the Center for the Book.
Creative Writing Programs
For the past 75 years, the University of Iowa has been a national leader in all areas of creative writing. The university offers graduate degrees in creative writing, with specializations in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Undergraduate students may declare a major in English and creative writing. All qualified undergraduates in other majors may enroll in many of the creative writing courses offered by the Department of English.
View creative writing courses (prefixes CW, CNW, and ENGL) under Courses in this section of the catalog. See which ones are offered in certain semesters by searching for course subjects CW, CNW, and ENGL on MyUI.
Students earning a degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must satisfy the Interpretation of Literature GE CLAS Core requirement. Most students take ENGL:1200 The Interpretation of Literature; students majoring in English and English and Creative Writing use ENGL:2010 Foundation of the English Major: Histories, Literatures, Pleasures to fulfill the GE CLAS Core Interpretation of Literature requirement.
The pass/nonpass option is available only for students in the College of Engineering with the consent of a student's advisor and the instructor.
Department of English Opportunities
Several periodicals are published under the department's aegis. The Iowa Review, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, and Philological Quarterly offer opportunities for especially qualified graduate students to work as research assistants or editorial associates, and for some undergraduates to pursue volunteer opportunities.
The Department of English, the Nonfiction Writing Program, and the Iowa Writers' Workshop sponsor a rich and extensive series of readings and lectures by poets, fiction writers, and scholars, all open to students in the department.
The English Society, a student organization for those focusing on literature in English, creative writing, and related areas, is open to all students and organizes events of interest throughout the year. The Department of English also collaborates with Alpha Tau Iota, the University of Iowa chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, and the International English Honors Society. Sigma Tau Delta's central purpose is to confer distinction for high achievement in English language, literature, and writing.
The Association of Graduate Students in English sponsors social and intellectual events during the year and provides a forum for student opinion. All graduate students in the department are members.
The University of Iowa Libraries collection is strong in all areas of English and American literature. Partly because of the influence of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, University Libraries has particular strengths in 20th-century fiction and poetry, including manuscript collections of 20th-century authors.
English Courses
Detailed descriptions for most English courses are not included because content and emphasis may vary considerably from one semester to the next. For detailed descriptions of each semester's courses, visit MyUI.
English department courses are open to all undergraduates who have satisfied the rhetoric requirement.
The courses ENGL:3148 Literary Editing, ENGL:4000 English Honors Literature Seminar, ENGL:4040 Honors Project in Literary Studies, and ENGL:4010 Special Project for Undergraduates may be repeated. Most courses with the prefix ENGL may not be repeated. Occasionally, with written consent from the department's Undergraduate Advising Office, a student may repeat a course if the course's subject matter is different from that of a course the student already has taken.
ENGL:1000 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities). Requirements: first- or second-semester standing.
ENGL:1100 City of Literature 3 s.h.
Literary history of Iowa City from the founding of Writers' Workshop to its designation as a UNESCO City of Literature. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
ENGL:1200 The Interpretation of Literature 3 s.h.
Ways of reading; focus on reader, text, contexts; poetry, short fiction, drama, novels. GE: Interpretation of Literature.
ENGL:1320 Heroes and Villains 3 s.h.
Heroes, heroines, and villains as products of the imagination; literary representations of heroes, heroines, and villains in varied social and historical situations; how their representation shapes our understanding of heroism and of villainy. Prerequisites: ENGL:1200. Requirements: successful completion of GE CLAS Core Rhetoric and then ENGL:1200.
ENGL:1330 The Art of Storytelling 3 s.h.
Selected masterpieces and recent developments in the art of storytelling in poetry and prose. Prerequisites: ENGL:1200. Requirements: successful completion of GE CLAS Core Rhetoric and then ENGL:1200.
ENGL:1350 Literature and Sexualities 3 s.h.
Works from various genres, time periods, cultures that reflect and construct a wide range of sexual identities. Prerequisites: ENGL:1200. Requirements: successful completion of GE CLAS Core Rhetoric and then ENGL:1200.
ENGL:1410 Sex and Popular Culture in America 3 s.h.
Critical and historical introduction to representation of human sexuality in American popular culture from World War II to the present. GE: Values and Culture. Same as AMST:1060, GWSS:1060.
ENGL:1510 Introduction to Environmental Literature 3 s.h.
Introduction to diverse ways writers have conveyed humans' interaction with the environment.
ENGL:2001 English Unbound arr.
Introduction to the English department; resources to help students navigate their major; chance to meet faculty and staff, and build community with other students. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English major or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:2010 Foundation of the English Major: Histories, Literatures, Pleasures 3 s.h.
History and practice of English as a discipline; four central aspects of literary study. GE: Interpretation of Literature.
ENGL:2012 Reading and Writing About the Novel 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary genre that teaches close reading, analytical writing, and literary criticism; one of a series required for English majors. English majors may apply this course to the Reading and Writing About a Genre requirement.
ENGL:2013 Reading and Writing About Poetry 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary genre that teaches close reading, analytical writing, and literary criticism; one of a series required for English majors. English majors may apply this course to the Reading and Writing About a Genre requirement.
ENGL:2014 Reading and Writing About the Short Story 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary genre that teaches close reading, analytical writing, and literary criticism; one of a series required for English majors. English majors may apply this course to the Reading and Writing About a Genre requirement.
ENGL:2015 Reading and Writing About Drama 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary genre that teaches close reading, analytical writing, and literary criticism; one of a series required for English majors. English majors may apply this course to the Reading and Writing About a Genre requirement.
ENGL:2016 Reading and Writing About the Essay 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary genre that teaches close reading, analytical writing, and literary criticism; one of a series required for English majors. English majors may apply this course to the Reading and Writing About a Genre requirement.
ENGL:2020 Foundations of Creative Writing: Craft, Practice, Pleasure 3 s.h.
Introduction to discipline of creative writing: fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction; required course for English and Creative Writing majors.
ENGL:2030 Literary Readings Attendance 1 s.h.
Attendance at diverse literary readings and scholarly presentations on the University of Iowa campus and in Iowa City, featuring visiting, local, and University of Iowa writers and scholars.
ENGL:2040 English at Work 1 s.h.
What can be done with an English degree; knowledge and skills gained as an English major that are in high demand among a wide variety of employers; important steps taken as a student that translate unique career dreams into reality; work with Pomerantz Career Center staff.
ENGL:2100 Introduction to Criticism and Theory 3 s.h.
Selected topics within literary criticism and theory.
ENGL:2191 Modern Fiction 3 s.h.
The craft of fiction writing in modern literature.
ENGL:2192 Postmodern Fiction 3 s.h.
The craft of fiction in postmodern literature.
ENGL:2194 Lyric Structures 3 s.h.
In-depth inquiry into the lyric.
ENGL:2206 Classical and Biblical Literature 3 s.h.
Study of Classical and Biblical literature.
ENGL:2216 Selected Works of the Middle Ages 3 s.h.
Historical context of literature from the Middle Ages.
ENGL:2236 Selected Early Authors 3 s.h.
Selected authors of the Medieval and Early Modern periods.
ENGL:2309 Selected British Authors Before 1900 3 s.h.
Focus on literature by British authors before 1900.
ENGL:2310 Selected British Authors After 1900 3 s.h.
Literature by British authors after 1900.
ENGL:2329 Topics in Modern British Literature Before 1900 3 s.h.
Modern British literature and culture before 1900.
ENGL:2330 Topics in Modern British Literature After 1900 3 s.h.
Modern British literature and culture after 1900.
ENGL:2338 Eighteenth-Century British Literature 3 s.h.
British literature of the 18th century.
ENGL:2348 British Romanticism 3 s.h.
British literature of the Romantic period.
ENGL:2359 Victorian Literature 3 s.h.
British literature of the Victorian period.
ENGL:2360 Twentieth-Century British Literature 3 s.h.
British literature of the 20th century.
ENGL:2361 Twenty-first-Century British Literature 3 s.h.
British literature of the 21st century.
ENGL:2409 Selected American Authors Before 1900 3 s.h.
American literature by authors before 1900.
ENGL:2410 Selected American Authors After 1900 2-3 s.h.
American literature by authors after 1900.
ENGL:2420 American Literary Classics 3 s.h.
Classics of American literature.
ENGL:2425 American Poetry 3 s.h.
Study of American poetry.
ENGL:2438 American Novel Before 1900 3 s.h.
Study of the American novel before 1900.
ENGL:2440 American Novel After 1900 3 s.h.
Study of the American novel after 1900.
ENGL:2450 American Short Story 3 s.h.
English majors and English and Creative Writing majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: American Literature and Culture. PERIOD: Varies by semester.
ENGL:2463 Topics in African American Literature 3 s.h.
Selected topics in African American literature. Same as AFAM:2463.
ENGL:2465 Selected African American Authors 3 s.h.
Literary works by selected African American authors. Same as AFAM:2465.
ENGL:2475 Asian American Literature 3 s.h.
Selected topics in Asian American literature.
ENGL:2505 Introduction to Postcolonial Studies 3 s.h.
Introduction to theories, topics, and literature within postcolonial studies.
ENGL:2510 Selected Transnational Authors 3 s.h.
Literature by selected transnational authors.
ENGL:2560 Topics in Culture and Identity 3 s.h.
Topics in culture and identity in literature.
ENGL:2570 Love, War, Activism: Stories About Women from Across the World 3 s.h.
Literary and cinematic representations of gender in works by authors and directors from the Global South; development of historical and cultural lines of inquiry to examine artistic representations of love, sexuality, friendship, and parenting; shifts in gender identities and relations that result from social and political crises. Same as GWSS:2500, SJUS:2500.
ENGL:2571 Visualizing Human Rights 3 s.h.
Cinematic representations of human rights issues in films by directors from the Global South; development of historical and cultural lines of inquiry to examine artistic representations of race relations in colonial and postcolonial societies; public health issues, specifically women's and children's rights in context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Same as GWSS:2571, SJUS:2571.
ENGL:2593 Literature, Culture, and Women 3 s.h.
Studies in the intersections between literature, culture, and women. Same as GWSS:2193.
ENGL:2601 Topics in British Culture and Identity 3 s.h.
How culture and identity of British society are created and reflected through literature and other discursive systems; focus on a specific topic and area.
ENGL:2730 The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
How we tell stories: every time people talk about themselves, someone they know, places visited or events experienced; creation of a story with intention to entertain and inform a particular audience; how to create compelling, thought-provoking, and resonant texts from raw material of daily life; exploration of three fundamentals of great storytelling: taking emotional and intellectual risks, being imaginatively rigorous, and revising, revising, revising. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as CNW:2680.
ENGL:2741 Publishing I: Introduction to Literary Publishing 3 s.h.
Laboratory-style class offering step-by-step breakdown of fundamental professional and creative skills needed for jobs in the literary publishing world. Become familiar with key roles and responsibilities, such as identifying and defining a corner of the market, soliciting commissions, and assuming editorial oversight through copyediting, design, budgeting, and deadline management, while simultaneously practicing each of these roles to bring individual bespoke publications to press by semester's end. Hands-on, experiential learning. Same as CNW:2991, WRIT:2991.
ENGL:2742 Publishing II: Advanced Literary Publication 3 s.h.
Supervised, extended practice of the skills core to landing possible literary publishing jobs. Working collectively, as if part of a professional publishing house, bring a single,themed book to publication. Handle all aspects of the publication process, assuming the roles of writers, editors, art directors, designers, and marketers, culminating in a book launch. Hands-on, real-life work experience combined with exploration of inner workings of the industry, such as how agenting works to preparing for the first internship. Prerequisites: CNW:2991. Same as CNW:2992, WRIT:2992.
ENGL:2900 Book Design for Publishing 3 s.h.
Introduction to the major aspects of book design, including typography, layout, standard industry software, discussion of trends in the field. Same as ARTS:2900, UICB:2900, WRIT:2900.
ENGL:2901 The Book in Global History 3 s.h.
Introduction to history of the book and book arts in diverse global contexts; histories of visual and verbal media, cross-cultural exchange, and the book's impact across time and space; hands-on work with historical books and book arts including papermaking, woodblock and letterpress printing, and binding. English and English and Creative Writing majors may apply this course to the Craft and Method requirement. GE: Historical Perspectives. Same as HIST:2190, UICB:2190.
ENGL:3010 Children's Literature 3 s.h.
Classic children's literature and contemporary critical approaches to the genre.
ENGL:3100 Topics in Criticism and Theory 3 s.h.
Selected topics in literary criticism and theory.
ENGL:3102 Topics in Poetry and Poetics 3 s.h.
Selected topics in poetry and poetics.
ENGL:3130 Topics in Film and Literature 3 s.h.
Selected topics in film and literature.
ENGL:3135 Narrative and the Cinema 3 s.h.
Relationship between narrative studies and cinema.
ENGL:3140 Literature and the Book 3 s.h.
The relationship between literature and the book as a medium. Same as UICB:3140.
ENGL:3142 Topics in Book History 3 s.h.
Authorship, publishing, etc. within specific historical and cultural contexts. Same as UICB:3142.
ENGL:3145 Editorial Practice 3 s.h.
Exploration of literary practice in relation to contemporary literature.
ENGL:3148 Literary Editing 3 s.h.
Exploration of history and practice of editing.
ENGL:3150 Literature and Philosophic Thought 3 s.h.
Study of literature as it intersects with philosophic thought.
ENGL:3155 Literature and Art 3 s.h.
Study of literature as it intersects with art.
ENGL:3160 Literary Genres and Modes 3 s.h.
Study of literary genres and modes.
ENGL:3181 Digital Media and Poetics 3 s.h.
Theory and practice of one or more varieties of digital composition; digital art analyzed and created in specific forms, such as radio drama, interactive fiction, and procedural and constructivist poetics.
ENGL:3182 Digital Cultures and Literacies 3 s.h.
Study of digital cultures and literacies as they relate to literature.
ENGL:3186 Science Fiction 3 s.h.
Study of science fiction literature.
ENGL:3190 Language and Learning 2-3 s.h.
How language reflects and constructs learners' identities and cultures; readings related to oral and written language, native and second language development, linguistic diversity; discussion of the relationship of language theory to schools of language instruction. Same as EDTL:3382.
ENGL:3191 Reading and Teaching Adolescent Literature 3 s.h.
Reading and evaluation of literature suitable for junior and senior high school students. Same as EDTL:3393.
ENGL:3216 Topics in Medieval and Renaissance Literature 3 s.h.
Selected topics in Medieval and Renaissance literature.
ENGL:3226 Literature and Culture of the Middle Ages 3 s.h.
Study of literature and culture of the Middle Ages. Same as MDVL:3226.
ENGL:3228 Literature and Culture of the Restoration 3 s.h.
Study of literature and culture of the Restoration period.
ENGL:3236 Literature and the Culture of the Renaissance 3 s.h.
Study of the literature and culture of the Renaissance.
ENGL:3237 Literature and Culture of Seventeenth-Century England 3 s.h.
Study of the literature and culture of 17th-century England.
ENGL:3246 16th- and 17th-Century Poetry 3 s.h.
Study of poetry from the 16th and 17th centuries.
ENGL:3247 The English Bible 3 s.h.
Study of the Hebrew Bible and Christian New Testament; students become familiar with its legacies in English language and literature.
ENGL:3256 Old English Language and Literature 3 s.h.
Reading knowledge of Old English; introduction to Anglo-Saxon literature and culture.
ENGL:3266 Medieval Celtic Literature 3 s.h.
Study of Medieval Celtic literature.
ENGL:3267 Medieval Norse Literature 3 s.h.
Study of Medieval Norse literature.
ENGL:3277 English Renaissance Drama 3 s.h.
Dramatic literature of the English Renaissance. Same as THTR:3277.
ENGL:3286 Chaucer 3 s.h.
The works of medieval writer Geoffrey Chaucer.
ENGL:3287 Shakespeare 3 s.h.
The literature of Early Modern author William Shakespeare.
ENGL:3288 Shakespeare's Romans: The Ancient World Meets the Elizabethan Stage arr.
London was a distant outpost of the Roman Empire, but the Romans had an outsized influence on Shakespeare's plays and poems; students explore those works and their sources in classical authors, including Ovid and Plutarch. Same as CLSA:3288.
ENGL:3296 Milton 3 s.h.
Literature of Early Modern writer John Milton.
ENGL:3320 Modern British Drama 3 s.h.
Dramatic literature of modern Britain.
ENGL:3329 Literature and Culture of Eighteenth-Century Britain 3 s.h.
British literature and culture of the 18th century.
ENGL:3338 Literature and Culture of the Romantic Period 3 s.h.
Literature and culture of the Romantic period in Britain.
ENGL:3339 Literature and Culture of Nineteenth-Century Britain 3 s.h.
British literature and culture of the 19th century.
ENGL:3350 Literature and Culture of 20th- and 21st-Century Britain 3 s.h.
British literature and culture of the 20th and 21st centuries.
ENGL:3355 British Poetry 3 s.h.
Poetry in British literature.
ENGL:3360 British Fiction 3 s.h.
British fiction written since 1700.
ENGL:3401 Literature and Book History 3 s.h.
English majors and English and Creative Writing majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Historical Contexts. Same as UICB:3401.
ENGL:3418 Literature and Culture of America Before 1800 3 s.h.
American literature and culture before 1800.
ENGL:3419 Literature and Culture of Nineteenth-Century America 3 s.h.
American literature and culture of the 19th century.
ENGL:3420 Literature and the Culture of Twentieth-Century America 3 s.h.
American literature and culture of the 20th century.
ENGL:3429 Topics in American Literature Before 1900 3 s.h.
Selected topics in American literature before 1900.
ENGL:3430 Topics in American Literature After 1900 3 s.h.
Selected topics in American literature after 1900.
ENGL:3431 American Novel Since 1945 3 s.h.
Study of the American novel after 1945.
ENGL:3439 American Drama Before 1900 3 s.h.
American playwrights and plays before 1900.
ENGL:3440 American Drama Since 1900 3 s.h.
American playwrights and plays after 1900. Same as THTR:3440.
ENGL:3441 Native American Literature 3 s.h.
Native American literature and culture. Same as NAIS:3441.
ENGL:3444 Literatures of the American Peoples 3 s.h.
Various literatures of the American peoples.
ENGL:3450 American Regional Literatures 3 s.h.
Regional literatures of the United States.
ENGL:3455 Jewish American Literature 3 s.h.
Jewish American literature and culture.
ENGL:3459 African American Literature Before 1900 3 s.h.
African American literature before 1900. Same as AFAM:3459.
ENGL:3460 African American Literature After 1900 3 s.h.
African American literature after 1900. Same as AFAM:3460.
ENGL:3461 Twenty-First Century African American Literature 3 s.h.
African American literature from 20th- and 21st-century writers; African American experience(s) of race, sexuality, gender, class, and privilege in contemporary era; various ways poets, rappers, authors tackle these themes within literary forms (i.e., fiction, creative nonfiction, autobiography, poems, songs); societal structures of power. Same as AFAM:3461.
ENGL:3462 African American Drama 3 s.h.
African American dramatic literature. Same as AFAM:3462, THTR:3462.
ENGL:3465 African American Autobiography 3 s.h.
The autobiography by African American writers. Same as AFAM:3465.
ENGL:3467 Latina/o/x Literatures and Cultures 3 s.h.
Exploration of major themes and research topics in Latina/o/x literatures and cultures. Same as LATS:3467.
ENGL:3470 Gender, Sexuality, and American Literature 3 s.h.
Intersection of gender and sexuality with American literature.
ENGL:3489 Contemporary American Women Writers 3 s.h.
Interdisciplinary study of contemporary American women writers whose works depict the shaping force of race, class, gender, and sexuality on individuals, families, and communities.
ENGL:3510 Topics in Transnational Literature 3 s.h.
Selected topics in transnational literature.
ENGL:3515 Topics in Postcolonial Studies 3 s.h.
Selected topics in postcolonial studies.
ENGL:3520 Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21st Century 3 s.h.
Literature and culture of the 20th and 21st centuries.
ENGL:3525 Literature and Culture of the Americas 3 s.h.
Literature and culture of North and South America.
ENGL:3530 Caribbean Literature and Culture 3 s.h.
Literature and culture of the Caribbean.
ENGL:3532 Modernist Women Writers 3 s.h.
Literature by women in the Modernist era.
ENGL:3535 Topics in Literature and Culture of the Americas 3 s.h.
Selected topics in literature and cultures of the Americas. Same as LAS:3535.
ENGL:3540 Literature of the Indian Subcontinent 3 s.h.
Literature from the Indian subcontinent.
ENGL:3565 Literature and the Environment 3 s.h.
Literary studies within the contexts of environmental history and ecological concerns.
ENGL:3570 Transnational and Postcolonial Writing by Women 3 s.h.
Study of postcolonial and transnational writing by women. Same as GWSS:3570.
ENGL:3571 Higher Education and Social Justice 3 s.h.
Reflection of students' place within educational systems; development of rhetorical tools for successful advocacy; advocation through writing for change within higher education and the UI; student loans, racial segregation, social and economic immobility, free speech, data insecurity, sexual assault. Same as GWSS:3171, SJUS:3171.
ENGL:3572 Literature and Social Justice 3 s.h.
How literature from various time periods—American and global—has enacted, represented, depicted, or encouraged forms and acts of social justice; students study various genres (e.g., essay, poem, autobiography, short story, fiction) and learn how literature has been used to conceptualize social justice, address national and global inequities, and take up complex and intersecting issues of power and privilege. Same as SJUS:3250.
ENGL:3573 Gender, Sexuality, and Literature 3 s.h.
Representations of gender, class, and sexuality in British, American, or postcolonial literature. Same as GWSS:3173.
ENGL:3580 Identity and Social Issues 3 s.h.
Study of identity and social issues in literature.
ENGL:3581 Topics in Popular Culture 3 s.h.
Pop culture as a context through which to view literature.
ENGL:3595 International Literature Today 1,3 s.h.
English majors and English and Creative Writing majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Transnational Literature and Postcolonial Studies. PERIOD: 20th/21st-Century Literature. Same as IWP:3191, TRNS:3191, WLLC:3191.
ENGL:3700 Topics in Craft and Method 3 s.h.
Reading and creative writing; topics vary; taught by faculty. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English major or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3721 Writers' Seminar: Fiction 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration and analysis of creative works in fiction. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3722 Writers' Seminar: Poetry 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration and analysis of creative works in poetry. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3723 Writers' Seminar: Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Rigorous exploration and analysis of a range of nonfiction creative works. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3724 Writers' Seminar: Literary Translation 3 s.h.
Rigorous exploration and analysis of a range of creative works in literary translation. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3725 Writers' Seminar: Playwriting 3 s.h.
Rigorous exploration and analysis of a range of creative works in drama. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:3730 Advanced Nonfiction Writing 3 s.h.
Essay writing; focus on workshop environment. Prerequisites: CNW:2830 or CNW:2720 or CNW:2840 or CNW:2710 or CNW:2700 or CNW:2760 or CNW:2910 or CNW:2780 or CNW:2850 or CNW:2730 or CNW:2740 or CNW:2770 or CNW:2820 or CNW:2680 or CNW:2790. Requirements: undergraduate standing. Same as CNW:3630.
ENGL:3732 Prose Style 3 s.h.
Sentences: how they work, what they do; how sentences can help writing, expand understanding of prose style, stretch options. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as CNW:3632, WRIT:3632.
ENGL:3760 Multimedia Writing 3 s.h.
Multidisciplinary sessions mixing media production, creative nonfiction, and literary theory; topics ranging from hypertext authoring and electronic magazine publishing to sound art and digital video; principles and practices of writing for alternative media, theoretical understanding of how various media frame the situation; radio essay, video essay, interactive animation, web authoring, electronic magazine publishing. Same as CNW:3660.
ENGL:3761 Film and Writing 3 s.h.
Writers' introduction to digital video; compelling forms of nonfiction filmmaking from the film essay to the environmental documentary; how to convert texts into film, conduct interviews, and shoot and edit digital video. Same as CNW:3661.
ENGL:3763 Radio and Writing 3 s.h.
Writing with sound; introduction to radio essays and documentaries with focus on digital audio; analyze key radio works and essayists; produce voiceovers, record interviews, mix music, edit sound and spoken texts in making radio art. Same as CNW:3663.
ENGL:3764 Writing About Science 3 s.h.
Writing about science and technology from neurobiology to astrophysics; exploration of classic literary nonfiction on the sciences; focus on various stylistic practices for making complex topics compelling for a general audience and developing a clear and readable prose style. Same as CNW:3664.
ENGL:3800 Issues in Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Exploration and discussion of a single topic in creative nonfiction through a variety of reading assignments and creative writing exercises. Same as CNW:3600.
ENGL:3850 Undergraduate Translation Workshop 3 s.h.
Translation exercises, discussion of translation works in progress; alternative strategies for translation projects. Same as CLSA:3979, TRNS:3179.
ENGL:4000 English Honors Literature Seminar 3 s.h.
Honors seminar in literature. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4001 Honors Literature Seminar: American Literature, 20th/21st Century 3 s.h.
American literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4002 Honors Literature Seminar: British Literature, 20th/21st Century 3 s.h.
British literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4003 Honors Literature Seminar: Literary Theory and Interdisciplinary Studies, 20th/21st Century 3 s.h.
Literary theory and interdisciplinary studies of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4004 Honors Literature Seminar: Transnational and Postcolonial Literature, 20th/21st Century 3 s.h.
Transnational and postcolonial literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4005 Honors Literature Seminar: American Literature, 18th/19th Century 3 s.h.
American literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4006 Honors Literature Seminar: British Literature, 18th/19th Century 3 s.h.
British literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4009 Honors Literature Seminar: Medieval and Early Modern Literature, Early Literature/17th Century 3 s.h.
Medieval and Early Modern literature through the 17th century. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4010 Special Project for Undergraduates arr.
ENGL:4011 Honors Workshop: Creative Writing 3 s.h.
Creative writing workshop for English and Creative Writing majors. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major, undergraduate standing, and English major GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4012 Honors Workshop: Fiction 3 s.h.
Fiction workshop for English and Creative Writing majors. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English and Creative Writing major, and submission of portfolio.
ENGL:4013 Honors Workshop: Poetry 3 s.h.
English and Creative Writing majors may apply this course to the advanced creative writing requirement. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English and Creative Writing major, and submission of portfolio.
ENGL:4014 Honors Workshop: Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Creative nonfiction workshop for English and Creative Writing majors. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English and Creative Writing major, and submission of portfolio.
ENGL:4020 Honors Thesis Workshop 3 s.h.
Requirements: English major or English and Creative Writing major, and GPA of 3.33.
ENGL:4030 Undergraduate Honors Project in Creative Writing 1-3 s.h.
Independent study under faculty guidance for the creation of an honors project in creative writing. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: admission to English honors program.
ENGL:4040 Honors Project in Literary Studies 1-3 s.h.
Requirements: admission to English honors program.
ENGL:4050 Internship for Majors arr.
An internship, found by the student, and related to their career goals or exploration. Requirements: English major or English and Creative Writing Major.
ENGL:4100 Advanced Literary Seminar 3 s.h.
Literary seminar. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010. Requirements: undergraduate standing, English major or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4150 Introduction to Book Studies 3 s.h.
Theory and practice of book studies; meanings of word and image in the book format; comparative study of other media, applied study of the codex as a physical artifact. English majors may count this towards their 4000-level area/period requirement for the major. English and Creative Writing majors may count this as an elective. AREA: Literary Theory and Interdisciplinary Studies. PERIOD: Varies by semester. Same as SLIS:4150, UICB:4150.
ENGL:4195 Interdisciplinary Studies 3 s.h.
Exploration of how readings of theory can be evaluated through discussions and readings in literature.
ENGL:4720 Advanced Creative Writing: Special Topic 3 s.h.
Reading and writing; topics vary. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English major, admission to Undergraduate Creative Writing track, or English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4721 Advanced Writers' Seminar: Fiction 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration and analysis of creative works in fiction. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4722 Advanced Writers' Seminar: Poetry 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration and analysis of creative works in poetry. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4723 Advanced Writers' Seminar: Nonfiction 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration and analysis of creative works in nonfiction. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4724 Advanced Writers' Seminar: Literary Translation 3 s.h.
Rigorous exploration and analysis of a range of creative works in literary translation. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4725 Advanced Writers' Seminar: Playwriting 3 s.h.
Rigorous exploration and analysis of a range of creative works in drama. Prerequisites: ENGL:2010 and ENGL:2020. Requirements: English and Creative Writing major.
ENGL:4731 Advanced Essay Workshop 3 s.h.
Experience working on new nonfiction projects, drafting and preparing one piece throughout a semester; individualized work to promote understanding of and creation in genres of nonfiction writing. Requirements: undergraduate standing and successful completion of one CNW course. Same as CNW:4631.
ENGL:4735 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 s.h.
Close work with faculty and peers on advanced creative nonfiction writing projects. Requirements: one 2000- or 3000-level CNW course. Same as CNW:4635.
ENGL:4810 Learning to Teach Secondary English/Language Arts and Field Experience 3 s.h.
Organizational techniques, methods, materials for teaching high school English; experience in simulated teaching situations during laboratory sessions, integrated with lectures and discussions. Prerequisites: EDTL:4314. Same as EDTL:4315.
ENGL:5000 Introduction to Graduate Study 3 s.h.
ENGL:5050 Professional Development Practicum 1 s.h.
Navigation of academic job market and exploration of professional development and career planning; writing cover letters, curriculum vitaes, dissertation abstracts, and teaching statements; application strategies for various jobs in research, liberal arts, community colleges, and outside academia; opportunity to practice interviews and other hands-on coaching; for advanced English department PhD, MA, and MFA students.
ENGL:5070 Writing for Academic and General Audiences 2 s.h.
Supportive, structured, publication-oriented workshop in which students draft, share, revise, and edit two pieces, one intended for an academic audience and one written for a general audience. A limited number of published readings provide models for the students' work. Requirements: MA or PhD standing.
ENGL:5990 MA Portfolio in Literary Studies arr.
ENGL:5999 MA Thesis in Literary Studies arr.
ENGL:6000 Introduction to Contemporary Theory 3 s.h.
ENGL:6020 Literature as Letters 3 s.h.
ENGL:6050 Critical Readings in Cultural Studies: Stuart Hall's Legacy and Influences 3 s.h.
Exploration of the scholarship of Stuart Hall along with theories, methods, and history of cultural studies; focus on major areas of Hall's work including Marxist thought and the political economy, diasporas and globalization, cultural production and popular culture, film and cinema studies, race, ethnicity, identity, and differánce; key theorists that influenced Stuart Hall (e.g., Marx, Foucault, Fanon, Gramsci, Althusser) and scholars in cultural studies that have made appropriate use of Hall's writings and theories in their own work; role of theory in everyday life and the critical role of public intellectuals. Same as AFAM:6500, AMST:6500.
ENGL:6080 New Media Poetics 3 s.h.
ENGL:6090 Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 s.h.
Interdisciplinary approaches to literature and culture.
ENGL:6100 Readings in Medieval Literature and Culture 3 s.h.
ENGL:6110 Medieval Authors 3 s.h.
ENGL:6200 Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Authors 3 s.h.
ENGL:6210 Readings in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Genres 3 s.h.
ENGL:6220 Shakespeare 3 s.h.
ENGL:6300 Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature 3 s.h.
ENGL:6315 MA Seminar: English Education arr.
Significant developments in English education; primary and collateral readings. Same as EDTL:6315.
ENGL:6400 Romantic Literature 3 s.h.
ENGL:6500 Victorian Literature 3 s.h.
ENGL:6601 Readings in American Literature 3 s.h.
American literature of the 18th century.
ENGL:6602 Readings in American Literature II 3 s.h.
Nineteenth-century American literature.
ENGL:6603 Readings in American Literature III 3 s.h.
Twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literature.
ENGL:6610 Studies in African American Literature 3 s.h.
ENGL:6630 Readings in Latina/o/x Literary and Cultural Studies 3 s.h.
Survey of Latina/o/x literature and criticism to prepare for comprehensive exam; organized by thematic units that stress canonical and emerging research areas in Latina/o/x literary and cultural studies.
ENGL:6640 Readings in American Literary Genres 3 s.h.
ENGL:6670 American Literary Magazines 3 s.h.
Aspects of American literary magazines, from city journals to monthly periodicals, historical moment to marketplace demand.
ENGL:6720 Twentieth-Century Literatures 3 s.h.
Literatures of 20th century; varied topics (e.g., transnational approach, focus on particular theme, genre, or critical perspective).
ENGL:6730 Modernist Studies 3 s.h.
ENGL:6760 Topics in Contemporary Literature 3 s.h.
ENGL:6765 Literature, Culture, and Environment 3 s.h.
Introduction to theories and practices articulating relationship among literature, other cultural production, and environmental issues.
ENGL:6770 Writing and Revolution 3 s.h.
ENGL:6800 Readings in Postcolonial Literature and Theory 3 s.h.
Introduction to central concerns and questions of postcolonial theory; impact of imperial ideologies on formation of racial and ethnic identities; nationalist and pan-nationalist challenges to colonialism; postcolonial revisions of Western history; representations of gender and sexuality; diasporic and transnational cultural production; alternative versions of modernity; relationship between past and contemporary forms of globalization.
ENGL:6850 Topics in Creative Writing 3 s.h.
Engagement with different topics in creative writing.
ENGL:6900 Doctoral Workshop in English 1-2 s.h.
ENGL:6950 Colloquium: Teaching Foundations of the English Major 1 s.h.
ENGL:6960 Colloquium: Teaching Literature 2 s.h.
Professional development program for new ENGL:1200 teachers.
ENGL:6961 Teaching Literature II 1 s.h.
Professional development program for ENGL:1200 instructors in their second semester of teaching. Topics include grading, leading discussion, generative AI, scaffolding and giving feedback on major writing assignments, and strategies for making the class productive and enjoyable for students from all backgrounds and with various levels of preparation. Prerequisites: ENGL:6960.
ENGL:7000 Seminar: Cultural Studies arr.
ENGL:7010 Seminar: Literary Criticism and Theory 3 s.h.
Analysis of issues in current literary criticism and theory and of texts from related fields, such as aesthetics, cultural studies, political science, psychology, and philosophy.
ENGL:7050 Seminar: Performance Theory and Practice 3 s.h.
Foundational and recent work in interdisciplinary field of performance studies; focus on intersections of performance theory and theater and drama studies; production and reception of visual and participatory art, dance, music, and various forms of embodied activity.
ENGL:7100 Seminar: Medieval Literature and Culture arr.
ENGL:7200 Seminar: Early Modern Literature and Culture arr.
ENGL:7300 Seminar: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature arr.
ENGL:7400 Seminar: Romantic Literatures arr.
ENGL:7500 Seminar: Victorian Literature arr.
ENGL:7600 Seminar: American Literature and Culture arr.
ENGL:7700 Seminar: Studies in the 20th and 21st Century arr.
ENGL:7800 Seminar: Postcolonial Studies 3 s.h.
ENGL:7900 Advanced Studies in an Author arr.
ENGL:7910 Advanced Studies in a Literary Period arr.
ENGL:7920 Advanced Studies in a Literary Form arr.
ENGL:7930 Advanced Studies in a Literary Genre arr.
ENGL:7940 Advanced Studies in a Literary Mode arr.
ENGL:7950 Advanced Studies in a Literary Movement arr.
ENGL:7960 Advanced Studies in a Literary Theme arr.
ENGL:7970 Advanced Studies in Literary Criticism arr.
ENGL:7980 Advanced Studies in an Interdisciplinary Subject arr.
ENGL:7990 Special Project for Graduate Students arr.
ENGL:7999 PhD Thesis arr.
Creative Nonfiction Writing Courses
The courses CNW:6654 Forms of the Essay, CNW:6650 Readings in Nonfiction, CNW:6610 Essay Writing Workshop, and CNW:6620 Nonfiction Writing Workshop may be repeated. Others may be repeated with the consent of the instructor and the director of graduate studies.
CNW:1620 Introduction to Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Exploration of creative nonfiction genres through readings, discussion, and writing exercises; introduction to workshop environment. GE: Engineering Be Creative; Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
CNW:2680 The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
How we tell stories: every time people talk about themselves, someone they know, places visited or events experienced; creation of a story with intention to entertain and inform a particular audience; how to create compelling, thought-provoking, and resonant texts from raw material of daily life; exploration of three fundamentals of great storytelling: taking emotional and intellectual risks, being imaginatively rigorous, and revising, revising, revising. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as ENGL:2730.
CNW:2700 The Art and Craft of Personal Writing 3 s.h.
Moments of wonder, confusion, and blips in memory that can reveal deep and complicated truths in life; different kinds of personal writing with focus on strategies that writers employ to create rich and compelling stories; character, scene, voice, point of view, suspense, and timing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2710 The Art and Craft of Food Writing 3 s.h.
Vivid prose that evokes memories, moods, places, and events; creating a visceral bond with readers as powerful as in any other art form; basics of food writing; how to heighten awareness of physical world through exercises that focus on sensory details.
CNW:2720 The Art and Craft of Writing About Culture 3 s.h.
Writing about the culture surrounding us: literature, songs, movies, magazines, television, food, concerts, theater, commercials, billboards, comic books, internet, museums, sports, architecture; readings, field trips, and multiple approaches to writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2730 The Art and Craft of Science Writing 3 s.h.
Introduction to science writing; development of a clear and engaging prose style through readings and workshops. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2740 The Art and Craft of Writing about the Environment 3 s.h.
Tradition of nature writing and how it has inspired writers, artists, and activists to find more complicated and daring interpretations of what constitutes an environment; reading and writing that challenges assumptions and pushes boundaries of environmental writing and nonfiction. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2760 The Art and Craft of Writing for Social Change 3 s.h.
How nonfiction writers have responded to tumultuous social, political, and cultural topics of their day through reading and writing.
CNW:2770 The Art and Craft of Writing for New Media 3 s.h.
Fundamental elements of new media; readings that celebrate and challenge today's newest experiments in podcasts, video games, internet, Twitter feeds, and Tumblr narratives; crafting and critiquing texts in these media. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2780 The Art and Craft of Writing About Sports 3 s.h.
Introduction to sports writing through reading and writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2790 The Art and Craft of Humor Writing 3 s.h.
How comedy functions as one of many tools writers have at their disposal through reading and writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2820 The Art and Craft of the Literary Essay 3 s.h.
Different forms of the essay—reviews, memoirs, profiles, travelogues, journalism, cultural criticism—through readings and writing.
CNW:2830 The Art and Craft of Immersion Journalism 3 s.h.
Immersion in fieldwork, leading to nonfiction writing; writer-in-residence for a particular place, institution, or organization; observation and exploration of everything that happens within those boundaries. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2840 The Art and Craft of Travel Writing 3 s.h.
How to capture a journey's details and sensations through explorations of character, scene, point of view, and timing; why a person does not need to be a world traveler to become a compelling "writer about place"; readings, field trips, multiple approaches to workshopping. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2850 The Art and Craft of Writing About Politics 3 s.h.
How to observe and reveal complex personalities, relationships, beliefs, and histories that underlie political events and races; strong emphasis on how to gather field research and shape it into compelling literary prose; Iowa's unique role in political theater. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2910 Writing for Applications and Awards 3 s.h.
Practical exploration of how to prepare applications for fellowships, awards, grants, and graduate schools; emphasis on composing and revising personal statements, project narratives, funding proposals; fundamentals of how to clearly, concisely, and compellingly present ideas to specialized and general audiences. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:2991 Publishing I: Introduction to Literary Publishing 3 s.h.
Laboratory-style class offering step-by-step breakdown of fundamental professional and creative skills needed for jobs in the literary publishing world. Become familiar with key roles and responsibilities, such as identifying and defining a corner of the market, soliciting commissions, and assuming editorial oversight through copyediting, design, budgeting, and deadline management, while simultaneously practicing each of these roles to bring individual bespoke publications to press by semester's end. Hands-on, experiential learning. Same as ENGL:2741, WRIT:2991.
CNW:2992 Publishing II: Advanced Literary Publication 3 s.h.
Supervised, extended practice of the skills core to landing possible literary publishing jobs. Working collectively, as if part of a professional publishing house, bring a single,themed book to publication. Handle all aspects of the publication process, assuming the roles of writers, editors, art directors, designers, and marketers, culminating in a book launch. Hands-on, real-life work experience combined with exploration of inner workings of the industry, such as how agenting works to preparing for the first internship. Prerequisites: CNW:2991. Same as ENGL:2742, WRIT:2992.
CNW:3600 Issues in Creative Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Exploration and discussion of a single topic in creative nonfiction through a variety of reading assignments and creative writing exercises. Same as ENGL:3800.
CNW:3630 Advanced Nonfiction Writing 3 s.h.
Essay writing; focus on workshop environment. Prerequisites: CNW:2830 or CNW:2720 or CNW:2840 or CNW:2710 or CNW:2700 or CNW:2760 or CNW:2910 or CNW:2780 or CNW:2850 or CNW:2730 or CNW:2740 or CNW:2770 or CNW:2820 or CNW:2680 or CNW:2790. Requirements: undergraduate standing. Same as ENGL:3730.
CNW:3632 Prose Style 3 s.h.
Sentences: how they work, what they do; how sentences can help writing, expand understanding of prose style, stretch options. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as ENGL:3732, WRIT:3632.
CNW:3640 Writing for Business 3 s.h.
Foundational skills for careers in the humanities including building portfolios, résumés, cover letters, and interview skills for job searches; professional communication and protocol; and exploring career opportunities. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CNW:3660 Multimedia Writing 3 s.h.
Multidisciplinary sessions mixing media production, creative nonfiction, and literary theory; topics ranging from hypertext authoring and electronic magazine publishing to sound art and digital video; principles and practices of writing for alternative media, theoretical understanding of how various media frame the situation; radio essay, video essay, interactive animation, web authoring, electronic magazine publishing. Same as ENGL:3760.
CNW:3661 Film and Writing 3 s.h.
Writers' introduction to digital video; compelling forms of nonfiction filmmaking from the film essay to the environmental documentary; how to convert texts into film, conduct interviews, and shoot and edit digital video. Same as ENGL:3761.
CNW:3663 Radio and Writing 3 s.h.
Writing with sound; introduction to radio essays and documentaries with focus on digital audio; analyze key radio works and essayists; produce voiceovers, record interviews, mix music, edit sound and spoken texts in making radio art. Same as ENGL:3763.
CNW:3664 Writing About Science 3 s.h.
Writing about science and technology from neurobiology to astrophysics; exploration of classic literary nonfiction on the sciences; focus on various stylistic practices for making complex topics compelling for a general audience and developing a clear and readable prose style. Same as ENGL:3764.
CNW:4355 Approaches to Teaching Writing 3 s.h.
Theories, practices, strategies, and history of writing and teaching writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as EDTL:4355.
CNW:4631 Advanced Essay Workshop 3 s.h.
Experience working on new nonfiction projects, drafting and preparing one piece throughout a semester; individualized work to promote understanding of and creation in genres of nonfiction writing. Requirements: undergraduate standing and successful completion of one CNW course. Same as ENGL:4731.
CNW:4635 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing 3 s.h.
Close work with faculty and peers on advanced creative nonfiction writing projects. Requirements: one 2000- or 3000-level CNW course. Same as ENGL:4735.
CNW:4690 Undergraduate Project in Nonfiction Writing arr.
CNW:5375 Teaching in a Writing Center 3 s.h.
Seminar/practicum to prepare graduate students to teach in the University of Iowa Writing Center or similar settings; seminar component on writing and reading processes, tutoring strategies, English-as-a-second-language issues; practicum experience tutoring in the Writing Center. Same as RHET:5375.
CNW:6400 Nonfiction Writing Program Salon 4 s.h.
Contemporary issues in the field of literary nonfiction, including discussions of genre, hybridity, and facticity; occasional generative writing exercises; periodic discussions and questions and answers with visiting writers and scholars from around campus. Requirements: must be taken in the third year in the Nonfiction Writing Program without exception.
CNW:6600 Teaching Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Theories and practices of teaching nonfiction writing; writing workshop approaches, strategies to encourage response and revision, connections between reading and writing, diversity of form, language, and assessment.
CNW:6610 Essay Writing Workshop 3-4 s.h.
CNW:6620 Nonfiction Writing Workshop arr.
Intensive workshop focusing on student work; students will have an essay critiqued and a conference with the advisor; wide-ranging discussion dealing with various aspects of this multi-faceted genre and new trends in contemporary nonfiction.
CNW:6630 Graduate Thesis Workshop 4 s.h.
Thesis work in supportive workshop environment. Prerequisites: CNW:6610 and CNW:6620.
CNW:6650 Readings in Nonfiction 3 s.h.
CNW:6651 A History of the Essay 3-4 s.h.
Survey of the roots of the creative essay and its development through literary history; periodic lectures, discussion, and class presentations on the ways cultures have employed the essay throughout that history, and the formal innovations that have been introduced to the genre along the way. Requirements: must be taken in the first year in the Nonfiction Writing Program without exception.
CNW:6654 Forms of the Essay arr.
CNW:6656 Approaches to Nonfiction 3 s.h.
Investigation into forms of nonfiction writing.
CNW:6660 Twenty-first-Century Nonfiction arr.
CNW:6666 Performance and Profession 3 s.h.
Making and maintaining a writing career, with lessons on navigating the writer's job market; developing cover letters and curriculum vitaes, interviewing, finding an agent, negotiating with publishers, handling social media, and delivering a reading.
CNW:7073 Ethnographic Methods, Theories, and Texts 3 s.h.
Practical and theoretical background for conducting ethnographic field studies in literacy, schooling, language, or a field of student's choice; methods, methodologies, and perspectives from anthropology, sociology, folklore, journalism, literary criticism, cultural, critical, and composition theory; read historical and contemporary ethnography, consider ethnographic forms of expression (films, graphics, fiction, poems); roles, responsibilities, and ethics of writer, reader, viewer, and informant; tools, methods, and writer's techniques to develop an ethnographic portfolio. Prerequisites: PSQF:7331 or EDTL:7070 or CSED:7338 or EPLS:7373. Same as EDTL:7073.
CNW:7900 Special Project in Nonfiction Writing arr.
CNW:7950 Thesis in Nonfiction Writing arr.
Creative Writing–Writers' Workshop Courses
The course CW:1800 Creative Writing Studio Workshop does not count toward the English major or minor.
CW:1200 Creative Writing for Non-Native English Speakers 3 s.h.
Designed to help non-native English speakers who would like to learn more about creative writing; guided readings and creative writing exercises in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, with special emphasis on the interests of writers from diverse backgrounds; creative writing as a means of self-expression, while improving writing and speaking skills in a friendly, supportive environment.
CW:1800 Creative Writing Studio Workshop 3 s.h.
Experience reading and writing fiction, poetry, and personal narrative in a workshop setting; study of published work and critical discussion from a writer's standpoint; critique of class members' work. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
CW:2100 Creative Writing 3 s.h.
Guidance in the process of writing fiction and poetry; writing as exploration; development of students' critical skills as readers; application of new knowledge and skills to students' own writing. English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CW:2600 Special Topics Workshop 3 s.h.
Writing workshops on special topics (e.g., writing weird tales, world building, writing place); students dive into the intricacies of craft in context of a particular topic, practice a particular set of skills, and develop new creative work.
CW:2870 Fiction Writing 3 s.h.
Analysis of works of accomplished fiction writers; critique of class members' short stories, in writing and in class; discussion of how class members use language, characterization, point of view, other elements of fiction in their work. English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CW:2875 Poetry Writing 3 s.h.
Careful writing of poems, reading of poetry by class members as well as established poets; supportive workshop context. English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CW:3000 Writing and Reading Romance Fiction 3 s.h.
How constraints and parameters in which romance fiction is created are a useful lens through which to explore the layers of craft and technique that underlie all great creative writing; opportunity to hone understanding of genre; exploration of specific craft techniques; development of a broader understanding of the fiction landscape.
CW:3002 Writing and Reading Young Adult Fiction 0,3 s.h.
Constraints and parameters in which young adult fiction is created and a useful lens through which to explore the layers of craft and technique that underlie all great creative writing; opportunity for students to hone their understanding of genre, explore specific craft techniques, and develop a broader understanding of the fiction landscape.
CW:3003 Writing and Reading Science Fiction 3 s.h.
Science fiction literature as an ongoing conversation about the possible; exploration of world boundaries we have by imagining worlds that we don't (yet); alien encounters that consider ways we react to beings we see as unlike ourselves; alternate histories to illuminate what might have been; transhumanist fiction to explore what we may become; issues of composition and craft that underlie all effective fiction; students write and revise works of science fiction and engage in constructive discussion of each other's work. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CW:3004 Writing and Reading Fantasy Fiction 3 s.h.
Exploration of rules and boundaries of fantasy writing; interrogation of strategies and approaches that make writing fantasy distinct from other genres of fiction.
CW:3005 Professional and Creative Business Communication 3 s.h.
Solid foundation for creative and professional communication in today's modern work world; exploration of techniques, strategies, and craft of writing résumés, letters of interest, email and its related etiquette, and organization of ideas into presentable form; semester-long creative project that builds a bridge between office and the world using modern technology and social media; readings and discussions of literature to better understand issues of ethics, leadership, conflict, moral judgment, decision-making, and human nature; how to navigate and succeed in business or any professional field. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as INTD:3005, WRIT:3005.
CW:3105 Writing from Life 3 s.h.
Introduction to literary art of journal writing through close readings of celebrated writers' journals, fiction related to journaling, and a series of journaling exercises; students build skills in communication, observation, voice, and literary expression.
CW:3107 Creative Writing for the Health Professions 3 s.h.
GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as INTD:3107.
CW:3215 Creative Writing and Popular Culture 3 s.h.
Creative writing through the lens of popular culture; topics include television, film writing, adaptations, commercials, advertising, magazines, newspapers, comic books, song lyrics, billboards, and backs of cereal boxes. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as INTD:3300.
CW:3218 Creative Writing for New Media 3 s.h.
Prepares creative writers for evolving marketplace of electronic text and media; experience writing in varied media (e.g., internet, e-books, video games, mobile devices, emergent social narratives). GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as INTD:3200.
CW:3400 Working Writers in Conversation 3 s.h.
Exposure to work of established contemporary writers who plan to visit the University of Iowa campus; students engage with each writer directly through class visits and reading attendance.
CW:3870 Advanced Fiction Writing 3 s.h.
Analysis of accomplished fiction writers' work; critique of class members' short stories, in writing and in class; discussion of how class members use language, characterization, point of view, other elements of fiction in their work. English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing. Prerequisites: CW:2870.
CW:3875 Advanced Poetry Writing 3 s.h.
Writing poems, reading poetry by class members and established poets; workshop context. English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing. Prerequisites: CW:2875.
CW:4745 The Sentence: Strategies for Writing 3 s.h.
Writing dynamic, cogent, and grammatically correct sentences; effectively communicating ideas; writing with clarity and confidence; review of grammar and various types of sentences; building complexity by adding adverbial, subordinate, and connective clauses to simple sentences; how rhythm, syntax, and word order expand the meaning of a sentence; application and appreciation. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as WRIT:4745.
CW:4751 Creative Writing for the Musician 3 s.h.
Better writing by focused appreciation of classical and popular music; musical forms and storytelling; music as a source of inspiration, performance of free-form writing exercises set to different soundtracks; what music can teach about language; scansion; methods for applying musical techniques in word form; how punctuation and grammar create rhythm; tone and diction used to create and modify dynamics of prose; multimedia project incorporating written, visual, and audio storytelling techniques. GE: Engineering Be Creative.
CW:4760 The Art of Revision: Rewriting Prose for Clarity and Impact 3 s.h.
Writing and rewriting of short stories and essays; specific choices to help writing reach its full potential; examination of first drafts and making strategic or radical decisions on what needs to happen in subsequent drafts in order for writing to better match original intentions; students gain insight from peers on where first drafts are succeeding or falling short, and write second and third drafts of short stories and personal narratives; structural and aesthetic choices. GE: Engineering Be Creative. Same as WRIT:4760.
CW:4870 Undergraduate Writers' Workshop: Fiction arr.
English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing.
CW:4875 Undergraduate Writers' Workshop: Poetry arr.
English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing.
CW:4885 Undergraduate Writers' Seminar arr.
Exploration of literature to develop substance and craft; craft sessions designed around topic chosen by instructor; modeled after Iowa Writers' Workshop graduate reading seminars. Prerequisites: ENGL:2020.
CW:4894 Undergraduate Project in Creative Writing arr.
English majors may apply this course to the following area and/or period requirement. AREA: Nonfiction and Creative Writing.
CW:4897 Novel Writing 3 s.h.
Introduction to the process of writing a novel through focused lessons on character, perspective, plot, scene, and dialogue; organizing a longer work; creating notes and sections of a novel with progression towards completing a draft. Requirements: creative writing or fiction writing course.
CW:7810 Form of Fiction 3 s.h.
CW:7820 Form of Poetry 3 s.h.
CW:7830 Seminar: Problems in Modern Fiction arr.
CW:7840 Seminar: Problems in Modern Poetry arr.
CW:7870 Fiction Workshop arr.
CW:7875 Poetry Workshop arr.
CW:7878 Special Topics Seminar 3 s.h.
Seminar topics vary.
CW:7880 Teaching Assistant Pedagogy Colloquium 1-2 s.h.
Training and support for graduate students in the Creative Writing Program. Corequisites: CW:7870 or CW:7875. Requirements: enrollment in creative writing graduate program.
CW:7890 Graduate Project in Creative Writing arr.
CW:7895 MFA Thesis arr.