Undergraduate majors: ancient civilization (BA); classical languages (BA)
Undergraduate minors: ancient civilization; classical languages; Greek; health and the human condition; Latin
Postbaccalaureate certificate: classics
Graduate degrees: MA in classics; MA in Greek; MA in Latin; PhD in classics
Faculty: https://classics.uiowa.edu/people
Website: https://classics.uiowa.edu/
Classics is the study of ancient languages, literatures, and cultures of the Mediterranean basin from approximately 2000 B.C.E. to 800 C.E. It embraces three civilizations—the Minoan-Mycenaean, Greek, and Roman; two languages—Greek and Latin; and a geographical area including Europe, North Africa, Egypt, and the Near East. The Department of Classics provides a basis for understanding and interpreting the contribution of the ancient world to life in the present and the future.
The department offers a substantial selection of courses taught in English at the undergraduate and graduate levels; several are approved for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences GE CLAS Core. Undergraduates in all majors may satisfy the World Languages requirement of the GE CLAS Core with courses in Greek or Latin; see "Language for GE CLAS Core" below. The department's First-Year Seminar introduces entering undergraduates to classics.
The Department of Classics also administers the interdisciplinary minor in health and the human condition for undergraduates.
Language for GE CLAS Core
The Department of Classics offers course sequences in Greek and Latin that students in all majors may use to fulfill the World Languages requirement of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences GE CLAS Core. For more information regarding pathways to fulfill the World Language GE CLAS Core requirement, including options to take four levels of the same language, two levels each of two different languages, or three levels of a language plus a World Language and Cultural Exploration course, see GE CLAS Core in the catalog.
Students who have had previous coursework or other experience with Greek or Latin should take the appropriate language placement test, which helps determine the level at which a student should begin Greek or Latin language study at the University of Iowa.
Students who wish to fulfill the GE CLAS Core World Languages requirement with four levels of Greek should complete the following sequence.
Course # | Title | Hours |
CLSG:1001 | Classical and New Testament Greek I | 5 |
CLSG:1002 | Classical and New Testament Greek II | 5 |
CLSG:2001 | Second-Year Greek I | 3 |
CLSG:2002 | Second-Year Greek II | 3 |
Students who wish to fulfill the GE CLAS Core World Languages requirement with four levels of Latin should complete the following sequence.
Course # | Title | Hours |
CLSL:1001 | Elementary Latin I | 5 |
CLSL:1002 | Elementary Latin II | 5 |
CLSL:2001 | World of Cicero | 3 |
CLSL:2002 | Golden Age of Roman Poetry | 3 |
Undergraduate Programs of Study
- Minor in Ancient Civilization
- Minor in Classical Languages
- Minor in Greek
- Minor in Health and the Human Condition
- Minor in Latin
Postbaccalaureate Program of Study
Graduate Programs of Study
University of Iowa Libraries' Main Library and the Art Library house extensive collections of classical texts and uninterrupted runs of classical periodicals from 1850 that facilitate research in the major areas of Greek and Roman civilization. The Department of Classics has a varied collection of slides on classical subjects and a small library of reference works, texts, and issues of classical and archaeological journals. The department's classical museum contains a small collection of coins, vases, and facsimiles in bronze from Mycenae, Pompeii, and Herculaneum.
The university is a supporting institution of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Consult the director of undergraduate studies for more information.
The department offers students the opportunity to participate in an archaeological dig during the summer. Contact the Department of Classics in mid-February for details.
Classics: Ancient Civilizations Courses
All readings for these courses are in English; previous knowledge of Greek or Latin is not required.
CLSA:1000 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities). Requirements: first- or second-semester standing.
CLSA:1010 Hero, God, Mortal: Literature of Greece 3 s.h.
Ancient Greek literature and culture as it responded to Homer; may include genre (e.g., epic to tragedy), religion, changing concept of hero, interaction with Mediterranean cultures, myth versus history. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
CLSA:1020 Love and Glory: The Literature of Rome 3 s.h.
Main themes and works of ancient Roman literature; works reflecting conflict of personal desire and public self in Rome. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
CLSA:1040 World Literature in Translation I 3 s.h.
Reading and analysis of major literary texts from writing's origins to 1700 in the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa; interrelationship of literature and history. Taught in English. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts. Same as TRNS:1240.
CLSA:1181 Ancient Medicine 3 s.h.
Thematic examination of theories and practices of Greco-Roman physicians, which in turn became the medical tradition of medieval Islamic world and European medicine until mid-19th century; historical medical terms, theories, and practices. GE: Historical Perspectives. Same as GHS:1181.
CLSA:1200 Interpretation of Ancient Literature 3 s.h.
Development of skills in literary interpretation through study of ancient Greek, Roman, and non-Greco-Roman literature of the ancient Mediterranean in translation. Students read dramatic and nondramatic poetry, fictional and nonfictional prose, non-Greco-Roman literature of ancient Mediterranean, and classical reception; 8th century B.C.E. to 4th century C.E. GE: Interpretation of Literature.
CLSA:1340 Magic in the Ancient World 3 s.h.
Ancient Greek and Roman writings on magic, including ancient spells and charms. GE: Values and Culture.
CLSA:1415 Ancient Origins of Religious Conflict 3 s.h.
Examination of ancient origins of the world's modern religions, their diversity, and religious conflict worldwide; ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; international events, fundamentalism, and protest movements. GE: Diversity and Inclusion.
CLSA:1454 Hebrew Bible for Everyone 3 s.h.
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament; examination of the collected writings that comprise it within their historical and cultural contexts; analysis of how the literary contents of the Pentateuch, historical, prophetic, and poetic books reflect, reject, or otherwise interact with cultural and historical circumstances of their writing and reception. GE: Values and Culture.
CLSA:1455 New Testament for Everyone 3 s.h.
Introduction to the Christian New Testament; examination of the collected writings that comprise it within their historical and cultural contexts; analysis of how the literary contents of the Gospels, Acts, Pauline letters, general epistles, and apocalyptic texts reflect, reject, or otherwise interact with cultural and historical circumstances of their writing and reception. GE: Values and Culture.
CLSA:1740 Writing Strategies: Word Origins and Word Choice 3 s.h.
Study of words, their meanings, and their origins combined with writing; words and word histories; role of English language in the world. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts. Same as WRIT:1740.
CLSA:1805 Legends and Heroes of Ancient Rome 1 s.h.
Introduction to narratives of Roman heroes from Livy, Ovid, and Plutarch; background information for further study in classics.
CLSA:1809 Ancient World on the Modern Screen 3 s.h.
Cinematic depictions of the classical world compared with scholarly views; selected films and primary ancient sources of the same period. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts.
CLSA:1830 Greek Civilization 3 s.h.
History, literature, art, architecture, religion, social life ca. 3000 B.C.E. to second century B.C.E. GE: Historical Perspectives.
CLSA:1840 Roman Civilization 3 s.h.
History, literature, politics, religion, social structure from eighth century B.C.E. to second century C.E. GE: Historical Perspectives.
CLSA:1875 Ancient Sports and Leisure 3 s.h.
Sports, games, and hobbies in the ancient world, primarily Greece and Rome, 1500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.; ancient Olympic games, Roman festival games; anthropology of sport. GE: Values and Culture.
CLSA:1910 Ancient and Modern Worlds: Common Problems 3 s.h.
Exploration of how many modern world problems can profitably be compared to problems arising in the ancient Mediterranean world and from ancient peoples' responses to those problems. GE: Diversity and Inclusion.
CLSA:2016 Classical Mythology 3 s.h.
Introduction to ancient Greek and Roman myths with focus on using these sources as interpretations of culture and human psyche; emphasis on flexibility of myth and its importance for understanding ancient history, art, literature, religion, and philosophy. GE: Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts; Values and Culture.
CLSA:2048 The Invention of Writing: From Cuneiform to Computers 3 s.h.
Invention of writing as one of the most momentous events in the history of human civilizations; how the use of written sign systems, notations, maps, graphs, encryptions, and most recently, computer programs have consequences that reach deeply into all aspects of people's lives; how writing fascinates and delights, fosters reflexive thinking and facilitates development of complex societies, and gives rise to institutions of social power and control; students explore the invention of writing and its consequences in broad international and interdisciplinary context. Taught in English. Same as ANTH:2248, ASIA:2248, CL:2248, COMM:2248, GRMN:2248, HIST:2148, IS:2248, LING:2248, TRNS:2248, WLLC:2248.
CLSA:2127 Books of the Silk Roads 3 s.h.
Manuscripts and global manuscript cultures from a comparative, interdisciplinary perspective; history of the book in the East and West; diverse material supports, physical formats, and written layouts of manuscripts of the 1st to 19th centuries, including social and cultural contexts; manuscript traditions of particular cultural spheres (Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, India, East Asia) and historical processes of diffusion, remediation, and obsolescence. Taught in English. GE: World Language and Cultural Exploration. Same as ASIA:2127, JPNS:2127.
CLSA:2144 Engineering and Technology in the Ancient World 3 s.h.
Technologies developed and used in the ancient world—primarily in Greece and Rome, also in Egypt and the Ancient Near East; agriculture and food preparation; construction and architecture; technologies related to warfare. Same as HIST:2444.
CLSA:2151 Roman Law, Order, and Crime 3 s.h.
Case-based introduction to Roman law; principles of Roman law ranging from standards of evidence to trial procedures to various topics in civil and criminal law, including family law and the law of delict. Same as HIST:2431.
CLSA:2226 Ancient Art from the Great Pyramids of Egypt to the Colosseum in Rome 3 s.h.
Art and architecture of the Mediterranean world (ca. 3500 B.C.E.) to death of Constantine (337 C.E.); Egyptian, Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures; artistic responses to life and death; impact of breakthroughs in technology and engineering on visual culture; role of art in empire building; interrelationships of art, politics, religion. GE: Historical Perspectives. Same as ARTH:2320.
CLSA:2330 Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Persian Art 3 s.h.
Art and architecture of Egypt and the Near East (ca. 3500 B.C.E.) to advent of Islam; Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian cultures; artistic responses to life and death; impact of breakthroughs in technology and engineering on visual culture; role of art in empire building; interrelationships of art, politics, and religion. Same as ARTH:2330.
CLSA:2340 The Power of Art in Greece and Rome 3 s.h.
Art and architecture of Greece and Rome (ca. 3000 B.C.E.) to death of Constantine (337 C.E.); Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures; artistic responses to life and death; impact of breakthroughs in technology and engineering on visual culture; role of art in empire building; interrelationships of art, politics, and religion. Same as ARTH:2340.
CLSA:2444 Cities of the Bible 3 s.h.
Survey of the history and archaeology of key biblical cities and the contributions they made to the formation of the Bible. GE: Historical Perspectives. Same as RELS:2444.
CLSA:2461 Middle East and Mediterranean: Alexander to Suleiman 3 s.h.
CLSA:2482 Ancient Mediterranean Religions 3 s.h.
Introduction to major religious traditions of ancient Mediterranean world; Mesopotamia, the Levant (Hebrew Bible), Egypt, Greece, and Rome; central aspects of mythology, ritual, and archaeology, individually and in comparative perspective; ancient Judaism and Christianity considered in their various cultural contexts; basic concepts for understanding cultural exchange; fundamental theories in the study of religion. GE: Values and Culture. Same as RELS:2182.
CLSA:2489 Jerusalem: The Holy City 3 s.h.
Religious, political, and cultural history of Jerusalem over three millennia as a symbolic focus of three faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; integration of several digital learning technologies, including digital reconstructions and Google Earth tours of Jerusalem. Same as RELS:2289.
CLSA:2620 Sex and the Bible 3 s.h.
Examination and analysis of the role of the Bible in contemporary culture; how different groups can read the exact same passages, yet reach different conclusions about how they and others should live. Recommendations: basic familiarity with the Bible or religion. GE: Diversity and Inclusion. Same as RELS:2620.
CLSA:2651 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World 3 s.h.
Survey of gender and sexuality issues in the social, political, and religious life of ancient Greece and Rome; evidence from literature, the visual arts, archaeology. Requirements: completion of GE CLAS Core Rhetoric and sophomore standing. GE: Values and Culture. Same as GWSS:2651.
CLSA:2800 Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean World 3 s.h.
Exploration of the history of race and ethnicity in the ancient world; how people were defined, stereotyped, and outcast by Greeks and Roman culture. GE: Diversity and Inclusion.
CLSA:2910 Egyptian Hieroglyphs 3 s.h.
Introduction to study of Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Egyptian language and culture; basic signs and their sound equivalents; more than four hundred signs which constitute written Egyptian of the Middle Kingdom; students read and construe inscriptions that might be encountered in the Egyptian exhibits of museums.
CLSA:3016 Myth Makers of the Classical World 3 s.h.
Continuation of CLSA:2016; emphasis on minor Greek and Roman sources and understanding ancient authors' and artists' motivations for depicting myths; students adapt ancient myths to modern world through writing exercises. Prerequisites: CLSA:2016.
CLSA:3020 Mental Health in the Ancient World 3 s.h.
Exploration of approaches to mental health in ancient Mediterranean world including Mesopotamia, the Levant, Greece, and Rome; examination of nosology, etiology, therapy, and ethics of mental health from ancient medical, philosophical, religious, and literary perspectives; mental health in cultural contexts. Same as GHS:3021.
CLSA:3105 Contraception Across Time and Cultures 3 s.h.
Methods and history of contraception; issues of unwanted pregnancy and birth control in fiction, film, and media around the world. Same as GHS:3105, GWSS:3105, WLLC:3105.
CLSA:3148 Barbarians and the Fall of Rome 3 s.h.
Did barbarian hordes cause the decline and fall of the Roman Empire? In the span of just a few hundred years, the Roman Empire of the Mediterranean world was transformed in terms of culture, religion, and the peoples that inhabited it, but we can't place all the blame for the so-called fall of Rome on the Huns, Visigoths, Vandals, and other migrating peoples; students explore textual, visual, and archaeological evidence for the spread of these “barbarian” cultures, the sacking of Rome, and the late antique transition to the Middle Ages from 200-800 C.E. Same as HIST:3448.
CLSA:3227 Classical Greek Art 3 s.h.
Art and architecture of classical Greece (ca. 480-323 B.C.); monuments of this period—from Parthenon in Athens to Aphrodite of Knidos—often viewed as embodiments of the highest achievements in Western art and culture; classical Greek art within social, political, religious, and historical contexts; role in ancient Greek society and its impact in the 21st century. Same as ARTH:3330.
CLSA:3232 Art of Early Rome: Patrons and Politics 3 s.h.
Examination of architecture, sculpture, and painting in central Italy from c. 800 B.C. to the end of the Roman Republic in 27 B.C.; art in the service of social ideology and political propaganda; funerary art and its relationship to the living; artistic interactions between Etruria, Greece, and Rome. Same as ARTH:3350.
CLSA:3233 Art of the Ancient Roman Empire 3 s.h.
Major developments in architecture, sculpture, and painting from the ascension of Augustus to sole ruler in 31 B.C. to the death of Constantine in A.D. 337; influence of individual emperors on the development of artistic forms; relationship between public and private art; interdependency of Rome and the provinces. Same as ARTH:3360.
CLSA:3234 Life and Death in Ancient Pompeii 3 s.h.
Art and architecture as documents of ancient life in Pompeii, a town that was destroyed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E.; topics include artistic choices and achievements of the city's inhabitants, roles played by men and women inside and outside the family, slavery, political organization and expression, and attitudes towards death. Same as ARTH:3370.
CLSA:3235 Greek Archaeology and Ethnohistory 3 s.h.
Archaeology and ethnology of the Greek world, from end of Bronze Age to late Roman Empire; sociocultural processes that influence development and persistence of Greek civilization. Same as ANTH:3276.
CLSA:3240 Roman Archaeology 3 s.h.
Archaeology and ethnology of Roman civilization from Iron Age eighth-century occupation of the Palatine Hill to the end of the Roman Empire in the West, A.D. 476. Same as ANTH:3277.
CLSA:3247 Banned from the Bible: Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha 3 s.h.
Introduction to biblical Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha; writings dating from third century B.C.E. to third century C.E. fictionally attributed to characters in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, or written as though they originated in the First or Second Temple periods, not included in Jewish or major Christian canons of scripture; English translations of documents from this period; key themes and interpretative techniques common throughout biblical texts that provide tremendous insight into the worlds that produced the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. Same as RELS:3247.
CLSA:3250 Greek Vase Painting 3 s.h.
Greek ceramics as documents of religious beliefs, mythology, and daily life 1000-300 B.C.E. Same as ARTH:3340.
CLSA:3288 Shakespeare's Romans: The Ancient World Meets the Elizabethan Stage arr.
London was a distant outpost of the Roman Empire, but the Romans had an outsized influence on Shakespeare's plays and poems; students explore those works and their sources in classical authors, including Ovid and Plutarch. Same as ENGL:3288.
CLSA:3401 Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East 3 s.h.
Survey of political, economic, religious, and social change in ancient Egypt from ca. 3000 B.C.E. until its conquest by Persia, and of the ancient Near East from ca. 3000 B.C.E. until Alexander the Great's conquests. Same as HIST:3401.
CLSA:3404 The World of Ancient Greece 3 s.h.
Survey of Greece history from ca. 2000 B.C. to 300 B.C.; Minoan, Mycenaean, and Greek society and culture; contact between Greek mainland and eastern Mediterranean cultures; development of the polis; political developments throughout the period; readings include a variety of sources in translation as well as modern interpretations; methodological problems in studying ancient Greece including interpretation of ancient historiography and using evidence from art, archaeology, and literature; knowledge of ancient Greek not required. Same as HIST:3404.
CLSA:3416 Greek Religion and Society 3 s.h.
From Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period, in context of Mediterranean culture; evidence such as choral hymn, inscribed prayers, magical curses inscribed on lead, architecture, sculpted offerings to the gods. Same as RELS:3716.
CLSA:3443 Pagans and Christians: The Church from Jesus to Muhammad 3 s.h.
Introduction to history of early Christianity, from time of Jesus to rise of Islam; focus on major movements, intellectuals, institutions in this period; growth of Christianity in different geographical areas including the Middle East, Greece, Western Europe, Africa; Christian relations with Jews, pagans, Muslims; conversion; orthodoxy, heresy, making of biblical canon; martyrdom; women and gender roles; asceticism, monasticism, sexuality; church and state; theological controversy and schisms; cult of saints; the Holy Land and pilgrimage. Same as RELS:3243.
CLSA:3445 Mythology of Otherworldly Journeys 3 s.h.
Examination of mythology of otherworldly journeys from earliest religions to Hellenistic period; historical context; comparison for common themes in their evolution over time; directed readings of mythological texts dealing with otherworldly journeys; ways in which past cultures confronted larger mysteries of life and death. Same as RELS:3245.
CLSA:3514 Roman Religion and Society 3 s.h.
Roman religion of the Republic, from ca. 753 B.C.E. to 44 B.C.E.; highly organized priesthood of politically powerful men and women in religious colleges in Rome who moderated and interpreted city-wide religious practice; how Romans worshipped their gods; Roman theology—what Romans thought about the divine world—and their religious response to crises; evidence from festival calendar, temple architecture, religious art, poetry, inscriptions, plays, and various other texts.
CLSA:3520 Religious Violence and Nationalism 3 s.h.
Study of religious ideologies that lead to violence in the name of nationality throughout history and in modern times. Same as RELS:3520.
CLSA:3596 The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 3 s.h.
Introduction to the archaeology of ancient Egypt from predynastic times to Roman Egypt, including monumental architecture; patterns of everyday life; social, economic, and demographic considerations; history of archaeology in Egypt. Same as ANTH:3275.
CLSA:3666 Angels and Demons 3 s.h.
History and development of angels, demons, and the devil in Jewish and Christian theology and literature.
CLSA:3742 Word Power: Building English Vocabulary 3 s.h.
Analysis of unfamiliar English words through knowledge of the history and meaning of word parts. Same as WRIT:3742.
CLSA:3750 Medical and Technical Terminology 2 s.h.
Memorization of word stems and basic medical terms, practice on computer terminal; no formal classes.
CLSA:3821 City of Athens: Bronze Age to Roman World 3 s.h.
Athens from Bronze Age to end of Roman period; topics include the city's role in development of political democracy and religion, as well as the art and archaeology of the city. Same as ANTH:3821, HIST:3403.
CLSA:3836 Food in Ancient Mediterranean Society 3 s.h.
Practices and values influenced by consumption and production of food in ancient Mediterranean societies; varied topics, including methods of food production and distribution, hierarchies of status as associated with food, food and ethnic identity, food and health, food and religion; focus on classical Greek and Roman society, Egypt, the ancient Near East, and Persia. Recommendations: familiarity with Greek and Roman civilization and history. Same as ANTH:3204, HIST:3436.
CLSA:3900 Special Topics in Classics 1-3 s.h.
Examination of a specific topic of interest related to classics.
CLSA:3920 Video Games and the Ancient World 3 s.h.
Examination of ancient society, culture, and sources through in-class game play and discussion of video games.
CLSA:3979 Undergraduate Translation Workshop 3 s.h.
Translation exercises, discussion of translation works in progress; alternative strategies for translation projects. Same as ENGL:3850, TRNS:3179.
CLSA:3980 Teaching in the Classics 1,3 s.h.
Instructional approaches and issues in teaching ancient language and civilization at secondary and college levels. Prerequisites: CLSG:1002 or CLSL:1002.
CLSA:3982 Graduation Portfolio 0 s.h.
Submission of final graduation portfolio required for classical languages and ancient civilization majors. Requirements: classical languages or ancient civilization major, and senior standing.
CLSA:4080 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship 2-3 s.h.
Develop teaching skills by working as an undergraduate teaching assistant under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor.
CLSA:4085 Postbaccalaureate Seminar 1 s.h.
Current work of postbaccalaureate students; preparation of writing sample and portfolio. Requirements: postbaccalaureate certificate enrollment.
CLSA:4090 Private Assignments arr.
Readings in classical literature in translation.
CLSA:4095 Honors Readings arr.
Discussion, readings, research for a paper on ancient civilization. Requirements: ancient civilization major.
CLSA:4400 The Roman Empire 3 s.h.
History of Roman Empire from assassination of Julius Caesar through 5th century A.D.; political, economic, cultural, and social developments from the transition to imperial power to the shift of power from west to east. Same as HIST:4400.
CLSA:4403 Alexander the Great 3 s.h.
History of Alexander the Great and the generals who succeeded him in ruling the lands he conquered; military, political, and social history. Same as HIST:4403.
CLSA:4452 The Dead Sea Scrolls 3 s.h.
Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls; reading of the scrolls in English translation; examination of Qumran site archaeology; survey of broader sociopolitical context of Second Temple Judaism (586 B.C.E. to 135 C.E.) out of which the scrolls emerged. Same as RELS:4352.
CLSA:4901 Biblical Hebrew I 3-4 s.h.
Introduces students with no prior Hebrew experience to Biblical Hebrew, the language used to compose the bulk of the Hebrew Bible. Introduction to the Hebrew alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar, culminating with reading and comprehending passages from the Hebrew Bible. Same as RELS:4001.
CLSA:4902 Biblical Hebrew II 3 s.h.
Continues the language instruction sequence begun in CLSA:4901. Deepens understanding of Hebrew vocabulary and grammar, and the ability to read and comprehend passages from the Hebrew Bible. Same as RELS:4002.
CLSA:4911 Coptic I 3 s.h.
Introduction to Coptic grammar and literature in several dialects, with introductory readings from the New Testament, monastic authors, and Gnostic and Manichaean texts.
CLSA:5010 Proseminar in Classics 1 s.h.
Texts, techniques, and trends in classical scholarship; areas and subtopics of classical scholarship.
CLSA:5151 Roman Law, Order, and Crime 3 s.h.
Case-based introduction to Roman law; principles of Roman law ranging from standards of evidence to trial procedures to various topics in civil and criminal law, including family law and the law of delict. Recommendations: some background in Roman history. Same as HIST:5431.
CLSA:5900 Advanced Special Topics in Classics 3 s.h.
Advanced examination of a specific topic of interest related to classics.
CLSA:5903 Biblical Aramaic 3 s.h.
This course introduces the basics of Biblical Aramaic grammar and syntax and provides an introduction to the Biblical lexicon. There will be extensive grammatical exercises, both in class and at home, as well as frequent opportunities to apply grammatical and lexical knowledge to the Biblical text. Recommendations: Biblical Hebrew recommended. Same as RELS:5001.
CLSA:5904 Targumic Aramaic 3 s.h.
Language used by Targums—Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible—for use in the study of interpretative traditions of later Jewish groups. Same as RELS:5002.
CLSA:6100 Seminar: Theory and Method 3 s.h.
Exploration of various theories and methods related to the field of classics.
CLSA:6200 Graduate Seminar in Ancient Art 3 s.h.
Key themes and issues in ancient art. Same as ARTH:6300.
CLSA:6910 Graduate Pedagogy 1 s.h.
Pedagogical theories on teaching classics in translation, practical application of those theories; classroom management, grading, syllabus development; university, college, and department regulations. Requirements: graduate standing, and teaching assistant or instructor in classics courses taught in English.
CLSA:7080 Ancient Language Thesis arr.
Thesis work in Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, or Syriac. Requirements: PhD enrollment.
CLSA:7090 Advanced Reading: Ancient Languages arr.
Readings in Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, or Syriac. Requirements: Classics graduate program enrollment.
CLSA:7114 Slavery and Social Death: 1200 B.C.E. to 1865 C.E. 3 s.h.
Exploration of various slave systems in antiquity, the middle ages, and modernity in terms of their motivations, utilization, and broader social, economic, and political implications; use of literary sources and archaeological remains to investigate slave cultures in ancient Near East and Egypt, Jewish exploitation of enslaved persons, and use of chattel slavery in Greek, Roman, early Christian, and Islamic societies; antebellum U.S. slavery. Same as ANTH:7414, HIST:7414.
Greek Courses
CLSG:1001 Classical and New Testament Greek I 5 s.h.
Focus on reading ancient Greek and developing a deeper understanding of ancient Greek civilization. GE: World Languages First Level Proficiency.
CLSG:1002 Classical and New Testament Greek II 5 s.h.
Continuation of CLSG:1001; focus on reading ancient Greek and developing a deeper understanding of ancient Greek civilization. Prerequisites: CLSG:1001. GE: World Languages Second Level Proficiency.
CLSG:2001 Second-Year Greek I 3 s.h.
Focus on reading Greek prose authors, such as Xenophon and Plato. Prerequisites: CLSG:1002. GE: World Languages Third Level Proficiency.
CLSG:2002 Second-Year Greek II 3 s.h.
Continuation of CLSG:2001; focus on reading and interpretation of Greek poetry. Prerequisites: CLSG:2001. GE: World Languages Fourth Level Proficiency.
CLSG:3001 Archaic and Classical Periods I 3 s.h.
Readings in major Greek authors of the Archaic and Classical periods. Prerequisites: CLSG:2002.
CLSG:3002 Archaic and Classical Periods II 3 s.h.
CLSG:3003 Classical and Hellenistic Periods I 3 s.h.
Readings in Greek literature of the Classical and Hellenistic periods. Prerequisites: CLSG:2002. Same as RELS:3003.
CLSG:3004 Classical and Hellenistic Periods II 3 s.h.
CLSG:3200 Literary Translation Workshop in Ancient Greek and Latin 3 s.h.
Translation from Greek/Latin to English with emphasis on literary translation; issues in theory and practice of translation in the discipline; special features of ancient languages as a source language for translation. Taught in English. Same as CLSL:3200, TRNS:3205.
CLSG:4076 Greek Composition 2-3 s.h.
Review of Greek morphology, syntax, sentence structure; composition of sentences, short passages in Greek. Prerequisites: CLSG:2002 or CLSG:3001 or CLSG:3002 or CLSG:3003 or CLSG:3004 or CLSG:5001.
CLSG:4090 Private Assignments 1-3 s.h.
Directed reading and study with faculty member.
CLSG:4095 Honors Readings arr.
Discussion, readings, research for a paper on Greek literature, history, or civilization. Requirements: classical languages major.
CLSG:5001 Greek Survey I: Archaic to Classical Literature 3 s.h.
Introductory survey of Greek literature and language from Homer to end of the fifth century.
CLSG:5002 Greek Survey II: Hellenistic to Late Antique Literature 3 s.h.
Introductory survey of Greek literature and language in and after the fourth century B.C.E.
CLSG:6000 Advanced Greek Seminar arr.
Specific Greek authors, genres, and topics from the beginnings of Greek literature through fifth century C.E.
CLSG:6011 Archaic Greece arr.
Topics chosen from Homer, Hesiod, Homeric hymns or lyric poetry.
CLSG:6012 Classical Greece arr.
Authors, genres, and topics from the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E.
CLSG:6013 Hellenistic Greece arr.
Authors, genres, and topics from the death of Alexander to the accession of Augustus.
CLSG:7080 Greek Thesis arr.
For PhD students writing a dissertation. Requirements: PhD candidacy.
CLSG:7090 Advanced Reading arr.
Requirements: classics graduate standing.
Latin Courses
CLSL:1001 Elementary Latin I 5 s.h.
Focus on reading Latin and on Roman culture. GE: World Languages First Level Proficiency.
CLSL:1002 Elementary Latin II 5 s.h.
Continuation of CLSL:1001. Prerequisites: CLSL:1001. GE: World Languages Second Level Proficiency.
CLSL:2001 World of Cicero 3 s.h.
Focus on reading Latin prose authors, such as Caesar and Cicero. Prerequisites: CLSL:1002. GE: World Languages Third Level Proficiency.
CLSL:2002 Golden Age of Roman Poetry 3 s.h.
Focus on reading and interpretation of Roman poets, such as Vergil and Catullus. Prerequisites: CLSL:1002. GE: World Languages Third Level Proficiency.
CLSL:3001 Latin Literature of the Republic I 3 s.h.
Prose or poetry by major authors of the republic. Prerequisites: CLSL:2001 and CLSL:2002.
CLSL:3002 Latin Literature of the Republic II 3 s.h.
Continuation of CLSL:3001. Prerequisites: CLSL:2001 and CLSL:2002.
CLSL:3003 Latin Literature of the Empire I 3 s.h.
Prose or poetry by major authors of the empire. Prerequisites: CLSL:2001 and CLSL:2002.
CLSL:3004 Latin Literature of the Empire II 3 s.h.
Continuation of CLSL:3003. Prerequisites: CLSL:2001 and CLSL:2002.
CLSL:3200 Literary Translation Workshop in Ancient Greek and Latin 3 s.h.
Translation from Greek/Latin to English with emphasis on literary translation; issues in theory and practice of translation in the discipline; special features of ancient languages as a source language for translation. Taught in English. Same as CLSG:3200, TRNS:3205.
CLSL:4076 Latin Composition 2-3 s.h.
Review of Latin morphology, syntax, sentence structure; composition of sentences, short passages in Latin. Prerequisites: CLSL:2002 or CLSL:3001 or CLSL:3002 or CLSL:3003 or CLSL:3004 or CLSL:5001.
CLSL:4080 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship 2-3 s.h.
Develop teaching skills by working as an undergraduate teaching assistant under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor.
CLSL:4090 Private Assignments 1-3 s.h.
Directed reading and study with faculty member for advanced students.
CLSL:4095 Honors Readings 3 s.h.
Discussions, readings, research for a paper on Roman literature, history, or civilization. Requirements: classical languages major.
CLSL:5001 Latin Survey I: Republican Literature 3 s.h.
Introductory survey of Latin literature and language from the early Republic to the end of the first century B.C.E.
CLSL:5002 Latin Survey II: Imperial to Late Antique Literature 3 s.h.
Introductory survey of Latin literature and language from the Augustan age through the second century C.E.
CLSL:6000 Advanced Latin Seminar arr.
Specific Latin authors, genres, and topics from the beginnings of Roman literature through fifth century C.E.
CLSL:6011 Republican Rome arr.
Authors and topics from the beginnings of Roman literature to the death of Julius Caesar.
CLSL:6013 Tiberius to Trajan arr.
Authors and topics from the first and second centuries C.E. Same as RELS:6040.
CLSL:6014 Later Empire arr.
Authors and topics from the third through fifth centuries C.E.
CLSL:6910 Graduate Pedagogy 1 s.h.
Pedagogical theories on teaching classical languages, practical application of those theories; classroom management, grading, syllabus development; university, college, and department regulations. Requirements: teaching assistant or instructor in Latin.
CLSL:7080 Latin Thesis arr.
For PhD students writing a dissertation. Requirements: PhD candidacy.
CLSL:7090 Advanced Reading arr.
Requirements: classics graduate standing.