The graduate Certificate in Literary Translation requires at least 15 s.h. of credit, including coursework in translation practice, techniques, and theories. A minimum of 9 s.h. must be from translation coursework (prefix TRNS). Students must maintain a grade-point average of at least 3.00 in work for the certificate. Students may earn the certificate while working toward a graduate degree. Nondegree students also can complete the certificate.
Translation workshops and coursework in translation theory are central to the certificate program since they are essential to the training of literary translators.
Certificate students enroll in a combination of courses determined in consultation with the director of graduate studies in the MFA program in literary translation.
Applicants should submit a one-page statement of interest and a letter from their academic advisor indicating support for entrance to the program. Admission decisions are made when an application is received and contingent on enrollment capacity. Students must be in good standing in their degree programs.