Undergraduate major: anthropology (BA, BS)
Undergraduate minor: anthropology
Graduate degrees: MA in anthropology; PhD in anthropology
Faculty: https://anthropology.uiowa.edu/people
Website: https://anthropology.uiowa.edu/
Anthropology is the comparative study of peoples and cultures past and present. The discipline's two major subfields—medical anthropology and archaeology—share a holistic, global perspective and commitment to field-based methodologies. Anthropological knowledge constructively contributes these perspectives and methods to work in other social sciences, physical and biological sciences, and the arts and humanities.
Anthropology provides a framework for understanding the relation of human beings to their natural environment and to the social and cultural worlds they create and inhabit. The field provides insight into biological and sociocultural evolution and examines how economic, social, and political processes, symbolic systems, and social structures interact to shape human experience. Fieldwork-based comparative studies of past and present cultures yield information on regularities and differences, and special insight into the diversity of human creativity and cultural change.
Anthropological training provides skills useful in a variety of careers. As the American Anthropological Association points out, "careful record-keeping, attention to details, analytical reading, and clear thinking are taught by anthropological courses. Social ease in strange situations, critical thinking, and strong skills in oral and written expression are cultivated by anthropological training."
For undergraduates, the department offers two optional tracks within the major—archaeology and medical anthropology—for students with specialized interests in these areas.
The Department of Anthropology also offers numerous courses that undergraduate students in all majors may use to fulfill GE CLAS Core requirements.
At the graduate level, the department grants both MA and PhD degrees in anthropology. Most students enter the PhD program and are awarded an MA after fulfilling program requirements at the end of their second year. The department also offers a terminal MA degree with a focus on cultural resource management (CRM) in archaeology, which provides academic preparation for a professional career in this field. Students work closely with faculty and staff from the Office of the State Archaeologist.
Members of the anthropology faculty work within and across the discipline’s two subfields, and conduct both localized and multi-sited field research at locations worldwide, including South and Southeast Asia; Europe; southern Africa; North America (especially the United States); South America; and the Pacific (especially Hawaii and New Zealand).
Current faculty interests include North America, cultural politics, environmental anthropology, European archaeology, feminist anthropology and sexuality studies, medical anthropology, science and technology studies, and Asian studies. For more details, visit People on the Department of Anthropology website.
The department has well-equipped laboratories for the study of archaeology, biological anthropology, computational genetics, and evolutionary anthropology. Resources include a GIS/quantitative analysis laboratory, ground penetrating radar, x-ray fluorescence equipment, and three-dimensional (3D) scanning equipment.
Under the direction of university archaeologists, students acquire skills in data recovery and interpretive techniques. Opportunities are available for students to participate in archaeological field research in Portugal, Sicily, and various sites in the United States.
Individual faculty members maintain field laboratories and conduct research outside the United States, maintaining ties with research institutions in other countries, including Gemeente Nijmegen, Bureau Archeologie, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut of Madrid, Spain; and the National University of Singapore, Singapore.
The department has access to the Iowa Archaeological Collections through the Office of the State Archaeologist and maintains its own archaeological collections (midwestern prehistoric and historical and comparative faunal material).
The department maintains a documented human osteology teaching collection amassed by the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, and it holds a substantial documented human osteology research collection originally from Stanford University's medical school that is maintained jointly with the Office of the State Archaeologist.
The university is a charter member of the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), an extensively annotated set of source materials on the peoples of the world—their environments, behavioral patterns, social lives, and cultures. Through HRAF and other library resources, anthropology students have access to source materials on more than 400 different cultures.
The university's exchange programs for Iowa students provide opportunities and some scholarships for study abroad.
Anthropology Courses
ANTH:1000 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.
Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g. films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities). Requirements: first- or second-semester standing.
ANTH:1001 Issues in Anthropology 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration of methodological and theoretical issues in contemporary anthropology; emphasis on critical reading of primary texts.
ANTH:1040 Language Rights 3 s.h.
Language minorities and linguistic human rights in the United States and worldwide; language and identity, culture, power; case studies of language rights deprivation. GE: International and Global Issues. Same as LING:1040.
ANTH:1046 Environmental Politics in India 3 s.h.
How resources, commodities, people, and ideas cross borders; examination of globalization through issues of technology, social justice, environment; perspectives from anthropology, gender studies, geography, energy science, and development. GE: Sustainability. GE: International and Global Issues. Same as GEOG:1046, GWSS:1046, SJUS:1046.
ANTH:1101 Cultural Anthropology 3 s.h.
Comparative study of culture, social organization. GE: Social Sciences; Values and Culture. Same as IS:1101.
ANTH:1201 World Archaeology 3 s.h.
What do archaeologists know about the past, and how do they know about the past? Evolution of human cultures from ice ages to first cities; archaeological methods used to understand the past. GE: Historical Perspectives.
ANTH:1301 Human Origins 3 s.h.
Processes, products of human evolution from perspectives of heredity and genetics, evolutionary theory, human biological characteristics, fossil record, artifactual evidence, biocultural behaviors. GE: Natural Sciences without Lab.
ANTH:2009 Individual Study 1-3 s.h.
Readings in area or subdivision of anthropology in which student has had basic coursework.
ANTH:2100 Anthropology and Contemporary World Problems 3 s.h.
Selected world problems from an anthropological perspective; current dilemmas and those faced by diverse human groups in recent times and distant past. GE: International and Global Issues; Social Sciences.
ANTH:2102 Anthropology of Marriage and Family 3 s.h.
Classic anthropological theories of kinship and marriage, including topics such as cousin marriage and incest; recent work on new reproductive technologies and transnational marriage. Same as GWSS:2102.
ANTH:2103 Introduction to Global Health Studies 3 s.h.
Global health as a study of the dynamic relationship between human health and social, biological, and environmental factors that drive the spread of disease; core areas of global health research that may include health inequalities, maternal and child health, infectious diseases, nutrition, environmental health, and health interventions. GE: International and Global Issues. Same as GHS:2000.
ANTH:2108 Gendering India 3 s.h.
Aspects of Indian culture, including nation, family, sexuality, work, and religion, through the lens of gender; Hindu India, differences in region, caste, and class. Same as GWSS:2108.
ANTH:2136 Race, Place, and Power: Urban Anthropology 3 s.h.
Cross-cultural approach to urban anthropology; urbanizing processes, migration and adaptation, aspects of class and ethnicity in urban settings, urban economic relations. GE: International and Global Issues; Social Sciences.
ANTH:2140 Food, Drink, and Culture 3 s.h.
Passion of food, eating, and drinking in our lives; students are challenged to study eating and drinking in all its variety and importance in different contemporary cultures of the world; exploration of how and why food and drink hold the power to bind people together or to set groups apart, how national cuisines are made, and how people connect food and drink to ritual and health care systems; these topics and many more linked with the study of food and drink production and consumption to examine societal processes, such as the construction of identities and symbolic meanings attached to eating and drinking.
ANTH:2151 Global Migration in the Contemporary World 3 s.h.
Examination of social, economic, and cultural dimensions of global migration in the contemporary world from a transnational and anthropological perspective; primary focus is on Asian migration to the United States, but in comparison to other migration trajectories. Recommendations: an introductory course in cultural anthropology is useful, but not required. GE: Diversity and Inclusion. Same as GWSS:2151, IS:2151.
ANTH:2155 Anthropology and Health Social Movements 3 s.h.
Analyze how different groups of people have converged and channeled their collective power to change how societies address illness.
ANTH:2160 Culture, Health, and Wellness: Southeast Asia in Focus 3 s.h.
Exploration of complex cross-cultural interactions between health, wellness, and culture; insights drawn from the culturally diverse region of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, and Philippines, among others. Same as GHS:2160.
ANTH:2164 Culture and Healing: An Introduction to Medical Anthropology 3 s.h.
Health professions are increasingly focused on how to best provide health care to culturally diverse populations; introduction to key cultural and social influences on sickness and healing; worldwide examples. Same as GHS:2164.
ANTH:2165 Native Peoples of North America 3 s.h.
History, culture of American Indian peoples; emphasis on North America. GE: Diversity and Inclusion. Same as AMST:2165, NAIS:2165.
ANTH:2166 Arts of Native North America 3 s.h.
Introduction to Native North American arts and artists including modern, recent, and pre-Columbian work; modern Native artists and their messages within context of recent social and political developments, as well as deeper histories and artistic traditions; prior study of anthropology or art history not required.
ANTH:2181 The Anthropology of Aging 3 s.h.
Comparative anthropological perspective on aging; ethnographies from diverse contexts used to examine intersections of kinship, religion, health, and medicine in later life. Same as ASP:2181, GHS:2181.
ANTH:2182 Africa: Health and Society 3 s.h.
Cultural, political, and economic diversity of African societies from precolonial period to present day; relationship between lived experiences of African people and understanding of their societies from afar; why Africa, more than any other region, is associated with warfare, hunger, and disease; idea of "Africa" in the world today; shared misunderstanding of life on continent contrasted with everyday lives of people who are not so different from ourselves. Same as GHS:2182.
ANTH:2190 Love Rules: Law and the Family Across Cultures 3 s.h.
Recent debates over legalizing gay marriage remind us that the law is not an abstract concept, it is a social creation that emphasizes certain cultural norms over others, both powerful and changeable; family law outlines what one cultural vision of relationships—those between lovers, parent and child, and between kin—supposedly should look like in a given society, a vision always marked by gendered, racial, and sexual divisions of power; students consider what happens when legal norms intersect with diverse ways that people make families through topics including marriage, divorce, custody, and surrogacy across the world. Same as GWSS:2190, IS:2190.
ANTH:2191 Love, Sex, and Money: Sexuality and Exchange Across Cultures 3 s.h.
Everything from pop songs to advertisements warn us of the evils of gold diggers, “blingsexuals,” or “buyfriends"; in America, money is seen to corrupt the purity and authenticity of love and desire, but money also is an inevitable part of sex, love, and intimacy; cross-cultural examination of how relationships between love, money, and sexuality are organized in different places; different ways people form relationships with lovers, spouses, and persons who enable childbearing; rethinking gender roles, work, value, and power. Same as GWSS:2900.
ANTH:2208 Archaeological Methods 3 s.h.
Current theoretical approaches, methods used to investigate the past; site formation processes, taphonomy, sampling and research design, typology and seriation, subsistence-settlement reconstruction, cultural evolution. Prerequisites: ANTH:1201.
ANTH:2220 The Olmec, Maya, and Aztecs: Archaeology of Mesoamerica 3 s.h.
Archaeological data related to the evolution of civilization in Mesoamerica; sequence from hunter-gatherers to A.D. 1519; emphasis on Central Mexico, Maya area, Oaxaca. Same as LAS:2220.
ANTH:2248 The Invention of Writing: From Cuneiform to Computers 3 s.h.
Invention of writing as one of the most momentous events in the history of human civilizations; how the use of written sign systems, notations, maps, graphs, encryptions, and most recently, computer programs have consequences that reach deeply into all aspects of people's lives; how writing fascinates and delights, fosters reflexive thinking and facilitates development of complex societies, and gives rise to institutions of social power and control; students explore the invention of writing and its consequences in broad international and interdisciplinary context. Taught in English. Same as ASIA:2248, CL:2248, CLSA:2048, COMM:2248, GRMN:2248, HIST:2148, IS:2248, LING:2248, TRNS:2248, WLLC:2248.
ANTH:2261 Human Impacts on the Environment 3 s.h.
Long-term patterns of human-environment interactions surveyed through archaeological case studies; varied scales of human impacts, including animal extinction, habitat destruction, agricultural practices, urban growth, state-level societies. GE: Sustainability. GE: Social Sciences.
ANTH:2290 Practicum in Archaeology arr.
Intensive, hands-on examination of a wide range of materials recently recovered from archaeological sites; pottery, lithics (stone tools and related items), plant remains, animal bones; for students with strong archaeological interests or archaeological field experience.
ANTH:2320 Origins of Human Infectious Disease 3 s.h.
Origin and evolution of important infectious diseases in human history; biological evolution of infectious agents and biocultural responses to emerging infectious diseases; primary focus on viruses and bacteria; selected world problems from an anthropological perspective; current dilemmas and those faced by diverse human groups in recent times and distant past. Same as GHS:2320.
ANTH:2390 Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology arr.
Specimen preparation, cataloging, molding and casting, photography, computer analyses, library research.
ANTH:3001 Introduction to Museum Studies 3 s.h.
Overview of museum history, function, philosophy, collection, and curatorial practices; governance and funding issues; exhibition evaluation and audience studies; examples from Stanley Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, Old Capitol Museum, and Medical Museum. GE: Social Sciences. Same as EDTL:3001, MUSM:3001, SIED:3001.
ANTH:3015 Independent Study arr.
ANTH:3017 Decolonizing Anthropology in Native North America 3 s.h.
Anthropology is coming to terms with its rather strange combination of colonialist origins and anti-colonial/anti-racist themes, and these contradictions have generated well-earned criticism from Indigenous peoples; how Indigenous critiques have constructively called for changes that make anti-colonialism and anti-racism more central to the profession, and examination of how the profession is responding; works by Indigenous activists, artists, and scholars, including anthropologists; examples of ethnographic and archaeological research from regions of Native North America that complement those covered in ANTH:2165. Prerequisites: ANTH:1101 or ANTH:2165 or HIST:1049.
ANTH:3103 Environment and Culture 3 s.h.
Individual and group responses to scarcities of natural resources such as land, water, food.
ANTH:3110 Colonialism and Indigenous Health Equity 3 s.h.
Health problems and services for Indigenous populations worldwide, from perspective of Fourth World postcolonial politics. Prerequisites: ANTH:1101 or ANTH:2165 or GHS:2000 or HIST:1049 or CPH:1400. Same as CBH:4200, GHS:3110, NAIS:3110.
ANTH:3117 Using Ethnographic Methods 3 s.h.
Ethnography, holistic, qualitative research in cultural context for anthropological and related research and careers involving interpersonal interaction; multiple ethnographic methods and their rationales. Recommendations: desire to interact with others, and prior coursework in fields that employ ethnographic or qualitative research (social sciences, social work, nursing, public health).
ANTH:3118 Politics of Reproduction 3 s.h.
Examination of reproductive politics from historical, sociological, anthropological, and communicative perspectives; reproductive justice and bodily autonomy as key sites of feminist struggle in the United States and in global contexts; topical issues include abortion and birth control, assisted reproductive technologies, commercial surrogacy industries, LGBTQ family formation, and systems of reproductive violence. Same as COMM:3118, GWSS:3118.
ANTH:3121 Love, Marriage, and Family in India 3 s.h.
Anthropological understandings of love in India and the region of South Asia more broadly; emphasis on contemporary society; filial and motherly love, arranged marriage and romantic love, devotional and artistic expressions, love between siblings. Same as GWSS:3121.
ANTH:3122 Historic House Management and Preservation 3 s.h.
Historic house museums make up more than half of all museums in the United States; focus on management, preservation, and interpretation of historic houses as sites of historic memory and public engagement. Same as MUSM:3100.
ANTH:3123 Making a Living: Perspectives on Economic Anthropology 3 s.h.
How different cultures and societies have organized allocation of work and goods; critical reflection of ongoing integration of world's societies into global market system; how it has become commonplace in the U.S. to believe that unemployment and debt are natural, inevitable aspects of human social organization during contemporary era; different approaches to division of work and resources among various groups of people in other societies; different approaches to dividing up society or world resources based on existing socioeconomic models.
ANTH:3125 Transnational Feminism 3 s.h.
Exploration of feminist perspectives from the United States and outside of the United States; how geopolitics shapes understanding of familiar feminist issues (e.g., reproduction, cultural practices, sexualities, poverty); emphasis on global south regions and populations. Same as GWSS:3350, IS:3350.
ANTH:3127 Anthropology of Death 3 s.h.
How anthropologists and archaeologists study death, dying, mortuary rituals, and notions of the afterlife in contemporary North America and in different places and times. Prerequisites: ANTH:1201 or ANTH:1101. Requirements: ANTH:1101 or ANTH:1201 or graduate standing.
ANTH:3145 Excavation to Exhibit: Making Artifacts Public 3 s.h.
In-depth exploration of methodological, theoretical, and historical issues in the creation of archaeological museum exhibitions including hands-on learning involving the development of an exhibit for the Stanley Museum of Art. Same as MUSM:3145, NAIS:3145.
ANTH:3152 Anthropology of Caregiving and Health 3 s.h.
Diverse understandings and practices of care around the world; focus on relationships between caregiving practices and health across the life course. Same as ASP:3152, GHS:3152.
ANTH:3190 Global Debt 3 s.h.
Economies as cultural systems that emphasize the role of worldviews and "meaning-making" in organizing economies; debt as a key mechanism in creation and maintenance of relationships; focus on how exchange, distribution, and obligation serve to shore up or sever various social institutions and links between debt, inequality, and power; debt in various forms, from a round of drinks to student loans, and from the U.S. mortgage crisis to development aid; diverse array of economies—from gift exchange to ceremonial destruction of wealth, and from Melanesia to Wall Street—to evaluate assumptions that undergird different systems of debt and credit. Requirements: introductory course in anthropology or international studies or gender, women's, and sexuality studies. Same as IS:3190, SJUS:3190.
ANTH:3199 Anthropology and Global Health Policy 3 s.h.
Global health has grown as an area of practice and study, with well-being and livelihoods of increasing numbers of people now deeply influenced by these ideas, practices, and policies; students engage with ways that global health programs have influenced experiences of health and illness by those who participate in these programs, critically analyzing how global health interacts with local dynamics of inequality, race, gender, and power. Same as GHS:3199, IS:3198.
ANTH:3200 The Archaeology of Roman Britain: From Julius Caesar to the Age of Arthur 3 s.h.
Archaeology of Britain in the Roman period from the campaigns of Julius Caesar (55 BCE) to the end of Roman rule in the fifth century CE; explores themes of trade and connectivity, conquest and resistance, and identity negotiation visible in the archaeological and epigraphic record.
ANTH:3204 Food in Ancient Mediterranean Society 3 s.h.
Practices and values influenced by consumption and production of food in ancient Mediterranean societies; varied topics, including methods of food production and distribution, hierarchies of status as associated with food, food and ethnic identity, food and health, food and religion; focus on classical Greek and Roman society, Egypt, the ancient Near East, and Persia. Recommendations: familiarity with Greek and Roman civilization and history. Same as CLSA:3836, HIST:3436.
ANTH:3207 Animal Bones in Archaeology 3 s.h.
Use of faunal material in interpretation of archaeological remains, including skeletal anatomy, identification, taphonomy, determination of age and sex, seasonality, quantification, sampling, breakage and cutmarks, interpretations; laboratory sessions. Prerequisites: ANTH:1201.
ANTH:3237 Politics of the Archaeological Past 3 s.h.
How control over management of material remains of the ancient past, and representations of that past, intersect with the identity of diverse groups, including archaeologists, Indigenous peoples, national governments, collectors, ethnic minorities and majorities, museum curators; struggles for control of the archaeological past at different scales (artifacts, skeletal remains, sites, imagery, narratives) and in different regions of the world. Same as HIST:3137, MUSM:3237.
ANTH:3239 The Archaeology of the First Europeans 3 s.h.
Archaeology of European societies between the Mesolithic and Iron Age; how ideas about Europe's prehistoric past have been used for political purposes.
ANTH:3240 Cultural Resources Management Archaeology: Practice and Practicalities 3 s.h.
Cultural Resources Management (CRM) archaeology is the largest sector of archaeological research in the United States in terms of employment, funding, field- and lab-related activity; students investigate the past and navigate complexities of compliance requirements from federal, state, and local regulations concerning historic preservation; introduction to legal, procedural, and practical foundations of CRM archaeology; preparation for employment by acquisition of skills from project planning through dissemination of results. Recommendations: completion of other anthropology, geography, history, or Native American studies courses. Same as NAIS:3240.
ANTH:3241 Lithic Analysis in Archaeology 3 s.h.
Archaeological issues examined and addressed with lithic data; use of lithic data to study the past, specific techniques applied.
ANTH:3243 Archaeology of the American Midcontinent 3 s.h.
Survey of the archaeology of the American midcontinent for students interested in the past beyond what historical documents reveal; exploration of Late Pleistocene and Archaic hunter-gatherer adaptations, Woodland and Late Prehistoric horticulturalists, Middle and Upper Mississippian emergent chiefdoms, and historic period first contact, fur trade, and fort sites; how archaeologists utilize regional archaeological data in addressing culture change issues to develop the essential grounding for understanding how people lived in different times and places in the past, and how prehistoric peoples relate to their modern descendants across the midcontinent. Recommendations: ANTH:1201. Same as NAIS:3243.
ANTH:3255 Introduction to Archaeological Ceramics 3 s.h.
Introduction to ceramic analysis; focus on ceramics of Native North America; ceramics as an important line of evidence for past human activities (e.g., cooking, eating, feasting, trading, storage); students learn how archaeologists interpret broken ceramics from excavations by practicing various analytical techniques and conducting their own ceramic analysis.
ANTH:3257 North American Archaeology 3 s.h.
Prehistoric cultural development north of Mexico from initial occupation to European contact and conquest; emphasis on dynamics of culture change. Same as NAIS:3257.
ANTH:3260 Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas 3 s.h.
Major themes in earliest human settlement of the Americas, including human mobility, subsistence, technology, human impacts on the environment.
ANTH:3261 Our Life With Dogs: The Anthropological Study of Animals in Human Societies 3 s.h.
Intricate connections between dogs and our social, economic, political, and spiritual lives; human relationships with dogs that extend back at least 16,000 years; process of dog domestication; roles dogs play in human ideology and past economies; modern interactions with dogs.
ANTH:3265 Archaeology of the Great Plains 3 s.h.
Contrasting lifeways, diets, and technologies that humans used to survive on North America's Great Plains, from Ice Age hunter-gatherers to Euramerican homesteaders.
ANTH:3275 The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 3 s.h.
Introduction to the archaeology of ancient Egypt from predynastic times to Roman Egypt, including monumental architecture; patterns of everyday life; social, economic, and demographic considerations; history of archaeology in Egypt. Same as CLSA:3596.
ANTH:3276 Greek Archaeology and Ethnohistory 3 s.h.
Archaeology and ethnology of the Greek world, from end of Bronze Age to late Roman Empire; sociocultural processes that influence development and persistence of Greek civilization. Same as CLSA:3235.
ANTH:3277 Roman Archaeology 3 s.h.
Archaeology and ethnology of Roman civilization from Iron Age eighth-century occupation of the Palatine Hill to the end of the Roman Empire in the West, A.D. 476. Same as CLSA:3240.
ANTH:3278 Archaeology of Ancient Cities 3 s.h.
Archaeological exploration of ancient world cities; physical plant, social institutions, regional context, cultural influence; major cities considered include Uruk, Luxor, Athens, Rome, Alexandria, Kyongju, Loyang, Teotihuacan, and Tenochtitlan.
ANTH:3295 Field Research in Archaeology arr.
Beginning skills in site surveying and excavation, lab work, record keeping at nearby prehistoric sites.
ANTH:3300 Mothers and Motherhood 3 s.h.
Treatment of motherhood; role of motherhood and devaluation of social status. Same as GWSS:3300.
ANTH:3305 Human Osteology 3 s.h.
The human skeletal system; normal and pathologic variation; skeletal measurement and analysis with application to paleoanthropology, forensic, and archaeological investigations. Same as NAIS:3305.
ANTH:3306 The Neanderthal Enigma 3 s.h.
Survey of Neanderthals as the most widely known, yet enigmatic, fossil human lineage; history of discoveries; current interpretations of Neanderthal's origins, anatomy and behavior, relationship to today's people, extinction.
ANTH:3307 Modern Human Origins 3 s.h.
Current data and theories regarding the emergence of Homo sapiens; how human anatomical modernity is defined and recognized in the fossil record; competing models for modern humans' emergence—multiregional evolution, out of Africa, the assimilation model; interpretation of recent developments and discoveries in the human fossil record; contemporary contributions from genetics, developmental biology, evolutionary ecology, paleodemography.
ANTH:3308 Human Variation 3 s.h.
Range and patterning of biological diversity in contemporary human populations; past and present attempts to organize and explain human genetic, morphological variation in light of recent data, theory.
ANTH:3328 Molecular Genetics of Human Disease 3 s.h.
Disease as an unfortunate, but unavoidable, aspect of human condition; genetic nature of disease that reveals origins of inherited disease; variation of disease across the globe. Recommendations: biology or genetics course to provide substantial background knowledge.
ANTH:3821 City of Athens: Bronze Age to Roman World 3 s.h.
Athens from Bronze Age to end of Roman period; topics include the city's role in development of political democracy and religion, as well as the art and archaeology of the city. Same as CLSA:3821, HIST:3403.
ANTH:4080 Anthropology Internship arr.
Internship opportunity for work experience in student's field of interest; formal internship agreement established between sponsoring institution, student, and UI anthropology faculty that specifies duties and objectives of internship; internship supervisor at sponsoring institution evaluates student performance and reports directly to UI anthropology faculty. Requirements: anthropology major.
ANTH:4140 Feminist Activism and Global Health 3 s.h.
How female gender intersects with culture, environment, and political economy to shape health and illness; reproductive health, violence, drug use, cancer; readings in anthropology, public health. Prerequisites: ANTH:1101 or GWSS:1001 or CPH:1400 or GHS:2000. Same as CBH:4140, GHS:4140, GWSS:4140.
ANTH:4315 Human Evolutionary Anatomy 3 s.h.
Interpretation of skeletal remains as the basis for reconstructing forms, adaptations, lifestyles of prehistoric humans; body size, musculature, stance, activity patterns, brain size, and sexual dimorphism. Prerequisites: ANTH:3305.
ANTH:4700 Latin American Studies Seminar 3-4 s.h.
Examination of past, present, and future of Latin America; interdisciplinary. Taught in English. Same as HIST:4504, LAS:4700, PORT:4700, SPAN:4900.
ANTH:4995 Honors Research Seminar 2-4 s.h.
Preparation for writing honors thesis, including project conception and research, proposal writing, oral and written presentations of student research. Corequisites: ANTH:4996, if not taken as a prerequisite. Requirements: honors standing in anthropology.
ANTH:4996 Honors Research 2-4 s.h.
Project chosen in consultation with honors advisor.
ANTH:5001 Graduate Teaching Proseminar 1 s.h.
Graduate student teaching skills: developing course guidelines, leading discussion, grading, review sessions, dealing with problem students and complaints; development of syllabi and teaching portfolios; mentoring of less-experienced teaching assistants.
ANTH:5101 Seminar Sociocultural Anthropology 3 s.h.
Social institutions in the world's societies; problems in theory, method, interpretation. Requirements: graduate standing or undergraduate anthropology honors standing.
ANTH:5110 Anthropological Data Analysis 3 s.h.
Applied statistics for quantitative analysis of anthropological data, including field notes, library materials, and archaeological information; introduction to elementary statistics and computational methods; discussion of hypothesis testing and correlation; emphasis on proper use and interpretation of statistical methods in anthropological research.
ANTH:5120 Reading Transnational Feminist Theory 3 s.h.
Issues in transnational feminist scholarship, including coloniality and globalization as related to domains of gendered work, cultural traditions, and development; interdisciplinary readings—including from qualitative social science—consider connections across the Global North and South. Same as GWSS:5120.
ANTH:5201 Seminar: Archaeological Theory and Method 3 s.h.
Development, current status of theory, method in Americanist archaeology. Requirements: graduate standing or undergraduate anthropology honors standing.
ANTH:5301 Seminar: Biological Anthropology 3 s.h.
Physical anthropology, including heredity and genetics, evolutionary theory, human biological characteristics, primate and human fossil record, primate behavior and ecology, human adaptations. Requirements: graduate standing or undergraduate anthropology honors standing.
ANTH:6005 Independent Study: Anthropology arr.
ANTH:6010 Research: Anthropology arr.
ANTH:6015 Thesis arr.
ANTH:6115 Ethnographic Field Methods 3 s.h.
Basic data-gathering techniques for field research in sociocultural anthropology. Same as CBH:6115.
ANTH:7110 Research Design and Writing 3 s.h.
Anthropological research design; preparation of proposals for fieldwork or laboratory analysis.
ANTH:7414 Slavery and Social Death: 1200 B.C.E. to 1865 C.E. 3 s.h.
Exploration of various slave systems in antiquity, the middle ages, and modernity in terms of their motivations, utilization, and broader social, economic, and political implications; use of literary sources and archaeological remains to investigate slave cultures in ancient Near East and Egypt, Jewish exploitation of enslaved persons, and use of chattel slavery in Greek, Roman, early Christian, and Islamic societies; antebellum U.S. slavery. Same as CLSA:7114, HIST:7414.
ANTH:7501 Dissertation Writing Seminar 1 s.h.
Organization of dissertation, setting and meeting deadlines, writing a chapter, and workshopping drafts; seminar group work and consultation with advisors; completion and revision of at least one dissertation chapter; for anthropology graduate students who are beginning, or about to begin, their dissertation writing process. Requirements: anthropology graduate student who passed comprehensive exams (prospectus and essays).